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Zoonoses are fundamental determinants of community health. Preventing, identifying and managing these infections must be a central public health focus. Most current zoonoses research focuses on the interface of the pathogen and the clinically ill person, emphasizing microbial detection, mechanisms of pathogenicity and clinical intervention strategies, rather than examining the causes of emergence, persistence and spread of new zoonoses. There are gaps in the understanding of the animal determinants of emergence and the capacity to train highly qualified individuals; these are major obstacles to preventing new disease threats. The ability to predict the emergence of zoonoses and their resulting public health and societal impacts are hindered when insufficient effort is devoted to understanding zoonotic disease epidemiology, and when zoonoses are not examined in a manner that yields fundamental insight into their origin and spread. Emerging infectious disease research should rest on four pillars: enhanced communications across disciplinary and agency boundaries; the assessment and development of surveillance and disease detection tools; the examination of linkages between animal health determinants of human health outcomes; and finally, cross-disciplinary training and research. A national strategy to predict, prevent and manage emerging diseases must have a prominent and explicit role for veterinary and biological researchers. An integrated health approach would provide decision makers with a firmer foundation from which to build evidence-based disease prevention and control plans that involve complex human/animal/environmental systems, and would serve as the foundation to train and support the new cadre of individuals ultimately needed to maintain and apply research capacity in this area.  相似文献   

新发传染病主要是人畜共患病,是世界经济和公共健康的沉重负担。这就要求加强检测、鉴别和监视传染病的能力方面投入。高致病禽流感H5N1、新甲型流感("猪流感")H1N1、非典型性肺炎、西尼罗河病毒、地方流行性狂犬病、布鲁氏菌病以及发展中国家暴发的其它人畜共患病及近期猪抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,是人类、动物及其环境相互作用的典型范例。面临中国动物和人类常见的新发传染病坚持"同一个健康"战略,这就要求业已存在的兽医和人医及公共卫生机构的通力合作。人的疾病控制系统与动物疾病控制系统虽然都已经建立,但人畜共患病的暴发表明兽医机构和人医机构密切合作的重要性。在保证环境健康的同时,通过动物疾病和人类疾病监测系统的密切合作,中国就一定能够控制人畜共患病。以这种方式进行疾病预防、监测与应对,各层面及各动物生产部门间有效的兽医推广是加强和保持健康生态环境中人和动物健康的有效办法。中国还需大量努力才能达到从制度上保证预防和消灭疾病。透明而准确的人与动物疾病监督通常会产生经济且可持续的预防疾病方法。加拿大在兽医、公共健康、食品安全和人畜共患病预防方面所发挥的作用就是与中国农业部合作,促进必要的、可持续的兽医监督网络的建设。  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases transmitted by arthropods and rodents are a major public health concern in China. However, interventions in recent decades have helped lower the incidence of several diseases despite the country's large, frequently mobile population and socio‐economic challenges. Increasing globalization, rapid urbanization and a warming climate now add to the complexity of disease control and prevention and could challenge China's capacity to respond to threats of emerging and re‐emerging zoonoses. To investigate this notion, face‐to‐face interviews were conducted with 30 infectious disease experts in four cities in China. The case study diseases under discussion were malaria, dengue fever and haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, all of which may be influenced by changing meteorological conditions. Data were analysed using standard qualitative techniques. The study participants viewed the current disease prevention and control system favourably and were optimistic about China's capacity to manage climate‐sensitive diseases in the future. Several recommendations emerged from the data including the need to improve health literacy in the population regarding the transmission of infectious diseases and raising awareness of the health impacts of climate change amongst policymakers and health professionals. Participants thought that research capacity could be strengthened and human resources issues for front‐line staff should be addressed. It was considered important that authorities are well prepared in advance for outbreaks such as dengue fever in populous subtropical areas, and a prompt and coordinated response is required when outbreaks occur. Furthermore, health professionals need to remain skilled in the identification of diseases for which incidence is declining, so that re‐emerging or emerging trends can be rapidly identified. Recommendations such as these may be useful in formulating adaptation plans and capacity building for the future control and prevention of climate‐sensitive zoonotic diseases in China and neighbouring countries.  相似文献   

