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伪劣种子存在的根源主要是生产经营伪劣种子收益比生产经营优质种子高,加之种子生产及经销权的审批不规范,使一些伪劣种子生产经营者依靠不正当手段获得了生产及经销权,尤其是在优质种子供给短缺、市场秩序比较混乱、农民缺乏识别种子的基本技能的条件下,使伪劣种子经营者有了可乘之机.农民受害后,又由于投诉预期成本太高以及缺乏自我保护的组织机制,往往放弃投诉,滋长了伪劣种子的蔓延.为了有效治理伪劣种子的滋生,首先要改革现行的经营与管理一体化的种子管理体制,建立管理、生产经销、质量监控相分离的管理体制,除国有种子公司外,允许实力雄厚的农业院校和农业科研机构生产和经销种子,建立一体化的种子培育、繁殖、推广体系,从根本上改变目前科研与生产经销相脱节的局面,增加市场上优良种子的供给数量.其次是严惩伪劣种子的生产和经销者,使之不敢越雷池一步.然后是通过各种途径请种子专家传授农民识别种子真假的能力,并通过各种优惠政策和组织体系支持和鼓励农民与伪劣种子生产经营者进行斗争,使伪劣种子由多到少,逐渐消亡.  相似文献   

袁淑荣  谢华峰 《种子》1999,(3):54-55
近年来,随着种子市场的日趋活跃,生产经营种子的单位和个人越来越多,由于经营条件及人员素质参差不齐,个别经销单位唯利是图,不择手段,制售假伪种子,给农业生产造成了严重损夫,因此,增强法律意识,加强种子市场管理已迫在眉睫。1我省伪劣种子案件透视案件一:康玉群等人非法经营劣质种子,坑农害农,被司法部门依法查处。退休职工康玉群利用自身多年从事蔬菜工作的优势与多年经营蔬菜种子的经验,退休后依然从事个体蔬菜种子经营活动,本应遵纪守法、合法经营。然而,康玉群等人趁今年农民对伊丽莎白甜瓜种子的急需,在没有1998年…  相似文献   

正《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(以下简称《刑事诉讼法》)规定,人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关进行刑事诉讼,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。打官司就是打证据。缺少证据就无事实根据。没有事实根据就不能定罪量刑。伪劣种子刑事案件包括两个罪名,销售伪劣种子罪和销售伪劣产品罪。追究种子生产经营者销售伪劣种子罪刑事责任的事实根据,主要有三个:一是销售的种子为假劣种子;二是使生产遭受较大以上的损失;三是销售假劣种子的行为具有社会危害性,即销  相似文献   

赵小平 《种子科技》2003,21(5):260-261
棉花种子田间出苗率仅50.7%,投诉咨询仨月余,却发现种子生产商是非法生产、经营转基因棉花种子。人们不禁要问:投诉非法生产经营转基因种子,我们能不能胜诉? 5月初,河北省广平县大庙村农户赵某向河北省农业行政管理机关投诉:广平县广源种子门市(公司)经销的河南省新乡市锦科创世纪种业有限公司生产的“国抗36”棉花种子,按标签标注时间播种,田间出苗约30%,而同一地块、同一时间、同等条件、同样种植  相似文献   

种子是重要的农业生产资料 ,是实现高产、稳产和优质的重要保证。常言道 ,“小种子 ,高科技 ,大产业”。强化种子科技创新 ,培育作物良种 ,是发展农业高科技的核心和突破口。在我国农业和农村经济结构进入战略性调整的新阶段 ,我国种业如何适应社会主义市场经济体制 ,使种业真正形成“育、繁、推”一体化、“产、加、销”一条龙的生产经营体制 ,进一步提高经营管理水平 ,提高良种在作物增产和农民增收中的份额 ,是我国种业界面临的新课题。1 当前我国种子产业化存在的问题在现行管理体制下 ,我国种子市场不规范 ,管理体制不健全 ,育种、繁…  相似文献   

加强管理 规范服务 促进周口种业新发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周口市是河南省的农业大市.也是全省农作物种子生产大市和消费大市。为了确保农业生产用种安全,保护农民合法权益,我们在深入贯彻落实《种子法》及其配套法律、法规的基础上,解放思想,大胆创新.建立了市、县联动,上下一体化的种子管理体制,进一步加大了种子市场监管力度.规范了种子生产、经营行为。  相似文献   

陈梅香 《种子科技》2008,26(2):14-16
随着《中华人民共和国种子法》的进一步贯彻实施,种子市场全面开放,经营主体多元化,这对加快优质、高产、抗病品种的推广应用,服务“三农”,促进农业增产增收,具有积极的推动作用。但是,在生产实践中也出现了一些问题。从近几年农民对种子问题的投诉和群体上访来看,农作物出现减产减收并非都是因种子质量问题造成的,有三分之二农作物减产是因为良种没有应用与良种配套的栽培技术造成的。本文就近几年农民对种子问题投诉和群体上访情况及出现的原因进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

