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杨树人工林地力衰退研究现状及防止措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了土壤退化、林地地力衰退和人工林长期生产力维持等与人工林地力衰退相关的概念,并从三个方面阐述了杨树人工林地力衰退的主要表现:一是生产力下降的原因及主要体现,二是土壤质量下降的主要表现,三是土壤微生态环境的变化,主要是包括杨树人工林地中土壤脲酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶、硝酸还原酶、酚酸类物质及土壤微生物活性的变化等;分别从平衡施肥体系的建立、新型肥料的施用和杨树人工林的连作与轮作、纯林与混交林营造的角度对防止人工林地力衰退提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

为了研究连作对湿地松纯林土壤肥力及林分生产力的影响,以湖北省荆门市彭场林场中湿地松人工林为研究对 象,调查并分析连作林分和非连作林分林地土壤养分含量变化和林木生长量及根系差异 。结果表明:0~10cm土层中非连 作林分土壤氮、磷、有机质含量均高于连作林分,>10~20cm土层中非连作林分土壤的氮和磷含量高于连作林分;非连作 林分林木根的长度和表面积均高于连作林分;利用解析木数据拟合林木树高、胸径和单株材积生长曲线,15a前连作和非 连作林分的树高和胸径没有明显差异,但非连作林分的单株材积高于连作林分,而25a时,非连作林分的胸径和单株材积 明显高于连作林分 。可见,湿地松连作会导致土壤肥力退化,林分生产力下降,对于连作林分土壤肥力维持至关重要。  相似文献   

马尾松黎蒴栲混交林不同更新方法效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对马尾松、黎蒴栲第1混交世代采用伐栲留松和松、栲皆伐2种更新方法,形成了第2世代混交林和栲纯林。这2种不同的更新方法对栲的初期生长虽影响不同,但土壤肥力水平仍获得维持和提高。这些更新方法对解决南亚热带低丘马尾松连作导致的地力衰退有一定的作用。  相似文献   

药材连作障碍是影响药材生产的重要问题,而连作障碍的重要表现是连作病害,通过合理施用生物有机肥是一种有效且环保的防治措施,对生物有机肥在药材连作病害方面的研究现状、作用机理及展望进行了总结和讨论。  相似文献   

连作人工林化感效应研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人工林地力衰退是国内外学者长期关注的问题, 许多树种的连作人工林均出现了地力衰退现象, 严重影响到人工林的可持续经营。文中回顾了人工林地力衰退的研究历史, 重点对近年来日渐兴起的人工林化感效应研究进行了总结, 提出连作人工林化感效应今后的研究重点, 以期引起有关学者的关注, 为解决长期困扰人工林经营的难题提供研究思路。  相似文献   

连作障碍是目前苹果老果园更新中存在的一个十分普遍的问题。本文系统总结有关于苹果连作问题的4个具体成因、5个主要危害和6项有效防治措施,为目前解决苹果连作障碍提供参考。  相似文献   

人工林的地力衰退问题是目前世界上集约经营工业用材林的一大障碍。大力发展速生生产林是西双版纳州发展林业的一项重要措施。要提高林木长生量,缩短轮伐期,提高人工林的生产力,就必须高度重视人工林的地力衰退问题。 西双版纳全州土壤状况并不十分理想,其土壤肥力较低,林地养分失调。如山区和半山区林地普遍缺磷、钾,有机质含量低;坝区林地均为低产土壤,除钾较丰富外,严重缺磷、氮和有机质。在西双版纳,发展人工林,特别是速生丰产林,地力不足且不断衰退是一个突出的问题。 一、人工林地力自退的主栗原因 lA4jj种布局上重…  相似文献   

