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Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) forests form monocultures from sea level to timberline in Tierra de Fuego, Argentina. Past studies suggested that the life form change from erect forest to krummholz had advantages to forest function. Aboveground net primary productivity (NPP) and organic matter production per unit leaf area and growing season day were higher in krummholz than in adjacent short erect forests at lower elevation. We compared tall erect, short erect, and krummholz lenga stands in terms of the concentration, accumulation, fluxes, turnover, and use-efficiency of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) along an elevation gradient (220–640 m) in Tierra del Fuego (Valle de Andorra, 54°9′S, 68°2′W). With few exceptions, patterns of decreasing values of nutrient concentration, nutrient stock, nutrient flux, and nutrient turnover reversed at the krummholz, which had higher values of these parameters than an adjacent short erect forest at lower elevation. Nutrient cycles accelerated at the krummholz but nutrient use-efficiency of organic matter production and nutrient return to the forest floor decreased. Several functional attributes of krummholz support the notion that this life form has functional advantages at timberline. For example: (1) a shift towards fast turnover compartments for nutrient storage; (2) a switch from high storage of nutrients in stemwood biomass to nutrient storage in branch biomass; (3) faster rates of internal nutrient transfer (recycling and retention); (4) greater dependence on biotic recycling of nutrients; (5) morphological characteristics associated with leaf size, leaf duration, number of leaves, and leaf area to sapwood area ratio. Nutrient cycling attributes measured in Tierra del Fuego span values reported for forests across temperate and boreal latitudes, with krummholz and tall erect forests representing either the low or the high values. Lenga krummholz is different from coniferous krummholz in North America's tundra in that lenga appears to be a nutrient-rich forest that acts as a nutrient sink, while coniferous krummholz scavenge for nutrients on tundra soils and reduce their nutrient pools.  相似文献   

森林中的粗木质残体(CWD)是生物圈与土壤圈养分配置的中介和纽带,CWD的贮量影响森林中元素的循环。文中通过比较世界各气候带森林系统中CWD的贮量,总结了造成各气候带森林中CWD贮量差异的气候因素。各气候带不同的气温、降水以及气温与降水的时间搭配关系,通过影响森林木材生产力、活立木死亡量及CWD的分解速率,进而影响CWD在林内的贮量。热带雨林、季雨林中CWD的平均贮量最低,仅为19.96~27.71 t/hm2;温带海洋性气候森林中CWD的平均贮量高达205.8~213.2 t/hm2。在全球变暖的大背景下,贮存在CWD中的C元素含量关乎着大气中CO2含量,故应加强世界各气候带森林中CWD贮量格局的长期监测和系统调研。  相似文献   

培育优质阔叶材混交林与森林可持续经营   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了人工针叶纯林生产力下降的原因。通过对人工针叶纯林与天然的或人工的针阔、阔叶混交林在物种间相互作用、资源利用、营养元素循环规律和生产力方面的比较分析,探讨了优质阔叶材混交林可持续经营的理论基础。认为培育优质阔叶材混交林是实现森林可持续经营的有效途径。  相似文献   

Beech forests located in the southwestern limit of Europe have been affected by severe deforestation and long-term fragmentation. Some of these forests have been subjected to partial cutting, whereas others have been maintained with little or no active management. It has previously been shown that past management has led to substantial changes in tree structure, diversity and plant species. These perturbations, through their influence on the litterfall and forest floor, may affect nutrient cycling and the nutritional status of such fragile ecosystems. Mineral nutrition was investigated in 53 forest fragments by analysis of data corresponding to nutrient concentrations in forest floor, mineral soils and foliage. In comparison with other beech forests in Central Europe subjected to higher levels of air pollution, the stands showed fewer incidences of nutrient deficiencies and lower foliar concentrations of S and heavy metals. Partial cuts carried out in recent decades have reduced the forest floor mass proportional to the intensity of the harvesting. The effect was probably due to the lower litter input and the increased decomposition of litter as a consequence of the environmental changes in forest gaps. The partially cut stands displayed higher foliar levels of K and Mg, which could be attributed to the greater release of these elements as a consequence of the increased decomposition of litter. However, past management has brought about lower foliar concentrations of P and N. Both effects were found to be proportional to basal area and the forest floor mass, which suggests that they are related to the intensity of harvesting. Although the causes are uncertain, this negative effect may be due to a reduction in forest floor thickness, which implies the loss of preferred rooting space for trees.  相似文献   

不同林分类型及土层对土壤养分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中山五桂山保护区选择4个不同的林分类型,分别进行土壤采样,测定土壤养分指标,分析不同林分类型及土层对土壤养分的影响,为林分改造、土壤养分改良提供理论和数据支撑。结果表明:(1)四种土壤养分指标在四种林分类型间均有显著性差异,四种林分类型的土壤养分指标含量大小排序大致为:沟谷季雨林阔叶混针阔混针叶林,只有有效磷含量是阔叶混大于沟谷季雨林。(2)四种土壤养分指标在针叶林、针阔混交林、沟谷季雨林这3种林型中的5个土层间变化均有显著性差异,而在常绿阔叶林中仅速效钾在5个土层间有显著性差异。(3)四种林分类型中,沟谷季雨林各指标含量相对较高,处于"中下"等级,而针叶林各指标含量低,处于"很低"等级。总的来说,四种林分类型的土壤养分含量偏低,特别是针叶林,各项土壤指标含量均为"很低",可以参考群落演替方向对针叶林进行林分改造来提高土壤养分。  相似文献   

