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重庆市主城区常见立体绿化模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王友国  庄华蓉 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(33):20652-20654
以重庆市主城区常见立体绿化模式为例,介绍了重庆市常见立体绿化植物配置形式、立体绿化常见应用的藤蔓类植物,如常春藤、葡萄、紫藤、爬山虎等和中小灌木,如银合欢、南天竹等,并简要分析了重庆市主城区常见立体绿化植物观赏特性及绿化效果,以供园林从业者参考。  相似文献   

为促进南充市园林绿化和生态建设,通过野外调查和查阅相关文献资料,对南充市的藤蔓植物资源及其园林应用进行了调查研究.结果表明,该区藤蔓植物有44科121种,生活习性以草本稍占优势,其中攀援植物群有82种,匍匐植物群有29种,垂吊植物群有10种.攀援植物群中缠绕类37种,卷攀类24种,吸附类10种,棘刺类11种.根据观赏习性可以分为观花类、观果类和观叶类.最后对南充市藤蔓植物资源的应用对策提出了建议.  相似文献   

邓玉华  李建  舒涛 《江西农业学报》2011,23(5):50-52,56
对南昌市藤蔓植物资源进行了调查,查明了南昌市现有栽培和野生藤蔓植物158种,隶属于39科80属,其中有木本藤蔓植物120种和草本藤蔓38种;根据藤蔓植物的攀缘习性对南昌市藤蔓植物资源进行了初步分类,并提出了南昌市垂直绿化植物种类的选择及藤蔓植物的配置应用方式;总结了南昌城区藤蔓植物的应用形式。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市园林绿化建设取得了巨大成绩,但藤蔓类植物的运用明显不足,本文简要介绍了该类植物的特点及应用形式,分析了它们在城市绿化中的应用前景.  相似文献   

安康中心城区垂直绿化藤蔓植物调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了藤蔓植物的概念,对安康城区藤蔓植物在垂直绿化中的应用进行调查,从垂直绿化的不同应用范围以及藤蔓植物的不同观赏特性,阐述安康城区藤蔓植物的绿化现状。分析安康城区的气候特点,结合其它城市常用的垂直绿化藤蔓植物的习性、特征和用途,分析藤蔓植物在垂直绿化中所存在的问题,并对存在的问题提出合理的建议,为安康今后垂直绿化提供更好的景观效果。  相似文献   

色叶类藤蔓植物是新世纪室内外重要的绿化美化材料,本文综述了色叶类藤蔓植物的分类、选择和应用方式,并对色叶类藤蔓植物的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

马力 《农业与技术》2012,(5):127-128
藤蔓植物有着独特的形态和非常好的观赏价值,近年来在上海城市绿地中应用的范围越来越广,应用形式越来越丰富。本文综合论述了上海城市绿地藤蔓植物应用类型和应用形式,提出了藤蔓植物在城市绿地中的进一步应用策略。  相似文献   

藤蔓植物在园林绿化中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
田英翠  杨柳青 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(21):5536-5537
通过对藤蔓植物的类型和观赏特性进行描述,初步探讨其在园林绿化中的应用原则、应用情况及生态功能,并展望了藤蔓植物的应用前景。  相似文献   

藤蔓植物具有很高的观赏价值,被广泛应用于青岛市园林绿化中。本文论述了藤蔓植物的特点、作用、在实际中的应用形式及存在的问题,并提出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

重庆市彩叶植物种类及应用调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对重庆市常见的非草本彩叶植物种类及应用情况进行了初步调查,结果表明:调查地点范围内共有乔木、灌木和藤本非草本彩叶植物29种,分属16个科,分布种类多少顺序为:灌木>乔木>藤本;根据叶色种类可分成单色叶类、双色叶类、花叶类和镶边类4大类,应用种类多少顺序为:单色叶类>花叶类>镶边类>双色叶类,分别占科总数和种总数的75.00%和62.06%,应用面积最大的是单色叶类;主要配置方式有:色块种植和基础种植、丛植、列植和群植等,色块种植和基础种植的应用范围相当广泛,分别占科总数和种总数的81.25%和55.18%;针对重庆市彩叶园林植物应用存在的问题,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

成都市空间立体绿化藤本植物的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对成都市中心城区空间立体绿化中主要藤本植物的种类进行了调查,应用层次分析法(AHP),筛选出8个抗性指标、4个生长指标、5个生态指标和5个美学指标,建立了综合评价指标与其权重值体系,并对调查出的藤本植物进行评价,结果表明:成都市空间立体绿化中藤本植物主要适生种可作为骨干种的有8种:爬山虎、多花蔷薇、藤本月季、紫藤、木香花、三叶爬山虎、川鄂爬山虎、常春油麻藤;主要配置种有9种:葛藤、三角梅、络石、葡萄、中国凌霄、中华常春藤、扶芳藤、牵牛花、金银花;一般配置种或补充种有6种:观赏南瓜、观赏葫芦、绿萝、香花崖豆藤、茑萝、括楼。同时对成都市空间立体绿化中藤本植物的选择提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

