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综述了国内外经济林霜冻害研究进展,包括霜冻害对经济林的危害、霜冻害表现及霜冻害发生的生理生化机制,这些机制包括细胞膜透性、有毒物质积累、保护酶系统、非酶系统、离子变化、内含物质变化、基因表达等;并提出了今后经济林霜冻研究值得深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

杏树花期霜害的影响因素调查及防治措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杏树开花早 ,每年都不同程度受到晚霜的危害 ,常常给杏产区造成严重的经济损失。通过对造成杏树霜冻害因素的调查 ,明确了霜冻发生的原因 ,提出了有效减轻霜冻害的措施和建议。  相似文献   

湿地松×加勒比松杂交种引种试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引进的澳大利亚湿地松Pinus elliottii×加勒比松进行杂交种育苗造林试验,结果表明2年生平均高与ck比较增值率为27.2%,平均胸径增值4%,在引种区未发现霜冻害现象。  相似文献   

通过对广元城市园林绿化中黄葛树的受害情况进行调查分析,可为科学合理地预防和降低霜冻损失提供一定的参考依据。本文分析了1998年~2014年间广元城市及近郊园林绿化的黄葛树受冻害的情况,并对受害程度与栽培区分布和极端低温进行了统计分析。结果表明:自1998年黄葛树作为广元市园林绿化植物栽培后,其总体趋势为适应性逐年增强,受冻害的比例逐年降低。不同栽培片区的黄葛树受冻害的严重程度依次为:万源和下西片区东坝片区南河和上西片区老城片区。  相似文献   

通过对杨树冰核细菌分离培养、活性测定和室内外接种试验,研究了冰核细菌的种类、分布、数量、致冻性和致病性,结果表明冰核活性(INA)细菌普遍存在于东北地区杨树上,在春秋季节霜冻条件下造成杨树冻害,是杨树冰核活性细菌溃疡病发生的主导因素。通过对不同杨树品种品评调查和人工接种试验,选出了适合东北不同地区的优良杨树抗病品种、品系。壮苗试验表明,将杨树插穗进行沙藏处理和地膜覆盖育苗可避免杨树霜冻害和旱害,减轻冰核细菌对杨树苗木的侵染,又能提高苗木的生长。利用强冰核活性细菌专化性抗血清技术,采用环状界面凝集法可早期检测杨树冰核细菌溃疡病。采用链霉素等诱导剂浸泡杨树插穗进行育苗,有明显的诱导抗病效果。在早春杨树萌芽前喷洒防冻保护剂对该病有一定防治效果。  相似文献   

甘肃祁连山地处青藏、蒙古和黄土三大高原交会地带,山系东西距离长,高低悬殊,受大陆性荒漠气候、高山地貌和冬季寒潮的影响,气候属高寒半干旱气候区,气候寒冷,气温变化剧烈,森林常发生霜冻、低温害及冻拔等危害,对森林及苗木的生长造成不利影响。  相似文献   

根据落叶松枯梢病发生与微地形立地环境所造成霜冻害是呈正相关性,经大量调查,编制了“落叶松栽植地区枯梢病危险等级划分表”,通过在黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古等省实测,准确率达90%以上,适用于生产单位对枯梢病进行预防性防治。  相似文献   

采用1956~2010年黑龙江省双鸭山单站逐日最低气温资料,利用线性倾向估计法分析该市霜冻变化特征。分析表明:双鸭山市近55年来的平均初霜冻日为9月28日、终霜冻日为5月8日,平均无霜冻期为143天;初、终霜冻日年代变化表现为20世纪50~60年代初霜冻日偏早、终霜冻日偏晚,70、80年代初、终霜冻日接近55年平均,90年代以后初霜冻日偏晚、终霜冻日偏早;初、终霜冻日和无霜冻期的线性变化趋势分别为2.0d/10a、-3.5d/10a和5.6d/10a。  相似文献   

