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王艳秋, 林华峰*, 金 鹏, 李茂业, 陈德鑫.Q型烟粉虱对20个烟草品种的选择性[J].植物保护,2016,42(2):84-88.
Selectivity of Bemisia tabaci Q-biotype to 20 varieties of tobacco
投稿时间:2014-12-29  修订日期:2015-01-20
中文关键词:  Q型烟粉虱  烟草品种  抗虫性  茸毛密度
英文关键词:Bemisia tabaci Q-biotype  tobacco variety  resistance to insect  trichome density
基金项目:中国烟草总公司科研重点项目(110201202003); “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划(2011AA10A204-5)
王艳秋, 林华峰*, 金 鹏, 李茂业, 陈德鑫 安徽农业大学植物保护学院, 合肥 230036 
摘要点击次数: 617
全文下载次数: 1004
      为了明确不同烟草品种对Q型烟粉虱的抗性及其与叶背茸毛密度的相关性, 研究了Q型烟粉虱对20个烟草品种的选择性及其生长发育和存活情况, 并分析了烟草抗虫性与叶背茸毛密度的关系。结果表明, Q型烟粉虱成虫对烟草品种的选择性、产卵趋性及卵成虫的存活率在不同烟草品种间差异显著。在20个供试烟草品种中, 抗虫性较弱的品种有‘闽烟9号’、‘闽烟57号’; 抗虫性较强的品种有‘云烟97’、‘V2’、‘云烟100’、‘长脖黄’, 这4个品种在生产上可优先安排种植。烟草叶背茸毛密度与成虫量和着卵量均呈极显著正相关, 即烟草叶背茸毛密度越高, 烟草抗虫性越弱。因此, 选育茸毛较少的烟草品种, 可以提高烟草对Q型烟粉虱的抗性。
      The selectivity, development and survivorship of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Q-biotype on 20 tobacco varieties were studied, and the relativity of the selectivity of B. tabaci Q-biotype with tobacco trichome density was analyzed, with the objective of defining the host selectivity and resistance mechanism of B. tabaci. The results showed that the host selectivity, adult oviposition topotaxis and egg-adult survival rate of B. tabaci Q-biotype were significantly affected by the tobacco varieties. Among the tested 20 tobacco varieties, the highest selectivity of B. tabaci was observed in ‘Minyan9’ and ‘Minyan57’, whilst the lowest selectivity was found in ‘Yunyan97’, ‘V2’, ‘Yunyan100’ and ‘Changbohuang’, and these four species could be preferentially planted in production. The relativity of trichome density with the number of adults and 72 h egg laying both were extremely significant, suggesting that the higher the trichome density, the weaker the resistance of tobacco to B. tabaci. Therefore, breeding tobacco varieties with fewer trichomes could improve their resistance to B. tabaci Q-biotype.
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