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EM(有益微生物菌群)调节蟹池水质的试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对目前河蟹池塘养殖过程中存在的养殖环境恶化,严重影响着河蟹品质和食用安全性的问题,探讨在河蟹养殖过程中采用EM(有益微生物菌群),调节池塘水质的途径和方法。通过对比试验,测定了池塘水化学因子的变化情况,分析了变化的原因,为河蟹养殖过程中有效调节池塘水环境提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

调节水质的目的是为鱼类创造一个适宜的生活环境。过去,水质调节主要是结合池塘的日常管理,采用适当施肥、定期搅动塘泥、适时加注新水等常规方法。近年来,有些地方结合生产实际,采用了一些新的水质调节方法,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

介绍了小龙虾养殖水质的理化指标要求,总结了不同养殖时期的水质调控方法以及保持优良水色和调节不良水色的措施。  相似文献   

河蟹生态养殖技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
饵料投喂、水质管理、水草种植是河蟹养殖中的三大关键技术。本文改变了过去通过混养肥水鱼来调控水质的做法,而是选择可形成茬口衔接的水草品种,一年四季河蟹池中水草不断,通过水草的调节达到最佳的生态环境,同时池底投放大量鲜活螺蛳,不仅可为河蟹提供大量的鲜活动物饵粒,而且可吃掉河蟹的残余饵粒,达到调节水质的目的。  相似文献   

李效宇  杨红生 《河南水产》1995,(3):18-19,22
本文测定了主养草鱼成鱼高产池塘4-9月份浮游生物的平均生物量,研究了浮游生物种群结构和优势种群的变动情况,初步探讨了草鱼性鱼类和滤食性鱼类的关系,探讨了池塘水质调节控制的技术措施和生物指标。  相似文献   

池塘水质的好坏对南美白对虾苗的放养和养殖都非常重要,特别是放养前的水质质量,直接影响虾苗的成活率。笔者对浙江省慈溪市5万多亩南美白对虾养殖池塘进行了调查和研究:水质调节得比较理想的池塘一般都能获得高产高效,而水质较差调节措施又不力的池塘,就很难获得高产,甚至有的虾塘发生亏损现象。现把水质要求和调节措施的技术经验总结如下:  相似文献   

精养池塘水质调控关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭国军  齐子鑫 《河南水产》2009,(3):25-26,30
本文分析精养池塘水质的现状,阐述了影响精养池塘水质的溶氧、pH值、氨氮、亚硝酸盐及硫化氢等非生物因子,总结了非生物因子对水产养殖动物的关系、水体中的变动规律及具体的调控技术;同时分析了精养池塘中浮游生物对水色变化的关系,并提出具体的调节措施,旨在为精养池塘的水体调控提供实践参考。  相似文献   

池水是鱼类赖以生存的环境,池塘水质的好坏,是决定鱼类能否健康生长的重要因素之一。尤其对于高密度集约化的养鱼池,如果长期不加水、不换水,也未采取其它水质调节措施,池水就很容易老化,致使水中溶解氧含量降低,有害物质含量升高,轻则抑制鱼类生长,使其食欲减退,身体消瘦,重则导致鱼类得病,甚至死亡。要调节好鱼池的水质,应从以下三方面入手。一、物理方法(1)适当注水、换水,保持水质清新水源充足的池塘可参照透明度指标采取必要的注水和换水措施。当池水的透明度低于20厘米时,可以考虑抽出老水1/3~1/2,然后注…  相似文献   

本文综述了养殖水域氨氮、亚硝酸盐的来源与转化,及其对养殖生物的影响,以及氨氮、亚硝酸盐对白仔鳗、对虾苗、鲶、鲢、鳙、鲩鱼的半致死浓度,介绍新研制的适于养殖现场实用的铵[NH4^ ]与亚硝酸根[NO2^-]速测盒,提供调节水质的相关措施。  相似文献   

<正> 进入养鱼旺季,水质调节在日常管理中非常重要。下面介绍几种常用的方法:1.适当施肥 定期施肥,可以给养殖鱼类提供更多适口的天然饵料,特别是在完全依靠人工投饵的情况下,适当施用化肥,可使浮游植物保持适宜的密度和旺盛的生活状态、而浮游植物能够吸收铵盐并通过光合作用产生氧气来调节水质。2.适时加注新水 加注新水是调节水质的最有效、最主要的措施,特别是在泛池,池水恶化或浮游生物组成不良时,紧急注水是改善水质最实际、最有效的方法。通过加注新水给池水带进氧气和所缺乏的某些营养盐类,同时可冲淡地水中的有机物质和  相似文献   

