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柳树是吉林省西部地区主要造林树种之一。为了筛选出适宜在干旱地上栽培的柳树品种,我们进行了干旱沙地柳树品种对比试验。经过10年的生长观测,垂爆109柳在干旱沙地上生长良好,且有较强的速生性,适宜在我省古部地区的干旱沙地上栽培推广。  相似文献   

柳树适应性强,容易无性繁殖,特别适宜在低湿地造林,是平原地区重要的速生树种.当作为用材树种经营时,往往因干形不良,干材率低而受到限制.为了改良柳树的冠形和干形.提高其干材率,我们开展了柳树良种选育的试验研究,以期选育出适于营造速生用材林的优良无性系,使该树种在平原地区林业生产中发挥更大的效益.J1—75及J4—75是我们较早选育出来的乔木柳速生无性系.从选育试验到初步投入生产造林现近8年时间,其无性系测定林分已达半个轮伐期(速生柳树轮伐期为10年).近几年来江苏徐州、淮阴、南通、扬州和南京等地、市已总计育苗25万多株,造林5万多株.全国也约有14个省、市40多  相似文献   

柳树无性系壮苗培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳树生长快适应性广是平原地区重要的造林绿化树种。江苏省林科院通过杂交试验,选育出了一批速生、干形优良的柳树无性系,主要有适应北方寒冷地区造林的垂爆109柳,在黄河流域、江淮地区广泛栽植的苏柳172和适宜生长在长江中下游平原的苏柳795、苏柳799等优良无性系。  相似文献   

根据朝鲜柳的生物学特性、栽培试验和相关调查结果,证明朝鲜柳具有生长快、生长时间长、生长量大的特点,是优良的速生树种,可作为速生丰产林造林树种在适宜的立地上进行大面积造林。  相似文献   

皖东地区沿江沿淮有大量的滩涂湿地,土壤深厚,适于柳树生长,自古就有插柳造林的习惯.但本地区柳树品种混杂,生长缓慢,病虫害严重,成材率低.为丰富平原圩区造林树种,提高本地区柳树栽培水平,我们开展了<皖东地区苏柳无性系引种栽培试验>项目,首次引进苏柳799和苏柳172两个优良无性系,现将引种栽培试验总结如下.  相似文献   

正柳树与小叶榕都是柳州市的市树,合称"兄弟树"。柳树与柳州、柳江、柳宗元"同姓",渊源久远,关系密切。柳州人在长期种柳、用柳、赏柳中,形成了独特的柳树文化。柳树是中国的原生树种,栽培历史悠久。山东青岛地区孢粉分析,距今11000~8500年间青岛胶州湾附近有柳属植物。柳树还是中国人工栽培最早、分布范围最广的植物之一,甲骨文已有"柳"字。中国种柳已有4000多年,可追溯到古蜀鱼凫故都(今成都市温  相似文献   

柳树生长快,适应性强、易繁殖,用途广泛,是平原地区和低湿滩地以及城乡绿化的重要树种。我所从1983年开始,先后从江苏林科所、宁夏、河北等地,引进柳树品种(无性系),1984年春进行品种的苗期测定试验。根据三年试验结果,从引进的柳树品种中初选出109柳、98柳、旱快柳、通天柳、黑皮柳等5个比较好的品种。在干形、抗性、速生等方面均超过当地最佳树种——青皮柳。现将试验结果报告如下:  相似文献   

王子成 《中国林业》2011,(22):38-38
带丰竹柳是近几年在民间逐渐被认可的一种造林速生丰产新树种,是继杨树、桉树后被林农自觉接受的一种速生用材林品种。竹柳来源于国外,改良于国内,是新的柳树杂交种,其形态、侧枝、密植性跟竹子相似,长势高大如竹、材质是柳,又因速生丰产而得名,取名为速丰竹柳。  相似文献   

23个柳树品系造林对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1986年春引进的23个柳树品系,经3年苗期比对试验,选出了J172柳,J194,柳,意大利柳等21个比较适宜木地区生长的品系,于1989年春进行造林对比试验,结果表明,J172柳表现最好,年平均树高生长量达2.65m,年平均胸长生长量达2.88cm,其次是J194柳和J369柳,青刚柳和准噶尔柳,这5种柳树对褐斑病和腐烂病有较的抗性。  相似文献   

一、前言柳树(Salix matsudana,Koidz.)为我国北部黄河流域的重要造林树种之一,因为它耐水耐旱,成林迅速,能够提早发挥防护作用,所以我国的西北、豫东防砂林,及永定河下游防护林,都把它选为主要的造林树种。随着我国河渠系统的不断扩大及固砂造林的继续开展,每年必须有巨量的柳类苗木供应,才能满足造林的需要。事实上近年各地防砂造林方面,都常自数十里乃至百里以外,采购柳树的枝条,此不但花费了巨额的采  相似文献   

