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引用本文:张玉兰,李雄,敖特根,丰宝田,张志友,常牧民. 乌兰察布盟及呼市地区山楂资源及栽培现状考察报告[J]. 内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版), 1988, 0(1)
作者姓名:张玉兰  李雄  敖特根  丰宝田  张志友  常牧民
摘    要:通过对乌盟呼市地区部分林场、苗圃、果园的考察,考证核对了本地区以辽宁山楂为主体的山楂属植物的三个种:辽宁山楂(C.sanguinea pall.)毛山楂(C、max imowiczii Schenid),光叶山楂(C.dahurica koehwe)。发现本地区山楂属第四个种——山检(C.pinnatifida Bge),山里红。发现马盟引进了一种有希望的砧木资源——甘肃山楂(C.kansuensis uils)。毛山楂嫁接大山楂表现矮化,丰产。几年来本地区山楂引种、育苗、建园积累了一定的经验,也存在不少问题。今后应注意利用当地资源,发展优良品种。适地适栽,加强管理,加强各部门的横向联合,将乌盟及呼市地区山楂产业经济迅速发展起来。

关 键 词:山楂  资源考察  栽培现状  建议

An Investigation on Resources in Hawthorn and its present cultivation condition in Ulanchab League and Huhehot, Inner Mongolia
Zhang Yu-Lan. Li-xiong,Ao Te-gen etc. An Investigation on Resources in Hawthorn and its present cultivation condition in Ulanchab League and Huhehot, Inner Mongolia[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition), 1988, 0(1)
Authors:Zhang Yu-Lan. Li-xiong  Ao Te-gen etc
Abstract:Affter we investigated parts of forests, nurseries, oreharbs of Ulanchabumong and Huhhot region checked the local three species oaCrateagus plant: C. sanguenea pall. C. maximowiczii schneid,c.dahurickoehwe. most of them are C.sanguenea pall we have found that C.pinne atifida Bge belongs to the fourth species of Crateagus plant in th region and has been introduced a species of rootstock resources that can be developed further in the region.The c. pinnatifida Var. mojor N. E. Br had grafted on the C. maximowiczii schneid to display is dwar and rich harvests. Of late years in the region certain experience in introducing some fine varieties, nursing some varieties and establishing orchards has been accumulated, but there are still many problems left. From now on we must pay attention ato using the local resources, to develop fine varieties and plant suitable to local place varieties and strengthen tree manegement and cross association for every department.Bring about a great advance in industrial economies of Hawthorn in the region.
Keywords:Hawthorn  lnvestigalion resources  Present cultination condition  Suggest.  
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