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国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)出版发行的CIPAC手册有I、IA、IB、IC和D共五卷。它收编了历届CIPAC年会通过的标准农药分析方法,这些方法被联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)所采用。目前,我国在制订农药标准时开始参照、采用国际标准或国外先进标准。现将CIPAC D卷(1985—1988年)中36个农药原药和制剂的有效成分含量分析方法摘译如下,供读者参考。  相似文献   

今年第1期上介绍了国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)出版发行的 CIPAC 手册中 D卷的分析方法,这次将 CIPAC 1C 卷(1985年)中53个农药原药和制剂的有效成分含量分析方法摘译如下,供读者参考。  相似文献   

本文系统回顾了CIPAC方法的相关背景,归纳了目前国内农药质量管理常用的CIPAC理化测定方法,重点介绍了近五年CIPAC理化测定方法修订的主要变化,为中国农药分析工作者了解和采用CIPAC方法提供了参考。  相似文献   

比色法测定乳油类农药的乳液稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳液稳定性是乳油类农药制剂物理性能的重要指标。我们曾对乳液稳定性测定方法作过些研究,目前国际上也有不少人对乳液稳定性测定方法进行了探讨。比利时的 Henriet 先生在1989年 CIPAC 第139项国际协作试验中提出一种用比色法测定乳液稳定性的方法,并于1990年的 CIPAC 第34届年会上通过此方法为 CIPAC 临时方法(MT173)。  相似文献   

第48届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)年会和第三届FAO/WHO农药标准审定会议2004年6月3~10日在捷克第二大城市布尔诺召开.来自世界上40多个国家和国际组织的104名代表参加会议。我国出席本次会议的代表共有5人.分别来自国家质检总局、辽宁省进出口商检局、沈阳化工研究院、浙江省农药检定所、农业部农药检定所。会议主要讨论了新的CIPAC方法和FAO/WHO标准并进行了论文交流  相似文献   

受领导委托,作者于1989年5月16~24日参加了在希腊首都雅典举行的国际农药分析协作委员会第33届年会。本文就会议的有关情况作一介绍,以供读者参考。一、CIPAC及CIPAC方法国际农药分析协作委员会(Collaborative International Pesticides Analysis Council简称CIPAC.).成立于1957年。开始时其组成仅限于欧洲国家,它们是比利时、法国、西德、英国、意大利、荷兰、瑞士  相似文献   

<正>2014年6月,江苏扬农化工股份有限公司副总经理周景梅、总经理助理沈阳等一行四人参加了在比利时列日举行的第十三届FAO(联合国粮农组织)/WHO(世界卫生组织)农药标准联席会议(JMPS)和第十一届CIPAC(国际农药分析协会)/FAO/WHO联席会议暨第五十八届CIPAC年会。扬农股份公司于2013年提交了高效氯氟氰  相似文献   

第49届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)年会和第四届联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)农药标准联席会议于2005年6月1~9日在荷兰乌特勒支市(Utrecht)召开,来自世界上40多个国家和国际组织的130名代表出席会议.农业部农药检定所季颖和河北省农药检定所王雪娟同志应邀参加了会议,本届CIPAC年会讨论了以下分析方法.  相似文献   

第20届FAO农药标准专家组与第34届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)联合年会于1990年5月28日—6月4日在突尼斯首都突尼斯举行。出席会议的有CIPAC委员、通讯委员、特邀专家、观察员及WHO、AOAC(美国官方分析家协会)、ISO(国际标准化组织)、GIFAP(国际农药制造商协会联合会)、IUPAC(国际纯化学和应用化学联合会)、UNIDO、RENPAP(亚太地区农药协调网)等国际组织的代表50多人。突尼斯农业部是这次会议的东道主。  相似文献   

国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)第35届年会于1991年6月20~23日在德国布伦瑞克市举行,会议通过了一批标准农药分析方法和方法标准,现摘列于后,以供参考.  相似文献   

The characterisation of emulsions at dilution rates greater than the 1:20 used in most international specifications for agrochemical formulations is becoming increasingly important. The internationally-agreed CIPAC MT 36.2 test depends upon the determination of the shift in bulk concentration between the upper and lower halves of an emulsion after a period of standing. An analytical method specific to the active ingredient is stipulated. This paper reports an investigation of the use of CIPAC MT 36.2 with an emulsifiable concentrate (EC)-soluble dye which allows a colorimetric finish. This new method should be applicable to almost all ECs, and uses less costly instrumentation than the standard method. It could therefore allow more convenient use of CIPAC MT 36.2 for formulation development purposes. The limitations and range of applicability of the new method are discussed. For ECs of poor spontaneity it is shown that emulsion stability is strongly influenced by the emulsification technique used. Techniques within the frame of CIPAC MT 36.2 have been discovered which give repeatable results for such ECs.  相似文献   

