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引用本文:刘朝阳 段英华 杨莉 王小利 三岛慎一郎. 河北省农田土壤养分平衡现状研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014, 30(9): 170-174. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2673
作者姓名:刘朝阳 段英华 杨莉 王小利 三岛慎一郎
作者单位:1. 贵州大学2. 3. 农业部人力资源开发中心
基金项目:中-日合作项目:中国循环型生产 (Recycling Production Project in China)和公益性行业(农业)科研专项
摘    要:系统分析河北省农田主要养分的投入、产出与平衡状况,对农田养分高效管理与可持续利用具有重要理论与实践意义。本研究采用宏观与微观相结合的方法,详细分析了河北省2010年农田氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)的养分投入量、输出量及收支平衡情况。其中,养分投入和损失来源包括化肥、有机肥、大气干湿沉降、灌溉水、生物固氮、种子养分等。结果表明:2010年河北省农田土壤氮、磷和钾养分投入量分别为280万t、116万t和96万t,其中化肥的投入量为186万t、96.8万t和40.0万t,占养分投入量的66.4%、83.4%和41.7%;人畜禽粪便的投入量为21.0万t、9.8万t和14.4万t,占养分投入量的7.5%、8.4%和15.0%。土壤氮、磷和钾养分输出量为240万t、66万t和99万t,盈余率为16.8%、77.1%和-3.2%;表明河北省土壤氮素和磷素处于盈余状态,而钾素处于轻微亏缺状态。因此河北省应采取稳氮、控磷、增钾的措施来保障农田养分供应和提升土壤肥力。

关 键 词:耐盐性  耐盐性  

Present Situation of Soil Nutrient Balance in Hebei Province
Abstract:Study of farmland main nutrient inputs/outputs and balance in Hebei province is conducive to manage agricultural nutrient and determine rational fertilization. Chemical fertilizer and organic manure inputs , crop straw returns , nutrient uptake and loss of 2010 was made a systematical analysis to analyze current farmland nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient balance in Hebei province. The results showed that: Soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient inputs was respectively 280,116 and 960,000 t in Hebei farmland of 2010 , while the outputs was 240, 66 and 990,000 t and the surplus rate was 16.75% , 77.06% and -3.17 % .Overall, Nitrogen and phosphorus was in surplus, but potassium was in slight deficit. Therefore stabilize nitrogen, control phosphorus, increase potassium should be taken to protect soil fertility.
Keywords:Hebei province
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