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城市污泥农用处置研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市污泥的处置方式主要有农业利用、陆地填埋、焚烧和排海。城市污泥中含有大量的植物营养元素,其土地利用能改善土壤的理化性质,提高作物产量,减少污泥对环境的二次污染,从而实现污泥的资源化、无害化、稳定化和减量化处置目标。虽然城市污泥中含有重金属等有害物质,但大量研究表明,经过无害化处理的城市污泥适量施用不会对土壤环境和作物品质造成影响。城市污泥的农林利用已成为最具潜力的污泥处置方式。  相似文献   

卫生填埋是生活垃圾最主要的处理方式,生活垃圾卫生填埋场产生甲烷(CH4)等温室气体,加快全球气候变暖进程,引起各国政府的高度重视。笔者探讨了影响生活垃圾卫生填埋场CH4产生的因素,对CH4减排技术进行了总结。目前,生活垃圾卫生填埋场CH4减排技术主要包括填埋层原位减排、资源化利用和末端控制技术等。为了控制和减少CH4排放量,中国需要增加技术和设施投入,加强生活垃圾卫生填埋场气体排放的管理,开发有效的CH4抑制技术,建立适合中国国情的CH4等温室气体减排技术体系。  相似文献   

中国城市污泥的性质和处置方式及土地利用前景   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:31  
中国城市污泥产量巨大且成分复杂,如何对它进行合理利用已越来越受人们关注,若处置利用不当会对环境造成二次污染。笔者系统地阐述了中国城市污泥的性质、处置方式与利用现状,讨论了中国城市污泥土地利用的可行性和发展前景。认为将污泥作为肥料或土壤改良剂进行土地修复、林业利用、城市绿化和农田利用是中国城市污泥处置与利用的有效途径,并具有很好的前景。  相似文献   

为实现垃圾卫生填埋处置对环境影响最小化,填埋场场址的合理选择至关重要的一步。笔者在专家调查的基础上,利用层次分析法(AHP),建立了以城市规划要求、交通运输条件、与城市的距离、环境保护条件、地质环境条件、建场条件为一级指标的垃圾填埋场选址评价模型,为武汉市的垃圾填埋场选址提供科学依据。  相似文献   

家庭要想栽好盆茉莉,就要根据茉莉的特性,掌握如下要点。 调好培养土 培养土可用田园土4份,堆肥3份,沙2份,草木灰1份混合而成。或用河泥晒干研碎,与猪粪混拌堆积发酵,待腐烂后再加适量的沙或草木灰混合而成。或用垃圾土(由垃圾堆积腐烂而成,也叫乌沙泥)混合砻糠灰或草木灰也行。这些土都很适宜茉莉生长。  相似文献   

不同配比污泥基质对2种草本植物生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京小红门污泥转运站的生活污泥为研究对象,探讨不同配比污泥基质处理对高羊茅和黑麦草生长的影响,为北京市合理利用城市生活污泥提供科学理论依据。采用土壤农化常规分析法对污泥基质进行分析,通过对比试验对2种草本植物的生长和生理指标进行比较。研究表明,污泥的施用明显改变了土壤的生化指标,进而影响了植物的生长发育。对于生污泥来说,随着配比比例的增加,高羊茅和黑麦草各项生长指标均呈现先增加后减少的变化规律;而对于污泥混合类型来说,50%生污泥和50%脱水泥饼更有利于草种的发芽和生长;当污泥配比比例超过60%时,会抑制植物的发芽和生长。另外,对于施用污泥的植物来说,其生理指标叶绿素含量明显增高,并且丙二醛含量也有显著变化。研究结果将为污泥矿山修复利用技术提供理论指导作用。  相似文献   

沼气发酵原料研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了拓宽沼气生产的使用范围和发展空间,促进中国农村生态能源事业的快速发展。综述了国内外有关沼气发酵原料的研究,主要从富氮和富碳原料以及水生植物、农产品加工的各种有机废物和废水、城市垃圾及生活污水等方面的发酵沼气进行阐述,并对其发展趋势进行了展望,旨在为农村沼气的深化研究与合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