Abstract The burrowing ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus sinuensis Lemaitre and Rodrigues and Lepidophthalmus bocourd (A. Milne Edwards) have significant impacts on pond-based culture of penaeid shrimp. Marked abbreviation of the larval cycle, an adaptation for estuarine retention in wild populations, favors accumulation of recruits into the same substrates as the parental population where densities of these burrowers sometimes exceed 650 individuals/m2. Higher densities of burrowing shrimp appear to correlate with lower yields of penaeid shrimp because of oxygen requirements by the thalassinids and also bioturbation effects. Rich sources of organic materials in highly reduced pond substrates can be readily exploited by Lepidophthalmus species due to their physiological adaptations to low oxygen concentrations. Bioturbation and ventilatory movement of water through burrowed sediments by ghost shrimp move reduced nutrients into the water column with potential toxic effects on penaeids. Ultimately, activities of these estuarine burrowers oxidize benthic sediments and cycle nutrients into the water column, the negative impacts of which are probably restricted to aquaculture settings.  相似文献   

The marine ornamental industry relies almost exclusively on wild-caught fish, invertebrates, and live rock to meet the market demands of aquarium hobbyists. For the industry to expand, appropriate technologies are needed to mitigate disease problems and reduce the dependence on wild stocks. Biosecurity protocols and techniques for genetic improvement have recently been applied to the culture of penaeid shrimp for human consumption, and these approaches may be applicable to an emerging marine ornamental industry. Biosecure production systems for penaeid shrimp are being developed in response to disease problems and growing concerns about environmental pollution from pond effluent. Biosecure systems rely on minimal water exchange and provide shrimp farmers with an opportunity to move production away from the coastline. In addition to the development of biosecure production systems, researchers at the Oceanic Institute have established a selective breeding program for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. To date, significant improvements in shrimp growth and disease resistance have been made through selective breeding. It is likely that advances in biosecure technologies and genetic improvement will be applicable to the culture of marine ornamental shellfish and finfish and will contribute to an economically viable and environmentally sustainable industry.  相似文献   

对虾细胞培养的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对虾的细胞培养,是研究对虾不同学科和领域的重要工具之一,至今,国内外已有不关于对虾细胞培养的研究报道,本文综述了不同作者对不同对虾细胞原代培养的结果,比较了其培养方法和培养条件的异同;描述了研究尝试多种方法对原代细胞的传代培养,其中一些方法对对虾细胞系的建立起到了积极的作用,介绍了利用细胞培养技术在对虾不同领域的应用状况,尤其是对对虾病毒性疾病的研究方面应用较多。  相似文献   

After preliminary six week experiments showed that shrimp pond effluent from an intensive culture growout pond had the capacity to nearly double shrimp growth in laboratory tanks, an 18 day experiment was designed to determine if similar results occurred in the presence of high quality feeds. The results presented here corroborate the hypothesis that autochthonous factors in shrimp pond water stimulate shrimp growth. These results revealed that performance of currently available shrimp feeds is greatly improved in the presence of pond effluent, regardless of feed quality. Increased feed performance did not appear to be an artifact of supplemental feed availability in pond effluent. The implications from these experiments are that, even in intensive culture systems (above 40 shrimp per m2), in-situ sources of nutrition play an important role in shrimp growth.  相似文献   

Outdoor microcosm tanks were used to grow the penaeid blue shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris, in Brunei Darussalam. The tanks were cylindrical, free standing fiber glass tanks of 1827 L water holding capacity and had a self-cleaning mechanism. In three eight-week feeding trials, juvenile shrimp of 0.9–4.3 g were stocked at a density of 28 shrimp/m2. At the end of each trial, survival rates exceeded 80%. Growth rates ranged from 1.19 to 2.46 g/week. Water quality remained stable and within suitable ranges for L. stylirostris growth in all trials. The tanks had algae and bacterial floc developing within a few days of starting the trials. Fourteen commercial shrimp feeds, each containing more than 40% crude protein, were tested in the trials. In spite of the presence of natural food organisms, significant feed-related differences among treatments were found in each trial. In conclusion, microcosm tanks support excellent growth and survival of L. stylirostris and are appropriate for conducting trials to evaluate feeds for pond growout.  相似文献   

三种不同养殖品种池塘水质变化特征分析及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了养殖泥鳅、翘嘴红鲌和青虾池塘的水质变化特点,并用VIKOR算法比较了三种养殖品种的池塘水环境质量。结果表明:三种养殖品种池塘的水质变化特点基本相同,但是三种池塘中,青虾养殖池塘水质最优,泥鳅池塘次之,翘嘴红鲌池塘最差。  相似文献   

