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研究了新疆小白杏杏仁植物蛋白饮料的生产技术条件,并对影响饮料稳定性的乳化剂、稳定剂等因素进行了探讨.结果表明:添加0.05%吐温80 0.5%单甘酯 0.15%蔗糖酯构成的复合乳化荆和0.O5%羧甲基纤维素稳定剂,可以达到较理想的稳定效果;制成的饮料质地均匀,口感滑爽.  相似文献   

崔东波 《北方园艺》2011,(11):142-145
以山楂、银耳为原料,通过对比试验和正交实验,研究了不同浸提方法、浸提软化温度对浸提效果的影响,同时研究了复合饮料的配方。结果表明:最佳工艺参数是采用一次浸提法,软化温度85~95℃,浸提30min,楂汁添加量60%,银耳添加量10%,糖度12%,复合稳定剂为琼脂0.2%和黄原胶0.15%。此产品具有原山楂汁色泽,有山楂香气,没有银耳异味,口感柔和协调,银耳悬浮在山楂汁中不分层、无沉淀。  相似文献   

为有效解决玫瑰花渣多糖提取率过低的问题,本试验创新性地采用微波协同酶法提取玫瑰花渣多糖,通过单因素试验、正交试验优化提取工艺。结果表明,微波协同酶法提取玫瑰花渣多糖的最佳工艺为纤维素酶添加酶量4.2%,酶解温度50℃,酶解pH值4.4,微波功率650 W,微波处理时间4 min,料液比1:30,此时多糖得率为6.53%。其中酶解温度和微波功率是主要影响因素。与传统热水浸提法、微波法、超声法、酶法等提取方法比较,该方法提取条件温和,多糖得率较高。  相似文献   

开展超声波热水浸提法和酶解浸提法制备灵芝提取液的研究。以市售普通干制灵芝为试材,采用超声波浸提时间,热水浸提时间,热水浸提温度,料水比以及不同酶量的单因素试验及正交试验,优化灵芝提取液制备的最佳条件。结果表明:超声波热水浸提最优条件为热水浸提温度为70℃,料水比为1∶25,超声波浸提时间为0.75 h,热水浸提时间为3.25 h,提取液多糖含量为5.23%。酶解浸提最优条件为纤维素酶酶量1.00%,果胶酶酶量3.00%,提取液多糖含量为10.37%。酶解浸提优于超声波热水浸提。  相似文献   

张冬雪 《北方园艺》2011,(20):20-22
通过对提取试剂、提取温度、时间、酸浓度等各因素的试验,研究了黑加仑色素的提取方法,并确定浸提法提取黑加仑色素的最优提取条件.为期黑加仑色素在食品、医药等领域的开发与应用提供了理论依据.结果表明:提取溶剂1%盐酸+无水乙醇、提取温度应取50℃,提取时间应为15 min,pH 6,料液比应为1∶10为最佳提取条件,4个因素对黑加仑色素的影响程度由大到小依次为:A(浸提温度)>B(浸提时间)>D(料液比)>C(溶液pH值).  相似文献   

黑木耳菌糠粗纤维素酶和木聚糖酶浸提条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在其它浸提条件一致的情况下,分别选取不同时间、不同温度、不同料液比进行粗酶液制备,测定羧甲基纤维素酶活力;在单因素试验基础上,以羧甲基纤维素酶活力和木聚糖酶活力为指标,进行三因素三水平L9(33)正交试验,研究浸提黑木耳菌糠羧甲基纤维素酶、木聚糖酶的最佳条件。结果表明:黑木耳菌糠在高速组织捣碎机内10 000 r/min匀浆2 min,可使菌糠中的菌丝断裂,有利于酶的释放;羧甲基纤维素酶浸提最佳条件为温度30℃、时间1.0 h、液料比40∶1;木聚糖酶浸提最佳条件为温度25℃、时间2.0 h、液料比50∶1。  相似文献   

云芝多糖提取工艺的研究比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对酶法、超声波法提取云芝子实体多糖进行了比较,试验结果表明,采取酶超声波联用提取云芝多糖的得率最高,达到4.98%,通过正交试验优化了提取条件:纤维素酶浓度1.5%,酶解温度为55℃,酶解时间20min,溶剂pH值为6.5,超声提取时间为20min,料液比1:25,提取温度65℃。  相似文献   