弯囊苔草(Carex dispalata)对生活污水的净化效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过水培实验,研究了弯囊苔草在不同浓度生活污水中的生长特性及对生活污水TN、NH3-N、TP、CODCr的去除效果。结果表明,弯囊苔草在中浓度污水中生长最好,其生物量显著高于低浓度(p <0.05),略高于高浓度(p >0.05)。弯囊苔草对3种浓度生活污水中TN、NH3-N、TP、CODCr的净化效果均显著高于对照(p <0.05)。在低、中、高3种生活污水中,对TN的去除率分别为87.04%、88.84%和68.87%;对NH3-N的去除率分别为96.70%、98.81%和96.68%;对TP的去除率分别为94.48%、96.98%和96.75%;对CODCr的去除率分别为63.20%、83.80%和82.33%。弯囊苔草对高、中浓度污水中NH3-N、TP、CODCr的净化效率显著高于低浓度(p<0.05),其中对NH3-N和TP的去除率均超过95%;对中、低浓度生活污水中TN的去除率显著高于高浓度(p <0.05)。除生活污水中的NH3-N外,TN、TP、CODCr的去除速率在实验初期较快。实验表明弯囊苔草对生活污水具有较好的净化能力,可以作为水体生态修复工程中的修复植物。  相似文献   

赤子爱胜蚓分解处理城市污泥的最佳生态条件研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
城市污泥是城市污水处理的副产物,成分复杂,若不妥善处置,将对环境造成二次污染。本文利用采用4因素3水平的正交设计,以赤子爱胜蚓的日增重倍数与日增殖倍数为测试指标,研究了在含水率保持恒定的条件下,温度、种蚓投加密度、污泥碳氮比以及EM添加量对赤子爱胜蚓生长与繁殖的影响。从而找到赤子爱蚯蚓分解处理城市污泥的最佳生态条件,为城市污泥的处理提供理依据。结果:当温度为22 ℃,种蚓投加密度为0.1 g/ cm2,污泥碳氮比为20,EM投加量为0.1%时,赤子爱胜蚓具有最佳的生长与繁殖效果。因此,确定了蚯蚓处理城市污泥的最佳生态条件。  相似文献   

正目前,在农村很多栏河工程上游,人们生活产生的垃圾和污水、养殖产生的废弃物和污水、农副产品加工产生的废料和污水等非常多,对栏河工程水质造成严重污染。而栏河工程又是种植业、养殖业、农副产品加工业等用水的重要水源地,水质好坏直接影响农作物的生长发育、畜禽的繁育生长、农副产品加工的质量。所以,对农村栏河工程进行生态综合治理刻不容缓。栏河生态综合治理要从社会、经济、人文等多方面考虑,既要实现物理性功能,又要实现生态性功能。  相似文献   

In this paper, the landfill gas generation process was investigated by a landfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste (MSW) co-disposed with wastewater sludge. The experimental results show that the wastewater sludge played a role of inoculation in MSW degradation process and accelerated organic waste decomposition. Compared with the MSW landfill alone, the landfill gas generation rate of MSW co-disposed with sludge was higher by about 30%. The average CH 4 content in landfill gas reached 64%, which was much higher than in case of MSW landfill alone and useful for landfill gas utilization. It is also proved that co-disposal of sludge with MSW is a good choice for beneficial use of sludge.  相似文献   

With the development of economic and society,more and more waste landfill gradually threaten to the development of the city.Some special tests are done to study the relationship of the Municipal solid waste(MSW) strength and the stability of MSW landfill structure.A geo-technical test with the soil samples collected at the scene is done in the laboratory through direct sheared device and the thri-axial sheared device,the disciplinarian and factors are analyzed.The results are referenced to the design and construction of new-built MSW and finished rubbish field.It is shown that some parameters such as composition,particle magnitude,water content,compressing method,intensity and time,will greatly affect the strength character of MSW.  相似文献   

