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刺猬的人工高效饲养张是(江苏滨海县坎南农干校224500)刺猬虽是野生动物,但人工饲养易养易活,成本低,效益高。刺猬的肉味道鲜美,皮属贵重药物。因此,养殖刺猬也是一条致富的好门路。现将人工高效养殖刺猬的技术介绍如下:1生活习性刺猬胆小易惊,喜静厌闹,...  相似文献   

某动物园2016年8月引进一批非洲迷你刺猬,因在新环境中感染疥螨,造成数十只刺猬患疥螨病后继发感染死亡。在对该病例进行分析诊治后,成功治愈了剩余的迷你刺猬。诊疗中发现,因刺猬身体结构特殊,无法使用常规外用药物除虫的治疗方法。经过本次病例可见,非洲迷你刺猬对环境干净程度要求极高,需注意其饲养环境。  相似文献   

刺猬属于刺猬科,食虫类动物,其皮是名贵中药。具有降气镇痛、凉血止血的作用,对反胃吐食、腹痛疝气、肠风痔漏等症均有功效。刺猬的心、胆、肝也可入药。肉可食,是含有高蛋白的上品佳肴。刺猬人工养殖是一项投资少见效快的脱贫致富措施,种源不用购买,可捕捉野生刺猬做种源  相似文献   

刺猬是一种珍贵的皮用药材动物,药用名称为仙人衣,具有理气、止痛和止血之功效。刺猬的肉质鲜嫩,含有丰富的蛋白质及微量元素,是餐桌上的野味佳肴。刺猬是胎生哺乳动物,成年刺猬体长20厘米,喜安静怕光,因而昼伏夜出,味觉灵敏。刺猬对环境要求不严,只要安静、有食物一般即能正常生长繁殖。刺猬是杂食性动物,以昆虫。玉米面、瓜果、蔬菜、树叶、树根、青草为食。春、夏、秋三季刺猬食量大,在冬季由于刺猬活动减少,因此吃食少。每年繁殖2~3胎,每胎5~10只,幼仔的成活率较高,雌刺猬孕期60天左右,哺乳期约30天左右。…  相似文献   

刺猬虽是野生动物,但人工饲养易养易活,成本低,效益高.刺猬的肉味道鲜美,皮属贵重药物.因此,养殖刺猬也是一条致富的好门路现将人工养殖刺猬的技术介绍如下:1 生活习性刺猬胆小易惊,喜静厌闹,喜暗怕光.行动迟缓,一般昼伏夜出.食量很小,不挑剔食物,不易患病.  相似文献   

刺猬、獾、穿山甲、麝鼠、小灵猫是药肉兼用型经济动物,不仅肉质细嫩,营养丰富,还有独特的药用功效,深受人们喜爱,需求量大,而野生数量越来越少,市场供需矛盾突出,人工驯化饲养极具开发潜力。一、刺猬 刺猬肉是含高蛋白的上品佳肴,皮是名贵中药。刺猬的脑、心、肝、胆、肾及脂肪皆可入药。刺猬好养,疾病较少,场舍简单。10m2可饲养30~50只,只要环境安静,光线暗淡一点就行,也可做成洞穴。刺猬是杂食性动物,配合饲料以植物性饲料为主,动物性饲料为辅,添加一些微量元素。小刺猬日食量为30~50g,成年刺猬日食量…  相似文献   

金沙江位于我国西南的四川省西北部、云南省东北部及西藏自治区的东部。从青海省玉树至四川省宜宾,整个流域面积约51万3千多平方公里。在金沙江流域有丰富的刺猬(Erinaceus europaeus)资源。当地习惯称刺猬为刺猪。自古以来,当地人民便有捕捉野生动物补充食物来源的习惯,刺猬是捕猎的主要对象之一。沿金沙江流域的各城镇、乡村集市上几乎四季可见到有刺猬鲜、活体出售。当地居民熟知刺猬的药用价值,在临床上用于治疗妇科的通经、催乳,儿科的小儿惊风以及有关通经活血、消肿止痛、清热解毒、滋  相似文献   