This paper identifies some of the more important diseases at the wildlife-livestock interface and the role wildlife plays in disease transmission. Domestic livestock, wildlife and humans share many similar pathogens. Pathogens of wild or domestic animal origin that can cause infections in humans are known as zoonotic organisms and the converse are termed as anthroponotic organisms. Seventy-seven percent of livestock pathogens and 91% of domestic carnivore pathogens are known to infect multiple hosts, including wildlife. Understanding this group of pathogens is critical to public health safety, because they infect a wide range of hosts and are most likely to emerge as novel causes of infection in humans and domestic animals. Diseases at the wildlife-livestock interface, particularly those that are zoonotic, must be an area of focus for public health programs and surveillance for emerging infectious diseases. Additionally, understanding wildlife and their role is a vital part of understanding the epidemiology and ecology of diseases. To do this, a multi-faceted approach combining capacity building and training, wildlife disease surveillance, wildlife-livestock interface and disease ecology studies, data and information sharing and outbreak investigation are needed.  相似文献   

动物诊疗机构的发展和监管,事关动物诊疗市场秩序和兽医执业行为,事关执业兽医制度建设,事关动物疫病防控和动物卫生安全。本文从我国医改经验,尤其是对强化医疗机构传染病防治职能要求出发,基于利益相关方、社会治理理论,概述了我国动物诊疗机构发展的积极态势,也指出了机构数量和质量有待提高、诊疗服务供给零散、传染病防控义务不明确、管理体制存缺陷等发展痛点,由此提出在动物诊疗机构管理中要应树立治理理念,齐抓共管体制型和管理型改革,强化传染病防控义务,实现动物诊疗管理全覆盖等发展建议,并对下一步研究做了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Specific immunoprophylaxis has played a key role in prevention and control of animal infectious diseases for many years. Vaccines are commonly used to diminish economic losses in animal production caused by infectious agents. Currently, respiratory diseases are the main health problem in cattle. BHV1, BRSV and BVD-MD viruses are among the most important pathogens worldwide. They can cause a disease themselves or they can be one of many agents causing a respiratory syndrome. The following article describes the specific immunoprophylaxis of cattle viral diseases caused by such viruses.  相似文献   

For the response to a zoonotic disease outbreak to be effective, animal health authorities and disease specialists must be involved. Animal health measures are commonly directed at known diseases that threaten the health of animals and impact owners. The measures have long been applied to zoonotic diseases, including tuberculosis and brucellosis, and can be applied to emerging diseases. One Health (veterinary, public, wildlife and environmental health) and all-hazards preparedness work have done much to aid interdisciplinary understanding and planning for zoonotic diseases, although further improvements are needed. Actions along the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery continuum should be considered. Prevention of outbreaks consists largely of import controls on animals and animal products and biosecurity. Preparedness includes situational awareness, research, tool acquisition, modelling, training and exercises, animal movement traceability and policy development. Response would include detection systems and specialized personnel, institutions, authorities, strategies, methods and tools, including movement control, depopulation and vaccination if available and appropriate. The specialized elements would be applied within a general (nationally standardized) system of response. Recovery steps begin with continuity of business measures during the response and are intended to restore pre-event conditions. The surveillance for novel influenza A viruses in swine and humans and the preparedness for and response to the recent influenza pandemic illustrate the cooperation possible between the animal and public health communities.  相似文献   

The risk of zoonotic disease transmission when handling livestock or animal products is substantial. In industrialized countries, the classical zoonotic diseases such as tuberculosis or brucellosis are no longer in the foreground. Latent zoonoses such as salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis can cause serious disease in humans and have become a major public health problem during the past years. Since animals infected with these pathogens show only mild transient disease or no clinical signs at all, new concepts in the entire production line ("stable to table") are necessary in order to avoid human infection. Two emerging viruses with zoonotic potential--avian influenza virus and Nipah virus--have been found in Asia in 1997 and 1999. Both diseases had a major impact on disease control and public health in the countries of origin. In order to cope threats from infectious diseases, in particular those of public health relevance, a combined effort among all institutions involved will be necessary. The proposed "European Center for Infectious Diseases" and the "Swiss center for zoonotic diseases" could be a potential approach in order to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