燃料能源林树种选育及培育技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能源林作为生产并提供生物质能源的一种重要方式, 以其可再生、生物量大、环境友好及适应地域广而倍受国际社会关注。文中依据其主要用途将能源林分为燃油能源林、生物发电能源林与薪炭能源林等3类。燃油能源林树种包括续随子、霍霍巴、油楠等, 生物发电能源林树种包括柳树、桉树、杨树等, 薪炭能源林树种相对较多。生物发电能源林与薪炭能源林可统称为燃料能源林。目前, 国外十分重视燃料能源林树种选育及高产培育技术研究和实践。不同树种、无性系、种源的燃料能源林生物产量差异很大, 瑞典选育出蒿柳和毛枝柳等, 南魁北克选育出了柳树无性系SX64与SX61。造林密度与收获周期紧密相关, 巴西的澳洲金合欢树3年收获时密度以10000株/hm2生物量最大; 欧洲2年收获与3年收获的柳树能源林适宜密度为15000株/hm2。另外, 文中对能源林类型、燃料能源林树种选育、立地条件、造林整地、造林密度、收获周期、抚育管理等技术进行了介绍, 希望对能源林的栽培提供依据。  相似文献   

为进一步了解柳树优良无性系的生长特点,为无性系的合理利用提供依据,对苏柳932,799,795,797和172等5个柳树优良无性系2年生幼林的树高、胸径、材积等生长指标以及生物量和形率进行了测定分析。结果表明,苏柳5个无性系的胸径平均值为4.28cm,其中苏柳172的平均胸径最大(4.71cm);树高平均值为6.97m,其中苏柳795平均树高最高(7.75m)。苏柳795的形率qo.5、q0.7值分别为0.68,0.44,是各无性系中形率的最高值,主干生物量占单株地上部分总生物量的比例最高(76.02%),出材率高,是优良的用材林树种;而苏柳932的总生物量最高,为12.35kg/株,枝量、叶量占总生物量的比例最大,为42.0%,14.4%,属于防风防浪和生物能源林的造林良种。  相似文献   

As willow (Salix) cultivation grows globally, worldwide monitoring of pathotypes for Melampsora rust, the most serious disease in willow, becomes increasingly important. We compared the pathotype composition of the Melampsora rust population in Chile with that in Sweden and assessed inocula exchange for the rust between the continents. For pathotyping rust isolates, a willow differential was used (a standardized set of willow test clones) to obtain clone‐virulence patterns. These patterns were used to identify virulence components involved in determining which willow clones a given individual pathogen isolate (genotype) can successfully attack. Each virulence component detected earlier in Sweden's rust population was present in Chile's rust population. Using isoenzyme analysis to classify willow species in Chile, a low genetic variation of Salix viminalis (an introduced willow species) was found, compared with the endemic species Salix humboldtiana. Comparison of rust populations for the two countries supports the present hypothesis that intercontinental inocula exchange can be a significant determinant of local pathotype structure, and consequently can be important for willow‐resistance breeding.  相似文献   

An experiment upon an agri-silvicultural system involving Willow (Salix alba) tree, Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and Knol khol (Brassica oleracea var. caularapa) was laid in randomized block designed at farmers’ willow field at Shalimar near Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar India during 2005 and 2006. The main plot was divided into sub-spots with 8 m × 2 m in size each in which four two-year-old willow (Salix alba) trees were at a spacing of 2 m × 2 m in a sub-spot. The intercrops were maintained at recommended spacing and supplied with recommended doses of fertilizers. The benefit-cost ratio in willow plantation intercropped with vegetable crops of Kale and Knol Khol was analyzed and compared with the benefit-cost ratio of sole willow tree forestry. The results showed that every rupee invested in plantation of agri-silvicultural system generates benefit-cost ratio of 2.78 and 2.79 in case of Willow intercropping with Kale and Willow with Knol khol, respectively, while as for sole crop of willows benefit-cost ratio was calculated to be 2.66. These results provided circumstantial evidence in favour of adopting agroforestry involving willow instead of Sole tree forestry.  相似文献   

柳树无性系,变异大,形态多样,根据平原地区用材、防护、观赏的需要,对比分析柳树优良品种苏柳172、苏柳795、金丝垂柳1011和新选出的苏柳549、苏柳797、苏柳335、苏柳736、苏柳1034等新无性系的生长、冠形和枝干结构的差异。  相似文献   

