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实验动物福利是指实验动物的康乐状态,即实验动物处于生理健康和心理愉悦的状态。动物福利的主张始于19世纪初欧洲一些学者反对虐待动物的思想,此后的100多年间,随着科学技术的不断进步和人类社会文明程度的日益提  相似文献   

动物防疫工作的开展,在控制动物疫病疫情的同时,对社会稳定和国家安全也具有重要意义.对基层动物防疫工作中存在问题进行分析,并从转变思想观念、完善工作体系、强化资金支持和采取防疫策略这四个方面入手,对基层动物防疫工作重点进行阐述,旨在防范动物疫病发生,优化畜牧业状态,推动整个社会的和谐发展.  相似文献   

罗嘉  陈远昆  朱砺 《猪业科学》2014,(4):118-119
<正>1动物福利的概念国际公认的动物福利标准是由世界动物卫生组织提出的动物应享受的5大自由:即享有不受饥渴的自由,享有生活舒适的自由,享有不受痛苦伤害和疾病威胁的自由,享有生活无恐惧和悲伤感的自由,享有表达天性的自由[1]。现代动物福利的理念是追求动物与自然的和谐,使动物维持其身体和心理与其环境协调的状态,最大限度地满足动物的需要。简单地解释为动物福利就是让动物在健康快乐的状态下生活。2动物福利的社会态度中国畜牧业从业者对动物的生理福  相似文献   

畜禽生产是一个充满与动物疫病相互斗争的过程,近年来随着畜禽业的迅速发展,动物疫病也呈现频发状态,“病原时刻变异、病种日趋复杂”。动物疫病防治工作是政府社会管理和公共服务的重要职责,关系国家食品和公共卫生安全,关系社会和谐稳定[1],对保护畜禽生产发展,促进农民增收、农业增效有着重要意义[2]。  相似文献   

<正>病理乃医学之本,同样,兽医病理学也是兽医各临床学科之本。纵观兽医学科本科教学的所有专业课程,没有其他课程象兽医病理学这样,几乎将跟专业相关的所有课程贯穿在一起,将学生的专业知识,从基础课程中对动物机体正常状态的了解,引向对动物机体疾病状态的认识。兽医专业学生的培养方向,说到底,是让学生掌握认识疾病、处理疾病的能力,而学生对动物疾病的认识,是从学习病理课程才正式开始的。1兽医病理的内容  相似文献   

动物拥有情感是动物福利科学和动物保护的基础,由于情感判断具有主观性,对动物情感状态的评价一直是个科学挑战。良好的福利不仅是动物没有消极的经历,更重要的是具有积极的状态。目前对动物心理学和神经学等的研究为动物情感状态研究提供了理论基础;同时对动物行为、生理表达、植物神经系统(心率和心率变异性)和免疫系统的研究为动物情感状态提供了完整评价方法。文章主要论述了动物情感状态存在的科学理论及情感状态对动物福利的重要性。以期通过探讨积极情感提高饲养动物生活质量的有益策略为丰富情感评价指标和更全面评估和改善动物福利提供参考。  相似文献   

近3年来,受新冠疫情影响,国内农林院校动物医学专业学生的毕业实践实习工作面临着前所未有的教学困难。首先,疫情期间,学生不能出校,理论教学尚可通过线上进行系统性讲授,但校外毕业实践实习地点因疫情影响封闭不能正常营业接诊,使得连续的实践实习教学不能正常开展。其次,受疫情影响,大部分动物医院、科研机构等出现关闭状态,使本专业应参加实践实习的学生未能如期进行线下学习,导致学生在专业技能上与往届学生比较有所欠缺。第三,由于学生接触实践实习及社会的时间减少,导致目前毕业实践实习的学生主观惰性心理增强、对未来的盲目性和专业技能掌握能力下降,也是当前动物医学专业毕业前景不明确,就业困难,专业技能不完善的主要因素。针对以上疫情下动物医学专业学生的实际情况,东北农业大学动物临床教学医院制定了科学合理的应对策略措施。在保障基本实践实习教学的基础上,协助学生渡过这段艰难的时期。通过线上线下教学相结合,设立新课程及新教学模式应用,教学医院与校外企业相结合等多项措施,为动物医学专业学生毕业临床实践教学在疫情下的新教学模式的构建与实行打下基础。  相似文献   

动物传染病学作为动物医学专业的主干课程,是动物医学专业毕业生与社会需求对接的重要环节。根据新形势下动物传染病流行和防控特点的变化,探讨高校动物医学专业该门课程教学改革的方向和措施,以达到激发学生学习兴趣,提高教学效果,增强学生的专业理论和实践技能的目的,培养出符合行业需求的兽医人才。  相似文献   

