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引用本文:王鉴明. 甘蔗生态农业[J]. 亚热带农业研究, 1994, 0(1)
摘    要:本文分甘蔗生态育种、甘蔗生态栽培和甘蔗生态病虫害综合治理等方面进行论述。甘蔗生态育种主要是利用甘蔗叶型(长短、宽狭、厚薄和旗叶)、株型(幼苗株型和成长株型)、茎型(紧密直立和疏散斜生)、根型(浅根和深根)等形态特征和生长习性育成生产上所需求的优异生态良种,如早封行良种能抗旱和抗咸,迟封行良种有利于种植间套作物,群体透光度高的良种其高产高糖后代机率高于透光度低的.自动脱叶及茎直立的良种适于甘蔗机械化栽培管理。甘蔗生态栽培包括地膜覆盖、化学除草等生态栽培技术措施,使甘蔗生长在一个人为创造的生态条件下,保温、保湿、保土、保肥有利于高产高糖高效益。甘蔗生态病虫害综合治理主要是利用生物防治、农业防治、生态防治和有限度的农药防治等来获得长效、高效、低残、低毒、低污染和低成本的防治病虫害效果。

关 键 词:甘蔗生态系统;甘蔗生态型;甘蔗生态育种;甘蔗地膜覆盖栽培;甘蔗病虫害生态综合治理

Sugarcane Ecological Agriculture
Wan Jiangmin. Sugarcane Ecological Agriculture[J]. Subtropical Agriculture Research, 1994, 0(1)
Authors:Wan Jiangmin
Abstract:The present Paper consists of sugarcane ecololgital breeding,sugarcane ecological culture and sugarcane diseases and insect pests synthetic control.Sugarcane ecological breeding is based on promising ecotype from morphological and growing habits of their parents of their parents to meet the needs of different agricultural ecological systems.Sugarcane ecological culture uses ecologicol technique to create an ideal ecological condition for cane growth and cane yield.The typical example is sugarcane plastic-film mulching technique.Sugarcane diseases and insect pests synthetic control system is composed of biological control,ecological control,a little chemical control,agricultural control in conbination to give higher efficiency,less or no pollution and taxication.
Keywords:sugarcane ecological system  sugarcane ecological type  sugarcane ecological breeding  sugarcane plastic-film mulching cultivation  sugarcane diseases and insect pests synthetic control system
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