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陈文贵  李夏  刘超  王莉  于晓平 《野生动物》2013,34(1):23-24,49
再引入工程就是通过向野外释放笼养个体尝试建立濒危物种可自我维持的野生种群。我们报道了2008~2011年陕西宁陕县朱鹦再引入种群存活现状。从2007年5月~2011年10月,共有56只笼养朱鹦个体(27♀,29♂)被相继释放到野外。目前已形成10个繁殖配对,并成功出飞幼鸟33只。平均窝卵数3.14±1.06,每窝平均育成幼鸟1.57±1.03。我们认为饥饿和王锦蛇的捕食是朱鹦幼体、成体死亡的主要原因。最后提出了再引入过程存在的问题和相应的保护建议。  相似文献   

保种的主要目标是最大限度地保持种群内的遗传多样性,在利用小群体保种的情况下,为使有限的个体能够携带更丰富的基因类型,单纯从保种的角度来看,应尽量避免近交.因此,经常地准确地分析和监测保种群近交程度的变化自然成为保种实践的重点工作.  相似文献   

东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)是体型最大的猫科(Felidae)动物之一,是极具代表性的珍稀野生动物。现有研究表明,我国野生东北虎种群遗传多样性较低、近交水平较高。尽管目前我国野生东北虎的数量在逐步增长,但通过人工干预来提高野生东北虎的遗传多样性会更利于其数量的恢复,通过野化放归进行遗传拯救是一种关键策略,但实施遗传拯救之前,必须确定圈养个体与现存野生个体间的遗传关系。采用粪便DNA的高通量测序数据组装了51只横道河子圈养东北虎和13只完达山、老爷岭等地的野生东北虎的线粒体基因组,分析两者之间的关系,评估线粒体基因组的遗传多样性。结果表明:圈养东北虎的遗传多样性高于野生种群,所有遗传变异均为无害。部分圈养个体与野生种群同属一个进化支,且具有野生种群所不包含的遗传变异,可用于实施遗传拯救。此外,圈养种群存在显著的遗传分化,一个与当前野生种群关系很远的分支可能代表未知的地理种群,因此,建议对该远缘分支开展野外来源的追溯,确定其谱系地理学地位和保护价值,使其成为恢复野外历史遗传多样性的后备资源。  相似文献   

对于东北半细毛羊种群的近交程度,近年来鲜有分析和研究。本文通过全面整理黑龙江省勃利地区东北半细毛种羊场自建场以来的留种与产仔资料,在理清系谱关系的基础上,对该场东北半细毛种羊场的近交程度作了系统分析,并探讨了引起近交程度变化的原因及其与保种措施的关系。  相似文献   

通过全面整理兰西保种场自建场以来民猪种群的留种与产仔资料,在理清系谱关系的基础上,对民猪保种群的近交程度作了系统分析,依此采取分亚群轮换进行纯繁与杂交的方法保护该种群。根据各亚群平均近交程度的变化,以后代平均近交系数最小或经济价值最大为目标,采用0-1线性规划法,有针对性地制订优化选配方案,从而有计划地对民猪保种群实施保种与选育相结合的保种战略。  相似文献   

经过20多年的努力,大丰重引入麋鹿历经完全人工饲养、半人工散养及放归自然的风土再驯化和行为再塑过程,已初步建立了野生种群.野外观察为建立麇鹿种群奠定了坚实基础,这不仅是麋鹿重引入成功的基础性工作,而且是重中之重的工作.切实开展好麋鹿野外观察工作,必须明确观察目的,了解观察方法,熟悉观察内容,注意观察事项,这不仅能提升保护区专业技术人员能力,而且可以为进一步做好科学研究、实施麋鹿种群的有效管理提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

