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Reviewing the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) argues that the booming export market has a negative effect on the environment and on the home consumption of quinoa, thereby leading to an environmental disaster in the region. In view of the scarcity of scientific knowledge on the rapid social and environmental dynamics in the region, we consider that Jacobsen’s review misrepresents the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia. Specifically, we argue that (i) the data presented by Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) do not support any drop in quinoa crop yield supposed to reflect soil degradation and (ii) his demonstration regarding home consumption of quinoa is ill‐founded from both a nutritional and a cultural point of view. We suggest that the diffusion of the arguments exposed by Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390), because of their flaws, might have strong negative impacts on those concerned with sustainable food production and fair‐trade with developing countries. We conclude that, rather than reinforced agro‐technical controls on local farmers, the rising competition in the international quinoa market requires a shift towards an ethical economy and ethical research cooperation with quinoa producers.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing global demand for quinoa, both as an Andean export commodity and for agricultural development purposes, there is considerable interest in testing quinoa for growing under a range of environmental and geographical conditions. One of the environments most distanced from the crops’ natural conditions is Northern Europe. Research work performed in Europe has demonstrated the potential of quinoa to be produced under European conditions, with varieties adapted to longer days, more humid environment and mechanization. Quinoa is now grown commercially outside South America, and the number of producer countries and area is rapidly increasing. To secure a successful cultivation of quinoa in Northern Europe, several aspects must be considered. The only cultivars to grow are daylength neutral varieties. Establishment of the crop is critical, as all small seeded crops require a shallow sowing depth in a uniform and humid seed bed. Weed control should be done as carefully and precisely as possible with hoeing between the rows. Harvest takes place when seeds are mature, and plants are dry. In Northern Europe, harvest is taking place in the beginning of September. Yields are 1–3 t/ha, and prices are high. Breeding efforts in quinoa aim at disease resistance against downy mildew (Peronospora variabilis), earliness, low saponin content and high yield. The scope for adaptation and marketing of locally produced quinoa in Northern Europe seems considerable.  相似文献   

Winkel et al. (2012) have written a note called ‘The sustainability of quinoa production in southern Bolivia: from misrepresentations to dubious solutions. A reply to S. Jacobsen’, which is arguing against my paper (J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197, 2011, 390). In the following, I will respond to their main points.  相似文献   

Bolivia is part of the eight most important centres of biodiversity and domestication of plants in the world, including a broad diversity of Andean grains, roots and tubers. A study was implemented to obtain the quantitative information to develop and validate, a simple growth potential model of Andean tubers in production areas located above 3000 m altitude, and to analyze the difference between species in growth attributes and the resulting tuber production. Three potato species and sub-species (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigenum and ssp. tuberosum, and Solanum juzepczukii) as well as Oca (Oxalis tuberosa), Isaño (Tropaeolum tuberosum) and Papalisa (Ullucus tuberosus) were studied. Trials were conducted under normal field conditions prevailing in Bolivia but with the best cropping techniques available locally to obtain optimal growing conditions. Data on dry weight (of leaves, stems, tubers and roots) and leaf area were taken at several dates in five trials conducted between 1993 and 2003. The percentage of ground cover was also measured. Beta functions were fitted to data of dry weight and leaf area to establish growth curves. The potato groups have a smaller cycle duration than other Andean tubers. The Crop Growth Analysis indicated three important characteristics differentiating Andean tubers: the S. juzepczukii potato has a high Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and a higher leaf mass ratio but a smaller tuber yield, due to a smaller harvest index (HI) and a very low Net Assimilation Rate (NAR). S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum potatoes have smaller Leaf Area Index (LAI), and RGR than juzepczukii, but their NAR and HI are higher. S. tuberosum potatoes are quite productive for the size of their LAI. The Tropaeolum tuberosum or Isaño has a great capacity of Ground Cover (GC) or a great LAI that is not translated into a greater tubers yield. It has low RGR, NAR and HI compared to all the other species studied. The crop growth was interpreted in Light Use Efficiency (LUE) and evolution of light interception through a linear model. The LUE of potato group is more elevated than the LUE of the other Andean tubers. Within each group there is no statistical difference for the LUE value. The relationship of LAI with GC or fraction of light interception was determined with both linear and exponential relations. The low slope value for the relationship between LAI and GC characterises all Andean tubers studied compared to results reported for potato under other latitudes.  相似文献   