价值链调查分析技术在工业、商业等领域有着广泛的应用,近年来又被引入并推广应用于公共卫生和动物卫生领域。本文介绍了如何开展价值链调查和进行价值链分析,及其在公共卫生和动物疫病防控方面的应用。开展价值链调查一般通过访谈和现场调查的方式获取分析所需信息或数据。价值链分析一般分两个步骤,首先描述整个价值链的组成部分,以及各部分间是如何传递和衔接的,然后分析畜禽价值链链条中可能存在动物疫病风险的节点和链条,根据分析结果定制消除或降低疫病传入、循环、扩散风险的各种措施。目前,价值链调查分析技术已被应用于动物疫病监测系统评价、动物卫生风险评估等领域,为动物疫病防控决策提供了新的视角和依据。未来还需克服其劣势和不足,让价值链调查分析技术能够更好地用于动物疫病防控工作的各个方面。  相似文献   

Emergency management consists of 4 components—mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. All 4 are necessary for an effective plan to address the next bioterrorist attack, emerging infectious disease, or foreign animal disease that may compromise our animal populations. Emergency management plans developed at the local level must coordinate with such plans at the state level, which then should ultimately coordinate at the federal level. Because the equine industry is such an economically important one in the United States, it is particularly susceptible to the devastating repercussions of natural and contrived disasters. It is essential that veterinarians remain vigilant in detecting emerging infectious or foreign animal disease events, be informed about how to contact the state and federal authorities to report their suspicions, and assist their clients with any emergency management strategies, so as to minimize losses.  相似文献   

Emerging and major infectious animal diseases can have significant international impact on social, economic and environmental level, and are being driven by various factors. Prevention and control measures should be prepared at both national and international level to mitigate these disease risks. Research to support such policy development is mostly carried out at national level and dedicated transnational research programmes are still in its infancy. This research reports on part of a process to develop a common strategic research agenda on emerging and major infectious diseases of livestock in Europe, covering a 5-15-year time span. A two round online Delphi study was conducted to explore the views of experts on issues relating to research needs on emerging infectious diseases of livestock in Europe. Drivers that may influence the incidence of emerging infectious animal diseases in both the short (next 5 years) and medium term (10-15 years) were identified. Drivers related to regulatory measures and biological science developments were thought to decrease the incidence, and socio-economic factors to increase the incidence of emerging infectious animal diseases. From the first round a list of threats to animal health was compiled and participants combined these threats with relevant drivers in the second round. Next to identifying threats to animal health, also possible mitigatory actions to reduce the negative impact of these threats were identified. Participants emphasised that interdisciplinary research is needed to understand drivers of emerging infectious animal diseases, as well as to develop prevention and control measures which are both socio-economic and technical. From this it can be concluded that interdisciplinary research combining both natural and social research themes is required. Some of the European member states research budget needs to be allocated so that effective prevention and mitigation strategies can be developed.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(布病)是一种重要的人兽共患传染病,可感染多种动物,其中鹿科动物是重要的宿主之一。随着我国经济动物养殖规模的扩大和发展以及野生鹿群资源保护的需求,鹿布病流行情况和防治措施具有重要的公共卫生意义。本文就国内外鹿布病的流行情况、临床症状,诊断及预防等情况进行综述,为我国鹿布病防控提供参考与建议。  相似文献   

在养殖业生产过程中,动物疾病防控是非常重要的工作,防控工作做得成功与否,事关养殖业成效,直接影响养殖户经济收入,做好动物疾病防控就显得尤为重要了,本人认为要做好动物疾病防控工作,就从平时日常管理做起,建立一整套完善的饲养管理制度,为畜禽提供优异的圈舍环境和优质的饲草料,做好防寒防暑措施,落实动物疫病防控措施,增强动物个体抗病能力,就会有效地降低动物疾病的发生,尤其是传染病发生都可以避免;即使发生传染病,也能及时得到有效控制。在大规模养殖过程中,我们要把重点放在做好饲养管理,确保各项生理指标健康,增加个体抗病能力,从而增强群体抗病能力,而不是忙于治疗个别病畜,否则会因小失大,会使动物疾病防控工作完全陷入被动局面。为此不难看出,动物饲养管理和疾病防控工作有着密切关系,本人通过调查研究、查阅资料,对动物饲养管理与疾病防控的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

