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^60Co-γ射线辐照对莲雾、番木瓜果实营养成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以莲雾、番木瓜为试材,研究了用不同剂量60Co-γ射线辐照莲雾、番木瓜果实后,对其品质的影响.结果表明,不同剂量辐照莲雾果实在辐照第3 d和第7 d外观均明显优于未辐照果实,糖度较对照高,Vc、有机酸、可溶性固形物与对照无明显差异;不同剂量辐照番木瓜果实外观均与对照无明显差异,还原糖、蔗糖、总糖、有机酸、Vc、可溶性固形物与未辐照果实差异不明显.  相似文献   

进境莲雾果实软腐病的调查与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从旅客携带进境的莲雾果实上检获软腐病,对该病进行了较详细的调查与鉴定,确定其病原菌为Pestalotiopsisguepinii。迄今为止,该病尚未见报道。  相似文献   

莲雾果实采后产生的主要病害为软腐病。本试验对莲雾果实采后软腐病病原菌进行了分离纯化,运用形态学和分子生物学对病原菌进行了鉴定,并研究了其病原菌生物学特性。结果表明,引起莲雾果软腐病的病原菌是异色拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis versicolor)。生物学特性研究结果表明,该病原菌最适生长温度为25℃,最适菌丝生长的相对湿度为75%~80%,湿度对菌丝生长影响不大,菌丝在pH 3~9之间都能生长,pH 5~6生长较好;最适碳源为麦芽糖,甘露醇不利于菌丝生长;最适氮源为蛋白胨,尿素不利于菌丝生长。该菌对于光照较敏感,完全黑暗能促进其菌丝生长。该菌的孢子致死温度为55℃10min。其生物学特性说明了莲雾果实软腐病病原菌对生存环境具有比较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

本文研究了60Co-γ射线对番石榴、芒果果实的外观及主要营养成分影响。结果表明,番石榴果实的最高耐受剂量是218Gy,在此剂量下,番石榴果实的外观和还原糖、蔗糖、总糖、可滴定酸、可溶固形物等主要营养成分与对照无明显差异。芒果果实的最高耐受剂量是839Gy,在此剂量下,不会影响芒果的货架期,还表现出一定的贮藏保鲜作用。  相似文献   

果实蝇属害虫是国际上备受关注的检疫性有害生物。福州机场截获的疫情数据分析表明,橘小实蝇是我国南方周边国家和地区果实蝇群落结构中的优势种群。传播该虫的主要水果有莲雾、释迦、芒果、火龙果。每年3~11月是该虫的截获高峰期。  相似文献   

进境莲雾果实软腐病的调查与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从旅客携带进境的莲雾果实上检获软腐病,对该病进行了较详细的调查与鉴定,确定其病原菌为Pestalotiopsis guepinii(Desm.)Stey。迄今为止,该病尚未见报道。  相似文献   

番石榴果实蝇Bactrocera correcta(Bezzi)严重为害番石榴、莲雾、芒果等果蔬植物,我国将果实蝇属Bactrocera (非中国种)列为进境植物检疫性有害生物。2021年10月至2022年6月,在海南省三亚市崖州湾科技城内连续9个月诱捕到疑似番石榴果实蝇成虫。本研究通过形态特征、DNA条形码和常规PCR等方法,对诱捕到的疑似样品进行了鉴定。鉴定结果表明,诱捕到的实蝇样品为番石榴果实蝇,相关植物检疫机构需进一步加强海南地区番石榴果实蝇的检疫、监测及防控。  相似文献   

莲雾SyzygiumsamarangenseMer.etPerrg是台湾出产的特色水果,是台湾旅客喜欢携带入境的主要水果之一。莲雾受桔小实蝇BactroceradorsalisHendel危害较为严重,一般情况下,新鲜的莲雾表面有光泽看不出受实蝇危害...  相似文献   

桔小实蝇 Strumeta dorsalis Hendel(或 Dacus dorsalis Hendel),亦有人称之东方果实蝇,是我国对外植物检疫对象之一。有关文献记载,它的寄主植物达250多种,大多是水果类。其幼虫为害果实,潜居果瓤食害,使果实腐烂,造成落果。在我国台湾省,桔小实蝇是国艺作物最大害虫,被害作物广及柑桔、芒果、番石榴、莲雾等30多种果树,受害面积约有十多万公  相似文献   

番石榴实蝇3龄幼虫辐照处理试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番石榴实蝇(Bactrocera correcta(Bezzi))起源于南亚,是一种为害热带、亚热带水果和蔬菜的重要害虫,极易随寄主果实人为传播。为了寻求一种对该虫高效、安全的除害处理技术,本文应用钴60(60Co)对感染番石榴实蝇的番石榴果实进行辐照处理。结果表明:阻止番石榴实蝇达到机率值9的致死剂量LD99.9968为125.54(101.23~167.52)Gy,采用113Gy处理69 118头番石榴实蝇3龄幼虫,没有成虫羽化。该剂量可以作为检疫除害处理的参考指标。  相似文献   

