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为了解当前广西家犬狂犬病流行情况,评价防控效果,采集免疫过狂犬病疫苗的犬血清2 325份进行抗体检测,抗体阳性的有1571份,阳性率为67.57%。另外,采集交易市场或屠宰场表观健康犬的脑组织样品1 012份,通过RT-PCR方法检测狂犬病病原,结果表观,健康犬1份样品呈阳性,阳性率为0.099%。结果表明,实施狂犬病疫苗免疫后,广西家犬总体免疫抗体水平良好,表观健康犬携带狂犬病病毒比率下降到极低水平。提示应继续加强农村犬只的免疫和管理,有效降低狂犬病的发生。  相似文献   

为了解当前广西家犬狂犬病流行情况,评价防控效果,采集免疫过狂犬病疫苗的犬血清2 972份进行抗体检测。结果:抗体阳性的有2 620份,阳性率为88.16%。另外,采集交易市场或屠宰场表观健康犬的脑组织样品800份,疑似发病犬脑组织样品25份,分别通过RT-PCR方法和小鼠接种试验检测狂犬病病原,结果表观健康犬有11份样品呈阳性,阳性率1.38%,疑似狂犬病犬有5份样品呈阳性,阳性率20%。实施狂犬病疫苗免疫后,广西家犬总体免疫抗体水平良好,表观健康犬携带狂犬病病毒比率显著降低。提示应继续加强农村犬的免疫和管理,有效降低狂犬病的发生。  相似文献   

我国部分城乡犬狂犬病中和抗体水平调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以国际兽疫局(OIE)推荐的荧光抗体病毒中和试验(FAVN)对随机采自广东、河北、北京等地区的573份犬血清进行了狂犬病病毒中和抗体效价的测定,以确定犬群中狂犬病的免疫状况。结果显示,在不同地区或不同城市的动物防疫区域中,犬体内狂犬病病毒中和抗体平均水平存在着明显的差异,城市犬的中和抗体水平较高,有的中和抗体保护水平(0.5IU/mL)阳性率高达100%,少数则达不到保护水平,不同防疫区域狂犬病中和抗体水平为(0.08±0.03)~(4.39±1.45)IU/mL,平均保护水平阳性率为46.3%;乡村看家犬病毒中和抗体水平普遍较低,大部分犬体内无中和抗体,只有个别犬体内存在水平较低的中和抗体,平均保护水平阳性率为1.8%。  相似文献   

为了解犬狂犬病佐剂型灭活疫苗的免疫效果、保证免疫质量,采用ELISA方法对犬狂犬病抗体水平进行监测,在免疫后20~30d,采用犬狂犬病毒IgG抗体检测试剂盒,进行抗体水平抽样监测。共检测1119份犬血样,结果抗体水平合格的1100份,合格率为98.30%。  相似文献   

2007年我市开展犬狂犬病强制免疫、发证工作,统一选用狂犬病佐剂型灭活疫苗,共免疫犬6587只.为了了解该疫苗的免疫效果,保证免疫质量,在免疫后20~30d,采用犬狂犬病毒IgG抗体检测试剂盒,进行抗体水平抽样监测.共检测814份犬血样,结果抗体水平合格的798份,合格率为98.03%;不合格16份,占1.97%.结论:狂犬病佐剂型灭活疫苗免疫效果很好.  相似文献   

为了解犬狂犬病灭活疫苗的免疫抗体水平,作者采用间接ELISA方法对犬狂犬病抗体水平进行跟踪监测,分别采取成年犬免疫前及免疫后7、14、21 d时血清进行狂犬病抗体水平检测。结果表明,成年犬在免疫前及免疫后7、14、21 d时,抗体均值均高于0.5 IU/mL的国际标准,而且在免疫后21 d内,抗体水平随着时间的推移而递增。  相似文献   

在狂犬病流行期,对狂犬病流行区与非流行区“健康”家犬血清狂犬病毒抗体进行了检测,结果流行区“健康”家犬血清抗体阳性率15.79%,其一岁龄以下犬阳性率26.17%;非流行区抗体阳性率1.46%,一岁龄以下犬阳性率2.04%,两区“健康”家犬及一岁龄以下犬抗体阳性率均具有高度显著性差异,P<0.001,这一结果,有助于狂犬病防制理论和应用的研究,发现和掌握新的流行病学特点,对处理疫点、暴露后预防、控制狂犬病流行,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