At present 18 wastewater treatment plants operateing in the Small towns of Three Gorge Areas of Chongqing Municipality, producing 132.95 tons surplus sludge everyday. As regards to the disposition of such numerous surplus sludge, the major disposition technique in these wastewater water treatment plants, i. e. , thickening and mechanical dewatering technique followed by feeding into the municipal solid waste landfill, seems to have a rather bad effect on the normal operation of the municipal solid waste landfill, due to the unstabilized sludge resulted from this technique of the sludge disposition and high moisture in the sludge, which is higher than 80%. This paper has paid some attention to this phenomenon. With respect to the small towns having the the municipal solid waste landfill, the techniques of mechanical dewatering, calcareousness stabilized etc. before feeding into the municipal solid waste landfill, seem to be feasible, while the composting and comprehensive utilization of sludge is available in the small towns which have no municipal solid waste landfills.  相似文献   

On the basis of the geographic, climatic characteristics and air pollution conditions of Chongqing city, referring to the application and development of Municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment techniques developed recently in advanced countries and other domestic cities, Varieties of MSW treatment techniques, incineration, landfill, composting, and comprehensive utilization, are analyzed in comparison. Their applying prospects and limitations in Chongqing are marked out.  相似文献   

Human beings are facing a lot of social, economical and environmental problems, so in 21st century, the sustainable development becomes inevitable choice of human beings. The current situation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the merits and shortcomings of sanitation landfill, composting, incineration have been expatiated in this paper. If the MSW has been disposed according to the principle of reduction, harmless and resource transformation, the sound base for our country's sustainable development in 21st century will be set.  相似文献   

Properties and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incineration has been used to dispose municipal solid waste(MSW) in the world.Attention is paid to the secondary pollution from municipal solid waste incineration(MSWI).Especially the safe and effective disposal of MSWI fly ash becomes an environmental and social problem which should be urgently resolved.The paper focuseds on the properties of MSW fly ash.The different kinds of technology of MSW fly ash are analysed in details.The main disposals of MSWI fly ash are filling,solidification and stabilization,and distilling heavy metals.The innocuous disposal of MSW fly ash which is compatible in China is impoldering advanced incinerator controlling the MSW and research effective and inexpensive stabilization chemicals and effective technique of distilling heavy metals to reduce the secondary pollution caused by the heavy metal of MSWI fly ash.  相似文献   

By the law of conservation of mass, one dimensional municipal solid waste(MSW) degradation model was proposed with considering the degradation and density fluctuation, the relationship between density, quality and volume and the degradation characteristics obtained from the degradation test.With the analysis, it was found that the settlement of degradation was positive proportional with the following three elements: the volume percentage of organic matter, the rate of degradation and the initial height.As a case study, the degradation settlement of Chongqing MSW landfill was predicted.And it was found that the relationship between the settlement and the time showed exponential attenuation trend, in which the degradation settlement of MSW landfill was large in the initial stages, and then it gradually stabilized with the time.  相似文献   

We analyze the combustion characteristics of single component samples and mixed samples of municipal solid waste (MSW) using thermogravimetry. The ignition temperature, burnout temperature and comprehensive combustion characteristic parameters are obtaine  相似文献   

固化污泥是一种新型填埋场底部防渗阻滞材料,为论证其防渗阻滞作用的有效性,需进行典型污染物的穿透试验,但由于固化污泥渗透性很低,采用常规土柱试验很难得到污染物透过其迁移时的相关参数。为解决该问题,用柔性壁渗透试验代替传统土柱试验。渗滤液中污染成分较多,取含量较高且较易穿透的污染物即氟离子作为典型污染物,首先进行穿透试验获得迁移参数,然后结合二维有限元法研究分析其在防渗阻滞层及周边岩土环境中60 a内的运动迁移范围、浓度分布情况,并对比分析未设防渗阻滞层的情况。研究表明,在填埋场底部设置固化污泥防渗层对于以氟为代表的阴性污染物有较好的延迟阻滞作用。由于阳性污染物的穿透能力较阴性污染物弱,因而固化污泥防渗层对重金属等阳性污染物也应具有较强的阻滞作用,从而能进一步延迟填埋场渗滤液对周边环境的污染。  相似文献   

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