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引用本文:雷小龙 刘 利 刘 波 黄光忠 郭 翔 马荣朝任万军. 机械化种植对杂交籼稻F优498产量构成与株型特征的影响[J]. 作物学报, 2014, 40(4): 719-730. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00719
作者姓名:雷小龙 刘 利 刘 波 黄光忠 郭 翔 马荣朝任万军
作者单位:1.四川农业大学 / 农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 四川温江 611130;2.成都市郫县农村发展局, 四川郫县 611730;3.四川省农业气象中心, 四川成都 610066
基金项目:本研究由国家粮食丰产科技工程项目(2011BAD16B05, 2013BAD07B13-2)和国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303102)资助。
摘    要:为探明机械化种植杂交籼稻高产群体的株型特征, 以F优498为材料, 采用二因素裂区设计, 研究了不同穴苗数与播期下机直播、机插、手插3种种植方式的株型特征及其与产量构成的关系。结果表明: (1) 不同种植方式株型特征差异显著, 机直播和机插上三叶叶长、叶宽和叶间距大, 但叶基角和披垂度也较大; 手插上三叶大小适宜, 叶片厚而挺直; 机直播和机插株高和着生高度显著大于手插, 但手插比叶重、单株穗数和总叶片数显著高于机械化种植; 机直播的茎蘖夹角、穗粒数和单穗重显著低于机插和手插。推迟播期和低苗处理均使叶片增大, 比叶重、粒叶比、单株穗数、穗粒数和结实率随播期延迟显著降低。单穗重与上三叶长度、宽度、着生高度和株高均呈显著或极显著正相关, 以机插最高, 手插次之, 机直播最低。(2) 机直播产量显著低于机插和手插, 且随播期延迟和穴苗数减少显著降低。产量及其构成与株型特征密切相关, 机械化种植杂交籼稻高产株型的显著特征为适宜的株高、上三叶长度、群体LAI和茎集散度; 叶宽、比叶重、叶间距大和直立性好。足穗和大穗的统一是实现水稻高产的关键, 塑造个体优良的株型与优化群体结构是增产的前提, 机械化种植杂交籼稻应在时间允许的条件下尽早播栽, 穴苗数以3苗左右为宜。

关 键 词:杂交籼稻   机械化种植  株型  产量  穗部性状  

Effects of Mechanized Planting Methods on Yield Components and Plant Type Characteristics of Indica Hybrid Rice Fyou 498
LEI Xiao-Long,LIU Li,LIU Bo,HUANG Guang-Zhong,GUO Xiang,MA Rong-Chao,REN Wan-Jun. Effects of Mechanized Planting Methods on Yield Components and Plant Type Characteristics of Indica Hybrid Rice Fyou 498[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014, 40(4): 719-730. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00719
Authors:LEI Xiao-Long  LIU Li  LIU Bo  HUANG Guang-Zhong  GUO Xiang  MA Rong-Chao  REN Wan-Jun
Affiliation:1.Sichuan Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Wenjiang 611130, China;2.Pixian Bureau of Rural Development, Pixian 611730, China;3.Agrometeorological Center of Sichuan Meteorological Bureau, Chengdu 610066, China
Abstract:In order to identify plant type characteristics of high-yield population of indica hybrid rice using mechanized planting methods, a split plot field experiment was conducted using Fyou 498 as material. The plant type characteristics and their relationships with yield components in treatments of mechanized direct-seeding, mechanized transplanting and artificial transplanting with different seedlings per hill and different sowing dates were studied. The main results were as follows: (1) The traits of plant type differed markedly among the treatments of three planting methods. The length, width and leaf distance of top three leaves as well as blade tangent and drooping angle were larger under mechanized direct-seeding and transplanting. The top three leaves were erect with proper leaf area in the treatment of artificial transplanting. Plant height and leaf size of top three leaves were significantly larger in the treatments of mechanized direct-seeding and transplanting than in that of artificial transplanting. However, specific leaf weight, panicles per plant and total leaves were greater under artificial transplanting than under mechanized planting. For culm angle, spikelets and grain weight per panicle, the ranking orders of treatments were mechanized transplanting > artificial transplanting > mechanized direct-seeding. Leaf area increased with delaying sowing date or decreasing seedling number per hill and late sowing reduced the ratio of grain number to leaf area, panicles per plant, spikelets per panicle and seed-setting rate markedly. A significantly positive correlation was observed between grain weight per panicle and length, width, inserted height of leaf and plant height. Grain weight per plant was lower under mechanized direct-seeding than under mechanized transplanting and artificial transplanting. (2) The yield was significantly lower under mechanized direct-seeding than under mechanized transplanting and under artificial transplanting, which decreased by delaying sowing date or decreasing seedling number per hill. There were significant correlations between some traits of plant type and yield as well as its components. The notable characteristics of high-yield plant type in mechanized planting were proper plant height, length of top three leaves, LAI and culm angle. Meanwhile, the larger leaf width, specific leaf weight, leaf distance of top three leaves, erect leaves, adequate panicle number and large panicles were critical to high yield. Good plant type characteristicsof individuality and optimal population structure are a prerequisite for increasing yield. Indica hybrid rice should be sowed earlier as the time allows with three seedlings per hill approximately in mechanized planting.
Keywords:Indica hybrid rice  Mechanized planting methods  Plant type  Yield  Panicle traits
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