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<正> 一种世界上稀有的、能产出黑珍珠的黑蝶贝,最近,由南海水产研究所陵水试验站科研人员利用人工育苗插核获得成功,并投入批量生产.黑蝶贝是产生黑珍珠的唯一贝源.近年来,由于海上黑蝶贝资源破坏严重,想从海底捞贝育珠极其困难,同时,这种贝养殖难度大,插核难,并且极易死亡.在这种情况下,该站科研人员从1984年起,经过数年摸索试验,人工繁殖出大量的黑珍珠贝种苗,然后插核培育黑珍珠.摘自《科技日报》1988.12.11  相似文献   

以黑蝶贝野生群体人工繁育苗种为研究材料,探索了大、小两种规格和不同吊养深度对黑蝶贝苗海区中间培育的影响。将壳长、体质量分别为(4.12±0.019)mm、(0.07±0.008)g,(2.02±0.012)mm、(0.03±0.005)g两种规格黑蝶贝吊养于2m、4m、5m区,每组黑蝶贝500枚,养殖水温23.09~29.77℃,养殖海区水深8~10m。每隔30d随机抽取50枚贝苗测量壳高、壳长、壳宽、体质量。经180d中间培育,壳长(4.12±0.019)mm的黑蝶贝生长速度明显大于壳长(2.02±0.012)mm的黑蝶贝,表明壳长(4.12±0.019)mm的黑蝶贝出池移入海区养殖较理想。同一规格贝苗在2m、4m、5m养殖水层的成活率差异不显著(P0.05),而3个不同养殖水层中不同规格贝苗养殖成活率差异显著(P0.05)。该研究结果为进一步开展黑蝶贝苗种人工繁育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

详细地阐述了文蛤的苗种培育及养殖技术的研究历史与现状,文蛤苗种规模化生产的关键技术及文蛤稚贝的室内、外越冬技术,大规格文蛤苗种的中间育成技术;指出目前文蛤增养殖存在的问题以及解决的途径和展望。  相似文献   

为解决青蛤养殖生产所需苗种,在借鉴泥蚶生产性育苗技术基础上,重点突破了青蛤亲贝强化培育与人工催产技术,幼虫饵料单胞藻培育技术,青蛤苗种中间培育与清涂除害技术,系统掌握生产性育苗及中间培育技术,实现了青蛤苗种的规模化生产。2003~2005年累计培育平均壳高2mm的稚贝74.574亿粒,经中间培育后出池商品仔贝49.842亿粒,中间培育成活率达到66.84%。生产性育苗净利润163.82万元,中间培育总利润776万元,平均每平方千米获利15 089元。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝,又称合浦珠母贝(Pinctada martensi Dunker,也有用Pinctada fucata Gould),是生产海水珍珠的主要贝类。目前,我国培育“南珠”的主导品种为杂交贝或其后代,该贝虽然生长快、壳型大,但壳薄、软体部瘦小,插核后死亡率高、留核率低,不是适宜的植核母贝。  相似文献   

<正>马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii Dunker,又称合浦珠母贝Pinctada fucata)是我国养殖海水珍珠的主要品种。但长期以来,在珍珠生产中普遍存在着插核手术后休养贝死亡率高、留核率低等问题,造成了母贝资源和人力资源的浪费,也影响了珍珠养殖的经济效益。国际上,主要是日本在海水珍珠养殖过程中特别强  相似文献   

笔者结合多年从事虾夷扇贝苗种生产的实践,围绕亲贝培育期间的相关问题作一探讨。一、亲贝的选择1.注意亲贝的产地,要在水清、水流大、无污染、饵料生物丰富的养殖海区挑选亲贝。2.成贝要健壮、无病害,养殖与越冬期间死亡率低。3.壳高10~15厘米,2~3龄,外观完整、无损伤、壳上  相似文献   

一、黑珍珠的价值黑珍珠很美丽,更由于天然产出的黑珍珠和人工养殖的黑珍珠的稀少,所以价格很昂贵。日本除在硫球群岛和澳大利亚海域用黑蝶珠母贝人工养殖黑珍珠外,还从70年代初期起,开始研究用~(60)C。咖码射线进行人工制造黑珍珠。1979年,作者作为珍珠养殖技术专业人员,访问和考察了号称“世界珍珠王国”的日本。当时,在著名的华人珍珠公司“明珍行”的资助和帮助下,到大阪府立放射线研究  相似文献   