正一在未读过法国女作家妙莉叶·芭贝里《刺猬的优雅》这本书之前,我自认为十分了解刺猬,实际上,我根本不了解刺猬。"我们都是孤独的刺猬,只有频率相同的人,才能看见彼此内心深处不为人知的优雅。我相信这世上一定有一个能感受到自己的人,那人未必是恋人,他可能是任何人……在偌大的世界中,我们会因为这份珍贵的懂得而不再孤独。"在认真解读书中类似的文字段落之前,我从来就不会把刺猬与优雅关联起来。  相似文献   

刺猬长着一对聪明的小眼睛,毛茸茸的尖鼻子,很讨人喜欢。有一次动物学家埃德蒙德·勃列德谢姆在非洲考察时,观察到一个令人吃惊的场面。一只刺猬正在用前爪按住一只大蟾蜍,突然抬起了头从小嘴里吐出浅灰色的泡沫。这位动物学家原以为刺猬中毒了,可是刺猬立即用前爪把泡沫收集在一起,扭转头把泡抹涂在刺上。接着就平静地吃了蟾蜍,再动身寻找类似的猎物。埃德蒙德搜集了世界各国的小刺猬养在他们大学实验室里进行了观察研究。有一天他发现一个母刺猬从笼子里跑了出来,在屋角里找到了一个香烟头,嚼了嚼过后把它涂  相似文献   

刺猬俗称刺围,是一种药用小兽,经济价值很高。随着野生资源的减少和国内外市场需求的增长,饲养刺猬具有极好的开发潜力。 一、饲养场的建造 刺猬的适应性很强,对环境要求不严。但刺猬有喜静怕光、昼伏夜出的习性,场地宜建在较安静的地方。建场时必须建一院落,院墙高约0.8~1米,院内窝室分为相连的里窝与外窝两部分,内窝  相似文献   

将新疆分离的病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)野毒株SHN-98和标准毒株Oregon C-24分别接种无BVDV感染的羔羊和怀孕100天左右的母羊,建立BVDV在绵羊垂直感染的动物模型,应用病毒抗原定位检测的免疫组化染色技术,探求BVDV在实验性感染绵羊经胎盘感染胚胎、羔羊过程中,病毒在感染组织、靶器官、靶细胞中的分布规律。结果表明:BVDV通过母羊的胎盘感染胚胎。BVDV在感染妊娠母羊体内主要分布于心肌、肝、肺、脾、淋巴结、胃肠粘膜、脑神经、子宫粘膜、胎盘等器官组织,其中以胃肠粘膜、脾、淋巴结、脑神经、子宫粘膜、胎盘等器官组织中分布量较多;BVDV在垂直感染胚胎体内主要分布于胸腺、淋巴结、脑、肝、肾、心肌、脾、肺、胃肠粘膜、脐带等器官组织,其中以胸腺、胃肠粘膜、脑神经等器官组织中分布量较多;BVDV在垂直感染羔羊体内主要分布于心、肾、胃肠粘膜、脾、胸腺、淋巴结、大脑、小脑、海马、视丘、视神经、眼球脉络膜等器官组织,其中以胃肠粘膜、大小脑、用、视神经、淋巴结等器官组织中分布较多,在组织分布中,BVDV对上皮细胞、神经胶质细胞、淋巴细胞有较强的亲嗜性,SHN-98和OregonC-24在垂直传播中组织器官的分布无明显差异。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of the Decision Evaluator for the Cattle Industry (DECI) and the Cornell Value Discovery System (CVDS) in predicting individual DMI and to assess the feasibility of using predicted DMI data in genetic evaluations of cattle. Observed individual animal data on the average daily DMI (OFI), ADG, and carcass measurements were obtained from postweaning records of 504 steers from 52 sires (502 with complete data). The experimental data and daily temperature and wind speed data were used as inputs to predict average daily feed DMI (kg) required (feed required; FR) for maintenance, cold stress, and ADG; maintenance and cold stress; ADG; maintenance and ADG; and maintenance alone, with CVDS (CFRmcg, CFRmc, CFRg, CFRmg, and CFRm, respectively) and DECI (DFRmcg, DFRmc, DFRg, DFRmg, and DFRm, respectively). Genetic parameters were estimated by REML using an animal model with age on test as a covariate and with genotype, age of dam, and year as fixed effects. Regression equations for observed on predicted DMI were OFI = 1.27 (SE = 0.27) + 0.83 (SE = 0.04) x CFRmcg [R2 = 0.44, residual SD (s(y.x)) = 0.669 kg/d] and OFI = 1.32 (SE = 0.22) + 0.8 (SE = 0.03) x DFRmcg (R2 = 0.53, s(y.x) = 0.612 kg/d). Heritability of OFI was 0.27 +/- 0.12, and heritabilities ranged from 0.33 +/- 0.12 to 0.41 +/- 0.13 for predicted measures of DMI. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between OFI and CFRmcg, CFRmc, CFRg, CFRmg, CFRm, DFRmcg, DFRmc, DFRg, DFRmg, and DFRm were 0.67, 0.73, 0.41, 0.63, 0.78, 0.73, 0.82, 0.45, 0.77, and 0.86 (P < 0.001 for all phenotypic correlations); and 0.95 +/- 0.07, 0.82 +/- 0.13, 0.89 +/- 0.09, 0.95 +/- 0.07, 0.91 +/- 0.09, 0.96 +/- 0.07, 0.89 +/- 0.09, 0.88 +/- 0.09, 0.96 +/- 0.06, and 0.96 +/- 0.07, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between CFRmcg and DFRmcg, CFRmc and DFRmc, CFRg and DFRg, CFRmg and DFRmg, and CFRm and DFRm were 0.98, 0.94, 0.99, 0.98, and 0.95 (P < 0.001 for all phenotypic correlations), and 0.99 +/- 0.004, 0.98 +/- 0.017, 0.99 +/- 0.004, 0.99 +/- 0.005, and 0.97 +/- 0.021, respectively. The strong genetic relationships between OFI and CFRmcg, CFRmg, DFRmcg, and DFRmg indicate that these predicted measures of DMI may be used in genetic evaluations and that DM requirements for cold stress may not be needed, thus reducing model complexity. However, high genetic correlations for final weight with OFI, CFRmcg, and DFRmcg suggest that the technology needs to be further evaluated in populations with genetic variance in feed efficiency.  相似文献   