安徽省中南部几种主要森林类型水文特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对安徽省中南部主要森林类型林下枯落物蓄积量、持水量、吸水速率等的研究,结果表明:①针叶林中杉木(CK)枯落物的厚度最大,达到95mm,针阔混交林的蓄积量最大,为21.94t/hm2,马尾松枯落物的厚度较低,苦槠蓄积量最低。②马尾松×枫香的最大持水量为12.62t/hm2,其他林分的最大持水量均在10t/hm2以下,其中苦槠最低,为2.04t/hm2。③针阔混交林的有效拦蓄能力明显高于阔叶林和针叶林,有效拦蓄量最高的是马尾松×枫香,为17.69t/hm2.苦槠的有效拦蓄量最低,仅为2.47t/hmz。两种不同杉木林分有效拦蓄量均达到10t/hm2左右。可见针阔混交林的水文生态效益优于阔叶纯林和针叶纯林。  相似文献   

不同林型内土壤的理化性质存在差异,柞树林内土壤结构疏松,渗透能力强,土壤物理性质最好,其次为红松林,杂木林内最差,10~20 cm土层深度渗透速率仅为0.57 mm.min-1。从化学性质来看,阔叶树种土壤中养分含量较针叶林高,比较而言,柞树林内土壤各养分含量比杂木林内高。作为针叶树种的红松林土壤内,其速效养分含量较其他林型高。  相似文献   

为了科学评价沂蒙山水土保持生态修复试点工程区环境空气状况,采用日本生产的ITC201A型空气离子测量仪,对修复区不同生态修复类型空气负离子浓度变化情况进行了初步实测与研究,并综合运用CI法、FCI法和隶属度U法3种负离子评价模型对其空气质量进行了评价。结果表明,3种负离子评价模型的评价结果基本一致,即退耕台田苹果经济林地的空气质量最好,其次是麻标×椴树阔叶混交林、黑松针叶纯林、退耕梯田和荒草地的,道路空气质量较差。有林地区空气负离子浓度明显高于无林地区,阔叶林地空气负离子浓度高于针叶林地。在生态修复措施上注重退耕梯田建设保证修复区粮食安全的基础上,应首先加强退耕台田经济林和生态林封禁措施的实施,田间道路两旁应栽植道路防护林,改善生态修复区内道路周围的空气质量。  相似文献   

本文选择川西亚高山针叶纯林和针阔混交林作为研究对象,并于2007年7月~12月采用收集框法研究了森林凋落物量以及N、P、K养分归还量。结果表明,混交林凋落量(2 090.47 kg·hm-2)比针叶林凋落量(1 189.59kg.hm-2)高出43%,林分凋落动态和归还动态呈单峰型,其高峰都出现在10月份。混交林中阔叶对凋落量的贡献达69%。同时,阔叶的养分归还量大于针叶的养分归还量。混交林和针叶林养分归还量都表现为N﹥K﹥P,针阔混交林凋落物养分归还量大于针叶林。在川西亚高山地区针阔混交林比针叶纯林具有更强的自肥能力。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to improve our understanding of the effects of forest disturbance on litterfall and patterns of nutrient return in three subalpine forest ecosystems (i.e. Betula utilis-dominated, Abies pindrow-dominated, and Acer mixed broadleaf) of Indian west Himalaya. Total litterfall (t ha−1 yr−1) ranged between 2.6–3.6 and 2.1–2.6 for pristine and degraded stands, respectively. Whereas total litterfall decrease from pristine to degraded stand was about 25–30% in B. utilis and Acer mixed-broadleaf forests, the level of disturbance did not affect total litterfall in A. pindrow (coniferous) forest. Nutrient (N, P, and K) concentrations in litter components of the forests studied also varied across forest types and disturbance intensities. For pristine stands, among all the forests, return of total nutrients via litterfall was higher. The study revealed that patterns of litterfall and nutrient return in the forests studied were sensitive to intensity of disturbance, although sensitivity varied among forest types and nutrient contents. Increased intensity of disturbance greatly affected the total annual amount of nutrient return in broadleaf forests. Maximum impact was recorded in B. utilis forest with a significant decline in nutrient return from pristine to degraded stands (i.e. 64% for N, 38% for P, and 67% for K). Corresponding values for decline in Acer mixed forest were 17, 13, and 33% for N, P, and K, respectively, whereas in A. Pindrow forest N return was 15% higher and P return was 33% lower. This study indicates that the litterfall and litter nutrient concentrations in these forests are sensitive to the intensity of disturbance, which affects the amount of nutrient return. This will have a strong bearing on forest nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

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