Insect samples were collected from the canopy of 24 willow short rotation coppice (SRC) sites on farmland in Britain and Ireland in 1995. The blue willow beetle Phratora (= Phyllodecta) vulgatissima (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), previously identified as the main defoliating pest of this crop, was recorded from 13 of these at varying levels of abundance. Data describing aspects of the environment at each site were also collected. These data were used to create potential explanatory variables for a regression analysis of beetle abundance. This analysis indicated that P. vulgatissima were most likely to occur and were more abundant at older willow sites on clay soils and at sites that bad certain free-living willow species growing nearby. Within sites, most willow clones sampled contained P. vulgatissima, although two, Salix burjatica‘Germany’ (‘Aquatica Gigantea’) and Salix mollissima‘Q83’ (Salix triandra × Salix viminalis), were avoided. Chrysomelid pest avoidance and clonal resistance could form part of an integrated pest management strategy for SRC crops.  相似文献   

Carefully managed tree plantations offer an opportunity for sustainable biomass production. In recent years, the responses of the Salicaceae to environmental constraints have increasingly been investigated at different levels of biological integration, giving rise to a physiological approach to the function of trees in environmental restoration and monitoring. Significant progress has been achieved by the poplar and willow community in understanding targeted characteristics of complex tree stress responses. The Fifth International Poplar Symposium brought together experts in this area, with the main objective being to improve, coordinate and communicate existing national research on the biological and environmental dimension of multifunctional poplar and willow plantations. The secondary objective was to develop a network of research scientists and extension workers to provide scientific support for subjects interested in using fast-growing poplar and willow species for tree-related environmental projects. The ultimate goal was to build up services for the multipurpose tree plantation network on local-level management in order to obtain maximized benefits from tree crops. The purpose was also to maximize the synergy between local knowledge and global-level processes that require information on multipurpose tree crop production.  相似文献   

We investigated leaf gas exchange responses to leaf temperature, leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and predawn and midday shoot water potential (psipd and psimd, respectively) of two native Sonoran Desert riparian tree species, Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii S. Wats.) and Goodding willow (Salix gooddingii Ball), and one exotic riparian tree species, saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis Lour. and related species). Measurements were made at two sites over 2 years that differed climatically. Because multiple linear regression models explained less than 29% of the variation in stomatal conductance (gs) and less than 48% of the variation in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of all species, we used boundary-line analysis to compare gas exchange responses among species. Gas exchange rates were high in all species. The hyperbolic relationship between Pn and gs suggested that initial reductions in gs at high gs did not inhibit Pn. Reductions in gs of cottonwood and willow occurred at psimd values at or below previously reported xylem cavitation thresholds (-1.6 and -1.4 MPa, respectively), indicating tight stomatal regulation of water loss and a narrow cavitation safety margin. In contrast, reductions in gs of saltcedar occurred at psimd values well above the cavitation threshold (-7.0 MPa), but at much lower psimd values than in cottonwood and willow, suggesting a wider cavitation safety margin and less tight regulation of water loss in saltcedar. High VPD had a smaller effect on leaf gas exchange in willow than in cottonwood. In contrast, willow had a less negative psipd threshold for stomatal closure than cottonwood. Compared with cottonwood and willow, leaf gas exchange of saltcedar was more tolerant of high VPD and low psipd. These physiological characteristics of saltcedar explain its widespread success as an invader of riparian ecosystems containing native Fremont cottonwood and Goodding willow in the Sonoran Desert.  相似文献   

Experiences with tree fodders in temperate regions of Bhutan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tree fodders are traditionally used in temperate and subtropical parts of Bhutan and provide approximately 20% of the fodder requirement of the country's livestock. Willow (Salix babylonica), Quercus semecarpifolia and Euonimus spp. were considered the most important species for temperate areas. Crude protein content of willow leaves decreased from 24.8.% in April to 11.3% in October. Bulls' voluntary intake was 77.7, 58.4, and 28.6 g DM/W0.75 for willow, Popular robusta and Quercus semecarpifolia, respectively. Compared to temperate grasslands under the absence of phosphate inputs, tree fodders have a higher production potential and produce better quality fodder. Tree fodders may complement, but will not replace herbaceous fodder species in temperate areas. Assessment of yield potential in comparison to and in association with herbaceous temperate species is considered the most important research area.  相似文献   

通过杞柳、水杨梅等7个造林树种的造林试验,测定了各树种1年生根部组织内Hg、Cd、Ni、Cr、Cu、Mn、Zn、Pb和As等9种重金属指标的含量。测定结果显示:7个树种对重金属均有一定的吸滞能力,其中杞柳对所有测定的重金属均有较强的吸滞能力,其他树种对不同重金属指标吸滞能力表现不一。通过综合吸滞能力评价,按CI值将7个树种的综合吸滞能力种排序:杞柳〉池杉〉垂柳〉落羽杉〉湿地松〉水杨梅〉杨树。  相似文献   

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