Variances and covariances for birth weight, gain from birth to weaning (ADG), and 205-d weight were obtained from a sire-dam model and a sire-maternal grandsire model for a herd of Angus and a herd of Hereford cattle. Estimates of direct additive genetic variance (sigma 2A), maternal additive genetic variance (sigma 2M), covariance between direct and maternal additive genetic effects (sigma AM), permanent environmental variance (sigma 2PE), and residual variance (sigma 2e) were obtained both with and without the inverse of the numerator relationship matrix (A-1) included. Estimates of heritability for direct genetic effects (h2A), maternal genetic effects (h2M), and the correlation between direct and maternal effects (rAM) for birth weight were .37, .18, and -.01 in Angus and .53, .23, and -.19 in Herefords, respectively, for the analyses without A-1. For the analyses with A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .42, .22, and -.12 for Angus and .58, .22, and -.13 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM for ADG were .43, .15, and -.44 in Angus and .52, .38, and -.03 in Herefords, respectively, without A-1. With A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .57, .15, and -.32 for Angus and .58, .39, and -.05 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM for 205-d weight were .49, .15, and -.46 for Angus and .58, .43, and -.06 for Herefords, respectively, without A-1. With A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .63, .16, and -.36 for Angus and .66, .43, and -.08 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A were higher with A-1 than without A-1, but estimates of h2M were similar. Using variances and covariances obtained from analyses including A-1 generally gave higher estimates of direct breeding values than using variances and covariances obtained from analyses not including A-1. Both Pearson product-moment and Spearman rank correlations were high (.99) between estimates of breeding values from the two analyses, although some changes in rank did occur.  相似文献   