本文研究了蒲公英枸杞红枣复合保健饮料的工艺,以蒲公英中的黄酮提取率为考查指标,通过单因素试验和响应面法优化了蒲公英黄酮提取工艺;随后以蒲公英浸提液、红枣浸提液、枸杞浸提液、蔗糖、柠檬酸等为原料,采用单因素和正交试验优化复合饮料的最佳工艺参数。结果表明,蒲公英水提工艺最佳提取条件为液料比31∶1(mL/g)、提取温度83℃,提取时间52 min;饮料的最佳工艺为蒲公英添加量15%、红枣添加量12%、枸杞添加量7%、蔗糖添加量7%、柠檬酸添加量0.01%,此条件下产品感官评价最好,研制出的天然复合保健饮料风味独特、酸甜适度、色泽均匀,开发前景广阔。  相似文献   

以香蕉为试材,研究比较了酸法、酶法、酸酶联用法对香蕉皮果胶的提取效果及最佳提取工艺.结果表明:酸法、酶法、酸酶联用法提取果胶的得率依次为16.57%、17.47%、20.92%,酶法优于酸法,酸酶联用法显著优于酶法和酸法.酸酶联用法提取香蕉皮果胶的最佳工艺为:酸解过程中,料液比1∶20、提取pH 1.0、提取温度70℃、提取时间90min;酶解过程中,纤维素酶用量0.25%、酶解pH 5.0、酶解温度50℃、酶解时间25 min.  相似文献   

滑子蘑菌渣粗纤维素酶浸提及其酶学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水浸提法浸提滑子蘑菌渣纤维素酶,选取浸提时间、液料比和温度做单因素试验,然后通过正交试验优化滑子蘑菌渣纤维素酶的浸提工艺,并对结果进行了统计分析。结果表明,浸提时间、液料比和温度对纤维素酶浸提均有极显著性影响,最佳浸提条件为温度30℃、时间1.5 h、液料比50∶1。滑子蘑菌渣羧甲基纤维素酶活力最适pH为4.4,最适温度为70℃;滤纸酶活力最适pH为6.0,最适温度为60℃。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Leistungsprüfungen wurden im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2003 mit den Unterlagen Gisela 4 und 5, den Klonnummern 195/20 und 497/8 aus der Gisela-Serie sowie Weiroot 10, 13, 53, 72 und 158 durchgeführt. Dabei dienten Sämlinge von P1 (bulgarische Selektion aus Prunus mahaleb) als Kontrolle. Alle Unterlagen waren mit der Sorte Stella veredelt und im Dezember 1996 in der Versuchsanlage der Agraruniversität in Plovdiv, Bulgarien, im Abstand von 6 m×4,5 m gepflanzt worden. Dabei erfolgte ein Pflanzschnitt. Nach Abschluss der natürlichen Kronenentwicklung wurde jedes Jahr ein Winterschnitt vorgenommen. Der Boden wurde durch mechanische Bearbeitung offen gehalten und nach dem 4. Standjahr wurden die Baumstreifen mit Herbiziden behandelt. Die Wasserversorgung erfolgte durch eine dem natürlichen Gefälle folgende Überflutung, allerdings nicht immer zum optimalen Zeitpunkt, da keine eigene Wasserquelle zur Verfügung stand.Basierend auf den Ergebnissen bis zum Anfang des 7. Standjahres können die untersuchten Unterlagen in zwei Gruppen differenziert werden: starkwüchsig—Weiroot 10, P1 und Weiroot 13; mittelstarkwachsend bis schwachwüchsig—Gi 497/8, Gisela 4, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 158, Gi 195/20, Weiroot 72 und Gisela 5. Letztere zeichnete sich durch besondere Schwachwüchsigkeit aus. Die meisten Wurzelschosser bildeten Gisela 4, Weiroot 10 und Weiroot 13. Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 und Weiroot 158 entwickelten deutlich weniger und P1, Gisela 5, Gi 195/20 sowie Gi 497/8 keine Wurzelschosser. Den frühesten Blühbeginn induzierte Gisela 4. Die anderen Unterlagen führten, in Abhängigkeit von den Temperaturbedingungen des jeweiligen Jahres, zu einer Verspätung der Blüte: P1 und Weiroot 10 um 1–2 Tage; Gi 497/8, Weiroot 13 und Weiroot 158 um 2–4 Tage; Weiroot 72 um 2–7 Tage; Gi 195/20 um 3–6 Tage; Weiroot 53 um 3–8 Tage und Gisela 5 um 3–10 Tage. Die Reifezeit der Früchte war bei den Bäumen auf Gisela 5 im Vergleich zu den anderen Varianten um 2–3 Tage verspätet. Gisela 5, Weiroot 72 und Gisela 4 induzierten bei der aufveredelten Sorte die höchsten Ertragsleistungen, P1 die geringsten. Bei den Bäumen auf Gisela 5 war die Fruchtgröße geringer als bei den anderen Unterlagen. Bäume auf Gisela 5 brauchen intensive Pflege. Nur wenn alle Produktionsfaktoren und kulturtechnischen Maßnahmen optimiert werden, kann das hohe Ertragspotenzial dieser Unterlage ausgeschöpft werden.  相似文献   

