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引用本文:宋顺华,郑晓鹰. AFLP分子标记鉴别大白菜品种[J]. 分子植物育种, 2005, 3(3): 381-387
作者姓名:宋顺华  郑晓鹰
摘    要:本试验采用AFLP技术,研究了90份来自7个不同栽培地区的大白菜品种材料。共筛选了20对引物,不同引物组合检测多态性谱带的能力有很大的差异,多态性谱带的数量从9条到32条不等。其中E—ACA/M—CTG是大白菜品种十分高效的引物组合,共产生7l条清晰的扩增带,其中有32条多态性谱带,多态性谱带的百分率为45.7%。通过该引物组合,能将90个品种全部区分开来。同时应用该引物组合检测2个大白菜杂交品种(北京新2号,京夏王)各10株,其中有1株北京新2号的谱带异常,其余同一品种不同单株的带型完全一致。表明AFLP标记用于研究品种指纹图谱,并鉴别品种是完全可行的。

关 键 词:AFLP分子标记  大白菜  品种

Identification of Chinese Cabbage Cultivars by AFLP Molecular Markers
Song Shunhua,Zheng Xiaoying. Identification of Chinese Cabbage Cultivars by AFLP Molecular Markers[J]. Molecular Plant Breeding, 2005, 3(3): 381-387
Authors:Song Shunhua  Zheng Xiaoying
Abstract:In this study, AFLP was used to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of Ch inese cabbages, including 90 cultivars collected from 7 different culture region s. 20 pairs of AFLP primers were screened. The different pairs of primer differs widely in their ability to detected genetic polymorphism of Chinese cabbage. Th e range of polymorphic bands detected by individual pair of primer were from 9 t o 32. E-ACA/M-CTG which detected 71 fragments has particularly high efficiency d etecting 32 polymorphic fragments (45.7%), which was able to distinguish all of the 90 accessions. E-ACA/MCTG was also used to detected two hybrid cultivars (Be ijingxin 2 and Jingxiawang) of Chinese cabbage, respectly 10 plants. AFLP marker s in different plant of same cultivars were accordance, but one of the Beijingxi n 2 differs from others. The result showed that AFLP markers can be used to stud y Chinese cabbage fingerprinting, identify and distinguish cultivars.
Keywords:AFLP molecular markers   Chinese cabbage   Cultivars
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