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为了探讨马铃薯原种在小垄栽培(垄距70 cm)条件下的适宜种植密度,利用马铃薯品种荷兰15号脱毒原原种为试验材料,种植并生产原种一代。采用单因素随机区组设计,设株距10 cm、15 cm、20 cm、25 cm和30 cm共5个处理,采用通径分析探讨了植株性状对产量的影响,运用方差分析探讨了密度与植株性状(株高、主茎数和茎粗)、产量性状(单株结薯数、平均薯块重、单株产量、产种量、繁殖系数、公顷产量)和经济参数(产投比和经济效益)的关系。研究结果表明:株距在10~30 cm之间时,如果株高越高、主茎数越多,那么产量就越高;随着株距的增大,单株结薯数逐渐增多,单株产量逐渐增高,繁殖系数和产投比逐渐增大,主茎数和产种量无显著变化;垄株距为70×30 cm的处理产量最高,繁殖系数最大,产投比最高和经济效益最好,是小垄稀植栽培的适宜密度。  相似文献   

密度和钾肥对马铃薯品种东农306产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
以特用型马铃薯品种"东农306"为材料,在2003~2004年进行了种植密度与钾肥用量对产量的影响试验。结果表明,该品种在不同种植密度与钾肥用量下单株产量差异显著,在本试验中以行距70 cm和株距30 cm的密度、硫酸钾用量150 kg·hm~(-2)最适合该品种的个体生长,能获得较高的单株产量和商品薯产量;行距70 cm和株距20 cm的密度、硫酸钾用量75 kg·hm~(-2)最适合该品种的群体生长,能获得较高的群体产量和商品薯产量。  相似文献   

为了探索机械化种植模式下微型薯生产原种的播种密度对产量的影响,本试验以‘克新1号’微型薯为试验材料,共设计了5个处理,行距为机械化播种行距90 cm,株距分别为15,12,10,9和7 cm。结果表明,试验所设种植密度间产量差异达极显著水平;以播种6 000株/667m2产量最高,为2 228 kg/667m2;考虑投入产出比最佳密度为6000~7000株/667m2,群体生长较合理,建议在乌兰察布地区大面积生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

为提高马铃薯原原种结薯效率,降低生产成本,开展了苗源及栽培密度对马铃薯原原种生产的影响研究。试验为二因素裂区设计,4次重复,苗源为主区,栽培密度为副区,供试品种为‘费乌瑞它’。试验设置组培苗和水培苗2个苗源,200,400,600和800株/m~24个栽培密度。结果表明,苗源对匍匐茎长度和叶面积以外的其他农艺性状均有显著影响,密度仅对根长、匍匐茎数量、叶面积和单株干物质积累量有显著影响,根长具有显著两因素互作效应。同一密度下,水培苗的单株结薯数和产量(600株/m~2除外)高于组培苗。在主因素组培苗和水培苗中,密度200株/m~2单株结薯数和结薯产量均显著高于3个高密度处理,随密度增大,单位面积结薯数和产量增幅下降,组培苗和水培苗均在200~400株/m~2单位面积结薯数和产量增幅最大,分别增加68.0%和46.0%,25.3%和20.1%,组培苗在600~800株/m~2,水培苗在400~600株/m~2时增幅大幅下降,平均单薯重也随之降低。苗源类型和栽培密度均能显著影响原原种结薯数、产量和单薯重,在保证单薯重基础上,获得较多的单位面积原原种结薯数更有意义。组培苗在密度为600株/m~2处理,水培苗在密度为400株/m~2处理,既可以确保适当的单薯重,又可以提高单位面积结薯数。因此,从原原种生产成本和经济效益考虑,组培苗栽培密度600株/m~2,水培苗400株/m~2可以获得较好的生产效益。  相似文献   

种植密度与大薯留种对‘宣薯2号’产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘宣薯2号’为试验材料,探索了以大薯留种不同种植密度对其产量和结薯率的影响。结果表明:宣薯2号大薯留种以密度2.70万株/hm2为最佳,平均单产达34 654 kg/hm2,比常规种薯6万株/hm2和大薯留种2.25、3.15和3.75万株/hm2都增产增收,结薯率从适宜的种植密度2.7万株/hm2开始,随密度的增加单株结薯数变少和单株块茎重变轻,大中薯率有变化,但不成规律。‘宣薯2号’在宣威市大薯留种以密度2.7万株/hm2种植既能获得高产,又能获得较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

