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巨蜥(Varanus salvator),在广东又叫五爪金龙,属爬行纲、蜥蜴目、巨蜥科,是国家一级重点保护动物,仅分布在广东、海南、广西、云南等几个省份的部分地区,野外数量十分稀少.1995~1997年广东省茂名市林业局先后5次将查扣的300余条巨蜥全部放生到该市境内的大雾岭广东省级自然保护区.这个保护区历史上没有巨蜥分布,巨蜥能否在这里生存并繁衍后代,关系到这300余条巨蜥的命运.茂名市林业局的领导十分重视这  相似文献   

巨蜥(Varanus salvator)别名五爪金龙,属爬行纲、蜥蜴一目、巨蜥科,一般全长l米左右,大的可达2.5米以上,为国家一级保护野生动物。近年来,国内巨蜥在野外已极为罕见.濒临灭绝.究其原因.除环境恶化外,主要还是“野味美食家”们的“功劳”。不少国人以为巨蜥肉味美滋补,是请客宴友之佳肴,强身壮体之上品。殊不知这五爪金龙浑身还有别的“宝贝”.敢问饕餮君子们是否也有胃口?  相似文献   

巨蜥(Varanus salvator)属爬行纲、蜥蜴目、巨蜥科。我国仅一种,产于海南岛一带。有关它的解剖资料国内尚未见到。作者解剖了一头雄巨蜥,发现有许多地方与普通蜥蜴差异颇大,特报导如下:消化器官:舌由舌尖至基舌骨长11厘米,由此向后分叉至两侧舌骨的分支附着于  相似文献   

杨保纲 《野生动物》2002,23(4):11-11
巨蜥(Varanus salvator)是爬行纲,有鳞目,蜥蜴亚目,巨蜥科动物。头长,吻尖,鼻孔位于吻前。眼大,卵圆形。舌长而分叉,可缩入基部鞘内。鼓膜裸露。背面被以圆形的粒鳞,成横行排列。四肢强壮有力,指、趾前端均具利爪。尾长而侧扁。成年个体背部灰黑色,间有黄色圆斑环状链纹,腹面黄白色,尾部有黄  相似文献   

巨蜥的人工饲养周婷(南京乌龙潭公园龟鳖博物馆)巨晰/Wranussalvalor)为我国一级保护动物,家用于形地目,巨晰科,共30种,我国仅产!种。巨衡是螨曲类动物中的“巨人”,最长可达sin多,重25-kg,主要分布在我国广西、云南一带。栖于丛林、...  相似文献   

2000年6月30日,广西合浦县山口公安边防派出所查获一起特大贩卖国家一级保护野生动物巨蜥(又名五爪金龙)案,当场缴获巨蜥250多,条约300公斤。6月30日晚上11时左右,合浦县山口公安边防派出所干警在325国道设卡对一辆由南宁开往广州方向车号为桂FB0103的大客车实施检查时。发现车上堆满着16只已经封好的纸皮箱,如此多的纸箱放在车上引起执勤干警的注意。干警在向司机和乘客了解纸箱主人仍无人回答认领时,立即开封实施检查,发现纸箱里装的均是国家一级保护动物巨蜥。干警立即将此车扣回派出所审查,经该…  相似文献   

黑龙江省的蝮蛇资源及保护现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2001~2005年对黑龙江省蝮蛇资源进行调查研究,确定黑龙江省的蝮蛇为乌苏里蝮(Gloydiusussuriensis)、岩栖蝮(G.saxatilis)和中介蝮(G.intermedius)三种,主要分布在大、小兴安岭及东部山地。其中乌苏里蝮为广布种,种群数量居多;岩栖蝮主要分布在黑龙江省南部,数量较多;中介蝮主要分布在黑龙江省北部,种群数量较少,且与岩栖蝮存在地理隔离。同时对黑龙江省蝮蛇的保护现状和影响种群增长的因素进行分析,提出种群管理和合理利用的意见。  相似文献   