Emerging and re-emerging zoonoses are zoonotic diseases caused by either totally new or partially new agents or by microorganisms previously known but now occurring in places or in species where the disease was previously unknown. Zoonotic diseases account for the majority of all emerging infectious diseases. Several factors have led to the emergence of these infections, including human demographics, the industrialization of food production, globalization, international travel and commerce, land use, microbial adaptation, and changes and breakdown in public health measures. Several zoonotic agents are also potential agents that could be used as biological weapons. The recent use of anthrax spores in tainted mall in the US underlines our need for preparedness against bioterrorism. Prevention and control of these emerging zoonotic diseases is based on recognition, investigation, and collaboration, the development of advanced diagnosis and surveillance tools, the use of applied epidemiology and molecular biology methods, as well as education, information, communication, and technology transfer.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的严重危害人民健康和影响畜牧业发展的人畜共患传染病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病,同时也被《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》列入乙类传染病。2019年12月,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所发生的因实验室操作不规范,而引起的布病感染事件,为畜牧兽医工作者的布病防控再一次敲响了警钟。本文结合畜牧兽医行业实际,对畜牧兽医工作者的布病防控进行了探讨,提出了一些具有针对性和可操作性的对策建议。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是危害多种动物和人类的传染病,也是我国重点防控的人畜共患传染病之一。受市场等因素调节,牛羊反刍动物数量增加,且动物及其产品流通频繁,动物疫病发生风险加大,许多地方畜间布病呈上升趋势。为切实加强畜间布病防控工作,肃南县按照省、市业务部门的防控要求,结合当地高寒牧区畜间布病流行实际,制订防控工作计划,全面落实动物疫病主动监测、定点检疫、消毒灭源、阳性畜扑杀及无害化处理综合防治措施,取得一定成效。  相似文献   

长期以来,兽药用长效抗菌药剂(抗生素)在有效防治各类传染性动物疫病、提高农民生产畜禽养殖生产经营的效益、保障各类城市公共产品安全卫生的质量以及安全标准化生产活动中一直发挥并起着的积极重要作用。然而抗生素滥用易导致多种细菌产生耐药性,同时会带来较强毒副作用,危害公共卫生安全。2021年全国开展兽用抗菌药减量化行动,各省落实“同一健康”理念,高度重视减量化行动。江西省牛羊产业体系疫病防控岗专家团队深入江西省30多个牛羊养殖大县(区),针对各养殖企业及养殖户设计发放相关调查问卷,为科学指导推动畜禽养殖场户规范使用、减量使用抗生素,提出推动牛羊养殖发展的措施与建议,供各位读者、养殖户进行参考。  相似文献   

Animal diseases are known to be the origin of many human diseases, and there are many examples from ancient civilizations of plagues that arose from animals, domesticated and wild. Records of attempts to control zoonoses are almost as old. The early focus on food-borne illness evolved into veterinary medicine's support of public health efforts. Key historical events, disease outbreaks, and individuals responsible for their control are reviewed and serve as a foundation for understanding the current and future efforts in veterinary public health. Animal medicine and veterinary public health have been intertwined since humans first began ministrations to their families and animals. In the United States, the veterinary medical profession has effectively eliminated those major problems of animal health that had serious public health ramifications. These lessons and experiences can serve as a model for other countries. Our past must also be a reminder that the battle for human and animal health is ongoing. New agents emerge to threaten human and animal populations. With knowledge of the past, coupled with new technologies and techniques, we must be vigilant and carry on.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种急性或慢人畜共患传染病,该病除了导致养牛企业直接经济损失外,还可能发生严重食品安全问题和因人被感染导致的严重公共卫生安全问题。多年来,各级动物防疫部门主要关注奶牛的布病防控,对肉牛的布病防控介入很少,造成肉牛布病感染情况不明、底子不清,防控力度不够。随着规模化肉牛养殖业的不断兴起,肉牛布鲁氏菌病防控可不容缓。因此,必须采取综合措施有效防控肉牛布鲁氏菌病。  相似文献   

Necrotic enteritis is an acute gastrointestinal infectious disease with high morbidity and mortality which caused by Clostridium perfringens. The disease not only harms the livestock health and animal welfare,but also has been an emerging threat for breeding industry and human health. Antibacterial drugs played a positive role on preventing this disease,however,drug-resistant strains were increasing with irrational use of antibiotics,the incidence of necrotic enteritis has drastically increased, prevention and treatment of it faced severe challenges. The author reviewed the characteristics of necrotic enteritis include the etiology,physicochemical properties, epidemiology and clinical signs,at the same time, the control measures and common drugs were summarized,and the new development trend and direction for prevention and treatment necrotic enteritis was objective analyzed, aiming to establish a comprehensive understanding of the disease,provide references for prevention and treatment of the disease.  相似文献   

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