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引用本文:杜伟,赵秉强,林治安,袁亮,李燕婷. 有机无机复混肥优化化肥养分利用的效应与机理研究III.有机物料与钾肥复混对玉米产量及肥料养分吸收利用的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 21(1): 58-63. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0106
作者姓名:杜伟  赵秉强  林治安  袁亮  李燕婷
作者单位:1.农业部作物营养与施肥重点实验室,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;
摘    要:【目的】将有机物料与化学钾肥按不同比例复混制成有机无机复混钾肥,研究其对优化化肥钾的吸收利用效应和机理,可为复混肥的科学应用提供依据。【方法】以味精厂制糖形成的糖渣作为有机原料,与硫酸钾按照3:1、1:1、1:3(w/w)比例复混,采用团粒法制成含钾量分别为K2O 12.2%、24.7%和37.3%的有机无机复混钾肥。采用土柱栽培方法,设置K2O低(75 kg /hm2)、中(150 kg /hm2)、高(225 kg /hm2) 3个施钾水平,每个施钾水平下,采用不同含钾量的有机无机复混钾肥为供试肥料,以硫酸钾为对照,同时设置与钾处理等量的糖渣施用量处理作为对照,以消除有机物料可能带来的影响。以玉米为供试作物,玉米收获后,分别测定叶片、茎鞘、籽粒中的含钾量,并根据生物量计算钾的累积量和化肥钾的利用率。【结果】1)低钾、高钾水平下,复混钾肥比硫酸钾处理分别增产27.75%和10.77%;而中钾水平下,复混钾肥没有表现出明显的增产效果;低钾、中钾和高钾水平,复混钾肥玉米植株籽粒平均产量较硫酸钾增产11.36%。2)低钾、高钾水平下,复混钾肥玉米植株钾素吸收量比硫酸钾处理分别提高31.32%和16.11%;中钾水平下,复混钾肥植株钾素吸收量较硫酸钾处理没有明显增加;有机无机复混钾肥处理在低钾、中钾和高钾水平下的植株平均吸钾量较硫酸钾处理提高11.43%。3)低钾、中钾、高钾水平复混钾肥玉米植株平均吸钾量较等量有机物料处理提高11.92%,而硫酸钾处理较不施钾肥的对照处理(CK)仅提高3.31%,有机物料与钾复混后,显著提高了玉米植株吸钾量。4)低钾、高钾水平下,复混钾肥的平均化肥钾表观利用率比硫酸钾有所提高;中钾投入水平下,复混钾肥处理钾的表观利用率与硫酸钾处理基本相同;低钾、中钾和高钾水平,复混钾肥平均钾素表观利用率比硫酸钾处理提高17.92个百分点。【结论】有机物料与硫酸钾复混,可以优化硫酸钾的肥效和玉米对其中钾的吸收利用。综合考虑玉米产量和钾肥利用率,糖渣与硫酸钾的适宜复混比例可定为1:3(w/w),其施用量在与本试验类似的土壤条件下应低于硫酸钾的施用量。

关 键 词:有机无机复混   硫酸钾   钾肥利用率   作物产量

Study on the enhancement and mechanism of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer on inorganic fertilizer utilization III. Effect of potassium sulfate combined with organic material on maize yield and K fertilizer utilization
DU Wei,ZHAO Bing-qiang,LIN Zhi-an,YUAN Liang,LI Yan-ting. Study on the enhancement and mechanism of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer on inorganic fertilizer utilization III. Effect of potassium sulfate combined with organic material on maize yield and K fertilizer utilization[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2015, 21(1): 58-63. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0106
Authors:DU Wei  ZHAO Bing-qiang  LIN Zhi-an  YUAN Liang  LI Yan-ting
Affiliation:1.Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Crop Nutrition and Fertilization/Institute of Agricultural Resource and Regional Planning,CAAS,Beijing 100081,China;
Abstract:【Objectives】 Fewer researches have been done systemically on the adjustment of organic-inorganic recombination on the chemical K use efficiency. The study on the K efficiency of potassium sulphate after granulated with sugar residues in different ratios will be helpful to understand the beneficial mechanism of yield and profit increase of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.【Methods】Three kinds of organic-inorganic compound K fertilizers were made via mixing sugar residues from monosodium glutamate factory with potassium sulfate in 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3(w/w) and granulated using pan granulator. A pot experiment was carried out using the three compound K fertilizers and potassium sulphate. Three total K input levels of K2O 75, 150 and 225 kg/ha were designed for each tested fertilizer, and the same input level of sugar residues without K was used as the corresponding control of the compound K fertilizer to eliminate the possible effect by organic materials. The crop yield, K uptake, K use efficiency were investigated. 【Results】 1) The maize grain yield was increased by 11.36% in average with application of compound K fertilizer. The maize grain yield was increased by 27.75% and 10.77% at the low and high input rates of compound K fertilizer, but decreased by 3.24% at medium input level, compared to potassium sulfate. 2) Application of compound K fertilizers could increase the K uptake of maize plant by 11.43% in average. The K uptake of maize plant was increased by 31.32% and 16.11% at the low and high K inputs of compound K fertilizers, but decreased by 9.11% at medium input, compared to potassium sulphate. 3) The increase of K uptake by maize plant with the application of compound K fertilizers was 11.92% higher than corresponding organic material treatments in average, which exceed the K uptake increase with potassium sulfate to the no K control. 4) The average K recovery of the three compound K fertilizers input rates was 17.92 percentage points higher, compared to potassium sulfate. Under the same total K input, inorganic-K recoveries were increased at both the low and high rates, but not at medium rate.【Conclusion】 The combination of sugar residue and potassium sulphate could effectively increase the K use efficiency in general. Comprehensive considering the yield and utilization of K,the relatively appropriate mix ratio of sugar residues and potassium sulphate should be in 1:3 (w/w), and the application rate of the compound K fertilizer should be less than normal chemical K fertilizer under the similar soil condition tested.
Keywords:organic-inorganic recombination  potassium sulphate  K fertilizer use efficiency  crop yield
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