连作杨树细根根序形态及解剖结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]针对连作杨树人工林细根形态和解剖结构,从根序视角探讨连作杨树人工林细根生长的代际差异及其与人工林生产力衰退的联系,以期揭示连作杨树人工林衰退机制.[方法]分别在杨树人工林Ⅰ和Ⅱ代林分设立标准地,采用改良全根取样法获得杨树细根(<2 mm)并按根序进行分级,制作1~5级细根各根序石蜡切片.根系扫描仪结合分析软件获得各根序细根长度、直径,光学显微镜观察各根序细根剖面直径、皮层厚度、维管柱(中柱)直径等参数,并计算比根长、根组织密度、根长密度、维根比等.LSD分析1~5级根序形态参数的差异显著性,One-way ANOVA分析同一根序在不同代数间形态指标参数的差异显著性.[结果]杨树细根生物量表现为随根序增加而减小,且连作Ⅱ代人工林细根生物量分配高于Ⅰ代林,尤其在1,2级根序中更为显著(P<0.05);连作导致杨树1,2级细根平均长度减少而3~5级根长度增加;直径虽然在不同根序细根间差异并不显著,但Ⅱ代林显著高于Ⅰ代林;杨树细根表面积、比根长和根长密度总体表现为1,2级根显著高于3,4级根(P<0.05),但比根长在Ⅱ代林中差异不显著;连作导致杨树1,2级根表面积和根长密度显著增大,但比根长显著减小(P<0.05);细根解剖特征表明,横剖面宽度随根序逐渐增大,中柱面积占横剖面的比例随根序增加而增大,1,2级细根总体呈现初生结构的特征,从3级根开始出现木栓层且皮层开始脱落.[结论]杨树1~5级根序细根形态和功能存在显著差异,1,2级细根仅具初生结构,是杨树的吸收根,3级以上细根出现木栓层从而变为输导根.连作导致杨树细根形态发生显著变化,且低级细根生物量显著增加,表明连作导致杨树人工林对地下部分的生长投入增大,这与养分匮乏生境中植物光合产物最优分配理论相一致.伴随细根死亡和周转,连作杨树人工林细根生物量分配格局将影响人工林地上部分生产力的形成.  相似文献   

人工林地力衰退现象时有报道,引起了国内外普遍关注。地力衰退已成为培育人工林过程中的一个技术障碍。人工林地力衰退机理和防止对策的研究是当前和将来营林科学的研究热点。  相似文献   

关于我国人工林长期生产力的保持   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了保持我国人工林的长期生产力和提高森林质量,达到可持续经营的目的。作者在以往研究工作的基础上,广泛收集了国内外有关成果与资料,概括论述了我国人工林森林生产力的现状、不能保持生产力的原因与机理以及长期保持人工林生产力的技术对策。按第八次清查的全国森林资源数据,每公顷蓄积量为89.79 m^3,其中天然林为104.6 m^3,人工林为52.76 m^3,人工林森林生产力明显低于天然林;我国优势树种人工林每公顷蓄积量也不高,如杉木为69.8 m^3,马尾松为56.2 m^3,落叶松为58.6 m^3,这些数据比日本2002年3月公布的人工林相似树种的数据低很多,如日本针叶树蓄积量为227.97 m^3·hm-2,柳杉为295.83 m^3·hm-2,落叶松为189.88 m^3·hm-2。关于年生长量,按全国第七次资源清查的中龄林与近熟林的数据做统计:杉木人工林5.2~4.2 m^3·hm-2,马尾松为3.2~1.8 m^3·hm-2,柏木为3.4~3.2 m^3·hm-2;但按作者掌握的我国重点或示范性、试验性小面积人工林生长量看,却很高,按我国编制的速生丰产林标准的生长量数据看比较高。我国大面积人工林生产力不高,短周期经营的杨树、桉树人工林也不高,主要原因是:(1)纯林化与针叶化严重。按第八次全国森林资源统计,纯林占人工林的85%,而且针叶化明显,人工乔木林10个优势树种中针叶林比例高达56.9%。人工纯林结构简单,生物多样性低,生物学上缺乏稳定性。人工纯林特别是针叶纯林,抗性低,抗自然灾害和大气污染能力均差,人工纯林维护地力的能力也弱。(2)集约育林的技术措施:立地控制技术未得到推广,适地适树适品种原则在育林中未能认真贯彻;密度、植被、地力控制技术也执行不力,大面积上的人工林仍属于粗放经营;连作引起林地土壤理、化、生物特性恶化,土壤质量衰退,导致林木生长不良,林分生产力逐代下降;造林作业造成水土流失,如杉木造林,传统的育林技术未得到明显改进,福建尤溪炼山后进行的3年观测结果表明,炼山和水土流失损失的有机质高达989.35 kg·hm-2,养分586.26 kg·hm-2。桉树在砖红壤进行的机耕整地,水土流失也很严重,不合理的造林作业,最终导致土壤质量与森林生产力下降。短周期培育人工林带来了2个重要问题,一是对林地肥力要求高,二是如何利用无性系才能保持长期生产力。短周期经营采用的无性系,生长速度快,生长量大,轮伐期短,养分需求量大,如刚果12号W5无性系,通常利用地上部分,以5~7 a的轮伐期计,消耗的养分达571.75 kg·hm-2,我国培养短周期人工林的土壤质量本底原本普遍不高,如果采取连作,土壤有机质养分会明显下降,土壤质量衰退,并对其功能产生危害。我国杨树、桉树等人工林要达到短周期持续经营,还需要实行多无性系造林。我国人工林长期生产力保持的技术对策,应采取先进的集约育林措施,包括遗传控制、立地控制、密度控制、植被控制与地力控制。  相似文献   