陕西花椒冻害的发生现状及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
花椒是重要的香料、油料及水土保持树种 ,陕西省主要分布在凤县、韩城、富平、澄城等地 ,在许多地区已经形成规模 ,成为广大群众发家致富的拳头产品。近年来 ,春季花椒开花期常出现霜冻危害 ,加之广大群众对花椒霜冻害的认识不够 ,没有采取积极的预防措施 ,造成花椒大面积受害 ,轻者枝梢冻死 ,重者枝干皮层出现冻裂 ,甚至枯死 ,造成花椒严重减产 ,经济效益低下 ,极大地挫伤了广大椒农的生产积极性 ,影响了发展花椒的产业化进程。因此 ,加强花椒的科学管理 ,积极预防霜冻害 ,成为花椒丰产栽培措施中的重要内容。1 花椒冻害发生现状及特点1 .…  相似文献   

正由于全球气侯变暖,新疆有霜冻日的平均温度明显升高。进入春季,气温回升较快,各种作物物侯期提前,抗寒力下降,农作物易遭受霜冻危害(常称为"倒春寒")。近几年,哈密市发生的异常晚霜冻对葡萄种植造成极大损失,晚霜冻危害已成为葡萄产业发展的制约因子。1葡萄霜冻危害"霜冻"是一种灾害性天气现象,根据霜冻发生时期,分为早霜冻(也叫秋霜冻)和晚霜冻(也叫春霜冻)。晚霜冻是指植物进入萌芽展叶期后,夜晚土壤  相似文献   

凤县花椒春季霜冻的气候分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对凤县花椒霜冻的气候因素进行了分析。结果认为,凤县花椒霜冻在时间分布上主要集中出现于春4月上、中旬。霜冻在空间分布上具有随海拔升高而加重、随地域不同而多变的特点。凤县霜冻的发生以"平流+辐射霜冻"为主,以"平流霜冻"或"平流+辐射霜冻"对花椒造成的危害最大。花椒受害的严重程度还与低温程度、降温强度、降温时的空气湿度、低温持续时间、霜冻类型、霜冻出现时间及椒园管理状况密切相关。  相似文献   

哈尔滨地区道路翻浆处治方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了道路冻胀和翻浆的产生原因及影响因素,提出冻胀、翻浆的防治及处治方法。  相似文献   

用水提法对六月霜的有效物质进行提取,并设计正交试验以总黄酮和可溶性固形物的含量为衡量指标,确定六月霜的最佳浸提条件。结果表明:在80℃条件下,用35倍于六月霜重量的蒸馏水,水浴浸提80min,且六月霜的颗粒大小为200目,六月霜的有效物质提取效果最佳,其粗总黄酮量得率最高。  相似文献   

降香黄檀在肇庆市属国有林场适生性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薇甘菊是一种危害严重的外来入侵物种,也是我国林业检疫性有害生物。文章根据薇甘菊的生物学特性,选择对菊科植物有高活性的药剂成分进行复配研制药剂,经室内和林间的药效试验,筛选出能高效防治薇甘菊且对环境安全的新药剂——24%二氯吡啶酸·2,4-滴水剂,商品名为"紫薇清"。  相似文献   

草炭土地基冻胀特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩玉民 《森林工程》2009,25(1):55-58
以吉林东部草炭土为研究对象,制定详细的试验计划方案,对草炭土地基在不同含水量下、不同荷载作用下冻胀和融沉规律进行研究,分析总结草炭土地基的冻胀特性。研究表明草炭土属强冻胀土,草炭土地基浅层冻胀率较高,深层冻胀率略有降低;在不同荷载的作用下,不同层位、不同冻深的草炭土经过冰冻后产生的最大冻胀率不同,产生的平均冻胀率范围为6.95%~21%;不同含水量草炭土地基,在1m以内范围随着含水量的增加,最大冻胀率也提高,变化范围为12%~17%,比较解冻融化后膨胀率,融沉量所占的比重较高,如1.6m冻深范围内经过冻胀解冻后融沉为总平均冻胀量的30%~40%。公路建设应根据其特性,进行合理设计及施工,避免草炭土地区公路产生病害。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了近几年来黑龙江省公路翻浆的现状。探讨公路绿化对治理公路翻浆的作用。确定了治理公路翻浆的适宜绿化树种。  相似文献   