利用马氏珠母贝4个壳色系F3培育厚层优质珍珠   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
符韶  谢绍河  邓岳文  梁飞龙 《水产学报》2012,36(9):1418-1424
为了评价红、金黄、白和黑壳色系F3育珠性状,设立两个实验,分别利用马氏珠母贝红、金黄、白和黑壳色系F3作为植核(受体)贝和小片(供体)贝进行植核育珠。实验Ⅰ:利用红、金黄、白和黑壳色系F3为插核贝和小片贝建立16个组合,另外利用以普通养殖群体为插核贝、金黄壳色系F3为小片贝建立了1个组合,共建立17个组合,育珠期为24个月;实验Ⅱ:分别利用红、金黄、白和黑壳色系F3为植核贝和小片贝建立16个组合,育珠期为18个月。结果表明,育珠期结束后实验Ⅰ和Ⅱ的4个壳色系F3平均壳高和成活率均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),实验Ⅰ和Ⅱ的黑壳色系F3具有最大的平均壳高,实验Ⅰ金黄壳色系F3具有最高的成活率,实验Ⅱ黑壳色系F3具有最高的成活率。实验Ⅰ:各组合间的留核率、商品珠率、优良珠率和育珠绩效均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),珍珠层厚度差异不显著(P>0.05);BW组具有最大的留核率、商品珠率、珠层厚度和育珠绩效值,RB组具有最大的优良珠率;实验Ⅱ:各组合的留核率、商品珠率、优良珠率、珍珠层厚度和育珠绩效均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。黑壳色系F3作为插核贝具有较好的育珠效果,经进一步测试其育珠性能,可在珍珠生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

西施舌(C o e l o m a c t r aantiquata spengler)俗称海蚌,是一种生长快、个体大、品味好、营养丰富、价值高的名贵海产珍品。福建长乐沿海独特的海洋地理环境和水质特点,使养殖西施舌的肉质脆嫩,味道独特。近年来,西施舌人工育苗生产始终存在规模小、稚贝成活率低等问题,苗种长期得不到解决,严重制约西施舌养殖业的发展。为了突破西施舌规模化人工育苗关,为其浅海养殖提供2cm~4cm幼贝苗种,福建省科委立项进行西施舌规模化人工育苗及稚贝中间培育技术研究,并取得重大突破。一、亲贝来源1.亲贝收集地点长乐市漳港海区。2.亲贝数量共收集30…  相似文献   

The black‐lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, is the most important farmed mollusc species in French Polynesia. Donor oyster selection among wild P. margaritifera individuals, chosen according to their inner shell colour, makes it possible to obtain the broadest range of cultured pearl colours of any species. This study demonstrates the relative influence of using black [B] or red [R] outer shell phenotypes, combined with green [G] or yellow [Y] inner shell phenotypes, on pearl darkness level, colour categories and lustre. A large scale grafting experiment was designed and carried out over five grow‐out locations, covering three archipelagos: Tuamotus, Society and Gambier. Results revealed that the [B + G] phenotypes may be used as donors to produce dark green pearl, which suit the demands of the Asian market; whereas, phenotypes incorporating [R] and/or [Y] phenotypes may be used to obtain multicolour pearls of medium/light darkness, which suit the demands of the European market. From an environmental point of view, the 1) [B] phenotype showed no significant variation for light and other pearl colour production, and 2) [Y] phenotype produced both the same rate of pearl darkness level and green colour pearls whatever the grow‐out location. A classification tree model was built to predict, according to shell phenotype and culture location, the colour and darkness level of harvested pearls. Lustre was shown to be more influenced by the environment than by phenotype. These results should be taken into account in pearl farm production management and in selective breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The black‐lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, is the most important farmed species in French Polynesia and the basis of the most valuable export industry. Mass production of black pearls relies on a surgical operation requiring tissue from a donor pearl oyster to be grafted, together with a nucleus made of shell, into the gonad of a recipient oyster. Improving pearl size through family selection remains one of the main challenges for future aquaculture development. This study analyses the relative contribution of donor and recipient oysters to pearl size. To this end, hatchery‐produced donor oysters of two batches, large and small (based on shell height), were used to supply grafts for recipients, which were then monitored individually for their growth performance by recording shell height, width, and thickness, and total live weight (flesh + shells) every 6 months (four biometric measurement times) over 20 months of culture. Pearls issued from the two batches of donors showed no significant differences in nacre weight or thickness. In contrast, recipient oyster shell height and total weight were increasingly positively correlated with these pearl size parameters over the culture period, becoming significant at 8 months post‐grafting. Potential therefore exists to use shell height and oyster weight as phenotypic indicators for selective breeding of recipient oysters with high growth performance to increase pearl size in P. margaritifera.  相似文献   

