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紫砂壶是一件既具有实用价值又具有艺术价值的艺术品,曼生壶的出现将紫砂壶的艺术美学推向了一个新的高度。它的造型大方雅致,装饰设计独具文化意蕴,深受收藏家的喜爱。曼生壶既是茶文化的物质表现载体,也是茶文化的重要组成部分,它的装饰设计不可避免地受到茶文化的影响。基于此点,本文在对曼生壶的茶文化背景进行了解的基础上,首先形而上地分析了茶文化的精神内涵与曼生壶装饰理念之间的关联,然后就这一装饰理念指导下,曼生壶的装饰设计实践加以分析和研究,探讨其与茶文化之间的关系,以期为挖掘曼生壶的艺术价值、深入研究茶文化的内涵及紫砂壶的装饰设计提供参考。  相似文献   

龙云  敖久丽 《福建茶叶》2016,(1):127-128
紫砂壶以其独特的内涵和艺术美,但却成为我国古代传统文化,特别是茶道文化的重要内容。紫砂壶文化承载着我国上下五千年众多传统文化元素精髓,从而成为我国古代最具民族特色,最具人文特色的文化瑰宝。"石铫壶"不仅具有高雅的品格,而且还对我国古代传统文化合理元素的继承和发扬。本文分析了紫砂壶在我国古代茶文化中的重要地位,阐述了紫砂艺术的文化传承,并以"山水石铫壶"为例,从美学的角度,对其意境加以分析。  相似文献   

在天人合一、道法自然等哲学思想的浸润之下,茶文化的淡泊之性与我国古代诗文"淡"论的平淡之美不谋而合。茶文化和古代诗文虽然分属不同文化范畴,但都彰显了庄子崇尚自然、返璞归真的求真、求道精神。因此,正确认识茶文化和古典诗文之间的联系和文化内涵,对于正确认识茶文化内涵和古代诗文审美特征具有极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

宜兴是紫砂壶原产地、发祥地,是闻名中外的紫砂壶之都。但古今最负盛名的紫砂文人壶曼生壶、玉成窑之领军人物陈曼生、梅调鼎却分别是浙江杭州和慈溪人。本文探索两位文化名人的几大共同特点,提出蕴含深厚文化内涵之文人壶,重在文化创意与内涵,工夫在壶外。  相似文献   

广西钦州坭兴陶艺作为我国南方地区重要的茶具艺术形式,在千余年的传承中,既展现着制作者的技艺变迁,又体现着特定历史时期茶文化的内涵。以茶文化为视角考察坭兴陶艺窑变的判断旨趣在于坭兴陶艺窑变背后体现着我国茶文化审美观念,茶文化规定着坭兴陶艺窑变过程中造型的主要流变方向。茶文化视角下坭兴陶艺窑变过程中雕塑造型的文化内涵包括"阴阳平衡、天人合一"文化内涵、"道法自然、崇尚质朴"的文化追求、"和合为美、实虚并重"的生活态度。茶文化视角下坭兴陶艺窑变过程中雕塑造型未来的发展可以朝着器形创意化趋向、器形情感化设计趋向、造型的后现代化设计趋向等方向发展。  相似文献   

适宜的茶器不仅是呈现茶叶优良品质的必备工具,更是传播茶叶品饮文化与精神的重要载体。长沙铜官窑曾谱写了我国陶瓷史上的灿烂篇章,在茶产业蓬勃发展的今天更肩负着湘茶文化传承与弘扬的重要使命。本文在挖掘、整理铜官窑深厚历史文化的基础上,通过对历代铜官窑茶器制作特点的探究及当代优秀作品的赏析,分别探讨了铜官窑茶器"质朴多样的材质之美"、"千姿百态的造型之美"和"别具一格的装饰之美",以期丰富茶审美理论,并为当代铜官窑茶器的创新提供有益参考。  相似文献   

<正>5月27日,2015美国书展全球市场论坛中国主宾国活动在纽约拉开帷幕。浙江农林大学文化学院"浙茶之美"茶文化巡礼团应邀参加了此次交流活动,向美国人民展示中国传统茶文化和当代文化。茶书展和茶艺呈现是"浙茶之美"茶文化巡礼团的两大任务,旨在展现中华茶文化的魅力。浙江农林大学文化学院院长王旭烽教授的作品"论茶  相似文献   

对壶人而言,流(俗称壶嘴)的重要性毋庸置疑,于理于趣均如此。流有曲直之别,曲又有一弯、二弯和三弯之分。于理,流直接关乎出水,在壶的使用过程中,恐怕没有比出水的好坏更让壶人牵肠挂肚的了!于趣,流的形态古拙亦或活泼,与壶身的比例是否协调,都关系到整个壶的成败。  相似文献   

