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引用本文:钟旭华 梁定一. 江西地方名特水稻品种调查与试验初报[J]. 江西农业学报, 1993, 5(2): 164-167
作者姓名:钟旭华 梁定一
作者单位:[1]江西农业大学 [2]江西省樟树市农业科学技术研究所
摘    要:调查与试验结果表明,江西地方名特水稻品种,栽培历史悠久,具有明显的地方特色,值得加以保护和开发利用。但是,这些品种生育期偏长,多为一季稻,且茎秆偏高,单产低;对生态条件要求严格,引种扩种后米质变劣,难以扩大种植面积。因而总产难以增加,影响了其潜在经济效益的发挥。因此,深入研究其特殊米质与生态条件的关系,为引种扩种提供依据;进行遗传改良以提高单产;对开发利用这些珍贵品种资源有重要意义。

关 键 词:江西地方名特水稻品种  调查  试验

A Preliminary Study on the Famous Rice Varieties in Jiangxi Province (FRVJX)
Abstract:Investigations and sowing experiments showed that FRVJX have long cultivation history, evident local specialities and are worth protection and exploitation. On the other hand, they have two shortcomings. One is the too long straw which makes them very poor in their yield potentialities. The other is the strict demand of ecological conditions which makes them difficult to be introduced to new places. So improvements of heredity and thorough studies on the relations between ecological conditions and rice grain quality are suggested.
Keywords:The famous rice varieties in Jiangxi Province   Investigation j Sowing experiment
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