1. This paper reviews the status of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) in the British Isles and Continental Europe. 2. The mussel has continued to decline in recent decades throughout the European range, apparently caused mainly by pollution (especially by organic enrichment) and, in the British Isles, by a combination of this and overfishing for pearls. 3. Of particular concern is the almost complete absence of juveniles in most populations, with these occurring in numbers only in a very few rivers in remote locations. 4. M. margaritifera is now completely protected in most European countries and in Britain the government has recently made it an offence to kill or harm the mussel. However, it will still be permitted to take the mussel, examine it carefully for pearls, and then to return it unharmed to the river. This may prove difficult to enforce and it is concluded that it will be ineffective and that complete protection may still be needed. 5. There is no current monitoring programme for M. margaritifera anywhere in its range and without continuing evidence on its status and further research on the habitat requirements of the juveniles, it is difficult to be optimistic about its survival.  相似文献   

Cultured pearl nacre deposition rate in Pinctada margaritifera oysters was studied to examine its influence on Tahitian classification grade and colour and to further our understanding of using selected donor oysters produced in a hatchery system for the improvement of these traits. A large-scale grafting experiment using 150 farmed donor oysters was realised in Rangiroa atoll (French Polynesia). After 18 months of culture, 874 pearls were harvested and 7 pearls quality traits were recorded: (1) nacre deposition rate assessed by nacre thickness and weight, (2) classification grade, lustre and surface defects, and (3) colour assessed by pearl colour darkness level and visual colour categories. Nacre deposition rate significantly influence pearl grade, surface defects, darkness level and colour categories, but not the lustre. Grade A pearls had the thickest and heaviest nacre on average, compared with grade D pearls and rejects. In addition, pearls without any surface defect had thicker and heavier nacre. Pearls with low darkness were the thinnest and the lightest. Pearls of aubergine–peacock secondary colours were the thickest and the heaviest. These results highlight the importance of rapid nacre deposition rate for increasing the production of grade A pearls, with less surface defects and dominance of a black tone colour. Fast nacre deposition may, however, have a negative impact on other pearl quality traits, such as pearl lustre. This study demonstrates the importance of examining relationships between pearl quality traits in a way that provides solid information that can be directly used for breeding and genetic selection programmes.  相似文献   

The common pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata (Gould), is the most important species that is cultured for production of marine pearls in China. Heavy mortality and the decline of pearl quality have resulted in a breeding programme being established in recent years. In this study, we conducted selective breeding for the second generation of pearl oyster P. fucata (JCS-2) by mass selection for shell height (SH) with a selection intensity of 1.614, and analysed the growth of the selected line (JCS-2) and the non-selected control line (JCC) during a 1-year grow-out period. The results show that the selected line grew faster than the control one in the SH and total weight (TW) ( P <0.05), and there were higher proportion of larger sized oysters. Coefficient of variation for SH of JCS-2 was smaller than that of JCC. The current genetic gains and realized heritability for JCS-2 averaged 16.03 ± 4.79% and 0.713 ± 0.208 at 3–15 months of age respectively. The findings indicated the selection response to faster growth for SH is markedly effective in the second generation, and there was a high correlated response of TW when selecting for SH.  相似文献   

In French Polynesia, the aquaculture of Pinctada margaritifera is carried out in numerous grow‐out sites, located over three archipelagos (Gambier, Society and Tuamotu). To evaluate the impact of macro‐geographical effects of these growing sites on pearl quality traits, five hatcheries produced families were used as homogeneous donor oysters in an experimental graft. The molluscs were then reared in two commercial locations: Tahaa Island (Society) and Rangiroa atoll (Tuamotu). At harvest, eight pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, lustre, grade, circles, shape categories, darkness level, body and secondary colour and visual colour categories. Overall inter‐site comparison revealed that: (1) all traits were affected by grow‐out location except for lustre and round shape, and (2) a higher mean rate of valuable pearls was produced in Rangiroa. Indeed, for pearl grade, Rangiroa showed twice as many A‐B and less reject samples than Tahaa. This was related to the number of surface defects (grade component): in Rangiroa, twice as many pearls had no defects and less pearls had up to 10 defects. Concerning pearl shape, more circled and baroque pearls were found in Tahaa (+10%). For colour variation, 10% more pearls have an attractive green overtone in Rangiroa than in Tahaa, where more grey body colour were harvested. Lustre does not seem to be affected by these two culture site (except at a family scale). This is the first time P. margaritifera donor family have been shown to vary in the quality of pearls they produce depending on their grow‐out location.  相似文献   

