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以新干县2013年森林资源二类调查数据为对象,对该县"十二五"林地和林木两项生态资产价值进行了核算,结果表明:新干县"十二五"林地和立木价值总计为25.18亿元/年,其中:林地价值为7.34亿元/年,立木价值为17.84亿元/年。"十二五"期间各森林类型总价值大小顺序为:杉木、经济林、毛竹、国外松、马尾松、硬阔、混交类、软阔。  相似文献   

对龙山县日本落叶松人工林林分生长与结构进行调查,结果表明:龙山县中山区日本落叶松人工林表现良好,林龄12~13年平均胸径8.43 cm,大小相差0.9倍;平均树高6.34 m,大小相差1.1倍;平均蓄积12.84 m3/hm2,大小相差34.6倍。该人工林为结构单一的纯林,日本落叶松株数97.2%、阔叶树株数2.8%;天然阔叶树仅为响叶杨、檫木及光皮桦等,优质树种缺乏,需人工补植优质阔叶树。日本落叶松人工林稳定性较强,2008年特大冰冻灾害后保存正常植株86.4%;日本落叶松林可划分为"单一纯林"及"较稀疏的人工林"两种类型,宜开展近自然改造。  相似文献   

试验观察油橄榄7个品种花朵的物候期,研究油橄榄2个不同品种完全花与雄花的花粉粒的大小及形态、花粉生活力的变化及花粉畸形率。结果显示:(1)在油橄榄7个品种中,"莱星"花期时间最长达20天,"皮削利"花期最短仅为16天;(2)油橄榄花粉粒形态相近均为长球形,但大小略有差异,赤道面为近椭圆形,具3个萌发沟,外壁纹饰清晰且呈穴网状;(3)"城固32号"和"鄂植8号"2种品种完全花花粉大小为263.16~245.06μm×181.96~173.86μm、雄花花粉大小为267.32~244.09μm×180.41~161.55μm,花粉形状指数(P/E)的变幅范围为1.44~1.52;(4)"城固32号"和"鄂植8号"2种品种的完全花与雄花的花粉畸形率均低于16.00%;(5)在4h内"鄂植8号"完全花的花粉生活力最高可达93.38%,"鄂植8号"雄花的花粉活力较为稳定,4~36h时段花粉生活力为73.94%~62.08%,在36h时段"城固32号"完全花的花粉生活力最低仅为49.84%。  相似文献   

以福建省沙县官庄国有林场第3代杉木种子园为对象,对母树叶片、枝和土壤养分含量进行了诊断分析。结果表明:母树叶片中大量元素含量大小为N>K>Ca>Mg>P,微量元素含量大小为Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu,叶片中N/P、N/K、N/Mg、N/Ca分别为9.75、1.57、9.72、1.87;枝中大量元素含量大小为Ca>K>N>Mg>P,微量元素含量大小为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,枝中N/P、N/K、N/Mg、N/Ca分别为4.80、0.91、3.46、0.89;0~60 cm土层中土壤有机质含量均值为25.92 g.kg-1,大量元素含量大小为K>Mg>N>Ca>P,微量元素含量大小为Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu,0~20、20~40、40~60 cm土层中C/N比值分别为12.06、11.32、8.68。综合分析表明,N、P和Mn元素含量偏低,建议在经营过程中加以补充。  相似文献   

以紫叶李幼叶为试验材料,于2017年3~5月系统地观测了其发育过程。从叶片大小(以叶面积表示)来看,紫叶李叶片的生长趋势呈明显的"抛物线形"曲线,在5月中旬叶面积达到最大。新生叶展开过程中,叶绿素和花青素含量均逐渐升高,其中叶绿素含量增加较快,5月初即达到最大值;花青素含量则一直呈上升趋势,5月下旬花青素含量仍在升高;蛋白质含量增加趋势与叶绿素一致。随着叶面积的增大,紫叶李叶片的质体醌库大小(Area)和反应中心数目(RCs/CSo)在5月中旬逐渐增大至最大值,PSII最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光能吸收和传递效率(ABS/CSo、TRo/CSo、ETo/CSo)、热能耗散比率(DIo/CSo)等也在5月底逐渐趋于稳定,说明此时叶片的光合功能已经发育完善。  相似文献   

为揭示北京市森林面积和蓄积量增加的同时其生态服务功能价值是否也得到恢复发展,本研究对北京市"九五"和"十五"期间森林生态系统服务功能价值进行动态分析。研究表明:"九五"到"十五"期间北京市森林生态系统服务功能年均总价值从139.11亿元增加到155.53亿元,增速为11.80%;而单位面积价值却从4.12万元/hm2.a降低到4.11万元/hm2.a,降低了0.24%。北京市森林生态系统2个时期6项服务功能价值大小排列顺序相同,且涵养水源和固碳释氧价值这2项约占年均总价值的62.05%。其中,涵养水源价值最大,这对水土流失严重和严重缺水的北京市具有重大意义。幼龄林比重大和全市森林生产力低下使固碳释氧价值及其在总价值中所占比重增加最慢。  相似文献   

