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植树促活十措施李普越一、假植喷水。为防止苗木风吹日晒散失水分,苗木起出后要就地假植并适时喷水,一般每隔10天或半月喷1次水为好。二、浸水催根。植树造林前,将苗木根部浸入清水中,一般阔叶树浸泡2~3天,针叶树1~2天,让苗木充分吸足水分,有利成活。三、...  相似文献   

浅谈城乡绿化的技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过规划设计、树种选择、适时栽植、栽植大苗、苗木起掘、运输、假植、定植、养护管理等一系列工序的分析,阐述城乡绿化的技术要点,达到早绿化、早成林、早见效的目的。  相似文献   

植树促活措施武玉才一、假植喷水。为防止和补充苗木被风吹日晒散失水分,苗木起出后要就地假植并适时喷水,一般每隔10天或半月喷1次水为好。二、浸水催根。植树造林前,将苗木根都浸入清水(流水最好)中,一般阔叶树浸泡2—3天。针叶树1—2天,让苗木充分吸足水...  相似文献   

京桃是一种优美的观赏树种。吉林省西部生态环境恶劣,为降低1~2 a生京桃幼苗移栽过程中的冻旱抽条率,本文从假植前准备、越冬假植、假植后管理等方面系统介绍了京桃2 a生苗木越冬假植技术。  相似文献   

通过对枣、梨树苗木跨区域调运、跨年度假植的实践,探索、归纳、总结出了从苗木考察、长途调运地到假植、起苗等关键环节技术要点。本文从苗源地选择、掘苗时期、苗木规格及技术要求、包装运输、目的地假植基地选择与假植技术诸方面进行了系统阐述,并提出了相关建议,以供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

苗木出圃后若不能及时栽植,需要进行假植,以防根系失水.失去生活力。苗木假植就是用湿润的土壤对根系进行暂时的埋植处理,分为临时假植和越冬假植两种。  相似文献   

假植。假植是将幼嫩弱小的试管苗植于蛭石、锯末、炉渣等假植材料中,经过一定时间的炼苗,再定植于大田的技术处理过程。假植是过渡性阶段,目的是使在无菌条件下接种威活的试管苗,逐步适应外界条件,保证有较高的成活率。假植材料采用蛭石、锯末、炉渣、土或蛭石+土、锯末+土、炉渣+土等几种。  相似文献   

春季起出的苗木,如不能运往造林地马上栽植,都要认真作好苗木假植。这是防止苗木风干失水,提高造林成活率的重要措施之一。苗木假植可分临时(短期)假植和长期(越冬)仅植两种,但无论临时假植还是长期假植,都应注意如下几点: 1.起苗时间。起苗应抢在树木萌动之前。  相似文献   

<正>假植。假植是将幼嫩弱小的试管苗植于蛭石、锯末、炉渣等假植材料中,经过一定时间的炼苗,再定植于大田的技术处理过程。假植是过渡性阶段,目的是使在无菌条件下接种成活的试管苗,逐步适应外界条件,保证有较高的成活率。假植材料采用蛭石、锯末、炉渣、土或蛭石+土、锯末+土、炉渣+土等几种。  相似文献   

早竹高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实现早竹园高产、稳产,必须选好造林地、品种,适时栽植,合理密度,并要抓好幼林及成林期管理等栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

论述了在库布齐沙漠腹地进行景观绿化工程所采取的栽植技术措施,并分析探讨了在沙漠地区影响苗木成活率的重要因素,表明在沙漠地区进行景观绿化工程必须充分掌握引入种树木生物学特性,结合当地自然条件制定适宜的栽植技术措施;确保正常季节栽植,避免反季节栽植;尽量做到苗木随起随栽,避免假植;合理搭配植物,确保整体景观效果。  相似文献   

文章调查了肇庆高新区道路绿化的19个样地,结果显示,园林植物共计56科106属148种,其中,乡土树种共计26种;乔木、灌木、草本之比为2.96:2.48:1;常绿与落叶植物比例,乔木层为2.23:1,灌木层为6:1;观花、观果、彩叶植物分别占42.6%、6.1%、18.9%;植物种植形式以自然式种植为主,垂直结构主要有3种类型。在此基础上,探讨了道路绿化优化的策略,建议加强绿地规划布局的科学性,构建多种景观类型;丰富植物种类,确定园区27条主要道路的主调树种,做到“一路一树一景”,为该区道路绿化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

降水量小而蒸发量大是造成毛乌素沙地干旱缺水的首要原因,风多风大及光照强烈加剧了土体和植物水分的散失,因此导致植物群落衰退或个体死亡。为了提高造林效果,必须根据沙地生境的异质性科学构建森林生态系统、积极推广应用抗旱节水措施、合理利用克隆植物的优越性。  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化地区复杂的人类活动和特殊的地上与地下二元结构水文系统以及碳酸岩丰富的节理裂隙导致了土壤水分渗漏强烈,地表干旱缺水,临时性干旱严重,使该区植物普遍遭受干旱胁迫,影响植物的生长与发育。文中通过综述干旱胁迫对喀斯特地区植物的影响,从植物形态特征、光合作用、渗透调节物质和抗氧化酶系统等方面分析植物应对干旱胁迫的机理机制,得出喀斯特地区植物一般具有发达的叶片表皮毛、较厚的角质层、强壮发达的根系特征并通过叶片的气孔调节应对干旱。此外,植物体通过积累脯氨酸、可溶性糖等渗透调节物质,增强抗氧化酶系统的活性来抗旱。提出通过抗旱锻炼、矿质肥料、化学和微生物调控以及抗旱品种的选育等途径来提高植物的抗旱性。建议今后的研究应加强模拟实验与野外验证实验相结合、分析植物对多种逆境的交叉响应,综合分析生长生理生态基因等特征,建立符合当地植物的抗旱评价体系,以及研究喀斯特和非喀斯特环境中植物对干旱胁迫适应的差异性来分析植物对干旱胁迫适应的机理机制,以期为深入研究喀斯特石漠化地区植物的抗旱性能提供参考,并为植被恢复及物种选择提供支持。  相似文献   