驯养经济动物养殖及种群遗传多样性的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国貉、银狐、北极狐、水貂、梅花鹿等野生动物养殖作为一项新兴的产业已成为建设新农村新的经济增长点,但是无论是野外资源的保护成效,还是人工驯养繁殖业的发展状况以及野生动物及其产品的经营利用秩序与社会需要和客观要求相比,还存在着相当大的差距。与野外环境中的种群比较,圈养种群是进行遗传学研究的最好的模型对象,对于研究野生种群近交与群体灭绝间的关系是非常合适的材料。目前国内外对于驯养经济动物与野生种群遗传多样性的研究主要集中于线粒体DNA、核糖体DNA、微卫星分子标记及主要组织相容性复合体等几个方面。作者针对目前国内外尤其是国内有关驯养经济动物养殖现状及其与野生种群形态、遗传多样性差异几个重要研究技术方面的研究进行了详细的论述和探讨,旨在通过利用我国养殖的野生小种群遗传学特性,为珍稀野生动物种群保护遗传学研究及加快国内经济动物养殖提供理论支持。  相似文献   

本文研究了闭锁育种群的近交对猪生长发育的影响,结果表明:选育初期,近交的各阶段体重有一定负*效应,随世代增加负效应减弱。断奶前绝对生长在选育*初期受近交不良影响较大;断奶后绝对生长,各世代均*未因近交加深而减弱,随世代进展呈现良好效应。相对*生长,各世代不同近交组间均无明显差异,选育后期随*近交加深呈增大趋势。近交对6月龄体重、体长、胸围*的影响很小,各世代不同近交组间均无明显差异,随世*代增加,对腱围则产生良好影响。适度近交对闭锁育种*群猪的生长发育是有利的。  相似文献   

东方白鹳国内圈养种群的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马珺 《野生动物》2011,32(5):273-276
应用种群管理软件SPARKS 1.5及PM 2000 v1.214对东方白鹳的国内圈养种群进行统计分析。在有记录的36 a人工圈养的历史中,野外捕获个体在1975~1999年间是构成圈养种群的主要部分,自1984年首个圈养个体出生后,圈养出生个体数量以年平均增长率15.10%速度增长,至2000年取代野外捕获个体数量,成为目前种群发展的主要力量。截至2009年12月31日,我国共有61家动物园或机构圈养了375只东方白鹳个体。种群周期增长率λ=1.0311,性别比例为雄性:雌性=0.927 8,现有种群中能够繁殖的个体共25只(雄性13只,雌性12只);种群遗传多样性指标GD=95.44%,平均近亲系数F=0.031 6。为了保证东方白鹳国内圈养种群的自我维持,促进种群的健康发展,建议开展未知性别个体的性别鉴定工作、建立种群发展规划并进行合理的宏观调控。  相似文献   

为科学评价、保护和利用天山马鹿资源,以昌吉市新疆盛华马鹿驯养繁育基地(CJ)与哈密军马场(HM)两地鹿场圈养的53头天山马鹿为研究对象(CJ,n=31;HM,n =22),8个微卫星位点为分子标记,对其遗传多样性进行分析,并探讨了保持圈养天山马鹿遗传多样性的方法。微卫星数据表明,8个基因座的等位基因数为3~7个,共检测到37个等位基因;盛华马鹿驯养繁育基地圈养种群的遗传多样性水平为:A=4.625,He=0.6398,Ho=0.5887,PIC=0.5851,Ne=2.8357,Fis=0.0338;哈密军马场马鹿种群为A=4.375,He=0.6888,Ho=0.6818,PIC=0.6238,Ne=3.2078,Fis=-0.0175。两地区马鹿种群没有显著偏离 Hardy-Weinberg平衡。由此可见,圈养天山马鹿种群的遗传多样丰富,但F统计量结果表明,盛华马鹿驯养繁育基地圈养种群个体之间存在一定程度的近交,因此,现阶段圈养马鹿种群的管理重点是避免近交和遗传多样性丧失上。  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal infectious neurodegenerative disease for which susceptibility is associated with polymorphisms in the ovine prion protein (PrP) gene. Scrapie-eradication programmes are based on eliminating the susceptible VRQ allele and/or breeding for the resistant ARR allele. In rare breeds or breeds with a low frequency of the ARR allele this can lead to unacceptably high inbreeding rates with associated increased risk of genetic defects and inbreeding depression. The conservation status of populations with inbreeding rates (DeltaF) above 1% is considered critical. In the Dutch rare sheep breed the Mergellander animals carrying ARR alleles are closely related to one another, and could reach 1.53% when only ARR/ARR animals are used as parents. Inbreeding rates can be reduced by selecting the set of parents according to their average co-ancestry. We minimised inbreeding rates by calculating the optimal contribution of each ram and selection of ewes. This resulted in inbreeding rates of -0.17% with exclusive use of homozygous ARR rams, and -0.38% if use of heterozygous rams was allowed as well. Thus sophisticated breeding programs can prevent unacceptably high inbreeding rates when breeding for scrapie resistance.  相似文献   

