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杨树木材是优质的木浆造纸原料。目前木浆造纸原料缺乏,市场容量极大。据中国制浆造纸工业部门的行业规划和预测,中国2000年纸和纸浆总消耗量达3400万吨,其中木浆造纸比重为18%;2010年将达到5000万吨,其中木浆造纸比重为22%;木浆进口由2000年的4.8%下降到2010年的1.1%。因此,林  相似文献   

一、原料林基地建设的重要性 1.木浆造纸已成为我国造纸工业发展方向 (1)市场需求 我国纸张市场需求量呈快速增长趋势,从1990年到现在,全国纸和纸板的总消费量以每年12%的速度增长。2000年纸及纸板的消费量达3600万~3800万吨。据预测,2005年将达到5000万吨,2015年将达到8000万吨。纸及纸板消费结构正从中低档向中高档转变,现有以中低档产品为主的供给结构已满足不了技术进步和现代化发展的要求。由于木材短缺,国产木浆长期以来一直徘徊在200万吨左右,2001年进口木浆已达490万吨。如此大的进口需求,如果转由国内生产,将会为国内木浆造纸企业的发展提供广  相似文献   

林产品化学利用是指以木质和非木质林产品为原料.经化学加工制备国民经济所需的各种产品。主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等。近年来中国林产化学工业发展较快,特别是建设林纸一体化工程.为发展木材制浆工业,改变中国制浆造纸工业原料结构创造了良好的条件,按计划2005年木浆产量将达380万t,2010年达750万t。松香产量已超过50万t/a,出口约30万t/a。木质活性炭产量达6万t/a。随着我国经济的发展对林化产品的需求将进一步扩大。  相似文献   

关于加快发展我国竹材制浆造纸的一些看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国木材资源匮乏,每年都要耗费大量外汇进口纸和纸浆,进口量占了我国纸和纸板产量的一半以上。竹材是制浆造纸的优质原料,充分利用我国产竹大国的优势,发展竹材制浆造纸,有利于缓解我国严重的木材供需矛盾和造纸工业的可持续发展,有利于森林资源和生态环境的保护,认为竹材制浆造纸亏本的观点是不符合实际的。当前,随着我国经济建设的快速发展和经济结构调整,竹材制浆造纸正在跨入一个大发展的新时期,需要统一认识,顺应市场发展的需要,努力建设好竹材制浆原料基地,推动我国竹材制浆造纸快速发展。  相似文献   

大力发展木浆造纸是振兴我国现代纸业的必由之路。我国造纸业过去走的是一条“以草为主”的路子,造纸原料中草浆比例高达86%,木浆比例仅占14%。而国际上大多数国家造纸原料中木浆比例在90%以上。近年来,由于国内市场对高档木浆纸品需求的快速增长,全国造纸行业原料结构不合理所带来的供需矛盾日益加大,造成了国外造纸行业对我国纸业市场  相似文献   

我国是林产品进口国。国内巨大的市场潜力,早已引起世界上主要林产品出口国的密切关注。我国加入WTO后,将进一步开放市场,降低关税,取消非关税保护措施。这对于林产品出口国来说,是进入中国市场的大好机遇。大量林产品进入我国市场,无疑会在短期内对国内的林产工业企业造成影响。木浆造纸业将受到巨大的冲击。现阶段,木浆造纸在我国造纸原料中比重较低,日占10%左右。而国外造纸大国的木浆却占造纸原料的95%以上。为了充分利用木材资源,提高林农的营林积极性,我国将把木浆造纸业作为今后发展林业的一个重点。另一方面,随着印…  相似文献   

目前,我国的纸和纸板的产量、品种和质量都不能满足社会要求,每年要进口纸、纸浆和纸板100万吨以上。究其根源主要是木质纤维原料短缺造成的,因为我国现在每年每人平均木材消耗量只有0.2立方米,拿不出更多的木材用于造纸工业。要想改变造纸工业的落后状况,只能走“林纸结合”的道路。而造纸用的原料主要是靠从“采伐剩佘物”中制取工业木片,作为造纸浆的木质纤维原料。 如果把小头直径4厘米以上、长  相似文献   

关于加速发展我国木浆造纸产业的建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
造纸工业是国民经济的基础工业,纸的生产和消费水平是一个国家经济、文化发达程度的重要标志之一。改革开放以来,我国的造纸工业发展迅速,1995年我国纸和纸板产量已达2812万吨,是1979年纸和纸板产量的5.7倍,年均增长率达11.5%,是世界年均增长率的2-3倍。自1992年起,我国已成为世界第三造纸大国。但是,我国造纸工业在原料结构,纸和纸制品的品种、质量、企业规模等方面,还存在许多亟待解决的问题。首先,原料结构不合理,木浆比例过低。木材是造纸工业最主要的纤维原料,全世界造纸原料93%是木材纤维,而我国木浆年产量仅210万…  相似文献   

