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引用本文:马绎皓 申双和 马鹏里 蒲金涌. 甘肃省麦积山景区生态需水特征研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014, 30(17): 250-255. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2250
作者姓名:马绎皓 申双和 马鹏里 蒲金涌
作者单位:1. 南京信息工程大学滨江学院2. 南京信息工程大学应用气象学院3. 甘肃省气象局4. 甘肃省天水市气象局
基金项目:科技部公益性行业 (气象) 科研专项 “蒸渗计在气象观测中的应用试验研究” (GYHY201106043)。
摘    要:为了探讨研究麦积山景区水分变化特征,为景区水资源的开发利用提供依据。运用麦积山景区内多年土壤湿度资料及气象资料,对景区内生态需水特征进行分析。结果表明,麦积山景区内年实际需水量为678×106m3,土壤含水占21%,蒸散量占79%;最小生态需水定额为480×106m3,土壤含水占16%,蒸散量占84%;最小适宜生态需水定额为624×106m3,土壤含水占18%,蒸散量占82%。降水量为614×106m3,可消耗水中水分盈余78×106m3。降水量大于蒸散量的年份占76%。自21世纪80年代以来,蒸散量呈线性增加趋势。一年之中,6—10月降水量大于蒸散量,11—12月、1—5月降水量小于蒸散量,蒸散需水靠土壤水调节。春季降水量与蒸散量相差较大,对瀑布、溪流等有一定影响。

关 键 词:理论产量  理论产量  

A Study on Characteristics of Ecological Water Requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot
Abstract:In order to study the variation characteristics of water and provide the scientific basis for applying the water resource, based on the soil moisture and meteorological data, the characteristics of ecological water requirement in the Maijishan scenic spot had been analyzed. The result showed that: the water requirement was 678×106 m3 in all and the soil water accounted 21%, evapotranspiration accounted 79%. The least ecological water requirement quota was 480×106 m3 in all and soil water accounted 16%, evapotranspiration accounted 84%. The least suitable ecological water requirement quota was 624×106 m3 in all and soil water accounted 18%, evapotranspiration accounted 86%. The precipitation was 614×106 m3 and the consumption water surplus reached 78×106 m3. The year when the precipitation was over the evapotranspiration accounted 76%. The evapotranspiration turned liner increase trend since 1980s. The precipitation was over the evapotranspiration in June to October. The precipitation was under the evapotranspiration in November to December, January to May and evapotranspiration water requirement depend on soil water. The difference of precipitation and evapotranspiration was bigger and that influenced on waterfall and stream in Maiji scenic spot.
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