现阶段,我国高职动物医学专业的实践教学主要让学生进行临床见习。作为一种新型实践教学方式,病例讨论教学法有着积极意义,一方面使得学生可以尽快进入学习状态,另一方面能够提升学生对动物医学理论知识的应用能力。所以,在学生临床见习时,要求教师充分利用病例讨论教学法对学生进行教学,以提升教学质量,更好地完成见习目的。  相似文献   

刘文婷 《中国饲料》2021,1(3):152-152
社会生活的信息化及经济全球化发展使得英语学习的重要性越来越突出。对于动物科学与动物医学专业英语来说,其价值不仅仅在于专业学生的日常英语沟通,更在于其能够帮助学生及时了解专业领域发展前沿动态,进一步推动我国动物科学与动物医学领域的发展。由于向春、肖书奇和刘拥军共同编著,中国农业大学出版社出版的《动物科学与动物医学专业英语》一书,作者结合多年教学经验,从动物医学实际教学要求出发,结合国内外动物医学领域的研究成果,充分吸收并反映了当代动物科学专业和动物医学专业学科领域发展的前沿动态。  相似文献   

家禽肠道健康评价指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道是家禽消化和吸收营养物质的重要器官,同时也是机体防御的重要屏障。肠道多种屏障有机地结合在一起,共同抵御致病菌等有害物质的侵袭,保护动物肠道及机体健康。禽舍内温度、氨气等环境因子以及营养水平和营养物质等都会影响肠道健康。因此,了解并保障家禽肠道健康状况十分必要。本文主要通过总结和分析了肠道健康的评价指标,为深入研究家禽肠道健康进而防治肠道疾病、促进家禽健康生长提供理论依据。  相似文献   

重金属残留分析技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属难以降解,可以在生物体内长期积累,通过食物链沉积到人体后,可引起各种疾病,危害甚至能遗传到下一代,严重危害了人类健康。目前,生态环境不同程度受到重金属的污染。因此重金属检测在环境、农产品残留监测中非常重要。传统的重金属检测方法主要有紫外—可见光分光光度法、原子吸收光谱法、质谱法等。近年来兴起的重金属免疫学检测方法为重金属污染物的检测提供了另一种途径。  相似文献   

The influence of environment on animal health was studied in 40 bacon herds. These herds delivered approx. 11,000 baconers annually to the slaughter-house. The data from the meat inspection was studied in connection with the environmental recordings, and the relationship between 18 lesions and 20 environmental factors were estimated by statistical methods. The data was collected in the period 1975–1977.The influence of environmental factors upon the prevalence of different lesions showed considerable variation. Ten environmental factors were significantly associated with pleurisy and tail lesions (cannibalism). On the other hand none of the environmental factors bore any significant relation to atrophic rhinitis, pericarditis, peritonitis, perihepatitis, polyarthritis, arthritis and claw lesions. Eight environmental factors influenced the proportion of healthy animals.The recorded environmental factors influenced the overall health situation to a varying degree. For example, design of pen walls, insulation of pen floors, occasional use of supplementary feed and free access to drinking water were related to 5–7 lesions, while the nature of the concentrate (meal/pellets) had no significant influence.The study indicated that many details in environment and management could be of importance to the health of bacon pigs. However, statistical analysis also showed that production systems had a considerably stronger influence upon the health situation than any of the “pure” environmental factors – even when these factors were added.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the concept of One Health has become the international standard for zoonotic disease control. This call for transdisciplinary collaboration between professionals in human, animal and environmental health has produced several successes in zoonotic disease control, surveillance and research. Despite the lack of a clear definition, a shared agenda or institutional governance, One Health has proven to be a fruitful idea. Due to its ambiguity, the One Health concept functions as a boundary object: by leaving room for interpretation to fit different purposes, it facilitates cooperation. In many cases, this results in the promotion of health of humans, animals and the environment. However, there are also situations in which this mutual benefit of a One Health approach is not that evident, for instance, when healthy animals are culled to protect public health. Although such a strategy could well be part of a One Health approach, it is hard to understand how this contributes to the health of concerning animals. Consequently, these practices often lead to public debate. This raises questions on how we should understand the One Health concept in zoonotic disease control. Is it really about equally improving the health of humans, animals and the environment and is this even possible? Or is it ultimately just public health that counts? In cases of conflict between different values, the lack of a universal definition of the One Health concept contributes to this complexity. Although boundary objects have many positive aspects, in the context of One Health and zoonotic disease control, this conception seems to conceal underlying normative differences. To address moral dilemmas related to a One Health approach in zoonotic disease control, it is important to reflect on moral status and the meaning of health for humans, animals and the environment.  相似文献   