中国北部藜麦品质性状的多样性和相关性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)是美洲大陆最古老的作物之一,为全世界公认的全营养谷物。为了解国内不同藜麦种质资源营养性状的相关性和差异性,本研究测定国内25份藜麦种质资源的13个品质性状指标,并对其进行相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明,脂肪与总黄酮呈极显著正相关(0.55),而与赖氨酸和组氨酸呈极显著负相关(–0.52和–0.54);总多酚、总黄酮和总皂苷之间均具有极显著相关性。13个品质性状分别隶属于5个主成分,累计贡献率为92.6%。25份种质材料可以聚类为4组,在品质和遗传距离方面各组群之间差异较大。利用主成分分析和聚类分析对藜麦品质进行综合评价,可避免单一指标的片面性和不稳定性,为藜麦的利用和品质育种提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

苏南乡村旅游开发模式研究及有效途径   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
随着产业升级和市场需求,苏南地区乡村旅游得到长足的发展。不少乡村以其丰富多样的乡村文化景观和原生态的自然景观深受欢迎,成为理想的投资场所和城市居民休闲娱乐的旅游目的地。分析现有的开发模式,研究存在的问题,可以为苏南地区乡村旅游的可持续发展提供一定建议。  相似文献   

藜麦因为营养全面且具有耐旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠、耐盐碱等特点而受到研发者及广大消费者的普遍关注,笔者通过综述藜麦栽培、收获、饲料化利用及产品加工等环节中机械化发展现状及存在的问题,提出了针对不同区域,配套适宜的栽培方法,建立藜麦高产稳产综合栽培技术,提高藜麦收获纯度,保证藜麦品质,加强藜麦秸秆饲料化利用研究,提高藜麦米综合质...  相似文献   

中国梨生产、贸易与国际竞争力分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
梨是世界重要水果,也是我国主要的出口果品之一。进入21世纪以来,世界和中国的梨生产、贸易和竞争力都有了新的变化。本文以FAO(联合国粮农组织)数据为基础,通过对数据不同角度的分析,对我国梨生产、贸易和国际竞争力进行了研究。结果表明,2000-2007年我国梨收获面积不断扩大,产量大幅度提高,在世界梨生产中所占的比重不断增加,但是梨单位收获面积产量仍低于世界平均水平;我国的梨出口量在世界梨贸易中所占比重持续增加,梨出口具有很强的国际竞争力,但竞争力的维持是以较低的出口价格为代价的。针对我国梨生产和贸易中存在的问题,本文讨论了改善我国梨生产和提高梨果国际竞争力的措施。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河谷藜麦产业发展的SWOT分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
藜麦作为早期从南美引进的特色杂粮作物,近几年已在我国18个省(区)推广应用,有望发展成为一特色的新兴产业。采用SWOT分析法对新疆伊犁河谷藜麦产业发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,以充分掌握和了解其产业现状、存在问题及发展方向,为今后伊犁河谷藜麦产业发展提供理论依据。结果表明,伊犁河谷藜麦产业发展的优势大于劣势,既有机遇,也有挑战:可利用藜麦耐旱、耐盐碱、耐寒等特性以及可作为粮饲兼用作物,扩大种植规模;坚持以市场为中心,制定相应的政策,加大财政投入,积极引导农民合理种植。通过发挥产品开发和“互联网+农业”等产业优势,拓市场、引人才、建基地、强科技、抓产业,必能实现伊犁河谷藜麦产业可持续发展,进而促进产业结构调整、推动精准扶贫、乡村振兴及生态环境保护。  相似文献   

甘肃省藜麦产业现状及发展思路   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
藜麦营养全面,其抗旱、抗寒、耐盐碱的生物学特性符合甘肃气候及生态特性,值得加大力度大范围推广。通过分析甘肃不同地区试种藜麦表现的植物学特性和藜麦所具有的营养价值,结合甘肃省自然条件优势,对甘肃省藜麦产业的发展现状进行概述,并对存在的问题进行剖析,旨在探讨甘肃藜麦产业发展的新思路。  相似文献   

梅丽 《作物杂志》2022,38(6):14-5
藜麦营养全面,植株转色后花色艳丽,观赏期长达40d左右,且耐旱、耐寒,是一种集多功能为一体的新兴保健食粮。北京市自2015年引种藜麦,在适宜种植区、适宜品种筛选、营养品质检测、抗逆稳产栽培技术探索、菜品开发和技术示范等方面开展了大量工作。北京藜麦适应性栽培研究表明,藜麦在海拔≥300m、年均气温≤12.5℃、年均积温≤4802.0℃·d、年均光照强度≥2268.7lx的区域可正常成熟;“陇藜1号”、“陇藜3号”、“红藜1号”和“红藜2号”4个品种表现优良;藜麦米富含蛋白质,特别是“红藜1号”和“红藜2号”蛋白含量高达19.6%~20.0%;围绕栽培、农机、植保三大关键环节集成的藜麦抗逆稳产栽培技术体系在京郊示范应用面积为453.33hm2,应用率达100%;与一茬籽粒玉米相比,藜麦增收3.77万元/hm2。但区域发展不平衡、生产效率低和没有享受政策性农业保险等因素制约了藜麦在北京的持续健康发展。今后,应从加大政策和财政支持、提高藜麦机械化生产水平及建立健全相关标准制度等方面着手,做大做强北京藜麦产业,让藜麦的“小生产”能够在“大市场”中找到“微需求”,卖出好价钱。  相似文献   