王燕生 《中国种业》2011,(Z1):26-28
基层种子经营与良种推广是种子营销与良种推广网络体系中直接和农民接触的最终端。选择什么样的种子和品种销售,怎么样经营,不仅关系到种子经营是不断地发展壮大还是很快地被市场所淘汰的问题,而且直接关系到优良品种是否能得以顺利推广、及时地转化为生产力,促进当地农业生产发展,还是伪劣假冒种子到处泛滥,危害当地农业生产的大问题。  相似文献   

种子是农业生产中最基本的生产资料。种子供应好坏事关农业生产全局,种子产业能否健康发展直接关系到农业的增产、农民的增收以及经济和社会的可持续发展。随着《中华人民共和国种子法》的进一步贯彻实施,各种经济成分并存的种子生产经营者形成了庞大的种子市场经营主体。种子市场走向开放活跃、繁荣发展的同时,也日趋复杂和多样化。特别是近年来种子经营者与种子使用者之间的种子质量纠纷频繁,种子质量事故时有发生,因此,加强种子职能管理刻不容缓。  相似文献   

2000年《种子法》实施以后,农作物种子的育、繁、推和产、销发生了巨大的变化。种子由农业行政主管部门下属国有种子公司主渠道供给,转变为了农业行政主管部门监管下的市场供给。种子管理体制全面改革后,县级种子管理站相继成立,由于县级种子市场经营主体的多元化,加之种子来源多渠道,从事种子经营的企业和人员素质参差不齐,监管的难度大,管理的要求高。发挥好基层县级种子管理站的职能,是实现农业生产安全和农民增产增效的重要保障。但由于多方面的因素,致使管理职能难以发挥,诸多问题值得探讨。  相似文献   

Seed provision for small-scale farmers deals with multiple constraints. These include, on the supply side, high seed production costs and poor adaptedness of the cultivars, and on the demand side, anticyclical demand and low and variable sales. Approaches to improve seed provision to this sector of farmers have so far not been very successful. This paper discusses how well-adapted cultivars developed through participatory plant breeding (PPB) initiatives create new opportunities for production and distribution of quality seed. It reviews supply and demand-side issues, based on research and experiences with seed production. Given better adaptation of PPB-cultivars, the diffusion of seed of PPB initiatives should not be a major bottleneck. But constraints in the provision of quality seed from cultivars that are commonly used remain and need to be addressed. Major points of attention are cost-effective seed production and distribution, high information linked transaction costs, and appropriate seed production technology. Research on these issues is needed to understand farmers’ seed demand. At the same time, these issues need to be taken into account in new seed production initiatives that apply integrated approaches. Long term commitment by farmers to produce, distribute and use seeds is a condition. Even if seed production is not economically sustainable at household or organization level, farmer-based seed systems generate benefits to society as a whole that justify long term public investment to maintain them.  相似文献   

Large gaps between maize yields on average farmers’ fields and the highest yields achieved by either experiment or farmers are typical throughout the developing world, including in the North China Plain (NCP). Understanding the underlying causes to this yield gap is important for prioritizing strategies for shrinking this gap and improving food security. Quzhou county in Hebei province is typical of the winter-wheat summer-maize system in NCP where the average plot size is only 0.25 ha. To analyze this cropping system amidst the challenge of substantial heterogeneity, we identified fields that were either persistently higher or lower yielding according to remote sensing yield estimates, and then conducted detailed field surveys. We found irrigation facility to be a major constraint to yield both in terms of irrigation water quality and farmers’ access to wells. In total, improving the access to unsalty water would be associated with a 0.32 t/ha (4.2%) increase in multi-year average yield. In addition, farmers’ method of choosing cultivar, which likely relates to their overall knowledge level, significantly explained yield variation. In particular, those choosing cultivars according to technician advice, personal experiences and high yielding neighbors’ advice had on average higher yield than farmers that either followed seed sellers’ advice or collectively purchased seeds.  相似文献   

目的:筛选华重楼种子最佳预处理方法,为生产上及早破除种子休眠,促进种子萌发提供指导.方法:新鲜的华重楼种子经不同去皮方式、不同层积基质及不同浸种药剂处理后,于18℃层积条件下进行发芽试验,每周观察并记录,比较分析种子的发芽率、发芽势、平均发芽天数的差异.结果:与带皮种子相比,冷冻去皮可显著缩短种子平均发芽天数,而砂搓、纱布、手剥去皮的种子发芽率和发芽势均有显著降低;与壤土基质相比,细砂、蛭石、木屑层积的种子发芽率及发芽势均有显著提高,且蛭石基质层积可显著缩短平均发芽天数;NaN3、H2O2、KNO3浸种处理均能显著提高种子发芽率.结论:华重楼生产上宜采用冷冻法去除种子外种皮,使用0.001%浓度的H2 O2浸种14 h后于18℃蛭石中层积.  相似文献   

华山松球果螟危害对华山松球果及种子品质影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒金平  潘涌智 《种子》2006,25(6):1-3
华山松球果螟(D ioryctria rubellaHampson)是华山松球果的重要害虫。通过对健康球果和不同等级受害球果及种子的品质指标测定分析,结果表明:受华山松球果螟危害的球果在出籽率、种子千粒重、饱满率及种子发芽率等品质指标上明显低于健康球果相应的各项指标,华山松球果螟的危害对球果及种子产量和质量的影响十分明显。  相似文献   