将制备的狂犬病rSRV9减毒口服冻干脂质体活疫苗配合以自制的复合佐剂,免疫小鼠、犬、猫,根据ELISA抗体定量检测方法,对免疫后小鼠血清IgG、小鼠粪便IgA、犬和猫血清IgG、犬和猫唾液IgA的ELISA抗体水平进行检测,其检测结果与注射狂犬病疫苗免疫效果进行对比。结果显示,复合佐剂+rSRV9病毒口服免疫后70d,小鼠血清抗狂犬病特异性IgG抗体水平为4 214.00U/mL,小鼠粪便中SIgA抗体水平为137.00U/mL;复合佐剂+rSRV9病毒口服免疫犬120d抗体水平最高,犬抗狂犬病特异性IgG抗体水平为1 420.00U/mL,唾液中SIgA抗体水平为1 199.00U/mL;猫抗狂犬病特异性IgG抗体水平为2 088.00U/mL,唾液中SIgA抗体水平为1 896.00U/mL。狂犬病疫苗口服组与注射组特异性抗体水平差异均不显著。结果表明,狂犬病rSRV9减毒口服冻干脂质体活疫苗的抗体产生水平已接近注射狂犬病疫苗的免疫效果,能够达到对动物的免疫效果。  相似文献   

为进一步评价兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)的安全性和免疫效力,本研究通过受试犬免疫后的临床观察、荧光抗体病毒中和试验(FAVN)检测血清中和抗体(NA)及攻毒保护性试验等方法进行检测。结果表明:试验犬接种该疫苗中试产品后无严重不良反应;5个批次的中试疫苗产品免疫效果稳定;免后第7 d,抗体阳转率97.5%,90%的免疫犬抗体达到有效保护水平;免后第360 d试验组的群体有效保护率开始下降,为90.5%;免后第390 d仍有83%的试验犬达到有效保护水平;采用狂犬病病毒(RV)街毒CNX8511株攻击免后第390 d随机抽样的30条免疫犬,其保护率达100%。结果证明,唐山怡安生物工程有限公司生产的兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)的临床免疫效力不低于同类进口疫苗,可以用于我国动物狂犬病的预防和控制。  相似文献   

为了了解不同种类的狂犬病灭活疫苗的免疫效果,笔者分别使用国产兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)和进口兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(PasteurRIV株)对120条散养犬进行免疫。在免疫前和免疫后7 d、21 d、90 d、180 d、360 d分别采集犬血清,采用ELISA方法检测抗体水平。结果表明,使用国产灭活疫苗和进口灭活疫苗免疫,其在免疫前和免疫后7 d、21 d、90 d、180 d、360 d抗体阳性率,分别为0、86.7%、98.3%、98.3%、98.3%、86%和0、85%、100%、100%、100%、89.7%;免疫前、使用国产疫苗免疫、使用进口疫苗免疫,其抗体平均阳性率分别为0、93.6%和95%。分析表明,两种疫苗比较,免疫抗体产生峰值时间一致,衰减速度同步,免疫效果相当,都能够达到预防和控制狂犬病流行的目的。在犬狂犬病免疫工作中选择国产兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)还是进口兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(Pasteur RIV株)取决于地区对免疫效果和价格两个因素的综合考量。  相似文献   

为掌握厦门市宠物犬狂犬病感染和免疫情况,厦门市动物疫病预防控制中心于2013年8月对厦门市宠物犬进行了狂犬病血清学调查。结果显示:抽检的145份犬血清样品中,检出疑似狂犬病阳性犬4只,同时在流浪犬中也检测到抗体阳性犬4只;在已免疫狂犬病疫苗的86只犬中,有3只是新办证免疫的宠物犬,免疫率为82.7%,免疫抗体合格率为56.6%,疫苗接种频率与抗体保护水平显著关联,免疫接种超过1次的犬只,抗体保护水平是免疫接种1次的犬只的3倍(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为评价镇江市家犬兽用狂犬病疫苗的免疫效果,探讨影响免疫效果的因素,采集镇江市不同地区免疫犬和非免疫犬只的血清样本,ELISA法测定其抗体产生情况。结果表明,镇江市总的免疫犬只抗体阳性率为34.53%(67/194);不同地区犬只抗体阳性率差异显著(χ2 =23.743,P=O.000);犬只的免疫3剂次及以上与3剂次以...  相似文献   