Chenopodium quinoa Willd. or ‘quinoa’ is a plant having many uses as a food. Importantly, it offers an alternative to normal cereals in coeliac diets because its seeds are gluten‐free. For this reason, it is worthwhile to determine the properties of quinoa and to evaluate the suitability of this crop for the south of Italy. At the CNR‐ISAFoM’s experimental station in Vitulazio (CE), a 2‐year (2006–2007) field trial under rain‐fed conditions was carried out to compare the two quinoa genotypes: KVLQ520Y (KV) and Regalona Baer (RB). Comparison was also made between two sowing dates for KV. The results showed that April was the best sowing time for quinoa in our typical Mediterranean region. Of the two genotypes, RB recorded better growth and productivity, apparently being more tolerant to abiotic stress (high temperatures associated with water stress). Chemical analyses reveal the potential of quinoa seed as a valuable ingredient in the preparation of cereal foods having improved nutritional characteristics.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is an important domesticated food crop of the Andean highlands with potential as an alternative crop elsewhere. Among its most attractive characteristics are the quantity and favorable amino acid balance of the seed proteins. The objective of this study was to characterize quinoa seed proteins by electrophoretic mobility, solubility fractionation, and genetic variability from a wide genetic base. Electrophoretic profiles of denatured albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin solubility fractions demonstrated that quinoa seed polypeptides could be classified as either albumin or globulin with most predominant polypeptides in the globulin fraction. Insignificant amounts of protein were present in the prolamin fraction and all polypeptides in the glutelin fraction had identical electrophoretic mobilities to albumins and globulins. Three globulin polypeptides of 34.3, 35.6, and 36.2 kilodaltons in size were highly variable within and among the accessions examined and appear to be coded by at least two loci. Two-dimensional peptide mapping revealed that these three polypeptides were homologous. These highly variable markers could be used for identification and classification of germplasm and elucidation of systematics and genetic variability within the quinoa germplasm pool. All other major polypeptides were electrophoretically invariant among the accessions examined.  相似文献   

雀麦是中国农田一种恶性杂草,危害作物生长和发育。为控制其进一步扩散蔓延,根据目前雀麦在全球的分布记录和气象数据,利用最大熵模型Max Ent和Arc GIS对雀麦在中国和全球的潜在适生区域进行预测和分析。预测结果表明:雀麦在全球的适生区为非洲北部、欧洲的中南部、亚洲西部和东部及中部零星地区、北美中西部及东部部分地区、日本及朝鲜南部地区;在中国主要在黄淮海平原、长江中下游平原、成都平原、陕西中南部、山西南部、宁夏及甘肃南部、贵州中北部、新疆西南零星地区、西藏西南部及青海中部地区分布;中风险潜在分布区域的范围在高风险区的基础上进一步扩大。环境变量中对雀麦发生影响较大的是最冷季度平均温度、年平均气温、温度季节性变化标准差、最冷月最低温、最干季度平均温度。本研究的AUC值为0.943,模拟预测准确性极好,模拟结果可以用于雀麦的适生区预测研究。  相似文献   

针对目前形势,分析了农作物新品种引进推广中存在的主要问题,并提出加快新品种引进推广步伐的有效措施:加大资金投入,打好工作基础;根据市场需求,选准推广品种;搞好基地建设,提高种子质量;良种良法配套,挖掘增产潜力;创新推广方式,强化品种展示;规范品种引进,加强种子管理。  相似文献   

藜麦GRF转录因子家族的鉴定及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生长调控因子(growth-regulatingfactor,GRF)是植物特有的一类转录因子,对植物的生长发育起重要的调控作用。藜麦是一种单体植物即可满足人体基本营养需求的食物,也是未来最具潜力的农作物之一。但是关于藜麦GRF基因家族的研究至今尚缺乏报道。因此,本研究利用生物信息学方法,对藜麦GRF基因进行全基因组鉴定,并对其理化性质、基因结构、保守结构域、系统发育关系及组织表达进行分析。结果表明,藜麦中共有18个GRF转录因子,蛋白长度77~621 aa,分子量8.81~67.38 kD,等电点5.23~9.37;每个成员含有1~4个内含子及2~5个外显子,这些GRF蛋白都具有由31~35个氨基酸组成的QLQ保守结构域或由25~43个氨基酸组成的WRC保守结构域。系统进化分析表明,藜麦与拟南芥的GRF转录因子亲缘关系比水稻更近。表达图谱显示,藜麦GRF基因具有明显的组织表达特异性,总体在种子中的表达量较高,其次是在花序和根中,在其他组织中的表达量相对较低。  相似文献   