Penaeus monodon provides a high‐quality protein source for humanity, and pond cultured shrimp often presents asynchronous growth. Microbial communities are important for the digestion and immunity of shrimp. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the bacterial characteristics of the intestine and rearing water of asynchronously growing P. monodon that were cultured in outdoor and indoor pond respectively. The results showed that the bacterial community of the rearing water was more complex than that of the intestine; the fast‐growing shrimp in the indoor pond had higher intestinal bacterial diversity. Besides, the dominant bacterial composition of the water was more complex than that of the intestinal. Specifically, the abundance of Proteobacteria in the intestine was consistent with the growth performance of shrimp in the outdoor pond, which was exactly the opposite in the indoor pond. At the genus level, two cyanobacteria, Limnothrix and Cyanobium PCC‐6307, were dominant in the indoor and outdoor water respectively. In the outdoor pond, Bacillus was dominant in the slow‐growing shrimp intestines, while Vibrio was dominant in the fast‐growing shrimp. The intestinal microbes of the fast‐growing shrimp had higher proteasome metabolic capacity. These results can provide new insights into microbiome characteristics involved in the asynchronous growth of shrimp.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the penaeid shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris, was completed in captivity with the production of F2 generation nauplii. Over one million F2 generation nauplii were harvested from the F1 generation represented by laboratory-reared adult shrimp. The studies were completed in a laboratory simulated, tropical environment for maturation and spawning, and in pond systems located in a temperate environment for growout of the F1 generation.  相似文献   

采用低频率运转循环水处理系统(含粗滤器、臭氧仪、气液混合器,蛋白分离器、暗沉淀池等)联用池内设施(微泡曝气增氧机与净水网)开展凡纳滨对虾室内集约化养殖实验。研究了养虾池以水处理系统调控水质效果及氮磷收支。结果表明,养虾水经系统处理后,NO2-N(53.4%~64.5%)、CODMn(53.4%~94.4%)与TAN(31.6%~40.4%)被显著去除,有效改进虾池水质;养殖周期内未换水与用药,虾池主要水化指标均控制在对虾生长安全范围,7号实验池(100 d)与8号对照池(80 d)主要水化指标变化范围:DO分别为 5.07~6.70 mg/L和4.38~6.94 mg/L,TAN 0.248~0.561 mg/L和0.301~0.794 mg/L,NO2-N 0.019~0.311 mg/L和0.012~0.210 mg/L,CODMn 10.88~21.22 mg/L和11.65~23.34 mg/L。7号池对虾生长指数优于8号池(80 d虾病暴发终止),单位水体产量分别为1.398 kg/m2与0.803 kg/m2。氮磷收支估算结果:7号与8号池饲料氮磷分别占总收入:氮93.70%与92.37%,磷98.77%与99.09%;初始水层与虾苗含氮共占总收入6.30%与7.63%,磷共占1.23%与0.91%。总水层(含排污水)氮磷分别占总输出:氮56.45%与59.86%,磷53.26%与55.79%;收获虾体氮磷分别占总输出:氮37.07%与31.94%,磷21.37%与13.11%。7号池饲料转化率较高;池水渗漏与吸附等共损失氮磷分别占总输出:氮7.00%与9.34%,磷25.37%与31.10%。实验结果表明,虾池以低频率运转循环水处理系统联用池内设施可有效控制水质与虾病,具较高饲料转化率。  相似文献   

Mass balance estimates of carbon and nitrogen flux through two extensive shrimp ponds in the Mekong delta, Vietnam, were constructed to identify major sources and sinks of organic matter potentially available for shrimp production. Nutrient transformations in the sediments were measured to further assess rates of decomposition and burial and quality of organic matter. Tidal exchange was the major pathway for inputs and outputs of carbon and nitrogen in both ponds, with net primary production, nitrogen fixation and precipitation being minor inputs. No fertilizers or artificial feeds were added to either pond. The nutrient budgets identified burial and respiration as the next most important outputs after tidal exchange losses of particulate and dissolved carbon and nitrogen. There was no measurable denitrification in either pond, and volatilization was negligible. Mineralization efficiency of carbon in the water column was high (> 100%) in pond 23 reflecting rapid respiration rates; efficiency was lower (36%) in pond 12 waters. Mineralization efficiency of sediment nutrients averaged 34% for C and 41% for N in the pond with a higher annual shrimp yield (pond 12); lower mineralization efficiencies (11% for C, 10% for N) were calculated for the lower yield pond (pond 23). High burial efficiencies for both C (66–89%) and N (59–90%) in the sediments of both ponds suggest that little organic matter was shunted into biological production. Conversion efficiency for shrimp averaged 16% for C and 24% for N from pond 12, and 6% for C and 18% for N from pond 23. The high quantity but low quality of organic matter entering the ponds coupled with other factors, such as poor water quality, limits shrimp productivity. On average, nutrient outputs were greater than inputs in both ponds. This imbalance partly explains why shrimp yields are declining in these ponds.  相似文献   

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