为了比较分析不同连作土壤处理水蜜桃再植苗的生长状况及其对主要营养元素的吸收差异,以探讨连作土壤对再植桃苗生长的影响机制,设置了4个土壤处理即重茬土(T_1)、重茬土+生石灰(T_2)、重茬土+活性炭(T_3)、重茬土+微生物肥(T_4)进行试验,分别测定了再植桃苗的生物量、气体交换参数、光合色素含量、叶绿素荧光参数及各组织中N、P的含量。试验结果表明:T_1处理的再植桃苗生长缓慢,其生物量最低,T_2、T_3和T_4处理则均明显地促进了再植桃苗的生长,其中T_4处理的长势最佳;T_1处理的再植桃苗其生长受到抑制,其影响因素为叶片气孔关闭和光合色素合成受阻、P元素缺乏等非气孔因素;T_4处理可促进再植桃苗叶片光合色素的合成,能明显提高其净光合速率,使其光合机构分配到光化学反应中的光能明显增多,光能利用效率明显提高,各组织中的P含量明显增加。研究结果表明:连作条件下再植桃苗的生长受到明显抑制,但施入微生物肥能有效缓解连作土壤对再植桃苗生长的伤害。  相似文献   

对林业苗圃地连作、轮作条件下土壤磷组分进行了3a的研究,结果表明,在同等施肥情况下,连作培育杉木苗、酸枣苗、厚朴苗以及杉木与酸枣、厚朴轮作土壤全磷基本不变,而杉木连作土壤有效磷降幅最大.连作土壤中土壤无机磷组分O-P、Al-P、Fe-P略有增加,轮作土壤略有降低.连作土壤有机磷组分略有降低,轮作土壤略有增加.由于施用了有机肥,杉木与烟草、水稻、萝卜轮作土壤有机磷组分增幅较大,O-P、Al-P、Fe-P组分则有不同程度的降低.  相似文献   

Although alley cropping has been shown elsewhere to permit continuous cropping, it has not been widely tested in the highlands of east and central Africa where it has the additional potential of controlling soil erosion. The effect of four rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha–1) of inorganic N on the performance of alley cropping using Leucaena diversifolia as the hedgerow species was studied in the central highlands of Burundi. Significant increase in maize yield (average of 26%) due to alley cropping was only first realised in 1992, three years after the commencement of the trial. In 1993, the average yield advantage of the alley cropping plots was 21%. The prunings augmented the response of maize yield to inorganic N in 1992 and 1993. Compared with the control, economic benefits over the five-year period for all the treatments were negative.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a major constraint to smallholder subsistence agriculture production in the sub-Saharan African region. Low soil fertility and overall environmental degradation has contributed to the build-up of the parasitic weed infestation. Improved cropping systems have to be introduced to address the interrelated problems of S. hermonthica and soil fertility decline. Thus, the effects of improved fallow with leguminous shrub Sesbania sesban on maize yields and levels of S. hermonthica infestation on farm land in the bimodal highlands of western Kenya were investigated. The experimental treatments were arranged in a phased entry, and randomized complete block scheme were six months Sesbania fallow, 18 months Sesbania fallow, six months natural fallow consisting of regrowth of natural vegetation without cultivation, 18 months natural fallow, continuous maize cropping without fertilizer application, and continuous maize cropping with P and N fertilization. Results show that Sesbania fallows significantly (p<0.05) increase maize yield relative to continuous unfertilized maize. S. hermonthica plant populations decrease in continuous maize between the first season (mean = 428 000 ± 63 000 ha−1) and second season (mean=51 000 ± 15 000 ha−1), presumably in response to good weed management. S. hermonthica seed populations in the soil decrease throughout the duration of the experiment in the continuous maize treatments. Short-duration Sesbania fallows can provide modest yield improvements relative to continuous unfertilized maize, but short-duration weedy fallows are ineffective. Continuous maize cultivation with good weed control may provide more effective S. hermonthica control than fallowing.  相似文献   

