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Long photoperiod delayed spawning and increased somatic growth in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
Authors:George Wm. Kissil   Ingrid Lupatsch   Abigail Elizur  Yonathan Zohar

a Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National Center for Mariculture, P.O. Box 1212, Eilat 88112, Israel

b Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 701 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

Abstract:The effects of extended photoperiods, mimicking the longest day of the year, were studied in 1- and 2-year seabream. The photoperiod regimes started in late July, 36 and 39 days after the summer solstice and continued for 11 months, well beyond the natural reproductive season of December–March. Regime 1 (long day, 15.5L:8.5D), which used natural and fluorescent light, reduced the incidence of maturity in both year classes and females did not spawn although some gonadal development was observed. Among all 1-year sampled fish of regime 1, a maximum of 5% became spermiating males (March) and 5% reached the yolk granule stage of vitellogenesis (VO3; 250–400 μm diameter) by May. Among 2-year sampled fish of regime 1, 45% became spermiating males and 25% were females, which reached the advanced vitellogenesis stage (VO4; 400–600 μm) by April. Regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod), consisting of natural light and a 1.5-h pulse of fluorescent light during the period 14–15.5 h after sunrise, postponed gonadal development and spawning for up to 3 months. In this regime, a maximum of 80% of 1-year sampled fish were spermiating males in February and a maximum of 10% were VO3 stage females in March. In the sampled 2-year fish, the maximum levels were 50% spermiating males in February and 25% VO3 stage females in March. Control fish, which were exposed to the natural photoperiod (29°34′N), spawned during their natural season. The maximum levels for 1-year sampled control fish were 95% spermiating males and no females in December, while among 2-year sampled fish, maxima of 75% males in February and 45% VO4 stage females in November. Final average weights of photoperiod treated fish (1-year=430 g—regime 1, 400 g—regime 2; 2-year=582 g—regime 1, 518 g—regime 2) were significantly greater (p<0.05) than control fish (1-year=341 g; 2-year=476 g). Daily feed consumption (g/100 g fish) dropped from an average of 1.83 to 0.93 g for 1-year fish during August–December and from 0.88 to 0.54 g for 2-year fish during the same period. This was correlated with reduced autumn and winter water temperatures (26–20°C summer to winter change) and increased fish weight in all treatments. Daily feed consumption was also affected by the onset of spawning in the control and regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod) treatments of both 1- and 2-year fish. The efficiency of feed utilization (FCR) and protein and energy retention were all affected by the photoperiod regimes and followed the same pattern of decrease as weight gain, regime 1 (long day)>regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod)>control.
Keywords:Photoperiod control   Sexual maturation   Spawning   Growth
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