Animal scientists have an extraordinary burden to promote the health and well-being of all animals in their care. Promoting species- or breed-appropriate behaviors through proper training and enrichment, regardless of animal housing, should be a paramount concern for all animal scientists working with exotic animals, laboratory animals, shelter animals, or privately owned pet animals. Developing ideal training and enrichment programs for any species begins with understanding basic behavior patterns and emotional systems of animals. The basic emotional systems in mammals have been extensively mapped; however, most of these studies are in the neuroscience literature and seldom read by animal science professionals. The emotional circuits for fear have been well documented through studies demonstrating that lesions to the amygdala will block both conditioned and unconditioned fear behaviors. Additionally, other core emotional systems including seeking (i.e., approaching a novel stimulus), rage, panic (e.g., separation stress), play, lust (i.e., sex drive), and care (e.g., mother-young nurturing behavior) have been identified. More recent neuroscience research has discovered the subcortical brain regions that drive different types of seeking behaviors. Research to increase the understanding of the emotional systems that drive both abnormal and normal animal behaviors could greatly improve animal welfare by making it possible to provide more effective environmental enrichment programs. Enrichment devices and methods could be specifically designed to enable the expression of highly motivated behaviors that are driven by emotional circuits in the brain. The objective of this paper is to increase awareness of animal scientists to the field of neuroscience studying animal emotions and the application of that science to improve the welfare of captive exotic animals, laboratory animals, and pets with environmental enrichment.  相似文献   

甘州区地理区位优势明显,发展养殖业具有天然优越条件,动物饲养量较大。养殖业的发展势必会产生一定数量的病死动物。如果病死动物不经过无害化处理,会造成环境污染,并存在动物疫病传播流行风险。建议通过加强无害化处理设施建设完善、强化动物卫生监督管理、加大动物产品安全消费宣传力度等方法,做好病死动物无害化处理工作,保障人民群众身体健康和公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

锌是动物体内的必需微量元素之一,在动物生长发育和健康方面起着关键作用。甘氨酸锌作为有机微量元素具有生物利用率高、减排环保等优势。综述了甘氨酸锌对动物的生长性能、繁殖性能、免疫能力及肠道健康的影响,探讨了动物对甘氨酸锌的需要量,旨在为动物生产中科学利用甘氨酸锌改善动物健康,促进动物生长提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Humans and animals are in regular and at times close contact in modern intensive farming systems. The quality of human-animal interactions can have a profound impact on the productivity and welfare of farm animals. Interactions by humans may be neutral, positive or negative in nature. Regular pleasant contact with humans may result in desirable alterations in the physiology, behaviour, health and productivity of farm animals. On the contrary, animals that were subjected to aversive human contact were highly fearful of humans and their growth and reproductive performance could be compromised. Farm animals are particularly sensitive to human stimulation that occurs early in life, while many systems of the animals are still developing. This may have long-lasting impact and could possibly modify their genetic potential. The question as to how human contact can have a positive impact on responses to stressors, and productivity is not well understood. Recent work in our laboratory suggested that pleasant human contact may alter ability to tolerate various stressors through enhanced heat shock protein (hsp) 70 expression. The induction of hsp is often associated with increased tolerance to environmental stressors and disease resistance in animals. The attitude and consequent behaviour of stockpeople affect the animals’ fear of human which eventually influence animals’ productivity and welfare. Other than attitude and behaviour, technical skills, knowledge, job motivation, commitment and job satisfaction are prerequisites for high job performance.  相似文献   

日粮纤维能提供大量的能量,而且有利于维持动物机体的正常消化功能。本文综述了日粮纤维的代谢及对幼龄单胃动物消化功能的影响。  相似文献   

To avoid health risks in farm animals it is necessary to limit the intake of unwanted chemical compounds via air, feed or drinking water. The basis for this procedure are experimental results of Veterinary Toxicology, after which acceptable daily intakes can be estimated. A health risk is not present, if those limits are not exceeded. Risks may not only occur as an impairment of health itself but as well as a reduction of yield of food producing animals (body growth, production of meat and fat, fertility, milk and egg production). In addition the cumulation of unwanted compounds in tissues, which are used for the production of food of animal origin, is of great importance for the limitation of daily intakes of those environmental pollutants. Following the results of toxicological experiments in the target animals "Toxicological Drinking Water Standards for Animals" can be established.  相似文献   

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