阿维菌素和丙硫苯咪唑对巨晰体内寄生虫的驱除试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用丙硫苯咪唑和阿维菌素对国家一级保护野生动物巨蜥进行驱进行驱虫试验,每种药物设2个剂量组,每组6个重复。口服丙硫苯咪唑40.0mg/kg剂量组的胃肠道线虫虫卵减少率和虫卵转阴率分别为91.49%和83.33%,20.0mg/kg的剂量无效。皮下注射阿维菌素0.3mg/kg和0.6mg/kg剂量组的胃肠道线虫虫卵减少率和虫卵阴率均达100%。试验结果表明,用丙硫苯咪唑驱除巨蜥消化道线虫需较高剂量,较小剂量的阿维菌素对驱除巨蜥消化道线虫效果很好。  相似文献   

亚洲象现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
历史上,亚洲象(Elephasmaximus)的分布区是很广的;从叙利亚、伊朗的底格里斯河和幼发拉底河流域一直延伸到中国黄河以东和印度尼西亚南部。而今天;亚洲象的分布已断裂仅出现在它过去分布区的某些地点内,包括斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、不丹.孟加拉国、缅甸、中国、泰国、老挝。柬埔寨、越南、马来西亚和印度尼西亚等国。据国际自然和自然资源保护联盟亚洲象专家组保护行动计划估计,目前野生亚洲象的数量在36000~44000头之间[1]。数量最少的国家是尼泊尔,约25~38头。数量最多的是印度,在17500~22000头之间(表1)。西亚地区森林大面积…  相似文献   

中国大鸨研究进展及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过统计1959-2005年关于大鸨的研究文献,分别从就地保护、迁地保护两个方面进行分析。结果表明:有关大鸨的研究虽从1959年开始,但直到80年代才逐渐形成系统,其中,就地保护研究数量(67.2%)多于迁地保护的研究数量(32.8%)。迁地保护和就地保护都存在研究内容比较基础的问题。在大鸨的就地保护中,保护区没有真正发挥其功效;大鸨迁地保护工作虽取得一定成就,能够保持人工饲养种群数量的基本稳定,但人工繁育技术只在部分地区取得成功,另外,应激和疾病仍是影响大鸨迁地保护工作的主要因素。本文针对目前中国大鸨现状提出保护对策,着重强调环境保护和科研合作。  相似文献   

Published records, in combination with own data have been brought together to provide data on parasite/host relationships of reptiles that occur in the Republic of South Africa. A total of 62 nematode species belonging to 23 genera and 11 families are recorded from 20 snake and 21 lizard species. The genera Kalicephalus, Spauligodon, Ophidascaris and Abbreviata are especially well represented with between five and eight species per genus. The most nematode species were recorded from the flap-neck chameleon, Chamaeleo dilepis (eight), the puff-adder, Bitis arietans (eight) and the water monitor, Varanus niloticus (seven). All synonyms of parasites and hosts are given.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate both the identity and the source of the bacteria responsible for a fatal septicaemia observed in a group of three subadult emerald monitors (Varanus prasinus Schlegel 1839). The emerald monitors were necropsied and examined by light microscopy, including immunohistology, and by electron microscopy. Tissue samples were additionally submitted for bacteriological, virological and parasitological examinations. The virological and parasitological results were noncontributory, whereas the bacteriological investigation resulted in the isolation of gram-positive cocci which were characterized biochemically and serologically and by molecular analysis. The death of the emerald monitors was caused by a partially leukocyte-associated septicaemic infection with streptococci of serological group B of serotype V. Phenotypically and genotypically identical group B streptococci were isolated from the intestine of subadult mice, obtained from the feed used for the monitors. The genotypical characterization included an identical DNA fingerprint of strains of both origins, indicating the epidemiological relation between the feeding mice and the infections of the monitors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane and assess the sevoflurane-sparing effect of coadministration of nitrous oxide in mechanically ventilated Dumeril monitors (Varanus dumerili). DESIGN: Prospective crossover study. ANIMALS: 10 healthy adult Dumeril monitors. PROCEDURE: Anesthesia was induced with sevoflurane in 100% oxygen or sevoflurane in 66% nitrous oxide (N2O) with 34% oxygen, delivered through a face mask. Monitors were endotracheally intubated, and end-tidal and inspired isoflurane concentrations were measured continuously; MAC was determined by use of a standard bracketing technique. An electrical stimulus (50 Hz, 50 V) was delivered to the ventral aspect of the tail as the supramaximal stimulus. A blood sample for blood gas analyses was collected from the ventral coccygeal vessels at the beginning and end of the anesthetic period. An interval of at least 7 days was allowed to elapse between treatments. RESULTS: The MAC +/- SDs of sevoflurane in oxygen and with N2O were 2.51 +/- 0.46% and 1.83 +/- 0.33%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the 2 treatments, and the mean MAC-reducing effect of N2O was 26.4 +/- 11.4%. Assuming simple linear additivity of sevoflurane and N2O, the MAC for N2O was estimated to be 244%. No significant differences in blood gas values--with the predictable exception of oxygen pressure--were detected between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The MAC of sevoflurane in Dumeril monitors is similar to that reported for other species. The addition of N2O significantly decreased the MAC of sevoflurane in this species.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE The aims of this study were to determine baseline reference intervals for haematological and serum biochemical parameters in lace monitors, and to examine whether such values were influenced by capture method, expected differences in habitat food resource availability and a lizard's body size and body condition. METHODS Thirty-three wild Victorian lace monitors (Varanus varius) of unknown age and sex were captured by noose pole or aluminium box trap from Cape Conran in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. RESULTS No statistical differences between the two capture methods were noted for haematology. There was a significant difference in the serum glucose concentrations between the two methods of capture (higher concentration in box-trapped animals) because of a physiological response to capture stress. Habitat food quality did not appear to influence haematology or serum biochemistry. The packed cell volume (PCV) for the lace monitors was 0.29-0.43 L/L. Lymphocytes were identified as the most common leucocyte. The haemoprotozoan parasite, Haemogregarina varanicola, was found in all 33 blood samples. No correlation could be made between parasite burden and PCV, serum globulins or serum proteins, but animals in poor body condition were more likely to harbour large numbers of parasites. CONCLUSION The results of this study may be used as a basis for evaluating health in lace monitors.  相似文献   