A colorimetric method for the determination of the stability of dilute emulsions (down to 1 ml litre?1) of emulsifiable concentrates (EC) has been subjected to a collaborative study with 27 participating laboratories, on behalf of the Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council (CIPAC). A dye is added to the emulsifiable concentrate and an aliquot is poured into standard water to obtain an aqueous emulsion. After a specified time, the absorbance of an aliquot of the dyed emulsion is measured and compared to the absorbance measured after initial formation of the emulsion. Collaborators were furnised with four emulsifiable concentrate formulations and the dye, and requested to make three replicate determinations on each dyed sample in CIPAC standard waters A and D. The repeatability and reproducibility figures obtained in these trials indicate that the method permits a good estimation of the stability of dilute emulsions when it is followed exactly.  相似文献   

本文采用反相高效液相色谱法和改进的气相色谱法对仲丁威含量进行了测定,并与CIPAC采用的正相高效液相色谱法测定了进行了比较。结果表明,反相液相色谱法与正相液相色谱法等效,气相色谱法经改进后降低了仲丁威的热分解,三种方法对仲丁威原药及乳油含量的测定结果的相对误差在允许的范围之内。  相似文献   

The characterisation of emulsions at dilution rates greater than 1:20, currently used in most international specifications for agrochemical emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations, is becoming increasingly important. CIPAC MT36.2 is the internationally-accepted test method for determining the bulk stability of emulsions containing 10 ml litre?1 or less of added EC. A new nephelometric version of this test method has been examined which, although not as accurate as the official method, gives more rapid results. An assessment of the new method against the official method at a working concentration of 5 ml litre?1 is reported. Agreement is good, despite the semi-empirical nature of the new method, but only if emulsions are re-emulsifiable at the end of the standing period. The scope of the method is discussed and areas of application indicated.  相似文献   

A CIPAC/AOAC test with tomato plants is used to specify the volatility ratings of herbicide ester formulations. This work compares the tomato plant test with an alternative chemical one. The concentrations of esters and the effective molecular weight and density of each formulation were used with the ester vapour pressures to calculate its herbicide vapour pressure as complete, and evaporated formulations. The range was from 28.8 mPa (at 257deg;C) for a mixture of 2,4–D esters to 0–07 mPa (at 25°C) for a 2,4,5–T-(iso-octyl) formulation, as complete formulations, and 35-5 and 0–16 mPa (at 25°C) as evaporated ones. A value of 0–6 mPa (at 25°C) was selected on the basis of the tomato plant test as the cut-off area for low-volatile esters and is recommended to be included in specifications for herbicide esters. Formulations with a herbicide vapour pressure above 3.3 mPa (at 25°C) are high-volatile ones according to the tomato plant test, while between 0–6–3.3 mPa (at 25°C) is a borderline region where the test gives mixed results. Levels of 2,4–D-ethyl and methyl were added to pure 2–ethylhexyl esters of 2,4–D and a 2,4,5–T-(iso-octyl) formulation to find what level of contamination would change the rating of these esters from low to high volatile. Formulations of 2,4–D-(iso-octyl) should not contain more than 11 g litre?1 2,4–D as methyl ester or 2.0 g litre?1 2,4–D as ethyl ester. Formulations of 2,4,5–T-(iso-octyl) should not contain more than 26 g litre?1 2,4–D as methyl ester or 4.7g litre?1 2,4–D as ethyl ester.  相似文献   

The authors present a proposal for the classification of vertebrates as hosts or hosts-amplifiers of arboviruses from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

农药最大残留限量值的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了国际上基于田间试验数据制定MRL值的方法,比较了北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)成员国和经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的两个限量制定方案,提出了目前我国制定MRL值的建议方法。  相似文献   

人口因素是社会经济发展的重要因素,人口的增长趋势将影响到未来社会经济的可持续发展。文中根据乌鲁木齐市统计年鉴相关数据构建数学模型,对乌鲁木齐市未来人口总量、年龄结构、适度人口进行了预测,分析乌鲁木齐市未来人口发展特征及社会影响并结合上述问题提出针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,北京口岸多次从进境苗木中检出植物病原线虫。本文对北京口岸线虫检出情况进行分析,总结了线虫疫情的特点,并提出加强进境苗木检疫监管的工作建议。旨在为提高口岸对进境苗木的检疫监管、降低检疫性线虫传入风险提供参考。  相似文献   

采用膜技术资源化回收草甘膦母液废水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了采用膜技术资源化回收草甘膦母液废水研究的进展,通过与其他处理方法进行技术和经济上的比较,最终建议采用膜分离技术来回收草甘膦母液废水。  相似文献   

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