AIM: Although endovascular radiotherapy inhibits neointimal hyperplasia, the exact alterations induced by β-particles irradiation remain to be elucidated. The objective of this study was to investigate the ability and the cellular mechanism of local β-particles emission from 188Re to inhibit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). METHODS: The SMCs in vitro were irradiated by 188Re with single doses of 2.6 Gy-25.8 Gy. The effects of β-particles on SMCs, such as effective irradiate doses, the period of inhibition for SMCs proliferation, the changes of cell proliferation rate and DNA synthesis rate, cell cycle progression and related gene expression, were investigated by cell count, [3H]-TdR incorporation, cell cycle progression analysis, cell viability and immunocytochemistry, respectivecy. RESULTS: β-particles irradiation with dose of 5.2 Gy could inhibit significantly SMCs proliferation. At dose of 20.6 Gy DNA synthesis inhibitory rate was 92%, SMCs proliferation rate was only 3%. Renoval of 188Re did not abolish the inhibitory effects of β-particles on SMCs proliferation. The expression of P53 was up regulation and PCNA was down regulation after irradiation. CONCLUSION: β-particles from 188 Re was significantly effective and permanent in inhibiting SMCs proliferation, and inhibitory effect was in dose-dependet manner ED50was 5 Gy, the best dose to inhibit SMCs proliferation was 20 Gy. β-particles irradiation induced SMCs to occur G0/G1 arrest, damaged the ability of SMCs reproliferation and led to cell clonogenic death. P53 and PCNA had regulatiory effects on SMCs proliferation after β-particles irradiation.  相似文献   

AIM:To study the effect of L-Arg on plasma content of endothelin (ET) and the expression of proto-oncogene c-fos mRNA in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy. METHODS: The level of c-fos mRNA were measured by in situ hybridization. The ET in plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS:After eight weeks of treatment with L-Arg, the expression of c-fos decreased markedly (P<0.01). The ET content in plasma also decreased significantly by L-Arg(P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Plasma ET content and the expression of c-fos in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy could be decreased by L-Arg administration.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the effect of puerarin on pulmonary vessel collagen metabolism in pulmonary hypertension rats induced by chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia.METHODS:Collagen Ⅰ, Ⅲ and their mRNA were observed in pulmonary arterioles by the technique of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.RESULTS:① Light microscopy showed media thickness of pulmonary arterioles was much higher in HH(hypoxic-hypercapnia) group than that of NC(normal control) group, and, vessel cavity turned more straiter in HH group than that of NC group.However, the damage of pulmonary arterioles in HP(hypoxic-pueratin) group was much slighter than that of HH group. ② The levels of plasma ET-1 and lung homogenates Hyr were much higher in HH group than those of NC group(P<0.01), and lower in HP group than HH groups(P<0.01).Plasma NO content in group HH was lower than that of group NC(P<0.01), it was higher in group HP than that of group HH(P<0.01).③Expression of collagen Ⅰ and collagen Ⅰ mRNA in pulmonary arterioles were significantly higher in HH groups than those of NC group (P<0.01), and they were lower in HP group than those of HH group (P<0.01).Expression of collagen Ⅲ and collagen Ⅲ mRNA showed no difference among three groups(P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Puerarin inhibited the deposition of collagen and improved pulmonary vessel remodeling.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the autoantibody against α1-adrenoceptor and its biologic activities during the development of renal hypertension. METHODS: Renal hypertension of rat was achieved by clipped renal artery, the titre of autoantibody to α1-adrenoceptor was detected using ELISA immunoassay. Furthermore, the biological offects of these autoantibodies on cultured cardiomyocytes were also examined. RESULTS: After two weeks of clipping renal arteries, both the frequency of occurrence and the titre of autoantibodies to cardiac α1-adrenergic receptor were significantly increased as compared with the control of pre-treatment. The increased autoantibodies lasted for several weeks and then automatically decreased gradually to the pre-clipping level at 12 weeks. The biological effects of these autoantibodies displayed an "agonistic-like" activities on the beating frequency of cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSION: Autoantibodies against α1-adrenoceptor may play a role in the elevation of peripheral vascular resistance and in the development of cardiac hypertrophy in rats with renal hypertension.  相似文献   


Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt., Rosaceae) and blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L., Ericaceae) are substantially equivalent in all characteristics that are important to the consumer, including fruit color, shape, size, nutrition, texture, and uses. In addition, both fruits are native to North America and they have practically identical historical uses and known health benefits. Their composition, processing, nutritional value and metabolism, intended uses, and levels of undesirable substances are compared.  相似文献   


This review is based partly on complete articles and partly on abstracts. Three of the 60 articles deal with the total uptake of elements in strawberry plant organs in two different strawberry production systems, both considered as optimal concerning amount and balance of elements. The effect on fruit quality may be dramatic if the level of a particular element is outside this range, but there may also be effects initiated by differences within the optimal range of elements. Most articles refer to product oriented quality, but some focus on consumer oriented quality, as discussed by Shewfelt (1999). The discussion here is on a general basis, so one should keep in mind that there are cultivar differences and that specification of nutrition ideally should mirror the needs of a single cultivar, or a group of cultivars with similar requirements. Also, to get a complete understanding of the subject future reviews should embrace a broader access of information including the effect on plant development of individual elements, such as the role of calcium in fruit firmness and its importance in cell wall structure. However, the intention here is to narrow the information to results that suggest a direct connection between nutrient uptake and fruit quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a cryopreservation protocol for hawthorn shoot apices (Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.). Cryopreservation was carried out via encapsulation–dehydration, vitrification, and encapsulation–vitrification on shoot apices excised from in vitro cultures. We began by showing that cold-acclimation enhanced the regrowth of cryopreserved apices from 10.0 to 65.5% in encapsulation–dehydration. We then decided that the encapsulation–dehydration method was an optimal cryopreservation method for hawthorn shoot apices in terms of its high recovery after cryopreservation as well as its ease of use compared with vitrification and encapsulation–vitrification. In encapsulation–dehydration, the protocol leading to optimal regrowth was as follows: after cold-acclimation at 5 °C in the dark for 2 weeks, excised shoot tips were pretreated for 24 h at 25 °C on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog [Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture. Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–497] (MS) basal medium with 0.4 mol/L sucrose, then encapsulated and precultured in liquid MS medium with 0.8 mol/L sucrose for 16 h at 25 °C. Precultured beads were dehydrated for 6 h at 25 °C in the dessicator containing 50 g silica gel to a moisture content of 15.3% (fresh-weight basis) before cryostorage for 1 h. In addition, we examined the effect of adding glycerol to both the alginate beads and loading solution to enhance regrowth after cryopreservation in encapsulation–dehydration. In the present study, it was shown that adding 0.5 mol/L glycerol resulted in high regrowth percentages (82.5–90.0%) in four Crataegus species.  相似文献   

Habitat for wide-ranging species should be addressed at multiple scales to fully understand factors that limit populations. The marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), a threatened seabird, forages on the ocean and nests inland in large trees. We developed statistical relationships between murrelet use (occupancy and abundance) and habitat variables quantified across many spatial scales (statewide to local) and two time periods in California and southern Oregon, USA. We also addressed (1) if old-growth forest fragmentation was negatively associated with murrelet use, and (2) if some nesting areas are more important than others due to their proximity to high quality marine habitat. Most landscapes used for nesting were restricted to low elevation areas with frequent fog. Birds were most abundant in unfragmented old-growth forests located within a matrix of mature second-growth forest. Murrelets were less likely to occupy old-growth habitat if it was isolated (> 5 km) from other nesting murrelets. We found a time lag in response to fragmentation, where at least a few years were required before birds abandoned fragmented forests. Compared to landscapes with little tono murrelet use, landscapes with many murrelets were closer to the ocean's bays, river mouths, sandy shores, submarine canyons, and marine waters with consistently high primary productivity. Within local landscapes (≤ 800ha), inland factors limited bird abundance, but at the broadest landscape scale studied (3200 ha), proximity to marine habitat was most limiting. Management should focus on protecting or creating large, contiguous old-growth forest stands, especially in low-elevation areas near productive marine habitat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

多效唑对猕猴桃离体试管苗生长及内源激素的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
多效唑(PP333)处理猕猴桃试管苗,降低了其生长强度;植株体内的GA3、IAA和ZT含量下降,ABA的含量上升,乙烯释放率增加;并且能降低外源的GA3和IAA促进生长的作用,而外源的GA3和IAA又能不同程度地逆转多效唑的抑制作用,使植株恢复生长。  相似文献   

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