张恩权 《野生动物》2006,27(6):41-43,34
中国是世界上动植物种类最丰富的国家之一,但国内对野生两栖爬行动物的掠夺性利用还在发展;国内野生两栖爬行动物资源在这种疯狂的掠夺下已经接近枯竭,多数物种处于濒危状态。动物园作为野生动物异地保护的重要场所,饲养繁殖野生动物的最终目的是实现濒危物种的再引入,恢复野外种群数量.出于以上目的,动物园中两栖爬行动物的饲养管理方式有别于爬虫爱好者单纯的满足对宠物的要求和增殖牟利追求。这种区别不仅表现在选择动物种类方面,更多的体现在丰容概念的引入及工作方法的应用:营造合理的饲养环境、饲养环境小气候的周期性变化、设施的丰容、群体的调整、食物及供给方式的变化、对繁殖行为的鼓励等。这些丰容手段对保持两栖爬行动物的自然行为,从而保证动物的野外生存能力具有重要作用.  相似文献   

黄腹角雉的肺解剖及组织形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究黄腹角雉的饲养管理、人工繁殖、疾病诊治和预防,采用常规方法对1只人工繁殖的黄腹角雉进行解剖,并观察其肺的解剖学特征。取黄腹角雉的肺部组织,采用石蜡切片法制片,在显微镜下观察黄腹角雉的组织形态结构,并对其进行显微摄影。结果表明,黄腹角雉的肺部组织形态类似于鸡,其肺间质和肺部毛细血管都比较发达,肺小叶之间的界限不明显。黄腹角雉肺组织的这种结构有利于肺部气体的流通和交换。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地丹顶鹤种群数量调查及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外调查以及人工驯养繁育丹顶鹤的数量统计,研究了近30 a(1981~2010年)扎龙湿地丹顶鹤种群的变动。结果表明,扎龙保护区野生丹顶鹤数量维持在300只左右,是我国最大的野生丹顶鹤繁殖种群,占世界迁徙野生丹顶鹤总数的25%,而这些主要得益于扎龙保护区再建区30 a来,通过严格管护、科学研究、社区共建、环境教育及实施有效补水等一系列举措,使保护区核心区生态完整性和原始性得以保持,湿地面积占保护区总面积的75.7%,为丹顶鹤等珍稀濒危鸟类提供了良好的栖息繁殖场所。同时保护区在人工饲养繁育丹顶鹤领域积累了丰富的实践经验,丹顶鹤人工驯养种群达到300多只,已成为中国丹顶鹤人工驯养繁育科学研究基地,保护区探索出的人工繁育丹顶鹤的野化途径和方法,对野生丹顶鹤种群数量的补充起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is caused by increased homozygosity in the genome and merges two genetic mechanisms, a higher impact from recessive mutations and the waste of overdominance contributions. It is of major concern for the conservation of endangered populations of plants and animals, as major abnormalities are more frequent in inbred families than in outcrosses. Nevertheless, we lack appropriate analytical methods to estimate the hidden inbreeding depression load (IDL) in the genome of each individual. Here, a new mixed linear model approach has been developed to account for the inbreeding depression‐related background of each individual in the pedigree. Within this context, inbred descendants contributed relevant information to predict the IDL contained in the genome of a given ancestor; moreover, known relationships spread these predictions to the remaining individuals in the pedigree, even if not contributing inbred offspring. Results obtained from the analysis of weaning weight in the MARET rabbit population demonstrated that the genetic background of inbreeding depression distributed heterogeneously across individuals and inherited generation by generation. Moreover, this approach was clearly preferred in terms of model fit and complexity when compared with classical approaches to inbreeding depression. This methodology must be viewed as a new tool for a better understanding of inbreeding in domestic and wild populations.  相似文献   

The eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii, formerly widespread on the volcanic plains of western Victoria, has been reduced to a single, rapidly-declining, remnant population at Hamilton. Recovery of this critically endangered species has included local management, in an attempt to stabilise the wild population, captive breeding and reintroduction to selected sites. Veterinary advice and assistance have been an integral part of the investigation, planning and implementation phases of the program. The development of appropriate, standardised techniques has enabled successful treatment of problems in the captive colony. Husbandry, including the hand-rearing of pouch young has been refined. Parasitism, identified as a contributor to poor health or death, has been investigated. Experimental development of techniques for the attachment of radio-transmitters to bandicoots has enabled improved field research to take place. Fox predation, a major limiting factor in the recovery program, has been studied in detail, in order to refine control protocols.  相似文献   

The European mink ( Mustela lutreola ) is a small mammal, which belongs to the Mustelidae family ( Carnivora) . Earlier, the range of distribution of this species encompassed much of the European continent. During the 20th century, the numbers of European mink declined and the range of its distribution became reduced to three fragmented populations; today this species faces extinction. The urgent necessity for effective conservation efforts to protect the European mink is accepted by the governmental organizations as well as scientific communities of most European countries. In this paper, the reasons for the disappearance of European mink are reviewed and results of past conservation efforts based on captive breeding and reintroduction programmes are critically evaluated in the broad context of modern concepts of conservation genetics and reproductive biology. The data recently obtained on the reproduction and pre-implantation development of European mink and the prospects of incorporation of modern reproductive technologies into the conservation programme of this species are discussed.  相似文献   

动物标本是野生动物研究的基础材料,大部分国家公园和自然保护区都有自己的标本馆,收集和储存标本供参观和研究所用。标本的采集、记录、制作和保存是野生动物管理人员的一项基本技能,每位管理人员都应掌握。不管是皮张、头骨、角或牙齿都是很好的标本。对保护动物的采集,必须得到管理部门的许可。黄腹角雉标本的制作尤为重要,作为国家Ⅰ级保护动物,它更加具有科研和观赏价值。  相似文献   

Inbreeding was used in the regeneration process in the breeding of the Kladrub Black Horse. Inbreeding rate is realized in practice, as related to the manifestation of the selected characteristics of this unique horse population. The evaluation of the effect of inbreeding on conception rate and fertility did not demonstrate any differences between the group of inbred mares and non-inbred mares. The study was conducted in mares used for breeding for 10 years. The results provide evidence that inbreeding causes no depression in this characteristics in the Kladrub Black Horse which would otherwise be the first physiological function in the reproduction process to be altered as a result of inbreeding. The evaluation of the effect of inbreeding on growth rate by comparing it with the standard growth curves which were characterized by the exponential function y = A (1 -- e-k(t-to)) did not indicate any statistically significant differences in growth dynamics between foals with a zero Fx value and inbred foals. This study was based on the evaluation of growth rate in the basic body traits and weight. It is inferred that inbreeding does not reduce growth dynamics of different body measurements and weight. Similarly, the evaluation of the body dimensions and weight of inbred and non-inbred adults showed no significant differences. Similar results were obtained from the evaluation of the relation between inbreeding and body constitution, character, and temperament. All the correlation coefficients are very low, almost equal to zero.  相似文献   

中国麋鹿种群发展现状及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)是国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,为中国特有种。由于人类的猎捕和环境的变迁,在1900年左右该种群在中国基本灭绝。麋鹿重引入是中国第一个重大物种重引入项目,目前已经建立了北京南海子麋鹿苑、江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区和湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区,分别代表了中国麋鹿的人工圈养、半人工圈养和自然放养3种方式。作者从麋鹿的生物学特征、生境、种群、遗传繁殖、饲养管理及药用价值等方面进行了归纳分析,详细阐述了中国麋鹿种群发展现状及其研究方面取得的成果,为促进麋鹿种群的健康繁衍和保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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