According to a hypothesis presented in the mid-1980s, climate warming will, paradoxically, increase the risk of frost damage to trees in the boreal and temperate zones. Dehardening and even growth onset may occur in trees during mild spells in winter and early spring, resulting in damage during subsequent periods of frost. In the present study, ecophysiological traits critical to the occurrence of frost damage in trees in the boreal zone were identified. Diagnostic computer simulations were performed to examine why one simulation model of frost hardiness in an earlier study predicted heavy frost damage as a consequence of climate warming, whereas another closely related model did not. The modeling comparison revealed that the response of ontogenetic development to air temperature during quiescence is a critical factor determining the risk of frost damage. As the response can be readily determined in growth-chamber experiments, the findings of the present study can be used to guide experimental work on the environmental regulation of the annual cycle of frost hardiness in trees.  相似文献   

Fagus sylvatica, the dominant native forest tree species of Central Europe, is sensitive to late frost events. Advanced leaf flushing due to climate warming may lead to more frequent frost damage in the future. Here, we explore local adaptation to late frost events at both continental and regional scales and test how moderate climate warming (+1.5°C) affects late frost sensitivity. Short-term leaf injury and height growth after a late frost event were quantified in a common garden experiment with 2-year-old F. sylvatica seedlings. The fully crossed three-factorial design consisted of a late frost manipulation, a continuous warming manipulation and selected provenances (three provenances from western Bulgaria and three from southern Germany). Late frost led to leaf injury and reduced height growth (−7%). Provenances differed in their late frost sensitivity at the regional scale, and local adaptation was detected. At the larger scale, the Bulgarian provenances showed reduced height growth (−17%), while the German provenances did not exhibit growth reduction. The warming treatment prevented late frost damage, while height growth declined by 19% in the reference temperature treatment. This surprising finding was attributed to advanced leaf maturity in the warming treatment. The impact of late frost events on F. sylvatica in a warmer world will depend on timing. An event that damages leaves immediately after leaf flushing appears negligible a few days earlier or later, thereby complicating projections. Local adaptation to late frost is evident at a regional scale. Management strategies should aim at maximizing genetic diversity to adapt to climate change.  相似文献   

The effect of a single night frost during late spring on the current year production of two clones of Salix viminalis was determined in two monoclonal stands that displayed a gradient from virtually undamaged plants, shielded from outgoing radiation by a neighbouring spruce forest, to heavily damaged plants in the unshielded parts. Compared with the undamaged stand parts, frost caused production losses of 47% and 60% in the two clones during the first year of the second cutting cycle. The clone‐specific allometric relationship between shoot dry weight and diameter was changed by the frost in one clone, showing lower shoot weights in damaged shoots compared with undamaged shoots of the same diameter. In the other clone, allometric relations were not affected by the frost. The relative variation in weight between the stools did not differ systematically with frost damage intensity, and therefore it could not be concluded that frost in monoclonal stands would enforce a competitive hierarchy. It was inferred that the single night frost indirectly can have a negative effect on the production of the stands during the years to come.  相似文献   

Damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings by summer frost was monitored on 10 clear-cuttings of various ages to which slash removal and four types of site preparation had been applied. The clear-cuttings were established on two sites (5 on each) in southern Sweden from 1989 through 1993 and planted each year from the year of cutting until 1993. In total, 7680 seedlings were analysed for frost injuries during the first three years following planting. The site preparation methods evaluated were: application of herbicide to ground vegetation; mowing of ground vegetation; scarification (mounding); and control. Two seedling types, bare-rooted and containerised seedlings, were evaluated.Periods of frost susceptibility were calculated using data on bud and shoot development during 1997 together with weather data for each of the studied years and sites. The date of flushing was well correlated to the air temperature sum (+5°C threshold value) in spring. Frost damage varied considerably between sites and study years. The lowest measured minimum air temperature and the frost-day sum during the frost-susceptible period were correlated to the frequency of frost damage. Soil scarification reduced frost damage in the first growing season. Bare-rooted seedlings had a considerably lower frequency of frost injury compared with containerised ones, possibly because flushing of the former was delayed. There was no statistically significant effect of herbicide application, mowing or slash removal on the frequency of frost damage. Seedling growth was significantly reduced by frost injury, especially in cases where injuries were sustained during several years. Survival was only slightly affected by frost damage.  相似文献   

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