引用本文:翟文侠,王 舒,黄贤金,杜文星,钟太洋. 区域有机农业发展的自然资源适宜性评价——以江苏省溧水县为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2007, 15(2): 169-172
ZHAI Wen-Xia,WANG Shu,HUANG Xian-Jin,DU Wen-Xing,ZHONG Tai-Yang. Applicability evaluation on the natural resources of organic agriculture—A case study from Lishui County, Jiangsu Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2007, 15(2): 169-172
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翟文侠1,2, 王 舒3, 黄贤金3, 杜文星3, 钟太洋3
1.咸宁学院城乡规划与资源科学系 咸宁 437005;2.南京大学城市与资源学系 南京 210093;3.南京大学城市与资源学系 南京 210093
摘要:  按照有机农业和有机食品认证标准构建有机农业发展的适宜性评价指标体系,并在此基础上进行资源适宜性分等定级。资源适宜性总体划分为4个等级:限制性等级1,环境质量条件对有机农业没有限制;限制性等级2,环境质量条件适合传统农业利用方式,但对有机农业的生产有一定限制;限制性等级3,资源条件在规划期间内可通过有机转化而达到生产标准;限制性等级4,规划期内资源条件不能通过有机转换达到有机农业生产的标准。溧水县土壤资源、水资源和大气资源均有3个等级,总体上溧水县自然资源适宜性具有4个等级,并提出相关建议。
关键词:  有机农业 自然资源 适宜性评价 分级区划 溧水县
Applicability evaluation on the natural resources of organic agriculture—A case study from Lishui County, Jiangsu Province
ZHAI Wen-Xia1,2, WANG Shu3, HUANG Xian-Jin3, DU Wen-Xing3, ZHONG Tai-Yang3
1. Department of City and Rural Planning, Xianning College, Xianning 437005, China;2. Department of Urban & Resource Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;3.Department of Urban & Resource Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Abstract:  The indexes of applicability evaluation are selected according to OFDC organic certification standards, and the applicability of natural resources is classified. The applicability of natural resources of the organic agriculture in studied area is divided into four grades: grade 1, whose environment quality is adapted to the development of organic agriculture; grade 2, whose environment quality is adapted to the traditional agriculture but is limiting to the development of organic agriculture; grade 3, whose environment quality can be suitable for the development of organic agriculture after organic transformation; grade 4, whose environment quality is not suitable for organic agriculture through organic transformation. The soil, water and atmosphere environment all have three grades and the natural resources have four grades in Lishui County. According to the evaluation, some advices are advanced.
Keyword:  Organic agriculture, Natural resources, Applicability evaluating, Applicability classification, Lishui County
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