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摘    要:肠道不仅是所有营养物质消化吸收的最终场所,也是动物体内最大的免疫器官,是机体防御体系的第一道屏障,维护动物肠道健康对保障养猪生产至关重要。肠道是机体应激反应的中心器官,各种应激因素致使肠道结构损伤与功能紊乱,从而导致仔猪健康不良与生长受阻。因此,建立稳定可靠的肠道损伤模型是研究仔猪肠道损伤机制及营养干预的关键,本文主要介绍了本实验室成功建立的几种仔猪肠道损伤模型,筛选了几种肠道功能紊乱的标志性分子,为猪和人类的肠道功能障碍研究及营养干预提供参考。

关 键 词:仔猪  肠道损伤  模型

Establishment of Several Porcine Models of Intestinal Injury and Identified Biomarkers of Intestinal Injury with These Models
Affiliation:,Engineering Research Center of Feed Protein Resources on Agricultural By-products,Ministry of Education,Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science,Wuhan Polytechnic University
Abstract:The intestinal tract is not only the ultimate place for nutrients' digestion and absorption, but also the largest immune organ in pigs. Intestine is the first barrier of the body defense system. Maintaining gut health of pigs is vital to pig industry.The intestinal tract is the central response organ to various stressors, which will lead to intestinal dysfunction, and thereby resulting in poor health and growth retardation in pigs. Therefore, establishment of a stable and repeatable porcine model of intestinal injury is the key point to study the mechanism of intestinal damage and nutritional intervention. This paper mainly introduced several porcine models of intestinal injury established in our laboratory, and identified biomarkers of intestinal injury with these models. The porcine models of intestinal injury will provide a useful tool for studying intestinal dysfunction and developing nutritional interventions in pigs and humans.
Keywords:Piglets  Intestinal injury  Experimental model
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