选择安徽淮南乳品公司为试验试点,随机抽取荷斯坦奶牛472头(1~≥6胎)进行隐性乳房炎与乳房性状相关性分析,测定的乳房性状主要包括前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置和乳头长度。结果表明:淮南地区荷斯坦奶牛隐性乳房炎的乳区阳性率和奶牛阳性率分别为25.79%和53.18%;乳房性状前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的线性评分分别为31.92分、47.02分、29.00分、37.64分、20.02分、39.74分、20.88分。隐性乳房炎的乳区阳性率与前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的表型相关系数分别是-0.0731、0.0211、0.1003、-0.0369、0.0996、-0.0323及-0.0151,其中与后房宽度、乳房深度为显著(P<0.05)的正相关,其余均未达到显著水平(P>0.05);奶牛阳性率与前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的表型相关系数分别为-0.0427、0.0680、0.0347-、0.0060、0.1071、-0.0119和0.0223,除与乳房深度为显著(P<0.05)的正相关外其余均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

上海地区青贮玉米主要营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对上海地区8个牧场的青贮玉米主要营养成分分析表明,平均干物质含量、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维分别为20.54%、10.45%、4.41%、7.10%、58.10%和37.14%。常量元素钙、磷、镁、钾、钠和氯含量分别为0.79%、0.17%、0.28%、1.16%、0.05%和0.83%。微量元素硒、锌、铁、铜和锰含量分别为0.05、30、475、8和57mg/kg。经计算,总可消化养分和产奶净能(3倍于维持水平)分别为65.37%和1.44Mcal/kg。干物质含量和能量水平较低,中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量偏高,但蛋白质和矿物元素含量丰富。  相似文献   

中国水果资源丰富,果渣产量巨大、种类繁多、营养丰富,是良好的饲料资源。随着对果渣研究的不断深入,发现苹果渣、柑橘渣、菠萝渣、葡萄渣及沙棘果渣含有粗蛋白质(CP)、粗纤维(CF)、粗脂肪(EE)等营养成分及钙、磷、铜、锌、铁、硒、镁等矿物元素,同时还富含维生素、黄酮、多糖、多酚等活性物质,具有良好的饲用价值。然而果渣富含纤维素、木质素、果胶、单宁等抗营养物质,存在适口性差、消化率低等缺陷,影响动物消化吸收功能及对饲料的转化率。而微生物发酵可减少果渣中纤维素、木质素、植酸、果胶、单宁等抗营养成分,同时提高其粗蛋白质、氨基酸等营养物质含量,改善果渣的营养结构和营养价值,提高其利用率。研究发现,发酵果渣作为饲料可改善动物生长性能及生产性能,提高肉品质,降低养殖成本。作者总结了国内外相关研究进展,对果渣的营养价值、微生物发酵后营养变化及其发酵饲料在畜禽养殖业中的应用进行了综述,旨在阐明果渣微生物发酵饲料的应用价值、经济价值及社会价值,同时也为果渣发酵料在畜禽养殖中的深度发掘及推广提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate heritability for scrotal circumference (SC) and semen traits and their genetic correlations (rg) with birth weight (BRW). Semen traits were recorded for Line 1 Hereford bulls (n = 841), born in 1963 or from 1967 to 2000, that were selected for use at Fort Keogh (Miles City, MT) or for sale. Semen was collected by electroejaculation when bulls were a mean age of 446 d. Phenotypes were BRW, SC, ejaculate volume, subjective scores for ejaculate color, swirl, sperm concentration and motility, and percentages of sperm classified as normal and live or having abnormal heads, abnormal midpieces, proximal cytoplasmic droplets (primary abnormalities), bent tails, coiled tails, or distal cytoplasmic droplets (secondary abnormalities). Percentages of primary and secondary also were calculated. Data were analyzed using multiple-trait derivative-free REML. Models included fixed effects for contemporary group, age of dam, age of bull, inbreeding of the bull and his dam, and random animal and residual effects. Random maternal and permanent maternal environmental effects were also included in the model for BRW. Estimates of heritability for BRW, SC, semen color, volume, concentration, swirl, motility, and percentages of normal, live, abnormal heads, abnormal midpieces, proximal cytoplasmic droplets, bent tails, coiled tails, distal cytoplasmic droplets, and primary and secondary abnormalities were 0.34, 0.57, 0.15, 0.09, 0.16, 0.21, 0.22, 0.35, 0.22, 0.00 0.16, 0.37, 0.00 0.34 0.00, 0.30, and 0.33, respectively. Estimates of rg for SC with color, volume, concentration, swirl, motility, and percentages of live, normal, and primary and secondary abnormalities were 0.73, 0.20, 0.77, 0.40, 0.34, 0.63, 0.33, -0.36, and -0.45, respectively. Estimates of rg for BRW with SC, color, volume, concentration, swirl, motility, and percentages live, normal, and primary and secondary abnormalities were 0.28, 0.60, 0.08, 0.58, 0.44, 0.21, 0.34, 0.20, -0.02, and -0.16, respectively. If selection pressure was applied to increase SC, all of the phenotypes evaluated would be expected to improve. Predicted correlated responses in semen characteristics per genetic SD of selection applied to SC were 0.87 genetic SD or less. If selection pressure was applied to reduce BRW, the correlated responses would generally be smaller but antagonistic to improving all of the phenotypes evaluated. Predicted correlated responses in SC and semen characteristics per genetic SD of selection applied to BRW were less than 0.35 genetic SD.  相似文献   