为了阐明不同生境和不同功能型植物的光合作用与水分利用特征,沿着土壤全氮逐渐降低的梯度,选取了丘间草地(IDG)、固定沙丘(FD)、半固定沙丘(SFD)、半流动沙丘(SMD)和流动沙丘(MD)五个典型的生境,测定了5个生境上共35种植物(有些植物种分布在多个生境)的气体交换特征,并从生活型、光合作用途径和固氮生理特性方面划分植物功能型进行分析。结果表明,随着土壤氮素逐渐降低,各生境植物的净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)和潜在水分利用效率(WUEi)均呈降低趋势,但是Pn在IDG、FD和SFD之间,与SMD和MD之间差异均不显著,WUE和WUEi在IDG和FD之间,以及SFD、SMD和MD之间差异均不显著。禾本科草本的Pn、WUE和WUEi 均显著高于非禾本科草本和灌木。C4植物的Pn、WUE和WUEi均高于C3植物。Pn、WUE和WUEi在豆科植物和非豆科植物间差异均不显著。在科尔沁沙地的植被恢复过程中应该重视净光合速率和水分利用效率较高的草本植物,尤其是禾本科草本的作用。  相似文献   

以5种川西北沙化草地自然留存植物沙生苔草(Carex praeclara)、赖草(Leymus secalinus)、紫花列当(Orobanche coerulescens)、藏茴香(Carum carvi)和地八角(Astragalus bhotanensis)为研究对象,通过测定5种草地植物的表观性状、构件含水量和生物量及其分配,分析5种植物的生长发育、资源分配对沙化生境的响应差异,探讨5种植物对沙化地生境的应对策略与适应机理。结果表明,1)5种植物的表观性状具有极显著差异(P0.01),沙生苔草通过冠幅,赖草通过根茎,地八角通过深根系,紫花列当和藏茴香通过扩大有性生殖来适应沙化生境。2)5种植物的含水量及其配比均存在极显著差异(P0.01),沙生苔草、赖草和地八角的水分优先分配到生殖枝,紫花列当优先分配到茎叶,藏茴香则采用相对均衡的水分分配方式。3)5种植物的生物量及其分配也存在极显著差异(P0.01),沙生苔草生物量优先分配到根茎,赖草优先分配到地上茎叶,紫花列当优先分配到生殖枝,地八角优先分配到根部,而藏茴香则相对均衡的分配生物量到各构件。5种沙生植物对资源权衡分配的方式不同,但均能通过表型可塑性、水分利用能力和生物量分配等应对策略来获取或分配有限的可利用资源,增加其对生境的适应性,得以在沙化草地中留存下来。  相似文献   

