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2006年2月18~23日位于祁连山南麓天峻县的生格乡地区,先后有20多只岩羊突然死亡。通过对捕获岩羊的临床检查、栖息地调查和对其周围牧户的访问结果表明:岩羊在短时间大量死亡是多种病原体和作为应激源气候因子(大雪、大风和强烈的太阳光直接照射和雪地反射)的联合作用导致岩羊患传染性角膜结膜炎病失明而从悬崖处摔死的结果,而人类活动导致的生境破碎化加剧了本病的发生、流行和患病动物的死亡。  相似文献   

岩羊善于攀岩跳跃,岩羊的运动步态变化规律是研究仿生四足机器人运动机理的基础。本文从仿生学的角度出发,以岩羊为试验对象,建立岩羊三维步态试验系统,运用VFW方法进行岩羊运动视频的采集,并运用专业图像处理软件Sigma Scan进行图像处理,最终得到岩羊四肢关键点的位置、加速度曲线。试验获得完整的岩羊步态信息及分析结果,可...  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)系青藏高原特有品种,为国家二级保护动物,原产于我国西北。大连森林动物园共有岩羊14只,与大羊驼共同饲养在2 500m2的场地内。由于园区围网条件和岩羊善于跳跃的特性,其可以自由出入园区周边山林进行采食和产仔,实际处于半散放条件下饲养。本文记录2009—2016年间岩羊种群数量、年繁殖数量、死亡数量,并分析岩羊种群扩大原因及主要致死原因。得出以下结论 :岩羊可以适应大连地区的气候条件;岩羊种群迅速扩大原因之一可能是由于岩羊个体可以采食树叶、青草,野生的食物为岩羊提供了饲料中缺少或不足的营养;岩羊活动范围增大,使得因意外致死的数量增多。  相似文献   

姚启远 《野生动物》2013,(4):190-191
岩羊具有较强的耐寒性和适应恶劣环境的本领,不怕寒冷,不畏风雪,耐干旱,多在海拔4 000~6 000 m雪线以上的不毛之地生活,喜群居。学者对岩羊的野外行为研究较多,但对岩羊圈养的研究文章不多。2009~2012年,在长春动植物公园岩羊馆内对6只成年岩羊进行观察,在非原产地的平原地区通过圈养的方式对岩羊的饲养、食物组成、防疫、繁殖进行分析总结,为以后岩羊在非原产地的饲养提供了理论基础和实践经验。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,研究岩羊的种群特性和生态特性对于维持高山生态系统稳定和物种多样性具有重要意义。文中就国内岩羊的研究资料对岩羊的生态学与种群特性进行了综述。  相似文献   

为了摸清上海动物园圈养岩羊的饲养情况,笔者统计了2011年11月1日—2019年6月30日所记录的岩羊总头数、雌雄头数、出生及死亡情况,主要分析了岩羊的繁殖和死亡情况,并在饲养管理上提出了建议。结果显示,岩羊的总头数和雌雄头数处于动态变化过程;近年来岩羊繁殖和死亡情况可能与饲养环境、遗传、营养及季节等因素有关。通过对我园岩羊种群的初步调查,了解目前种群存在的问题,从而提出科学合理的管理建议,以正确引导与调控饲养管理。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的毛有保暖、保护身体、散热和感觉震动等功能。换毛是哺乳动物过冬的方式之一,岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)也具有换毛的现象。实验通过对冬、夏季节祁连山地区岩羊粗毛显微形态指标的测量,来对比祁连山地区岩羊不同部位粗毛在冬、夏季节的差异和共性。结果表明,岩羊粗毛髓质发达,除蹄部和腿部外,髓质指数保持在90%以上。此外,推测岩羊粗毛保温性能保持由躯干部向四肢端部递减的趋势,臀部保温性能最佳。腿部和蹄部皮质指数最大,利于提高耐磨性,强化保护功能。为应对寒冷环境,岩羊粗毛横向和纵向同时扩大,髓腔所占比例提高,体现了岩羊不同部位的粗毛对季节变化的适应性。  相似文献   