林产品化学利用是指以木质和非木质林产品为原料,经化学加工制备国民经济所需的各种产品.主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等.近年来中国林产化学工业发展较快,特别是建设林纸一体化工程,为发展木材制浆工业,改变中国制浆造纸工业原料结构创造了良好的条件,按计划2005年木浆产量将达380万t,2010年达750万t.松香产量已超过50万t/a,出口约30万t/a.木质活性炭产量达6万t/a.随着我国经济的发展对林化产品的需求将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

我国纸张和纸板生产,赶不上国民经济发展速度。和人民物质文化生活提高的需要,不得不用巨额外汇进口木浆满足,如“六五”期间我国共进口纸和纸板、纸浆及废纸708万吨,用外汇28亿元,这里主要是造纸材供应不  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the implications of reaching the 2 °C climate target for global woody biomass use by applying the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) and the recently published SSP-RCP scenario calculations. We show that the higher biomass demand for energy needed to reach the 2 °C target can be achieved without significant distortions to woody biomass material use and that it can even benefit certain forest industries and regions. This is because the higher woody biomass use for energy increases the demand for forest industry by-products, which makes forest industry final products production more profitable and compensates for the cost effect of increased competition over raw materials. The higher woody biomass use for energy is found to benefit sawnwood, plywood and chemical pulp production, which provide large amounts of by-products, and to inhibit fiberboard and mechanical pulp production, which provide small amounts of by-products. At the regional level, the higher woody biomass use for energy is found to benefit material production in regions, which use little roundwood for energy (Russia, North-America and EU28), and to inhibit material production in regions, which use large amounts of roundwood for energy (Asia, Africa and South-America). Even if the 2 °C target increases harvest volumes in the tropical regions significantly compared to the non-mitigation scenario, harvest volumes remain in these regions at a relatively low level compared to the harvest potential.  相似文献   

Present interest in decreasing U.S. dependence on foreign oil by increasing the use of wood for energy may bring about a change in our forest utilization policies. In the past, forests have been removed in areas believed to be suited for agriculture, or sawtimber and pulp have been the only woody material removed in any quantity from land not generally considered tillable. The new demands on wood for energy are effecting a trend toward (1) removing all woody biomass from harvested areas, (2) increasing the frequency of harvesting second growth forests, and (3) increasing production with biomass plantations. Considering the marginal quality of much of the remaining forested land, the impacts of these modes of production could be significant. For example, it is anticipated that increased losses of nutrients and carbon will occur by direct forest removal and through erosion losses accelerated by forest clearing. There are, however, control measures that can be utilized in minimizing both direct and indirect effects of forest harvesting while maximizing woody biomass production.  相似文献   

Two main roles are identified in the review: the productive one, where woody perennials yield a material output (fuel, fodder, etc.), and the ‘service’ type, with no tangible product (shelter, nutrient recycling, etc.). In their productive role trees and shrubs may supply fodder in browsing systems, or industrial material, wood products and food in forest and plantation grazing systems. Service roles, rarely divorced from productive ones, arise mainly from relationships between woody perennials and the herbaceous vegetation growing in their vicinity. As a fodder source, the relatively low productivity and palatability of high protein content foliage from most woody perennials would indicate a supplementary role, particulary during dry seasons in arid and semiarid zones. In these type of lands pod-bearing trees seem to have a greater potential for improving fodder production in silvopastoral systems. The negative effect of trees on pasture production in forest and plantation grazing is compensated by their contribution to the system through other products. Available data would support the potential of certain species of woody perennials to foster pasture growing underneath, mainly through soil enrichment. Windbreaks can also indirectly benefit pasture growth, by decreasing water loss from the soil. It is postulated that research efforts in animal agroforestry should be focused on woody perennials for browsing systems, particularly on pod-bearing trees having beneficial effects on the herbaceous layer growing underneath.  相似文献   

森林粗木质残体研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林粗死木残体(coarse woody debris,CWD)是指所有地上和地下小头直径≥2.5cm的枯立木(snag)、倒木(Log)、树桩(Stump)、大枯枝(Large Branch)、小枯枝(Twig)、连接在活树上的枯死小树枝(Suspended Twig)等的总称。该文综述了近几十年CWD的研究成果,总结了CWD的概念及其在碳氮循环、生物多样性维护等方面的生态功能,CWD的贮量和养分动态。大量的研究证明,CWD对森林生态系统具有重要的生态功能,但它的蓄积量、空间分布以及它的生态意义因所研究的森林生态系统植被林型而异。另外,CWD还受诸多生物学和非生物学因子的影响,研究各因子与CWD的关系对于保持CWD的生态功能也是十分必要的。  相似文献   