欧祖兰  楚爱香  陈延松  王玲玲 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(11):6686-6689,6734
对合肥市住宅小区藤本绿化植物应用现状、合肥市区周边花卉苗木基地和花卉苗木市场藤本植物供应现状进行了调查,并多次深入到安徽省黄山、天堂寨、万佛山等地对乡土野生藤本植物资源进行调查。结果显示,从藤本植物的种类、景观形式、绿化量等方面来看,合肥市住宅小区藤本植物的整体应用水平不高,合肥市区周边花卉苗木基地、花卉苗木市场供应于室外造景的藤本植物种类也较少,而安徽省较多常见野生藤本种类未得到有效开发利用。最后对如何充分应用藤本植物为合肥市住宅区及城市绿化美化提出了建议。  相似文献   

姜丽丽  刘振  蔡平 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(29):18003-18005,18093
在苏州古典园林垂直绿化植物调查的基础上,介绍苏州古典园林中垂直绿化的植物种类,指出利用藤蔓植物造景是园林垂直绿化常用的手法之一,介绍了苏州古典园林中用于垂直绿化造景的23种植物,隶属于13科、19属,在垂直绿化造景的应用形式方面,结合苏州古典园林中网师园、拙政园、留园、怡园、狮子林、耦园中垂直绿化造景实例,强调粉墙为纸、植物为绘,廊架为亭、植物为荫,篱垣为支、植物为缀,山石为骨、植物为衣,驳岸为基、植物为缘,柱干为轴、植物为饰,桥壁为面、植物为点,坡地为丛、植物为铺。  相似文献   

3D volumetric modeling of grapevine biomass using Tripod LiDAR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tripod mounted laser scanning provides the means to generate high-resolution volumetric measures of vegetation structure and perennial woody tissue for the calculation of standing biomass in agronomic and natural ecosystems. Other than costly destructive harvest methods, no technique exists to rapidly and accurately measure above-ground perennial tissue for woody plants such as Vitis vinifera (common grape vine). Data collected from grapevine trunks and cordons were used to study the accuracy of wood volume derived from laser scanning as compared with volume derived from analog measurements. A set of 10 laser scan datasets were collected for each of 36 vines from which volume was calculated using combinations of two, three, four, six and 10 scans. Likewise, analog volume measurements were made by submerging the vine trunks and cordons in water and capturing the displaced water. A regression analysis examined the relationship between digital and non-digital techniques among the 36 vines and found that the standard error drops rapidly as additional scans are added to the volume calculation process and stabilizes at the four-view geometry with an average Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient of 0.93. Estimates of digital volumes are systematically greater than those of analog volumes and can be explained by the manner in which each technique interacts with the vine tissue. This laser scanning technique yields a highly linear relationship between vine volume and tissue mass revealing a new, rapid and non-destructive method to remotely measure standing biomass. This application shows promise for use in other ecosystems such as orchards and forests.  相似文献   

Tripod mounted laser scanning provides the means to generate high-resolution volumetric measures of vegetation structure and perennial woody tissue for the calculation of standing biomass in agronomic and natural ecosystems. Other than costly destructive harvest methods, no technique exists to rapidly and accurately measure above-ground perennial tissue for woody plants such as Vitis vinifera (common grape vine). Data collected from grapevine trunks and cordons were used to study the accuracy of wood volume derived from laser scanning as compared with volume derived from analog measurements. A set of 10 laser scan datasets were collected for each of 36 vines from which volume was calculated using combinations of two, three, four, six and 10 scans. Likewise, analog volume measurements were made by submerging the vine trunks and cordons in water and capturing the displaced water. A regression analysis examined the relationship between digital and non-digital techniques among the 36 vines and found that the standard error drops rapidly as additional scans are added to the volume calculation process and stabilizes at the four-view geometry with an average Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient of 0.93. Estimates of digital volumes are systematically greater than those of analog volumes and can be explained by the manner in which each technique interacts with the vine tissue. This laser scanning technique yields a highly linear relationship between vine volume and tissue mass revealing a new, rapid and non-destructive method to remotely measure standing biomass. This application shows promise for use in other ecosystems such as orchards and forests.  相似文献   

浙江省有害植物种类、特点及防治   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
在多年调查的基础上,列出了浙江省有分布的90种有害植物名录,包括外来有害植物和土著有害植物。对有害植物进行了危害程度分类,并就严重危害种类和潜在威胁种类作了重点介绍。分析了浙江有害植物的特点,认为原产美洲的菊科Compositae与禾草类植物、水生植物及草质藤本植物极易造成严重危害。提出了治理有害植物的建议,特别强调对土著有害植物和阔叶丰花草Borreria latifolia,北美刺龙葵Solanum carolinense等潜在威胁种类应引起足够的重视。表1参39  相似文献   

本文就地被植物的特点及重要性,分析重庆常见地被植物在城市园林中应用技术、途径、方式、植物配置手法以及呈现的景观效果,最后给出自己的见解。  相似文献   

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