以成年母猪为研究材料,采用RT-PCR半定量法对猪PPARα、β/δ和γ基因组织表达特点进行了研究。结果表明:在检测的18种组织中除胰腺组织外,3种PPAR亚型在其他17种组织中均有表达。表达量高低依次为PPARα,子宫绒毛膜>皮下脂肪>卵巢>大肠>脾脏>大脑>肾上腺>心脏>肺>小肠>脊髓>子宫蜕膜>胃>肝脏>背最长肌>膀胱>肾脏;PPARδ,子宫绒毛膜>卵巢>大肠>脾脏>肝脏>胃>皮下脂肪>大脑>肺>肾上腺>子宫蜕膜>脊髓>背最长肌>心脏>肾脏>小肠>膀胱;PPARγ,背最长肌>皮下脂肪>卵巢>脾脏>肺>大肠>膀胱>子宫绒毛膜>子宫蜕膜>心脏>胃>肝脏>肾脏>大脑>脊髓>肾上腺>小肠。3种亚型PPAR在卵巢和/或子宫绒毛膜中都有较高的表达,提示它们与猪的繁殖性能相关。  相似文献   

梅花鹿、马鹿及杂种鹿茸料比的分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以较大样本数为基础 ,采用加权法对我国 1988~ 2 0 0 2年家养的 14种茸用鹿鲜茸的茸料比进行了统计分析及选择。结果表明 ,3个地方品种即东北梅花鹿、东北马鹿和天山马鹿的茸料比分别为 5 773,5 6 0 3,11 76 0 ;2种杂交鹿花马杂交F1和东天杂交F1的茸料比分别为 8 6 6 2和 11 2 17;人工选育品种品系长白山品系、双阳、四平、西丰和敖东品种梅花鹿的茸料比分别为 7 346 ,6 15 6 ,6 0 5 6 ,5 75 2 ,5 6 13,天山马鹿清原品系和清原塔里木、乌兰坝马鹿品种的茸料比分别为 11 76 0 ,12 894 ,11 175 ,7 35 8。  相似文献   

枯草层是指由草坪草周期性脱落的根系、水平茎(匍匐茎和根状茎)和成熟的叶鞘叶片堆积起来而形成的,处于地表与绿色植物之间的半分解半腐烂状态的有机物。枯草层广泛存在于草坪生态系统中,其厚度会直接影响草坪质量、使用年限以及弹性、缓冲和耐践踏能力等运动质量,采取适当的措施减少枯草层的积累或加快枯草层的降解十分必要。本文结合国内外相关文献,对草种选择、修剪、打孔取心、垂直刈割、紫外线辐射、氮肥、石灰、杀虫剂、杀菌剂、生长延缓剂、蚯蚓、微生物、酶、生物材料等与枯草层的关系进行了归纳综述,并从改良土壤物化性质,改变土壤所含营养物质含量与比例,提高土壤中动物、微生物和酶的数量和活性3个方面阐述了这些措施影响枯草层降解的机理。  相似文献   

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