选用不同遮荫度与有无常流水的种植地块、不同种子处理方法以及不同种子品种进行草果丰产栽培试验.结果表明,选用纺锤形或卵圆形、个大、粒多、成熟度高的农家种子进行播种育苗能提高草果的产量与品质;在播种前要先用草木灰或钙镁磷对草果种子进行拌种,然后用手充分搓揉,除去种子表面的胶质丝状膜,这样可保证有较高的出芽率;种植地应选择海拔1 200~1800 m、遮荫度为60%~70%的林下、常年有流水的山洼地块;每年冬季收果后及次年的春季进行一次追肥,花期喷施硼砂和蜂蜜液,能有效提高草果坐花坐果率.  相似文献   

Under heavily disturbed conditions, the selection of the appropriate native species and of planting and ameliorating techniques is necessary. Volcanic eruptions create harsh conditions that can preclude native plant establishment. We tested the performance of two native species Pinus pseudostrobus and P. montezumae for restoration of volcanic ash covered areas. Two age classes of P. pseudostrobus and one of P. montezumae were tested as well as the effect of mulching to ameliorate harsh substrate conditions. Results show that older plants of P. pseudostrobus (19-month old at planting) have higher survival and growth rates than young plants (8-months at planting). Plants at least 19-months-old at planting of P. pseudostrobus and P. montezumae, are appropriate for restoration of volcanic ash covered areas. Mulching had no effect on plant survival or growth for this experiment.  相似文献   

新疆150团农田防护林胁地效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在试验示范区布设试验,采集数据,对新疆150团农田防护林胁地效应进行研究,结果表明:根胁地对棉田的影响范围为10~12m;在棉花耕作层范围内,随着测点由靠近林带向棉田中部延伸,土壤含水率逐步增高;东、西、南、北4个方向林带对棉花产量都有明显影响,减产幅度在28.0%~68.2%,减产幅度最大的为南侧林带。提出了胁地解决对策:(1)解决农田防护林灌溉问题;(2)开挖断根沟;(3)机械深翻;(4)胁地范围内适宜作物搭配。林带虽对农作物产生明显的影响,只要采取一定的技术措施或在胁地范围内种植苜蓿等耐阴饲草及作物,可将损失降低到最低程度。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that fertilized containerized Pinus canariensis seedlings increases survival when planted in semiarid sites through the improvement of their physiological status during the establishment phase by an increment in root growth. Seedlings were cultured under two different regimes: traditional (in non-fertilized natural soil) and alternative (in fertilized peat). Morphological attributes and nitrogen content were measured before planting. Measurements of survival and growth in the plantation were made periodically for 2 years and physiological plant responses (leaf water potential, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence) during the third summer after planting were tested and finally a set of plants were excavated to measure the same parameters as before planting. Seedlings cultivated using fertilized peat achieved the highest values for all of evaluated parameters. During the third dry season, big seedlings exhibited better physiological status. Therefore, enhanced root growth can result in better water uptake during the dry period thereby increasing survival and growth in the next few years after planting. A feed-back physiological model is proposed to explain P. canariensis establishment in a semiarid environment.  相似文献   

通过种子萌发和幼苗生长试验,研究了孔雀草、盐肤木2种植物的叶、茎、根水浸提液对紫花苜蓿的化感作用,结果表明:孔雀草、盐肤木不同部位的水浸提液对紫花苜蓿的种子萌发和幼苗生长均有抑制作用,且浓度越大作用越明显。说明紫花苜蓿和孔雀草不宜混播;盐肤木作为灌木和紫花苜蓿混植,只要种植密度适当,是可行的。可为生态护坡的植物选择提供参考。  相似文献   

The total biomass of a stand is an indicator of stand productivity and is closely related to the density of plants. According to the self-thinning law, mean individual biomass follows a negative power law with plant density. If the variance of individual biomass is constant, we can expect increased stand productivity with increasing plant density. However, Taylor's power law(TPL) that relates the variance and the mean of many biological measures(e.g. bilateral areal differences of a leaf, plant biomass atdifferent times, developmental rates at different temperatures, population densities on different spatial or temporal scales), affects the estimate of stand productivity when it is defined as the total biomass of large plants in a stand.Because the variance of individual biomass decreases faster than mean individual biomass, differences in individual biomass decline with increasing density, leading to more homogeneous timbers of greater economic value. We tested whether TPL in plant biomass holds for different species and whether the variance of individual biomass changes faster than the mean with increasing stand density.The height, ground diameter and fresh weight of 50 bamboo species were measured in 50 stands ranging from 1 m by 1 m to 30 m by 30 m to ensure more than 150 bamboos in every stand. We separately examined TPL in height,ground diameter, and weight, and found that TPL holds for all three biological measures, with the relationship strongest for weight. Using analysis of covariance to compare the regression slopes of logarithmic mean and variance against the logarithm of density, we found that the variance in individual biomass declined faster than the mean with increasing density. This suggests that dense planting reduced mean individual biomass but homogenized individual biomass. Thus, there exists a trade-off between effective stand productivity and stand density for optimal forest management. Sparse planting leads to large variation in individual biomass, whereas dense planting reduces mean individual biomass. Consequently, stand density for a plantation should be set based on this trade-off with reference to market demands.  相似文献   

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