To evaluate the immune response induced by Japanese rabies vaccine for veterinary use as international units (IU), we measured levels of rabies antibody in serum samples from dogs by the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT). In dogs immunized with a reference vaccine (potency level of 3.1 IU/ml), prepared by the same method as that used to produce commercial vaccine, and its dilutions (1 : 2 or 1 : 4), neutralizing-antibody levels increased to 1.0-2.0 IU/ml over a period of 1 month and then decreased to 0.2-1.5 IU/ml over a period of 1 year after the first vaccination and showed a remarkable increase to 12-47 IU/ml after the second vaccination. Sixty-five (74.7%) of the 87 serum samples from domestic dogs that were tested were seropositive (> or =0.1 IU/ml). However, the seropositive rate in dogs less than 1-year old at the time of vaccination was low (57.1%), and the antibody levels in these dogs were not sufficiently high for the rabies antibody titre in serum to be maintained for 1-year. Levels of rabies antibody in all serum samples were also measured by the virus neutralizing test (VNT), and a strong correlation (r > 0.95) was found between the results of the RFFIT and those of the VNT.  相似文献   

Rabies remains an important public health issue in Bolivia, South America. Public concern and fears are most focussed on dogs as the source of rabies. The objective of the present study was to assess immunity of an inactivated suckling mouse brain vaccine against canine rabies used for the official vaccination campaigns under field conditions in an endemic area of rabies in Bolivia. A total of 236 vaccinated and 44 unvaccinated dogs in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, selected using stratified random sampling, were investigated in order to obtain owned dog characteristics and antibody titres against rabies in April 2007. The proportion of vaccinated dogs with an antibody titre exceeded the protection threshold value of 0.5 EU/ml was 58% [95% confidence intervals (CI): 52-65], indicating that vaccination is likely to elicit an antibody response (odds ratio 6.3, 95% CI: 1.2-11.5). The range of geometric mean of antibody titre for vaccinated dogs (0.89 EU/ml; 95% CI: 0.75-1.04) was considered to meet the minimal acceptable level indicating an adequate immune response to the vaccine. However, the titre level was not satisfactory in comparison with the results from other field investigations with inactivated tissue culture vaccines. It is recommended for public health authorities to (1) consider modernizing their vaccine manufacturing method because the level of immunity induced by the current vaccine is comparably low, (2) conduct frequent vaccination campaigns to maintain high levels of vaccination coverage, and (3) actively manage the domestic dog population in the study area, which is largely responsible for rabies maintenance.  相似文献   

The current European Union (EU) legislation decrees that pets entering the EU from a rabies‐infected third country have to obtain a satisfactory virus‐neutralizing antibody level, while those moving within the EU require only rabies vaccination as the risk of moving a rabid pet within the EU is considered negligible. A number of factors driving individual variations in dog vaccine response have been previously reported, including a high rate of vaccine failure in puppies, especially those subject to commercial transport. A total of 21 001 observations collected from dogs (2006–2012) vaccinated in compliance with the current EU regulations were statistically analysed to assess the effect of different risk factors related to rabies vaccine efficacy. Within this framework, we were able to compare the vaccination failure rate in a group of dogs entering the Italian border from EU and non‐EU countries to those vaccinated in Italy prior to international travel. Our analysis identified that cross‐breeds and two breed categories showed high vaccine success rates, while Beagles and Boxers were the least likely to show a successful response to vaccination (88.82% and 90.32%, respectively). Our analysis revealed diverse performances among the commercially available vaccines, in terms of serological peak windows, and marked differences according to geographical area. Of note, we found a higher vaccine failure rate in imported dogs (13.15%) than in those vaccinated in Italy (5.89%). Our findings suggest that the choice of vaccine may influence the likelihood of an animal achieving a protective serological level and that time from vaccination to sampling should be considered when interpreting serological results. A higher vaccine failure in imported compared to Italian dogs highlights the key role that border controls still have in assessing the full compliance of pet movements with EU legislation to minimize the risk of rabies being reintroduced into a disease‐free area.  相似文献   

