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乔 方, 车丽雯, 辛 月, 吴欣航, 孙艳梅, 崔 娟*.草莓食叶害虫褐痣拟栉叶蜂生物学特性初步观察[J].植物保护,2022,48(2):183-187.
Biological characteristics of Priophorus fulvostigmatus (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) on strawberry
投稿时间:2021-01-28  修订日期:2021-03-26
中文关键词:  草莓  褐痣拟栉叶蜂  形态特征  生物学特性
英文关键词:strawberry  Priophorus fulvostigmatus  morphological characters  biological characteristics
基金项目:吉林省大学生创新创业计划(202011439014号); 吉林农业科技学院博士启动基金(吉农院合字第[20200007]号)
乔 方, 车丽雯, 辛 月, 吴欣航, 孙艳梅, 崔 娟* 吉林农业科技学院, 吉林 132101 cuijuanjilin@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 402
全文下载次数: 257
      褐痣拟栉叶蜂Priophorus fulvostigmatus Wei & Li是吉林地区草莓上新发生的一种食叶性害虫?本文通过室内饲养和田间观察的方法, 记述了该虫的形态特征?发育历期?繁殖力及其生活习性?结果表明:褐痣拟栉叶蜂在恒温25℃条件下卵?幼虫?预蛹+蛹和成虫的发育历期分别为(6.96±0.37), (11.63±1.11), (11.47±1.13) d和(5.55±1.45) d, 平均世代历期为(35.65±1.71) d, 与在变温19~31℃(日平均25℃)条件下的历期略有差异?雌虫繁殖力较强, 可进行有性生殖和孤雌生殖, 在恒温25℃下平均单雌产卵量为(71.44±13.13)粒, 变温19~31℃下为(64.38±16.61)粒; 幼虫有6个龄期, 随着幼虫龄期的增长, 体长?体宽与头壳宽度逐渐增加, 一头幼虫整个幼虫期可取食草莓叶片6 400.15 mm2?该虫在吉林地区一年发生3代, 以老熟幼虫在1.5~3 cm深的土层中吐丝结茧越冬?本研究基本明确了褐痣拟栉叶蜂各龄期的形态特征, 并观察了主要生物学特性, 以期为该害虫的识别和综合防控提供理论基础?
      Priophorus fulvostigmatus Wei & Li is an important defoliator that is seriously harmful to strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). The morphological characteristics, developmental duration, fecundity and the habit of various developmental stages of P. fulvostigmatus were observed in the field and laboratory. The results showed that, under constant temperature 25℃, the durations of egg, larva, pre-pupa+pupa and adult stages of P. fulvostigmatus were (6.96±0.37) d, (11.63±1.11) d, (11.47±1.13) d and (5.55±1.45) d, respectively. The average generation duration was (35.65±1.71) d. The developmental duration of P. fulvostigmatus at constant temperature 25℃ were slightly different from that at the fluctuating temperature 19-31℃ (daily average 25℃). Adult female has strong fecundity, which could perform sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis. The fecundity per female was 71.44±13.13 and 64.38±16.61 for P. fulvostigmatus under constant temperature 25℃ and the fluctuating temperature 19-31℃, respectively. The larva had six instars, and the body length, body width and the width of head capsule of the larva increase gradually with the increase of larval instar. Total feeding amount of P.fulvostigmatus larva was 6 400.15 mm2. P. fulvostigmatus had three generation per year in Jilin province and overwintered as matured larva in a cocoon inside the soil at a depth of 1.5-3 cm to the surface. This study primarily clarified the morphological and biological characteristics of different developmental stages of P. fulvostigmatus, and it will help the identification of P. fulvostigmatus in the field and provide some crucial information for developing control and prevention strategies.
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