The black‐lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, used for round pearl production in Polynesia, is generally cultured using “ear‐hanging” where they are attached to a rope to form “chaplets.” In other countries, pearl oysters are cultured using panel (pocket) nets that are more expensive than chaplets but afford more protection to cultured oysters. Prior research has shown panel nets produce pearls of higher quality and value, potentially generating higher profits. This study used cost–benefit analysis to compare pearl production using chaplet‐based and panel net‐based culture methods. Whole farm data, including gross revenues and annual production costs, fixed and variable, were analyzed. Average production cost per pearl using panel net‐based culture was USD 22.47 and for chaplet‐based culture was USD 21.55. However, use of panel nets saved around 3,430 hr (USD 6,860) of labor a year, offsetting the greater capital investment. A chaplet‐based pearl farm generated USD 65,738 in annual profits compared to USD 88,774 for a panel net‐based farm. Positive cash flow was achieved 1 year earlier (Year 7) for the panel net‐based farm. This is the first economic analysis of different pearl culture methods for P. margaritifera and evidence of profitability will support further development of the black‐lip pearl industry in the Indo‐Pacific region.  相似文献   

为比较企鹅珍珠贝[(Röding,1798)]海南金唇选育系(GLHH)、海南白唇选育系(WLHH)、广西金唇选育系(GLGG)和广西白唇选育系(WLGG)的生长存活差异,及了解4个选育系的生长规律,自2018年1月底至2018年12月底连续监测养殖于海南陵水黎族自治县新村港的4个企鹅珍珠贝选育系F3的存活率及其壳长、壳高、壳宽、铰合线长和体重的生长情况。使用单因素方差分析和生长模型拟合等方法对数据进行分析。结果显示,4个企鹅珍珠贝选育系的生长及存活率存在显著差异(<0.05),海南金唇选育系的生长及存活率最优,广西白唇选育系的生长及存活率最差,表明企鹅珍珠贝的生长存活可能与环境、贝龄、壳色和地理种群有关。SGompertz生长模型为企鹅珍珠贝5个生长性状的通用生长模型。研究表明,4个企鹅珍珠贝选育系的生长规律存在差异,且企鹅珍珠贝5个生长性状的生长规律存在差异,其中壳长和铰合线长的生长拐点出现得最早,分别出现在7.9(GLHH)~8.5(WLHH)月龄和7.9(GLHH)~9.1(WLGG)月龄;其次是壳高和壳宽,生长拐点分别出现在11.6(GLHH)~15.9(WLGG)月龄和11.8(GLHH)~14.3(WLGG)月龄时;体重的生长拐点出现得最晚,在15.8(GLHH)~18.7(WLGG)月龄。该研究结果表明海南金唇选育系早期生长阶段具有高存活率和优良的生长性能,广西白唇选育系可能具有最大的生长潜力(生长性状的生长极限最大),本研究可为企鹅珍珠贝的良种选育、健康养殖及优质珍珠的生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过整理中国第一个海水珍珠养殖场的历史资料,详细论述了中国第一批马氏珠母贝人工养殖珍珠的诞生和马氏珠母贝人工育苗实现突破的过程,以此文致敬为中国海水珍珠事业做出巨大贡献的行业前辈.  相似文献   

珠母贝属6个种的ITS 2分子标记研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
对珠母贝属的大珠母贝、珠母贝、白珠母贝、黑珠母贝、长耳珠母贝、黑珠母贝和合浦珠母贝6个种的内部转录间隔区2(ITS2)序列及其两侧的5.8S和28S的部分序列进行了比较分析。其中黑珠母贝的序列来自GenBank。PCR扩增片段大小为600bp左右,测序结果表明,ITS2长211~254bp,两端的5.8S和28S分别长84bp和272bp(均含引物)。序列比对分析结果表明,5.8S和28S序列高度保守,不适合于种类鉴定,而ITS2序列高度变异,270个比对位点中有146个位点发生突变,其中72个位点发生插入/缺失突变。除白珠母贝和黑珠母贝之间的遗传距离较小外,其余种类之间的遗传距离远远大于种内遗传距离。基因型分析表明,每个种具有各自特有的基因型。基因型和序列变异分析表明ITS2序列可作为珍珠贝种类鉴定的分子标记。可用于种间、杂交育种、幼体和珍珠贝肉等材料的种类鉴定与遗传分析。  相似文献   

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