试论低碳经济时代的林产工业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界已经进入低碳经济时代。笔者在分析木质类林产品具有碳替代功能和碳贮存功能基础上,认为低碳经济时代林产工业将获得市场不断扩展和政府政策支持的重要机遇,但国家大力增加森林碳汇和大力发展可再生能源的战略措施,将使林产工业面临木质原料日益紧缺的严峻挑战。为此,提出了低碳经济时代林产工业发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

自俄乌冲突爆发以来,以美欧为首的西方国家与俄罗斯的相互制裁对俄罗斯以及世界木质林产品的进出口贸易产生了显著影响,全球木质林产品贸易格局面临重塑。基于全球木质林产品供需版图深度调整,以及林产品产业链布局方式、路径与逻辑的可能性变化,研究中国与俄罗斯木质林产品贸易发展所受的影响,以便做出适应性调整,具有紧迫性与现实意义。文中阐述俄乌冲突对中俄木质林产品贸易已产生的负面影响,基于地缘政治冲突对贸易的影响机制探讨俄乌冲突对中俄木质林产品贸易产生的潜在的贸易转移效应与未来发展趋势,进而从发展重心、战略调整、政策对接、体系共建、多元合作等方面提出推动中俄木质林产品贸易稳健发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

High Andean cloud forests are home to a diversity of unique wildlife and are important providers of ecosystem services to people in the Andean regions. The extent of these cloud forests has been widely reduced through conversion to pasture for livestock, which threatens the forests’ ability to support biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. This paper explores whether impacts on woody plant biodiversity and four ecosystem properties (woody plant species richness, juvenile timber tree abundance, soil organic matter content and soil moisture) from converting forest to pasture can be mitigated if some woody forest vegetation is maintained within pastures. Woody vegetation in pastures was found to conserve those woody plant species that are more tolerant to exposure and grazing, but conservation of the high montane cloud forest community required areas of forest from which livestock were restricted. The sampled sites clustered according to woody plant species cover; these clusters represented a gradient from pasture with patches of shrubs to mature forest. Clusters differed in both woody plant species richness and number of juvenile timber trees whereas soil organic matter and soil moisture were observed to be similar among all clusters. This suggests that the different habitats may have some equivalent ecosystem properties. We conclude that the presence of woody vegetation in pastures may reduce some of the impacts of converting forest to pasture, but should not be considered a substitute for protecting large areas of forest, which are essential for maintaining woody plant species diversity in high Andean cloud forest.  相似文献   

我国木质林产品贸易与森林生态安全耦合度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“两头在外”是我国林产品贸易的典型特征, 它意味着对国内和国外森林资源的大量消耗。木质林产品贸易和森林生态安全的协调是开放条件下实现我国森林可持续发展的必经之路。文中运用耦合理论研究1961-2010年我国木质林产品贸易和森林生态安全之间的协调问题, 结论认为:1)2004之前森林生态安全指数高于木质林产品贸易指数, 2005-2008年则低于木质林产品贸易指数, 1991年之后木质林产品贸易指数的波动幅度显著大于森林生态安全指数。2)1961-1999年森林生态安全指数与木质林产品贸易指数的协调状态在初级协调和勉强协调之间波动; 2000年之后二者的协调进入稳定阶段, 并在2003年由初级协调进入中级协调阶段。  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources have received significant attention in European countries as a result of increasing dependence on energy imports and concerns over high prices of fuels and climate change. Although private forests in Croatia account for less than one quarter of all forests, they may play an important role in woody biomass energy production, due to their underutilized exploitation. The objective of this paper is to identify the willingness of private forest owners to supply woody biomass and to understand how this willingness is affected by certain owner, management and forest property characteristics. A survey conducted in Croatia in 2012 of a random sample of 350 private forest owners shows that almost half of them were willing to supply woody biomass. A random utility model was used to determine the factors influencing private forest owners’ willingness to supply woody biomass. The results showed that willingness to supply woody biomass was influenced by property size, management objectives (production of fuel wood for personal needs and using the forest for outdoor recreation), cooperation with other forest owners and owner age. In order to enhance woody biomass mobilization from private forests it is important to identify the owners who are willing to supply it and to provide them with financial and administrative support using a mix of developed forest policy instruments.  相似文献   

中国木质林产品出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
随着经济全球化和贸易自由化进程的加快,国际贸易保护手段发生了重大变化。技术性贸易壁垒正成为贸易壁垒的重要方面。近年来我国木质林产品出口结构不断优化,出口产品的加工程度不断提高,但面临的技术性贸易壁垒越来越大。文中分析了我国木质林产品的标准和出口目标国制定的相关标准的差异、进入目标市场的合格评定程序以及所面临的主要技术性贸易壁垒,并提出了应对办法。  相似文献   

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