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引用本文:刘兴舟 李猛 张建 陈现平. 皖北地区主栽品种密度对产量及其构成因子的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014, 30(18): 145-150. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2999
作者姓名:刘兴舟 李猛 张建 陈现平
作者单位:1. 宿州市农业科学院2. 宿州市农业科学研究所
摘    要:为了揭示皖北地区主栽玉米品种适宜密度,为玉米高产创建的合理密植提供科学依据。通过对穗粒数、千粒重等参数的监测,研究淮北地区密度对主栽品种产量及相关性状的影响,连续2年在宿州市农科院农试场,以‘郑单958’、‘鲁单981’、‘隆平206’为试验材料,以审定密度为基准,每7500株/hm2为一个密度阶梯,设置从减少7500株/hm2至增加30000株/hm2不同密度处理,在充分满足水肥需求条件下进行高产栽培实践,在实现高产基础上分析其产量及相关性状特征。结果表明,除平展型玉米品种‘鲁单981’外,其他2个品种密度与产量呈抛物线关系,紧凑型品种‘郑单958’最适宜种植密度为73300株/ hm2,半紧凑型品种‘隆平206’适宜种植密度为68600株/hm2左右,平展型品种‘鲁单981’最适宜种植密度为45000~52500株/hm2。由此得出,品种株型越紧凑,种植密度可适当增大;随密度增大,穗粒数与千粒重与密度呈越显著负相关,品种‘鲁单981’生产上应适当稀植以规避风险。

关 键 词:产学研结合  产学研结合  木薯产业  人才培养  

Effection of Density on Yield and Yield Components of Major Maize Cultivars in Northern Anhui
Abstract:Rational close planting is an economical and effective measure to increase crop yield. In order to explore the suitable planting density of major maize cultivars in northern Anhui, we studied the grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight of three major maize cultivars, including‘Zhengdan958’,‘Ludan981’and‘Longping206’. The effects of planting density on yield and correlated characters were further analyzed. The study was performed at agricultural experiment farms of Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The planting density was set from 7500 plants/hm2 to 30000 plants/hm2 with an interval of 7500 plants/hm2. Water and fertilizer were supplied sufficiently. High yield cultivation method was also used. Based on the high yield achieved, we analyzed the relationship between crop yield and correlated characters. The results showed that, the planting density had the parabolic relation with the yield of‘Zhengdan958’and‘Longping206’. The most suitable density of compact type cultivar‘Zhengdan958’was 73300 plants/hm2. The most suitable density of semi- compact type cultivar‘Longping206’was 68600 plants/hm2. The most suitable density of flat type cultivar‘Ludan981’was 45000- 52500 plants/hm2. The planting density of compact type cultivar could be increased appropriately. However, it was negatively related to the grain number per spike and 1000- grain weight if the planting density is out of range. So, Ludan981 should be planted in low density to avoid risk.
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