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Effects of soil fertility on growth,tuber yield,nodulation and nitrogen fixation of yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) urban) grown on a typic eutrustox
Authors:J. Q. Lynd  A. A. C. Purcino
Affiliation:1. Soil Microbiology, Agronomy , Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK, 74078;2. Professor, Agronomy Department , Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK, 74078, USA;3. Chefe do Departamento de Programacao e Administracao da Pesquisa EPAMIG , Caixa Postal 515, 30.000, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Abstract:The tuberous legume, Yam Bean, (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urban, has been utilized as a food crop for many centuries. The large, starchy tubers have higher aitrogen content than potatoes, cassava and taro roots with 20% or more of the N fraction as ureidoglyco‐lates. Yam Bean (Jicama) tuber growth within the neotropical regions of the world is influenced by soil productivity. The objective of this study was to determine effects of soil fertility treatments on tuber yield, nodulation characteristics and nitrogen fixation.

Highly significant increases in growth and tuber production resulted with P additions, and to Ca and K levels when combined with P. Nodule weight and nitrogenase activity were similar in response to factorial soil treatments as were the tuber and total above ground plant growth. Total ureide content of tuber epiperi‐derm tissue increased significantly with P, Ca, and P + Ca treatments and increased quadratically with increased K additions when combined with P, Ca, and P + Ca treatments. Multiple regression for nitrogenase = 3.4 g top wt. + 3.5 g tuber wt. + 4.9 g nodule wt. + 3.7 umol ureide, R2 = 0.88 and C.V. = 16.5%. The percent nonstructural tuber carbohydrates was not significantly influenced by soil treatments although total tuber N content significantly increased with the P treatments. Content of plant nutrient elements within nodule cytosol generally increased significantly with addition of the corresponding element in the soil fertility treatments. Increased K content was quadratic for increased K additions with concomitant decrease in Na content having highly significant negative correlation (r = ‐0.72). Adequate available soil P, Ca and K favorably influenced Yam Bean tuber growth and nitrogen fixation with P a first limiting factor for desirable high tuber yields.
Keywords:Jicama  nitrogenase activity  nodule composition  ureides  nodule histology
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