我国辐照检疫处理的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辐照检疫处理是继化学熏蒸处理之后兴起的一种物理处理技术,将其用作水果检疫处理已成为一种国际趋势.本文主要概述了我国辐照检疫处理的研究现状,旨在为进一步推动辐照检疫处理的商业化运作提供技术参考.  相似文献   

 葡萄上的植原体病害由于引起叶片黄化而被称为葡萄黄化病。由于这一病害极为严重,葡萄黄化植原体被列为我国的植物检疫对象。其中,葡萄金黄化植原体(16SrV)、维吉尼亚葡萄黄化植原体(16Sr芋) 和澳大利亚葡萄黄化植原体 (16Sr狱) 是引起葡萄黄化病的主要3 个株系,它们导致的病害症状相似,难以区分。本文进行了3 个株系16S rRNA 基因 DNA 序列比对,而后根据同源性相对低的序列设计了43 条特异性引物、103 对引物对组合,对葡萄黄化植原体3 个株系各自的DNA 及混合DNA 进行PCR 扩增,从中筛选出来特异性较强的8 个引物对组合。这些引物对组合,能够同步、特异、快速地检测3 种葡萄黄化植原体。  相似文献   

为建立基于X射线辐照的害虫不育技术,以梨小食心虫2、5、8日龄的雄蛹为研究对象,利用X射线对其进行0(CK)、67、133和200 Gy剂量的辐照处理,明确其最适辐照蛹龄;并对最适辐照蛹龄的梨小食心虫进行X射线辐照,明确辐照处理对其羽化成虫的繁殖能力、寿命、飞行能力和交配竞争力的影响。结果表明,梨小食心虫最适辐照蛹龄为8日龄;雄蛹经67 Gy与133 Gy辐照剂量处理后,与其羽化后成虫交配后的雌成虫单雌产卵量分别为25.14粒和24.56粒,卵孵化率分别为18.21%和14.61%,寿命分别为16.80 d和15.60 d,均显著低于对照;梨小食心虫雄蛹辐照处理对其羽化成虫与雌成虫的交配次数无显著影响,但辐照处理雄蛹羽化后的雄成虫与雌成虫交配后,雌成虫的日产卵量比对照明显减少,且辐照剂量越高,日产卵量变化幅度越小,产卵期也越短;辐照处理对雄蛹羽化后雄成虫的飞行能力无明显影响,但其与雌成虫的交配竞争指数下降为0.15。  相似文献   

本文通过伽马射线辐照拟长毛钝绥螨的雄成螨,探讨辐照的雄成螨与雌成螨交配后,对雌成螨产卵量和后代性比的影响。在高辐照剂量10、20、40、80、160、320、640、1280 Gy和剂量率3 Gy.min-1的伽马射线辐照下,雌螨的产卵量随辐照剂量的增加而逐渐减少。40 Gy及以上的辐照剂量雌螨产卵量与对照相比均有显著差异;后代雌性比也随辐照剂量的增加而降低,到160 Gy辐照剂量时雌性比为0。在低辐照剂量40、160、640、2560和10240 mGy以及剂量率40 mGy.min-1的伽马射线辐照下,雌螨的产卵量随辐照剂量的增加呈现出先升后降的趋势,在160 mGy辐照剂量下达到了最高。160 mGy时后代雌性比也最高,达到72.52%,与40、640、2560mGy处理间没有显著差异,但都显著地高于对照(65.23%)和10240 mGy辐照处理(56.14%)的雌性比。  相似文献   

UV irradiation enhanced the resistance of grapefruit against the development of green mold décay caused byPenicillium digitatum, the main postharvest pathogen of citrus fruit, and significantly inhibited the fungus’ growth at the fruit wound sites. Immunoblotting analysis using specific citrus chitinase and β-1,3-endoglucanase antibodies, showed that UV irradiation, wounding of the fruit, or a combination of these two treatments, induced the accumulation of a 25 kD chitinase protein in the fruit’s peel tissue. On the other hand, UV irradiation or wounding of the fruit alone was unable to induce the accumulation of 39 and 43 kD β-1,3-endoglucanase proteins, but the combination of the two treatments increased these protein levels. It is suggested that both chitinase and β-1,3-endoglucanase may play a role in the UV-induced resistance of grapefruit againstP. digitatum. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 403/99. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting June 3, 1999.  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧辐照处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻求扶桑绵粉蚧有效除害处理方法,本文测定了γ-射线不同辐照剂量对该虫发育繁殖的影响,结果表明:随着辐照剂量的增加,各虫龄继续发育的比例明显降低;相同剂量水平下,各虫龄对辐照的耐受性随虫龄增大而增强,以3龄若虫和成虫的耐受性最强;大规模辐照测定表明,采用130Gy可有效阻止3龄若虫和雌成虫后代的发育繁殖。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alternative control agents, including UV-type C (254 nm) irradiation, yeasts antagonistic to fungal growth, chitosan and harpin, were evaluated for their ability to induce resistance in cv. Red Delicious apple fruit against postharvest blue mold caused by Penicillium expansum. Freshly harvested and controlled atmosphere (CA)-stored fruit were treated with these agents at different doses and concentrations or with paired combinations of the agents. Treated fruit were inoculated with P. expansum 24, 48, or 96 h following treatment, and stored at 24 degrees C in the dark. The fruit were evaluated for development of disease every 2 days for 14 days by measuring the diameter of lesions that formed. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated and analyzed statistically. All treatments were effective in reducing the AUDPC; UV-C was most effective, followed by harpin, chitosan, and the yeasts, respectively. Regardless of treatment, fresh fruit were more responsive to treatments than CA-stored fruit. There was a clear time-dependent response of the fruit to the treatments, in which treatments applied 96 h before inoculation provided the best results. In a few situations, the combinations of agents did provide an additive effect, but no synergistic effects were detected. Moreover, disease severity in fruit treated by any combination was markedly better than that in the controls. Although the combinations of treatments was overall less effective than the single treatments, they did provide significant reductions of the progress of disease in comparison with the controls. Because the fungus did not come into contact with any of the control agents, this study showed conclusively that the agents studied were able to induce resistance in the fruit rather than merely inhibit the pathogen directly. It also showed, for the first time, that harpin is able to induce resistance in harvested apple fruit. The use of these control agents may minimize the costs of control strategies and reduce the risks associated with the excessive use of fungicides in harvested apple fruit.  相似文献   