When rabies reappeared in Finland in April 1988, the country had been rabies free since 1959. Soon a picture of sylvatic rabies become evident, its main vector and victim being the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Between 8 April 1988 and 16 February 1989, 66 virologically verified cases were recorded (48 raccoon dogs, 12 red foxes, 2 badgers, 2 cats, 1 dog and 1 dairy bull) in an area estimated at 1700 km2 in south-eastern Finland. The greatest distance between recorded cases was 67 km. A positive reaction with monoclonal antibody p-41 indicated that the virus was an arctic-type strain. A field trial on oral immunization of small predators was initiated in September 1988 using Tübingen fox baits according to the Bavarian model of bait distribution. Each bait contained 5*10(7) TCID50/ml modified live rabies virus (SAD-B19). The 6 months' surveillance indicate a seroconversion rate of 72% (N = 126) in the raccoon dog population, 67% (N = 56) in the red foxes and 13% (N = 16) in the badgers, when titers greater than or equal to 1.0 IU/ml are considered seropositive. In the whole follow-up period, no statistically significant difference could be detected between the raccoon dogs and red foxes in the rate of seroconversion or in the uptake of tetracycline from the baits. Notably high antibody levels were recorded in both raccoon dogs and red foxes within 4-5 months after vaccination. Of the seropositive animals, the proportion of animals with titers 3.0 IU/ml or greater was higher in raccoon dogs (73%) than in red foxes (51%) (x2 = 5.29, p less than 0.05). The trial shows that raccoon dogs can be immunized against rabies in the field with vaccine baits originally developed for controlling sylvatic rabies in foxes.  相似文献   

Rabies is endemic in wildlife or domestic carnivore populations globally. Infection of domestic dogs is of particular concern in many areas. In regions where domestic animals are at risk of exposure to rabies virus, dogs should be routinely vaccinated against rabies to protect both pet and human populations. Many countries require demonstration of an adequate level of serum rabies neutralizing antibodies to permit entry of dogs during international travel. We analysed rabies titres of dogs seeking travel certification in Israel to assess demographic and vaccine history factors associated with antibody titres below the acceptable threshold for travel certification. Having received only one previous rabies vaccination and a longer duration since the most recent vaccination was received were primary risk factors for not achieving an adequate rabies virus neutralizing antibody titre for travel certification. These risk factors had stronger effects in younger animals, but were consistent for dogs of all ages. In particular, these findings reiterate the importance of administering at least two rabies vaccinations (the primo vaccination and subsequent booster) to ensure population‐level protection against rabies in dogs globally.  相似文献   

为了解四川省各市州犬只的狂犬病抗体水平,本试验采集了四川省南充市、绵阳市、广元市等14个市州的犬只血清样(共计258份),利用荷兰EVL公司的酶联免疫吸附试剂盒进行狂犬病血清抗体检测。结果表明,14个市州的犬只抗体阳性率在20%~50%之间,其中有3个市州的血清阳性率为0。  相似文献   

对湖南部分地域的8个县(市、区)的8个城区、乡镇和农村的健康犬抽样采集脑组织标本142份,应用RT-PCR和直接荧光抗体试验(FAT)检测,检测结果142份犬脑样中均不含狂犬病病毒。调查上述监测点及周边近三年狂犬病的免疫情况,免疫率均超过70%。表明湖南部分犬免疫工作较好的地区,通过加大群免疫密度,可以使犬狂犬病病毒携带率降低,这可能与形成免疫屏障有关。  相似文献   

Serum antibody titres to canine distemper virus (CDV), canine parvovirus (CPV) and rabies were measured in dogs that had not been revaccinated annually and compared with the titres in a control group of regularly vaccinated animals; 83 per cent (171 of 207) of the dogs vaccinated against CDV one or more years earlier had serum neutralising antibody titres equal to or greater than 16; 64 per cent (136 of 213) of the dogs vaccinated against CPV one or more years earlier had haemagglutination inhibiting titres equal to or greater than 80; and 59 per cent (46 of 78) of the dogs vaccinated against rabies two or more years earlier had serum neutralising antibody titres equal to or greater than 0.5 iu/ml. Three weeks after a single booster vaccination the dogs' antibody titres against CDV had increased above the threshold level in 94 per cent of the dogs, against CPV in 68 per cent, and against rabies in 100 per cent.  相似文献   

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