为了鄱阳湖棉区棉花种植适宜机械化采收,设置了棉花株距与行距两因素各三水平的密度配置,拟通过其对棉花生长发育和产量的影响研究,明确鄱阳湖棉区适宜机械化采收的棉花最佳株行距配置。结果表明:行距、株距配置形成的密度对棉花生育期、成铃及产量有显著的影响。密度高于36000株,hm2可通过株行距配置来提高产量。  相似文献   

不同播期、行距、株距对大豆生育性状与产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年通过大豆品种郑7051不同播期、行距、株距种植对产量的影响试验,结果表明,大豆郑7051于6月11日与6月21日播种株高相当,7月1日播种株高明显降低。播种较早时,随着行株距减少,株高增高;播种较晚时,随着行株距减少,株高有增加趋势,以株距10 cm最高。单株粒数随播期推迟而减少;百粒重受播期影响较大,受密度的影响较小。温度对大豆产量影响较大,试验于6月11日、6月21日播种,均能取得高产,以行距40 cm,株距13.3 cm时产量最高;7月1日播种的产量较低。  相似文献   

在大垄条件下,研究了5个不同密度处理对马铃薯的单株薯重、产量及商品薯率的影响。结果表明:种植密度以4168株/667m2为最佳,平均产量达到3759.7kg,5个密度处理下,667m2产量均在3200kg以上,商品薯率都在71%以上,这表明克新19号具有良好的适应性和丰产性。  相似文献   

晋西南山区川水地马铃薯不同栽培密度试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对晋西南山区川水地覆膜种植的马铃薯主栽品种费乌瑞它进行不同栽培密度试验。试验结果的方差分析表明:每公顷密度在53 892~89 820株范围内,其单株商品薯数、单株薯重、单株商品薯重、小区产量、小区商品薯产量存在显著与极显著差异;单株结薯数无显著差异;小区产量以每公顷76 989株最高,小区商品薯产量以每公顷67 365株最高,而在生产实际中,追求更多的是商品薯产量,所以,该区域的马铃薯品种费乌瑞它覆膜种植以每公顷67 365株的密度为宜。  相似文献   

本试验采用裂区试验设计。以品种(系)为主区因素、密度为副区因素,研究7个4X—2X选系(A1~A7)及其4X亲本东衣303(A8)以及密度(B1~B3)对产量和产量性状的影响。品种(系)间在小区总量、小区块茎数、小区商品薯重、小区商品薯数方面差异极显著。A6品系小区块茎数极显著的低于东农303,但小区总产、小区商品薯重、小区商品薯数和东农303差异没有达到极显著水平.不同密度对小区总产和小区块茎数的影响分别达到了显著和极显著的水平,但对小区商品薯重和小区商品薯数没有显著的影响。较高密度下(B1,株距30cm)小区总产和小区块茎数极显著高于B2(株距35cm)和B3(株距40cm)。在小区块茎数方面,品种(系)×密度互作显著。  相似文献   

Since the environment of the Mediterranean regions allows offseason production, potatoes are planted in autumn-winter and harvested in spring. During this period, potatoes are subjected to low temperatures and short day lengths which modify the growth characteristics of plants. For this reason, our analysis of competition response was conducted to better clarify the biological relationship between yield and plant density. Field trials were conducted in Sicily (south Italy), a highly representative area of early potato crop in the Mediterranean Basin, with the aim of studying effects of intraspecific competition on tuber yield and yield components. Ten planting densities (ranging from 3.0 to 8.0 plants m?2) were studied on cv. Spunta using “tuberpieces” with a different number of eyes (one eye or all the eyes in 1996; one eye, two eyes, or all the eyes in 1997). Intraspecific competition reduced the tuber yield of individual plants, which became gradually less evident with increasing plant density. Competition affected the number of tubers per plant in the lower plant populations only (from 3.0 to 5.8 plants m?2), whereas effects on average tuber weight were at times more marked in the higher populations (from 5.8 to 8.0 plants m?2) and at other times in the lower densities (from 3.0 to 5.8 plants m?2). As a consequence of increased plant density, and notwithstanding the higher intraspecific competition, the yield of tubers per unit area increased linearly. Regardless of the number of eyes per tuber-piece, when passing from the lower to the higher plant density, yield increased from 34.0 to 54.11 ha?1 in 1996 and from 39.9 to 56.7 t ha?1 in 1997.  相似文献   