昆仑山脉岩羊布氏杆菌病调查野生动物岩羊常年生活在青藏高原昆仑山脉,地势高亢,平均海拔高度在4000~6000m林线以上。为了调查岩羊是否存在布病,我们对从昆仑山脉猎取的16只岩羊按农业部《动物检疫操作规程》中的平板凝集反应法采用0.08、0.04ml...  相似文献   

<正>岩羊(Pseudois nayaur),属偶蹄目(Artiodactyla),牛科(Bovidae),岩羊属(Pseudois),别名石羊、蓝羊、青羊、崖羊,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。岩羊属青藏高原—横断山区特有种,国外分布于克什米尔、锡金、尼泊尔、不丹和印度等。国内分布于新疆、内蒙古、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、四川、云南、西藏等地。岩羊是典型的高山动物,栖息于海拔1 000~5 500 m的高山  相似文献   

岩羊皮蝇感染情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩羊别名石羊PesudoisnaynaHodgsonr-偶蹄目,牛科。是我国的重要野生动物资源之一。岩羊常年生存在平均海拔3000m~4000m的林线以上,可在碎石峭壁上灵活跳跃,攀登,喜群居,少则数十只,多则几百只。在干旱少雨季节岩羊常与牛羊争食混群,据此推测,岩羊亦有可能感染皮下蝇,为证实这一推测,我们于2000年3-5月对岩羊皮蝇的感染情况进行了调查,现报告如下:1材料与方法 调查材料来自天峻县尕河地区国家计划猎杀的31只岩羊。被猎杀的岩羊经剥皮后检查,发现幼虫即为阳性感染者,并统计幼虫数。2 结果2.1 本…  相似文献   

Zinc-responsive dermatosis was diagnosed in a Siberian Husky. Oral therapy with zinc sulphate (50 mg essential zinc) resulted in complete clinical recovery, proven by histological examination after one month. Discontinuation of a one-year-lasting treatment resulted in relapse with identical skin lesions within two months, but resumption of the therapy once more resulted in complete healing.  相似文献   

A 40-year-old manatee was referred with recurrent vesicular and ulcerative dermatosis for the past 15 years. During this period the animal was anorectic and lost weight. Differential diagnoses were formulated on the basis of the history and clinical signs. Skin scrapings, bacterial and fungal culture, cytological examination, blood examination, and histopathological examination of skin biopsies narrowed this list down to autoimmune dermatosis. Despite corticosteroid therapy the symptoms recurred and the animal died. Histopathological examination of post-mortem skin biopsies showed again autoimmune dermatosis, more specifically subepidermal bullous autoimmune dermatosis, as the most probable cause of the skin lesions. Post-mortem examination showed cardiac decompensation and chronic nephritis. It was impossible to estimate the possible contribution of the chronic dermatosis to the cause of death. The purpose of this case report is to show the importance of a systematic work-up of disease in exotic animals.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of neutrophilic dermatosis in a dog, with a number of clinical and pathological similarities to human pyoderma gangrenosum. A seven-year-old, female German shepherd dog with a history of non-erosive idiopathic polyarthritis was presented with severe facial swelling, bilateral erosivoulcerative lesions on the muzzle and multiple, eroded, dermal-subcutaneous nodules on the cranial trunk. Histopathological examination of skin biopsies revealed a necrotising neutrophilic dermatitis. No infectious agents could be detected using specific stains, immunohistochemistry, serology and bacterial aerobic, anaerobic or fungal cultures. A sterile neutrophilic dermatosis resembling human pyoderma gangrenosum was presumptively diagnosed, and the patient showed an excellent response to treatment with prednisone and ciclosporin.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old female goat was presented with a seborrhoeic dermatosis of 5 months duration. The condition developed following a severe enteritis associated with weight loss. Dermatological examination showed a generalized greasy seborrhoeic dermatosis, which spared the head and extremities of the limbs. Microscopic examination of impression smears of lesional skin revealed numerous yeasts typical of Malassezia sp. Culture on Sabouraud's dextrose agar yielded Malassezia pachydermatis growth. Histopathological examination of haematoxylin/eosin and safranin (HES) stained sections of biopsies showed mild lymphocytic superficial perivascular hyperplastic dermatitis. Numerous budding yeasts were visible both on the surface, and follicular keratin, in HES and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained sections. A dramatic response was observed after 1 week of a topical anti-Malassezia treatment, and the resolution of the condition was complete after 4 weeks.  相似文献   