Main stream commercial onion breeders do not select varieties for organic farming, but solely for conventional farming. Seed companies consider the organic market too small to justify investments in breeding for this sector. In order to study if their varieties also suit organic farmers’ needs we interviewed four Dutch commercial onion breeders on their breeding programme and selection criteria and compared the outcome with a variety profile composed of the priority traits of Dutch organic farmers. Breeders gave priority to the same storage and bulb quality traits that are demanded by organic farmers, because organic onions are exported to conventional supermarkets that apply the same quality standards to organic and conventional onions. However, organic farmers also need varieties that perform well in the field. Breeders give low priority to field selection. Furthermore, three of the four seed companies only breed hybrids. The cytoplasmic male sterility system used to produce these hybrids does not comply with organic principles. We conclude that at present breeders can provide varieties that meet organic farmers’ demands for storability and quality traits, but they should give higher priority to field selection to also improve required field traits. The latter will only occur, if in future the organic seed market will grow. If the organic sector wants varieties developed according to its own principles, it should either set up its own onion breeding programme or seek alliances with breeding companies that are prepared to harmonize their breeding methodology with the organic principles.  相似文献   

转型时期杂交水稻的困境与出路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
彭少兵 《作物学报》2016,42(3):313-319
杂交水稻技术是我国自主创新并领先于世界的重大技术, 杂交水稻技术在水稻生产中的成功应用为保障我国粮食安全做出了巨大贡献。由于杂交稻品种选育策略和种子生产与经营方式没有适应目前水稻生产的转型变化, 最近几年我国杂交稻的种植面积有下降的趋势。这并不是杂交稻技术本身的问题, 国内外的生产实践证明杂交稻仍然代表先进的水稻生产技术。如果我们尽快地调整杂交稻的育种目标, 培育出适合于轻简化和机械化水稻生产方式、综合抗性好、资源利用效率高、稻米品质优良的杂交稻组合, 通过轻简化和机械化栽培技术降低杂交稻的种子生产成本和种子价格, 我国的杂交稻有望迅速走出目前的困境。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜杂交种中雄性不育母本假杂种是影响种子纯度的关键。为了探索一种能准确鉴定油菜杂交种中母本假杂种的方法,利用CTAB小样法分别提取油菜F1杂种种皮和幼苗的总DNA,进而筛选种皮与幼苗的SSR谱带存在差异的引物,并用于鉴别杂交种制种样品中母本基因型假杂种。结果表明:F1杂种种皮的SSR电泳谱带与其母本相同,利用筛选到的多态性SSR引物对2个国审品种的6份杂交制种样品中母本基因型假杂种鉴定的结果与田间单株鉴定吻合率达98%以上,说明利用F1杂种种皮与幼胚存在多态性的SSR标记鉴定杂交种的母本基因型假杂种是可靠的。该技术方法可以克服目前油菜杂交种SSR纯度鉴定对亲本的依赖,为种子生产、管理和经营部门种子纯度质量的有效监控提供技术参考。  相似文献   

孟慧  杨云  陈波 《种子》2012,31(3):20-22
研究海南降香檀种子质量的分级标准。选择海南降香檀种子30个批次样本进行分选,以及对净度、优良度、千粒重、生活力、含水量等指标的测定,确定种子质量分级标准。降香檀种子优良度、生活力和千粒重是5项种子分级指标中的主要标准,其他指标作为参考。种子优良度为95%,生活力为84.2%,千粒重在131.4 g以上的种子被列为一级种子;种子优良度为70%,生活力为70.1%,千粒重在128.1 g以上的种子被列为二级种子。建立了海南降香檀种子质量分级标准。  相似文献   

Rapid adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic hybrid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in China is greatly attributed to high-quality hybrid seed produced in northern Shandong cotton production area; however, seed yield has reached a plateau in this area in recent years. Shifting the growing season earlier in the year by planting earlier in a greenhouse-like hut and transplanting the raised seedlings to the open fields later may allow the crop to produce more seeds. Four-year consecutive experiments conducted in Huimin County (northern Shandong, China) showed that early-season chilling stress on seedlings was avoided in such a hut, and that the blooming period was extended by about 1 week longer and the peak blooming occurred 5 days earlier in the year in the transplanting system than in the normal planting system. The number of early-season blooms and the number of bolls retained per unit area in transplanting system were significantly higher than those in normal planting system, but there were no significant differences in boll size and lint percentage between the two planting systems. Seed yield and quality parameters were significantly improved in the transplanting system through the increased number of bolls per square metre and earlier blooming respectively. As a result of improvement in seed yield and quality, the net revenue for seed producers with the transplanting system was increased by 20.8 and 22.5 % in 2002 and 2003, respectively, compared with the corresponding net revenue in the normal planting system. Seedling transplanting is a potent way to enhance hybrid seed production in Bt transgenic cotton.  相似文献   

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