以3种西梅的1年生休眠枝为试材,采取人工模拟外界环境的方法对3种西梅休眠枝条进行不同低温(-5~-35℃)的处理,测定其组织含水量和电解质渗透率,应用logistic方程对对各品种西梅休眠枝条的低温半致死温度进行了拟合。结果表明:"女神"的休眠枝自由水/束缚水含量的比值明显高于"红西梅"和"蓝蜜";随着温度的降低电解质渗出率符合"S"型变化曲线,确定半致死温度在-22.8~-25.6℃之间,3个西梅品种枝条抗寒性大小依次为"蓝蜜""红西梅""女神"。  相似文献   

硬覆盖对城市街路行道树土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用静态气室法测定了长春市人民大街行道树与对照林地不同深度的土壤中CO2含量。研究发现林地土壤呼吸作用可以用土壤中CO2含量大小及其变化规律反映出来,而街路行道树土壤中的CO2含量不能直接反映土壤呼吸速率大小。    相似文献   

华山松大小蠹Dendroctonus armandi Tsai et Li是危害我国华山松Pinus armandii的主要蛀干害虫。收集和测定华山松树皮和华山松大小蠹的挥发物,根据挥发物组分设计配制8种诱芯,采用漏斗诱捕器进行林间诱捕筛选试验;应用诱芯Ⅱ进行多点诱捕验证和有效诱捕距离试验。结果表明:诱捕期内,诱芯Ⅱ平均诱捕华山松大小蠹1 070头/诱捕器,显著高于其它7种诱芯;单个诱捕器一天最多诱捕1 652头。诱芯Ⅱ在3个地点的平均诱捕量差异不显著,分别为83,114,101头/诱捕器,诱捕效果不存在地理差异;距离林缘50 m处诱捕量为43.5头/诱捕器,为最佳有效诱捕距离。该华山松大小蠹高效引诱剂可为我国华山松大小蠹的治理提供新技术。  相似文献   

通过对"永林公司"不同森林经营模式下水源涵养功能的比较研究,结果表明:不同经营模式林冠层的水源涵养能力都大于灌草层,部分枯枝落叶层大于林冠层。其中,林冠层持水量最大的为采育结合模式,持水量高达16.7461t/hm2,封禁保护模式和生态功效模式林冠层持水量也较高,均在10t/hm2之上。相比之下,保育补植模式林冠层持水量最小,仅有1.8334 t/hm2;灌木层持水量最大的是块状利用模式,为5.4354t/hm2;最小的是采育结合模式,为0.1346 t/hm2。其他经营模式的持水量大小相差不大,在0.2-0.4 t/hm2之间;枯枝落叶层的生物量大致在5-17 t/hm2范围内,其中持水量最高的为改良增效模式,达到16.2668 t/hm2;其它依次为保育补植模式、封禁保护模式、间伐调整模式、生态功效模式、定向培育模式、集约经营模式、采育结合模式、块状利用模式;另外,各种经营模式土壤的贮水能力大小顺序为生态功效模式改良增效模式采育结合模式集约经营模式封禁保护模式块状利用模式定向培育模式间伐调整模式保育补植模式;各种经营模式中土壤渗透能力比较好的有间伐调整模式和采育结合模式,而改良增效模式、定向培育模式和集约经营模式的渗透能力比较差。  相似文献   

高产脂马尾松半同胞子代20年生测定林产脂力分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以20年生高产脂马尾松半同胞家系子代林为材料进行产脂力分析,结果表明:马尾松半同胞家系间树高和产脂力均具显著差异;树高、胸径、产脂量和产脂力呈极显著的正相关;产脂力与温度呈正相关,与相对湿度及降雨量呈负相关,但均未达显著水平,可见马尾松产脂力受温度、降雨量与相对湿度3个气候因子的影响较小。采用双刀法采脂可明显提高产脂力。兼顾产脂力和生长量选出16个优良家系及22株优良单株。  相似文献   