A drug-induced cause should be considered by the veterinarian when presented with any dermatosis and, in particular, those dermatoses that seem to have an underlying immunologic mechanism. A detailed history should be taken and a thorough dermatologic examination always performed. Biopsy submitted for histologic assessment can be a valuable aid to arriving at a diagnosis. Ultimately, response to withdrawal of the drug causing resolution of the dermatosis would confirm the diagnosis of a drug eruption.  相似文献   

A 8-month-old, female miniature Dachshund dog was presented for the complaint of pruritic, generalized, multiple nodules and plaques. Two months previously, a nodule on the left pinna was excised and diagnosed as a cutaneous histiocytoma. One month post-excision, a nodule reappeared at the same site and, shortly thereafter, additional nodules developed. Histopathological examination revealed a diffuse proliferation of histiocytic cells, which reacted strongly to antibodies for vimentin and lysozyme. Immunophenotypic analysis showed that most of the cells expressed CD1a, CD1c, CD11c, CD18, CD45 and MHC class II markers. Electron microscopic examination revealed cytoplasmic filopodia and paracrystalline structures. These findings indicated that the cells originated from Langerhans' cell. The disease progressed despite glucocorticoid therapy and griseofulvin was administered as an immunomodulating drug. All lesions resolved completely after 7 weeks of griseofulvin treatment. The dog, however, died three months later after discontinuation of griseofulvin therapy and a necropsy was not performed. It is considered that the present canine dermatosis corresponds with a severe form of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis in humans rather than canine cutaneous histiocytoma.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old female Doberman dog was presented with non-follicular pustules over the trunk and head. After a skin biopsy, bacterial culture of the pustule contacts and an antinuclear antibody blood test, sub-corneal pustular dermatosis was diagnosed. Dapsone therapy was found to be ineffective, but systemic gold-therapy at weekly intervals over a 12 week period induced remission which has been maintained for the past 4 years.  相似文献   

An eosinophilic dermatosis was diagnosed in a dog with a multifocal distribution of pruritic, pustular and erosive lesions on the trunk. Ectoparasites, fungi and bacteria were not detected in the skin of the dog. At a subsequent admission to the university clinic, bacterial conjunctivitis and superficial pyoderma had developed. At a time when the dog received no medical therapy, evaluation of phagocytosis and chemotactic migration towards a variety of chemotactic factors revealed a general suppression of patient neutrophil responsiveness, as compared to a control dog. Viability of the patient's neutrophils was normal. It was proposed that deactivation of neutrophil functions occurred following exposure to suppressive factors from mast cells, or as a consequence of surface receptor down-regulation due to prolonged cell activation by as yet unknown stimulants. The observed susceptibility to infections in the dog suffering from a primary, sterile eosinophilic dermatosis may be related to impaired host defence against opportunistic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Growth hormone responsive dermatosis was diagnosed in three dogs. Each dog showed truncal hair loss, and two animals also had alopecia of the ventral neck, tail and thighs. The diagnosis in two cases was made by eliminating other causes of hormonal alopecia and demonstrating little increase in plasma growth hormone concentration after the intravenous administration of xylazine. All three dogs responded favourably to the subcutaneous administration of recombinant human somatotropin.  相似文献   

Coccoid bacteria and/or yeasts were found in the surface keratin or exudate or, rarely, the pilar canal of non-inflamed hair follicles upon light microscopic examination of skin biopsies from 57 of 338 cats (16.9%) with non-neoplastic skin disorders. The presence of these microorganisms did not appear to suggest a specific dermatosis, nor the existence of a clinically relevant infection in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

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