正清明将至,爱茶之人泡上一壶春茶,品一口茶香,才不负这人间四月天。"茶为国饮"。历史上,茶叶一度与丝绸、瓷器成为中国最重要出口商品,每年从国外赚回大量财富。纵观千年发展史,茶叶的兴衰一度与国家兴衰相一致。茶叶高达数百亿元"富矿"待挖掘如今,随着中国人日益富裕,茶叶这个兼具健康和传统文化内涵的商品受到越来越多国人接  相似文献   

我国古代文论"淡"范畴的发展不仅催生了崇尚淡泊之性、平淡之美的文学形式,而且还与我国传统茶道精神形成了天然的契合。本文通过对中国古代文论"淡"范畴与茶道"和"、"静"、"真"等精神的联系,探讨茶道文化及古代文论的道家精神,从而探究我国传统茶道精神和古代文论的艺术魅力和价值。  相似文献   

The toxin content in various life cycle stages of tank-cultivated bullseye puffer (Sphoeroides annulatus) were analyzed by mouse bioassay and ESI-MS spectrometry analysis. The presence of toxin content was determined in extracts of sperm, eggs, embryo, larvae, post-larvae, juvenile, pre-adult, and adult fish, as well as in food items used during the cultivation of the species. Our findings show that only the muscle of juveniles, the viscera of pre-adults, and muscle, liver, and gonad of adult specimens were slightly toxic (<1 mouse unit). Thus, cultivated S. annulatus, as occurs with other cultivated puffer fish species, does not represent a food safety risk to consumers. This is the first report of toxin analysis covering the complete life stages of a puffer fish under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Nine species (Seriolina nigrofasciata, Siganus canaliculatus, Rhabdosargus haffara, Scomberomorus commerson, Liza alata, Epinephelus areolatus, Plectorhinchus sordidus, Lethrinus nebulosus and Penaeus semislcatus) of raw fish commonly consumed in Bahrain were analyzed for their proximate, mineral and heavy metal content. The protein content ranged from 17.9-21.8 g/100 g, fat content from 0.80-16.1 g/100 g and energy content from 87.1-216.7 kcal/100 g. The raw fish also had high levels of sodium (82-300 mg/100 g), potassium (210-400 mg/100 g), phosphorous (200-280 mg/100 g), magnesium (23-47 mg/100 g) and zinc (0.0-2.2 mg/100 g). Content of iron, calcium and copper were quite low. The species Penaeus semislcatus had low levels of both lead and mercury (<0.02 microg g(-1)). The maximum level of lead was 0.50 microg g(-1) and mercury was 0.20 microg g(-1). One species (Rhabdosargus haffara) of fish had cadmium levels of 0.03 microg g(-1), while the rest of the fish had less than 0.02 microg g(-1). Overall, fish available in the market of Bahrain are a good source of some essential minerals. Furthermore, the heavy metal content is below the maximum permitted limits and can be safely consumed by the general public. However, monitoring of heavy metals in fish consumed in Bahrain should be done periodically.  相似文献   

Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) to arylalkylamines, including indolethylamines and phenylethylamines. Multiple aanats are present in teleost fish as a result of whole genome and gene duplications. Fish aanat1a and aanat2 paralogs display different patterns of tissue expression and encode proteins with different substrate preference: AANAT1a is expressed in the retina, and acetylates both indolethylamines and phenylethylamines; while AANAT2 is expressed in the pineal gland, and preferentially acetylates indolethylamines. The two enzymes are therefore thought to serve different roles. Here, the molecular changes that led to their specialization were studied by investigating the structure-function relationships of AANATs in the gilthead seabream (sb, Sperus aurata). Acetylation activity of reciprocal mutated enzymes pointed to specific residues that contribute to substrate specificity of the enzymes. Inhibition tests followed by complementary analyses of the predicted three-dimensional models of the enzymes, suggested that both phenylethylamines and indolethylamines bind to the catalytic pocket of both enzymes. These results suggest that substrate selectivity of AANAT1a and AANAT2 is determined by the positioning of the substrate within the catalytic pocket, and its accessibility to catalysis. This illustrates the evolutionary process by which enzymes encoded by duplicated genes acquire different activities and play different biological roles.  相似文献   