We compared small mammal community composition among undisturbed habitats and habitats disturbed by military operations on Warren Grove Gunnery Range (WGR) in the New Jersey Pinelands. WGR is one of the largest tracts of protected land within this globally rare ecosystem. Disturbance in the form of fire, mowing, soil disruption and logging has had a large effect on small mammal occurrence and distribution. Of the 14 small mammal species that occur in the Pinelands, 9 live on WGR, including large populations of the southern bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi Baird, 1858) and meadow jumping mouse [Zapus hudsonius (Zimmermann, 1780)]. Simpson's Index of Diversity was 0 for most disturbed sites and was generally greater in wetlands than in uplands. White-footed mouse [Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)] was the most common species on WGR and had a dominant effect on species diversity and community similarity indices. It dominated upland habitats and was the only species to occur in several disturbed habitats, whereas all 9 species occurred in wetlands. Principal components analysis indicated that most variation in species diversity was explained by disturbance and differences between upland and wetland habitats, due to presence of white-footed mice in disturbed and upland sites. Meadow jumping mice, southern bog lemmings and red-back voles [Myodes gapperi (Vigors, 1830)] were positively correlated with wetland habitats, and pine voles [Microtus pinetorum (Le Conte, 1830)], short-tail shrews [Blarina brevicauda (Say, 1823)] and eastern chipmunks [Tamias striatus (Linnaeus, 1758)] were associated with uplands. Habitat heterogeneity at WGR, including extensive undisturbed wetlands and uplands supported a rich diversity of small mammal species.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下植物种群生态位研究   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
运用改进的Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,通过对不同立地条件下样带的比较,分析了主要植物种群在不同立地条件下的生态位变化以及种间关系、群落结构对立地条件的响应。结果表明,草地群落建群种本氏针茅的生态位宽度在4种立地条件下都表现为最大值,非建群种的生态位宽度随环境条件的改变呈较大的波动性。生态位重叠指数表明,生态位较宽的物种与其它物种间存在较大的生态位重叠,但在一定的立地条件下,生态位较窄的物种之间也存在着较大的生态位重叠,这种现象是种群对有限环境资源激烈竞争的体现;不同种间生态位重叠随立地条件的变化格局存在较大差异,这种差异是由植物种间生物生态学特性和需求差异造成的;但同一种对在不同立地条件下生态位重叠的变化是立地条件对种间关系影响的结果。总体来说,在黄土丘陵沟壑区,由于环境条件的影响,物种生态位重叠相对较低。  相似文献   

Five-year studies (1981-1986) were performed to investigate a total number of 2589 small mammals of 18 species. Refuse dumps are marked for highly specific conditions. The difference between refuse dumps and natural habitats consists in more sufficient quantity of food, better sheltering possibilities and in highly specific microclimate particularly. As a result of aerobic and anaerobic decompositions of organic materials, temperature in dumps is approximately 50 degrees C. From ecological point of view mammalian populations in refuse dumps could be classified in three groups according to the degree of their adaptation to this specific habitat: 1. permanent, abundant species, well-adapted to and closely connected with the habitat of dumps (Crocidura suaveolens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus arvalis), 2. permanent, common species which are, however, loosely connected with this habitat (Sorex araneus, Mustela nivalis), 3. rare species whose occurrence in this habitat is largely accidental.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

川西高原高寒草甸受放牧践踏和冻胀作用影响,形成了许多凸起草丘镶嵌于平缓草地之间。本文沿土壤水分梯度采集土样,分析凸起草丘和平缓草地土壤理化性质差异,并比较两种生境物种丰富度和盖度的差异,以确定凸起草丘是否为更易退化的微生境类型。结果表明:两种生境的土壤孔隙度、容重、含水率、有效养分、全效养分、有机质含量均有显著差异(P<0.05),且土壤上层(0~10 cm)的差异大于下层(10~20 cm),与下层土壤理化性质的变化相比,上层土壤退化更明显。两种生境间的土壤物理性质在干旱条件下差异最大,而土壤化学性质在湿润条件下差异最大,在生境退化过程中首先是土壤物理性质发生改变。土壤含水率对土壤理化性质、物种丰富度、植被盖度的影响比生境类型产生的影响更大。随着生境干旱化程度增加,凸起草丘物种多样性明显降低,凸起草丘是更易退化的微生境类型。  相似文献   

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