In arid zones, the use of compost for plant production in forest nurseries is hindered by a lack of water. The main objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the physical stability of composts produced from shredded branches of Acacia cyanophylla and A. cyclops subjected to a repeated drying and wetting cycles, similar to those used at the operational scale in nurseries in arid regions and to compare these composts with a standard peat-vermiculite (PV) substrate; (2) to identify the relevant substrate physical variables that correlate with seedling growth. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) was cultivated during a production cycle of 27 weeks in a completely randomized block experiment. Substrate physical variables were measured at the beginning, middle and end of the experiment. Seedling growth variables were evaluated over the course of the production cycle, while gas exchange and water-relation variables were measured during a wetting and drying cycle at the end of the experiment. All three substrates produced vigorous seedlings with well-developed root systems that colonized the entire root plug. The growth of seedlings produced in the PV substrate was better than those grown in the compost-based substrates. No significant differences in gas exchange capacities and water relation variables were observed among the three substrates at the end of experiment with the exception of net photosynthesis, which was higher for the PV substrate at high substrate matric potential. Excessive drainage was negatively correlated with growth variables while water availability in the early growth phase and air porosity towards the end of experiment were positively correlated. Performance of the two composts could be increased by improving their initial structure and stability and by adjusting the irrigation regime.  相似文献   

Soil disturbance by heavy machinery usually causes a decrease in porosity and an increase in soil strength, which may limit access to nutrients and compromise seedling survival and growth. This study used a soil strength and a greenhouse experiment to assess the impact of compaction on lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex. Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) seedling growth and the degree to which soil water influences the effects of compaction. A silt loam soil was collected from a forest landing in the central interior of British Columbia (BC) in the Sub-Boreal Spruce Biogeoclimatic zone. The silt loam soil was used in a soil strength experiment where soil with four water content levels (0.10, 0.18, 0.27, and 0.36 cm3 cm−3) was packed into 0.21 cm3 cores with three levels of compaction (74, 79, and 84% of maximum bulk density (MBD)). Soil strength was strongly affected by compaction and water content. In the greenhouse experiment, three water content levels (0.10–0.15, 0.20–0.30, and 0.30–0.35 cm3 cm−3) and three levels of compaction (67, 72, and 76% of MBD) were applied to soil in pots and 1-year old lodgepole pine seedlings were grown in the pots. Soil strength was highest (1275 kPa) for the high compaction and dry water content treatment in the greenhouse experiment. Though the soil strength for this treatment did not exceed 2500 kPa, the effect of compaction on growth was noticeable, with a decrease in diameter growth, total shoot mass, and new root mass as compaction increased at the dry water content. At dry water content and high compaction, foliar nutrient concentrations were greatest. Generally, water content had a greater impact on seedling growth than did compaction, at the levels of compaction used in this study. This study indicates that if there is a critical value for mechanical impedance of the conifer roots, it likely occurs below 2500 kPa. Our results are consistent with the explanation that soil strength incrementally affects root growth below 2500 kPa for this soil type. Expensive rehabilitation techniques may not be needed on lightly disturbed soils similar to that used in this study if soil water content is high enough throughout the conifer growing season to alleviate the effects of compaction on soil strength.  相似文献   

The germination requirements of seeds of 20 leguminous species were studied in three experiments. In the first experiment, seeds were subjected to mechanical scarification, sulphuric acid and boiling water treatments. In the second experiment, they were treated with dry heat at 60, 80 and 100°C. In the third experiment, seeds were placed at different temperature regimes (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C) on a thermogradient. Sulphuric acid treatment improved germination in all the species while mechanical scarification improved germination in 18 out of 20 species. Boiling water treatment improved germination in 15 species but proved to be lethal to five species. Similarly, germination was significantly improved in 11 out of 16 species treated with dry heat. Germination was faster and higher at both 25°C and 30°C and the optimum temperature for germination was between 20°C and 30°C for all the species. Mechanical scarification, sulphuric acid and boiling water treatments as well as dry heat were effective to overcome seed coat imposed dormancy in the species studied. It was not possible to recommend a treatment which is equally effective for all the species. However, boiling water is a practical method for achieving rapid, uniform and high germination except in five of the species for which it proved to be lethal. In the latter case, either mechanical scarification or sulphuric acid treatment should be used. Seeds of Millettia ferruginea should be sown when they are fresh to get high germination as they tend to lose their viability during storage. Results from the present study show that once the dormancy in leguminous species with hard seed coats is broken, the seeds germinate in wide ranges of temperature.  相似文献   

【目的】比较旱柳无性系的生长以及对水体中氮、磷去除效果,以筛选出处理富营养化水体效果较好的无性系。【方法】利用8个旱柳无性系在富营养化水体中进行静态培养试验,研究各无性系的形态特征、叶绿素相对含量指数、对营养元素的吸收以及对废水中氮、磷的去除效率。【结果】旱柳无性系在整个试验期间生长良好,无死亡现象。各无性系最终生物量、苗高和相对生长率有显著差异,其中,旱59和旱97整体表现最好。旱柳无性系对富营养化水体中氮、磷吸收较好,地上部分营养元素浓度较高。旱柳各无性系对总氮、氨氮和硝态氮的去除效率分别为87.17%96.94%、90.35%99.33%和66.66%88.19%,对总磷的去除效率为76.59%83.15%,无性系旱13总的去除效率最高。【结论】参试8个旱柳无性系均能在富营养化水体中正常生长,但各无性系在富营养化水体中的生长响应有较大差异。综合多个指标并结合长期野外试验观察,旱13、旱59、旱97是适合修复富营养化水体的较好材料。  相似文献   