螺虫乙酯作为一种结构新颖、作用机制独特和广谱高效的季酮酸类衍生物杀虫杀螨剂,在农业生产中普遍应用,随着用量的增加,对水生生物会造成一定的影响。采用经济合作与发展组织(OECD)方法在预试验基础上设螺虫乙酯2.5、2.97、3.54、4.20、5.00 mg/L 5个浓度梯度,研究其对斑马鱼的急性毒性,采用酚-氯仿萃取的方法提取DNA,并进行了优化,用DNA Ladder方法观察其细胞凋亡现象,用Giemsa染色观察其外周血细胞微核率,初步探索其致毒机制。结果表明,螺虫乙酯对斑马鱼72 h的LC50值为5.898 mg/L、96 h的LC50值为3.642 mg/L,属中等毒性;各浓度梯度螺虫乙酯药剂处理后的斑马鱼DNA出现梯状条带,螺虫乙酯染毒后对斑马鱼造成一定程度上的细胞凋亡现象;处理组微核率为(7.250±1.893)~(5.500±0.577),与对照组和溶剂组差异均达显著水平。  相似文献   

The experiments described were carried out to establish whether the effects of the insecticide, Ripcord (active ingredient cypermethrin), on fish, would limit its use in rice. Laboratory and field experiments were carried out, and the effects of cypermethrin were compared with those of a ‘standard insecticide’, carbofuran, widely used for pest control in rice, and a ‘positive control’, chlorfenvinphos, expected to be toxic to fish in rice paddies at insecticidally effective rates. Acute toxicity tests in the laboratory with the technical materials on the fish Tilapia nilotica showed cypermethrin, with a 96 h LC50 value of 2 μg/l, to be some 20 times more toxic than chlorfenvinphos, with a 96 h LC50 value of 39 μg/l, and some 250 times more toxic than carbofuran with a 96 h LC50 of 480 μg/l. The LC50 values obtained from laboratory tests with formulated products (cypermethrin EC, chlorfenvinphos granules and carbofuran granules) on T. nilotica and Cyprinus carpio were broadly in agreement with those obtained from the tests with the technical materials and confirmed C. carpio to have a similar susceptibility to that of T. nilotica. However, a field experiment carried out in paddy rice in Korea with commercial formulations and at commercial application rates showed that mortality of caged C. carpio was much less with cypermethrin (< 15%) than with chlorfenvinphos (97%) or carbofuran (67%). A second field experiment in Spain where cypermethrin was applied by air resulted in no mortality of caged C. carpio held in the paddy. It is concluded that the limited toxic effects of cypermethrin on fish in the field, when compared with those of chlorfenvinphos and carbofuran, make it acceptable for use in rice. The effects of cypermethrin were limited in comparison with those of chlorfenvinphos and carbofuran because only very low application rates of cypermethrin are needed to give pest control. The penetration of the liquid cypermethrin formulations into the water was also lower than that of the granular insecticides and, finally, cypermethrin was more rapidly lost from water. Together, these factors are sufficient to explain the minimal toxic effects of cypermethrin in the field when compared with chlorfenvinphos and carbofuran, despite its considerably higher acute toxicity determined in laboratory tests.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to prepare the wheat gluten based bioplastics with fish scale (FS) through compression molding. The tensile strength of the wheat gluten/FS composites (the range of 6.5–7.5 MPa) was higher than that of the neat wheat gluten-based bioplastic (3.40 MPa). There was a good dispersion of the fish scale powder embedded within the wheat gluten matrix. Dynamic mechanical analysis results showed that the tan delta max peak height and storage modulus of the wheat gluten-based bioplasic was reduced by adding the fish scale. Moreover, the addition of the fish scale caused a weight loss and the surface of the wheat gluten based bioplastic after 120 h of accelerated weathering were differed from the neat wheat gluten based bioplastic. These results may help to find a new applications for fish scale waste to control the degradation rate of a wheat gluten based bioplastic in the agricultural field.  相似文献   

Adults of Carassius auratus grandoculis ascend from Lake Biwa, Japan, into riparian paddy fields via agricultural drainage systems for the purpose of spawning. However, land improvement works conducted in the second half of the twentieth century have brought about obstacles for passage of the fish, and several restoration projects to recover the migratory environment are being attempted. A continuous Markov process model is presented to scientifically support such a project, defining an ascending probability that quantitatively assesses the ability of an agricultural drainage system with hydraulic structures for the ascent of the fish. Computational methods are developed to numerically obtain flow fields of the agricultural drainage system and then the ascending probability in the entire spatio-temporal domain. The values of model parameters are deductively inferred, referring to results of field observations. From the computational results of the ascending probability in the agricultural drainage system, effects of hydraulic structures allowing ascent of the fish are clarified.  相似文献   

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