The effects of cuticular crack surface area and inoculum density on the infection of nectarine fruits by conidia of Monilinia laxa were studied using artificial inoculations with conidial suspensions and dry airborne conidia during the 2004 and 2005 seasons, respectively. Additionally, the effect of ambient humidity on fruit infection was evaluated in the 2005 experiment. An exploratory analysis indicated that (i) ambient humidity did not significantly explain the observed variability of data, but that (ii) the incidence of fruit infection increased both with increasing inoculum density and increasing surface area of cuticular cracks. The product of these two variables represented the inoculum dose in the cracks, and was used as a predictor of fruit infection in the model. Natural infection in the orchard was observed to increase throughout the season in both 2004 and 2005. The relationship between the probability of fruit infection by M. laxa and the artificially inoculated dose in the cuticular cracks was well described by a logistic regression model once natural inoculum density was taken into account (pseudo R= 65%). This function could be helpful for estimating the risk of fruit infection at harvest based on fruit size and natural inoculum density.  相似文献   

Soil surface mulching and planting density regulation are widely used for effective utilization of limited rainwater resources and improvement of crop productivity in dryland farming.However,the combined effects of mulching type and planting density on maize growth and yield have been seldom studied,especially in different hydrological years.A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of mulching type and planting density on the soil temperature,growth,grain yield(GY),water use efficiency(WUE)and economic benefit of rainfed maize in the drylands of northern China during 2015-2017.Precipitation fluctuated over the three years.There were four mulching types(NM,flat cultivation with non-mulching;SM,flat cultivation with straw mulching;RP,plastic-mulched ridge plus bare furrow;RPFS,plastic-mulched ridge plus straw-mulched furrow)and three planting densities(LD,low planting density,45.0×10^3 plants/hm^2;MD,medium planting density,67.5×10^3 plants/hm^2;HD,high planting density,90.0×10^3 plants/hm^2).Results showed that soil temperature was higher with RP and lower with SM compared with NM,but no significant difference was found between RPFS and NM.More soil water was retained by soil mulching at the early growth stage,but it significantly varied at the middle and late growth stages.Maize growth was significantly improved by soil mulching.With increasing planting density,stem diameter,net photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content tended to decline,whereas a single-peak trend in biomass yield was observed.Mulching type and planting density did not have significant effect on evapotranspiration(ET),but GY and WUE were significantly affected.There were significant interacting effects of mulching type and planting density on biomass yield,GY,ET and WUE.Compared with NM,RPFS,RP and SM increased GY by 57.5%,50.8%and 18.9%,and increased WUE by 66.6%,54.3%and 18.1%,respectively.At MD,GY increased by 41.4%and 25.2%,and WUE increased by 38.6%and 22.4%compared with those of at LD and HD.The highest maize GY(7023.2 kg/hm^2)was observed under MD+RPFS,but the value(6699.1 kg/hm^2)was insignificant under MD+RP.Similar trends were observed for WUE under MD+RP and MD+RPFS,but no significant difference was observed between these two combinations.In terms of economic benefit,net income under MD+RP was the highest with a 9.8%increase compared with that of under MD+RPFS.Therefore,we concluded that RP cultivation pattern with a suitable planting density(67.5×10^3 plants/hm^2)is promising for rainwater resources utilization and maize production in the drylands of northern China.  相似文献   

探讨辐照检疫处理对葡萄采后生理的影响,为其在新鲜葡萄中的实际应用提供理论依据。本文利用加速器产生的X射线对进口秘鲁葡萄进行了200Gy、400Gy和600Gy不同剂量的辐照处理,初步研究了辐照对葡萄呼吸强度、硬度、酸度以及糖度等贮藏品质的影响,结果表明,200Gy和400Gy剂量辐照能够显著抑制葡萄的呼吸作用,各剂量辐照对其他生理品质影响不大。考虑到辐照对有害生物的辐射效应,  相似文献   

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