中国北方地区花生栽培技术的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
花生属地上开花地下结果的少数作物,其栽培条件对其产量影响尤为显著。花生新品种对产量的贡献率占20%—30%左右,而栽培技术对产量的贡献率达70%左右。随着种植制度的变革和市场发展的需求,花生栽培技术研究取得了较大进展。本文总结了近50年来北方区花生栽培技术的主要研究成果,目的在于为花生生产的发展和栽培技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are separated into two distinct groups: Andean and Middle American. We identified CAL 143 as the first Andean bean with resistance to angular leaf spot disease caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola. Angular leaf spot is the most widespread and economically important bean disease in southern and eastern Africa, and it is especially severe on the extensively grown Andean beans. Cal 143 was resistant in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia, but it was susceptible in Uganda. This was attributed to the presence of races of P. griseola in Uganda not present in the other countries. We identified two additional Andean bean lines, AND 277 and AND 279, with resistance to angular leaf spot in Malawi. We also characterized the virulence diversity of 15 isolates of P. griseola from southern and eastern Africa into nine different races. Five of six isolates from Malawi and two of seven from Uganda, obtained from large-seeded Andean beans, were characterized into four different races considered Andean. These were compatible only or mostly with large-seeded Andean cultivars. The other eight isolates from Uganda, Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, obtained from a small- or medium-seeded Middle American beans, were characterized into five different Middle American races. These were compatible with Middle American and Andean cultivars. CAL 143 was resistant or intermediate under greenhouse conditions to all but one of the same 15 isolates from southern and eastern Africa, but it was susceptible to an isolate from Uganda obtained from a medium-seeded Middle American bean. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article presents various experiments conducted under semi-controlled conditions to determine the effects of temperature on germination, phenology, growth and freezing in Chenopodium quinoa, a pseudocereal originating from the cold and dry Andean altiplano. Traditional landraces and recently released cultivars from distinct geographical origins were compared in order to look for local adaptation or breeding improvement with respect to low temperatures. Germination was evaluated in 10 cultivars at temperatures between 2 and 20 °C. Plant growth and development were examined in three cultivars over the growing cycle, under minimum temperature between 8 and 13 °C and maximum temperature between 20 and 28 °C. The thermal time concept was used to compare the various treatments and estimate the phyllochron, as well as the base temperature and optimum temperature for leaf appearance, time to flowering and leaf width growth. Two cultivars at the vegetative stage were compared for night freezing tolerance down to −6 °C, registering leaf exotherms and plant survival rate. The influence of plant water status and the possible protective or detrimental role of leaf epidermal vesicles were also examined. Low temperatures down to 2 °C delayed germination without impeding it totally. Base temperature for germination varied between −1.9 and +0.2 °C, with negative values in 9 cultivars out of 10. Thermal sensitivity in germination was not related to the geographic origin of the cultivars. Leaf appearance and time to flowering showed similar base temperatures near 1 °C. Phyllochron varied from 12.9 to 17.2 °C d with lower values in the two recently released varieties than in the traditional landrace. Leaf width increased from a base temperature around 6 °C up to an optimum temperature between 20 and 22.5 °C. Freezing experiments showed that no plant could survive after 4 h at −6 °C, while no serious effect was noted down to −3 °C. Leaf exotherms confirmed that ice nucleation occurred between −5 and −6 °C in most of the plants, the traditional landrace showing a lower freezing tolerance than the selected line. Low leaf water status delayed the freezing process, while leaf vesicles did not seem to play any protective or detrimental role towards leaf freezing. Implications of these results for quinoa crop adaptation to the Andean environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Sarah M. Ward 《Euphytica》2000,116(1):11-16
Cytological evidence suggests the Andean grain crop quinoa is an allotetraploid, but in the few genetic studies which have been published a functionally diploid (disomic-monogenic) model has been assumed for segregation at individual loci in this species. In this study, controlled crosses using male sterile plants as female parents produced F1 and F2 generations segregating for three different single-gene morphological traits. Allelic segregation analysis revealed a range of F1 and F2 ratios indicative of both disomic-digenic and tetrasomic inheritance in two of these traits, as well as distorted F2 ratios suggesting erratic multivalent formation at meiosis. These results are consistent with allotetraploidy in quinoa, with functional alleles having been retained at some duplicate loci and at least some association occurring between homoeologous chromosomes. Tetrasomic segregation ratios observed in a minority of families may be due to reciprocal fragment exchange between homoeologues. The occurrence of tetraploid segregations at some loci in quinoa complicates breeding and genetic studies in the crop. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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