为加快高产、高抗晚疫病的国审马铃薯新品种"鄂马铃薯5号"的推广应用,进一步降低马铃薯脱毒种薯的生产成本,本试验在高海拔地区(1 880 m)对标准原种(≥5g)的高效生产进行了初步试验。试验对脱毒原原种以不同的密度进行栽培,统计标准原种的产量及效益。试验结果为:原原种的种植密度每667 m2为32 000株时,标准原种产量及效益最高,分别达14.22万粒和10 220元。试验结果还表明:随着种植密度的增大,低重量标准种薯的比例逐渐增加,尤其是5~15 g的种薯比例增加较大,标准种薯的平均单薯重逐渐降低,以利减少种薯的运输成本。  相似文献   

本研究以马铃薯极早熟品种“东农303”脱毒种薯为试验材料,将种薯分成(20±5)g和(30±5)g两组,分别按5个密度进行种植(行距均为70cm,株距分别为12.5、15.0、17.5、20,0和22.5cm).试验结果表明,在哈尔滨的自然条件下,马铃薯块茎产量和单位面积块茎数目随着种植密度的增大而增加,单个块茎重量则随着密度的增加而减少.大种薯(30±5)g播种可以获得较高的块茎产量.在本试验中,种薯重量为(30±5)g、株12.5和15.0cm时,获得了较高的块茎产量和较多的块茎数.通过对植株地上部鲜重和叶面积指数变化的分析,表明高密度群体具有发育快、生长旺盛的特点。  相似文献   

Commercial potato minituber production systems aim at high tuber numbers per plant. This study investigated by which mechanisms planting density (25.0, 62.5 and 145.8 plants/m2) of in vitro derived plantlets affected minituber yield and minituber number per plantlet. Lowering planting density resulted in a slower increase in soil cover by the leaves and reduced the accumulated intercepted radiation (AIR). It initially also reduced light use efficiency (LUE) and harvest index, and thus tuber weights per m2. At the commercial harvest 10 weeks after planting (WAP), LUE tended to be higher at lower densities. This compensated for the lower AIR and led to only slightly lower tuber yields. Lowering planting density increased tuber numbers per (planted) plantlet in all grades. It improved plantlet survival and increased stem numbers per plant. However, fewer stolons were produced per stem, whereas stolon numbers per plant were not affected. At lower densities, more tubers were initiated per stolon and the balance between initiation and later resorption of tubers was more favourable. Early interplant competition was thought to reduce the number of tubers initiated at higher densities, whereas later-occurring interplant competition resulted in a large fraction of the initiated tubers being resorbed at intermediate planting densities. At low planting densities, the high number of tubers initiated was also retained. Shortening of the production period could be considered at higher planting densities, because tuber number in the commercial grade > 9 mm did not increase any more after 6 WAP.  相似文献   

[目的】探索蔗地套作马铃薯的适宜种植密度,提高种植效益。【方法】采用随机区组设计,设7个处理,3次重复,研究不同种植密度对蔗地套种马铃薯产量和商品薯率的影响。【结果]马铃薯产量随种植密度的增加而增加,种植密度为6.75万丛/hm^2和6.00万丛/hm^2时产量最高,2个处理间差异不显著,与其他处理差异显著;各处理间商品薯率差异不显著。[结论】6.00万丛/hm^2的密度是蔗地套作马铃薯的适宜播种密度。  相似文献   