Norberg  G.  Dolling  A.  Jäderlund  A.  Nilsson  M.-C.  Zackrisson  O. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):187-198
Following boreal forest ecosystem disturbance,such as fire and clear-cutting, the ericaceousspecies Calluna vulgaris often becomescompletely dominant and may convert forestlandinto heathland. Calluna is known toeffectively exclude other vegetation and causes``growth check' or stagnation of coniferseedlings to result in poor tree regeneration.In this study we investigated the use of steamtreatment as an alternative method forvegetation control of Calluna vulgaris.Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)establishment and growth were recorded in botha planting and a seeding experiment. Steamtreatment was compared with mechanical soilscarification and intact vegetation in theplanting experiment and with intact vegetationin the seeding experiment. The results showthat the vegetation is still strongly reducedfive years after the treatment. The steamtreatment strongly favoured the establishmentand growth of both seeded and planted Scotspine. The planted seedlings grown in the steamtreated plots had a dry weight more than twiceas high when compared to scarified plots.Seedling height and basal diameter were alsohighest for seedlings grown in steamed plots.Seedlings planted in scarified plots did notgrow as well during the first years possiblydue to injuries caused by frost heaving. Theseeding experiment showed an increasedestablishment and growth of Scots pineseedlings in steam treated plots compared to inintact vegetation.  相似文献   

采用正交试验法对竹丝模压刨花板制造工艺与产品质量进行优化试验,探讨施胶量、热压温度、热压时间、板坯含水率工艺因素对竹丝模压刨花板物理力学性能的影响,并得到了较优的工艺参数.试验结果表明利用纤维状竹丝可以压制出高质量的竹丝模压刨花板.产品的主要物理力学性能为:密度0.8 g/cm3,弹性模量6 745.7 MPa,静曲强度54.39 MPa,内结合强度0.53 MPa,吸水厚度膨胀率11.3%.  相似文献   

磷素环境与马褂木种源的生长和干物质积累   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然土壤中有效磷含量很低,难以满足植物最佳生长的需要。据统计,在全世界13·19亿hm2的耕地中约有43%缺磷,而我国耕地则有2/3缺磷(何绪生等,1998)。我国南方地区高温多雨,富铝化作用明显,多数土壤呈酸性或强酸性,磷素固定强烈,土壤有效磷含量仅在1~2mg·kg-1(邱燕等,2003)。虽然施用磷肥的效果显著,但其利用率一般不超过10%,多为土壤固定并转变成植物较难吸收的Ca-P、Fe-P和Al-P等(熊毅,1997)。鉴于植物具有将土壤难溶态磷转化为有效态磷并加以吸收利用的能力,通过选育磷高效利用的植物品种来开发土壤中难溶态的磷素资源,可减小对施用磷…  相似文献   

Jacobs  Douglass F.  Rose  Robin  Haase  Diane L.  Morgan  Paul D. 《New Forests》2003,26(3):263-277
This experiment evaluated the influence of manure, peat, and vermiculite incorporated at low and high rates (0.0118 and 0.0236 m3/m2) and under two soil moisture regimes on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedling (1+0 for 1+1) xylem water potential (xylem), whole-plant growth, root architectural development, and subsequent field performance under fertilized and non-fertilized conditions. Trends in soil moisture retention were observed (high manure > high peat > control) but there were no differences in xylem. Root length in the wetter soil moisture experiment was initially (three months) greatest for seedlings in high vermiculite and least in high manure but there were no differences among treatments at lifting (eight months). Mean height was greatest for seedlings grown in vermiculite and peat (wetter nursery experiment) after two field seasons. Field fertilization (35 g/seedling) with controlled-release fertilizer in the planting hole stimulated height growth initially, but decreased height and diameter growth during the second growing season. Dramatic improvements associated with the use of nursery soil amendments were not realized, but the failure to identify negative effects, a potential reduction in disease incidence, and improvement of nursery soil physical and chemical properties may justify their use.  相似文献   

对平和县琯溪蜜柚新品种红瓤蜜柚进行了连续6 a的栽培试验,结果表明:酸柚、土柚和枳作为红瓤蜜柚的砧木对嫁接成活率影响不大,但酸柚种子的发芽率较高;酸柚种子采用果藏法最好,当年采种,当年播种、育苗;春梢夏秋单芽腹接或秋梢春季单芽切接成活率都较高;造林密度Ⅰ类地以每600株.hm-2为好,Ⅱ类地以每750株.hm-2为佳;种植绿肥加施有机厩肥比施用化肥加锄草深翻的抚育方式果实的品质更好;高接换种可有效地改造不良蜜柚品种。  相似文献   

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