在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,黄独脚金寄生杂草(Strigahermonthica)侵扰是限制小农产自给性农业生产的主要因素之一。土壤肥力低加之总体环境退化是寄生杂草侵扰产生的重要原因。引入改良的耕作制度来解决寄生杂草侵扰和土壤肥力下降的问题势在必行。本文对肯尼亚西部双峰高原地区内,用豆科植物--印度田菁改良的休耕地对玉米产量和农田寄生杂草侵扰的作用进行了研究。实验处理分阶段进行,处理包括田菁改良6和18个月的休耕地、未经耕作自然植物再生6和18个月的休耕地、连续种植玉米未施肥的耕地和连续种植玉米同时施加氮和磷肥的耕地。结果表明,与未施肥玉米地相比,田菁改良休耕地明显(p〈0.5)增加玉米产量.除草管理降低了第一季度(428000&#177;63000株&#183;hm-2)、第二季度(51000&#177;1500株&#183;hm-2)玉米地寄生杂草植株种群。实验周期内,除草管理降低玉米地土壤中寄生杂草种子种群数。短期田菁改良休耕地对玉米产量的促进作用明显好于未施肥的玉米地,但是短期杂草休耕地对玉米产量无显著影响。种植玉米和除草控制寄生杂草效果要好于休耕。  相似文献   

落叶松连栽对土壤物理性质及林木生长影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对辽东地区落叶松人工林连我与土壤水分、容重、孔隙度等物理性质及林木生长关系的研究,认为落叶松人工林连栽地力衰退的原因之一是土壤物理性质恶化所致。  相似文献   

Improved fallows have been used to reduce time required for soil fertility regeneration after cropping in low input agricultural systems. In semi-arid areas of Southern Africa, Acacia angustissima and Sesbania sesban are among some of the more widely used improved fallow species. However the residual effects of improved fallows on soil hydraulic properties during the cropping phase is not known. The aim of this study was to quantify the residual effects of fallows and tillage imposed at fallow termination on soil hydraulic properties (infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity) during the cropping phase. Treatments evaluated were planted fallows of Acacia angustissima, Sesbania sesban and natural fallow (NF) and continuous maize as a control. Steady state infiltration rates were measured using a double ring infiltrometer and porosity was calculated as the difference between saturated infiltration rates and tension infiltration measurements on an initially saturated soil. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ko) and mean pore sizes of water conducting pores were measured using tension infiltrometer at tensions of 5 and 10 cm of water on an initially dry soil. While there was no significant difference in steady state infiltration rates from double ring infiltrometer measurements among the fallow treatments, these were significantly higher than the control. The steady state infiltration rates were 36, 67, 59 and 68 mm h-1 for continuous maize, A. angustissima, S. sesban and NF respectively. Tillage had no significant effect on steady state infiltration rate. Pore density at 5 cm tension was significantly higher in the three fallows than in maize and varied from 285–443 m−2 in fallows, while in continuous maize the pore density was less than 256 m−2. At 10 cm tension pore density remained significantly higher in fallows and ranged from 4,521–8,911 m−2 compared to 2,689–3,938 m−2 in continuous maize. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities at 5 cm tension were significantly higher in fallows than in continuous maize and were 0.9, 0.7, 0.8 cm and 0.5 cm h−1 for A. angustissima, S. sesban, NF and continuous maize, respectively. However there were no significant treatment differences at 10 cm tension. Fallows improved infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity relative to continuous maize cropping. Through fallowing farmers can improve the soils hydraulic properties and porosity, this is important as it affects soil water recharge, and availability for plant growth  相似文献   

蒋斌  吕升 《绿色科技》2012,(8):143-145
指出了嘉兴市地表水水质自动监测系统老化,自动站的运行维护占用了过多的人力资源,压缩和弱化了对获取数据深层次分析。对国内自动监测系统管理模式进行了调查,探讨了适合当地的运维管理模式,分析了其初步成效。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine crop and tree productivity in several alley cropping planting patterns. The four- year study was conducted in western Oregon, United States and involved irrigated sweet corn (Zea mays) intercropped between hedgerows of red alder (Alnus rubra) and black locust (Robina pseudoacacia). Three alley cropping planting patterns with variable plant populations and tree-crop proximity were tested with each tree species in a randomized block design. Space available to trees and crops determined yield of both plant components. High crop yield coincided with low pruning yield, and vice versa. Compared to monocropping, yield reductions in traditional alley cropping planting patterns with widely spaced, double tree rows ranged from 5% to 15%. A. rubra and R. pseudoacacia coppiced readily and produced 0.9 to 4.7 tons of dry matter pruning biomass per growing season, depending on planting pattern and year. A. rubra yield continually increased during the trial, while the ability of R. pseudoacacia to produce green manure after frequent coppicing appeared to weaken. After four years, soil organic matter was 4 to 7% higher in the topsoil of an alley cropping system compared to a monocropping system. However, continuous growing of sweet corn resulted in decreased soil organic matter levels in both cropping systems compared to original levels. Crop yield reductions and the need for additional management inputs constrain the implementation of alley cropping in temperate climates. Only if benefits other than minor soil fertility improvements are realized is alley cropping a feasible alternative in temperate climate regions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

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