Plant mixtures have been proposed for pesticidal transgenic potatoes as a means to reduce selection intensity favoring resistant insect genotypes. Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), defoliation was simulated in mixed plantings of susceptible and resistant potato “mimics” to evaluate yield compensation. Various mixtures of susceptible and resistant potato were planted at two densities and two locations in eastern North Carolina. Resistant plants were undamaged throughout the season whereas susceptible plants were completely defoliated by hand either during early or late bloom. The ability of non-defoliated plants to compensate for neighboring defoliated plants was investigated through single-plant and smallplot field experiments for 2 years. Yield compensation for defoliated plants by neighboring non-defoliated plants was not evident in our studies. Yield of two potato plants, positioned on either side of a defoliated plant, was not different from yield of two potato plants positioned on either side of a non-defoliated potato plant. Compensation in mixtures of resistant and susceptible potato was not evident using several non-linear regression analyses. A negative linear relationship existed between yield and an increasing percent of susceptible plants in the mixture for all planting densities, at each location, every year.  相似文献   

Using the potato seedling B7906-1, stem thinning was carried out on plants having three, four, or five stems per hill. Treatments ranged from intact plants to those thinned by one, two, or three stems each. Data on the effect of stem thinning on yield and other vegetative parameters were analysed using an analysis of variance. Unlike leaf parameters, stem height and number of stolons per plant generally decreased with an increase in stem thinning. Within a control group, represented by the intact plants having the three stem densities used for treatments, the degree of association among different vegetative parameters and the measure of their contribution towards yield were determined by correlation and path coefficient analyses, respectively. Given the effect of number on weight of tubers per plant, the assessment of yield as affected by stem density treatments was confined to the former parameter. Among all parameters, number of stolons per plant was the most effective contributor to number of tubers harvested. The decrease in that parameter as a result of stem thinning, however, was not accompanied by a corresponding decrease in tuber number. The following relationship could be discerned: as number of stolons per plant decreased several stem parameters increased. Based on correlation and path analyses, it is suggested that the induced increase in number of compound leaves per stem could have compensated, directly or indirectly, for the adverse effect of stolon number on yield. Through stem density manipulation, the yield output of a variety in response to quantitatively induced, more diverse, vegetative characteristics could be evaluated.  相似文献   

栽培密度对优质鲜食型甘薯农艺性状及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨不同密度处理对优质鲜食型甘薯农艺性状和产量的影响,选用优质鲜食型甘薯品种广薯87和福薯8号开展研究。结果表明:不同密度水平对2个甘薯品种的蔓长、蔓重、单株结薯数、单株薯重及商品薯率等主要农艺性状均有重要影响,2个品种表现不一;在不同密度水平下福薯8号产量水平部分间达极显著性差异,其中以5.4万株/hm~2的栽培密度时,其产量最高达45 562.50 kg/hm~2,不同栽培密度水平下广薯87无显著性差异。2个甘薯品种需选择适宜的栽培密度进行种植才能达到高产、高效。  相似文献   

通过正交设计试验,研究了云南省马铃薯主栽品种不同垄作模式、不同种植密度的配比组合下马铃薯主要生育性状、经济性状及产量效应。试验结果表明,不同处理组合下对于马铃薯产量影响最大的因素是品种,适宜宣威地区马铃薯生产的最佳栽培模式为大垄双行覆膜栽培,该模式下的马铃薯产量高,品质好。筛选出的最佳组合模式为云薯201,大垄双行覆膜,种植密度为60 000.hm-2。  相似文献   

不同粒重类型玉米品种耐密性的群体库源特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用作物生长分析法,研究了不同粒型玉米品种产量、产量构成和群体库源特征等指标与种植密度的关系。结果表明,种植密度为30000~60000株/hm2,鲁单981(LD981)的单位面积实收穗数是决定群体子粒产量的限制因素;高于60000株/hm2,穗粒数与千粒重则是决定群体子粒产量的限制因素。泉兴2101(QX2101)群体子粒产量的限制因素是单位面积实收穗数。LD981的单株产量、群体产量与产量构成因素对种植密度的敏感度要高于QX2101,前者在较低密度时,易获得较高的群体库源比值与群体叶面积指数,产量潜力较高;后者则在较高密度时,易获得较高的群体库源比值与群体叶面积指数,产量潜力较高。群体库容量与源供应能力均是两种粒重类型玉米品种产量的限制因素,但群体库容量始终占主导作用。  相似文献   

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