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引用本文:李孟楠,雷磊,刘欣. DDT毒性及毒理机制的研究进展[J]. 绿色科技, 2011, 0(10)
作者姓名:李孟楠  雷磊  刘欣
摘    要:指出了DDT作为一种广谱有机氯杀虫剂,被广泛应用于防治农业病虫害以及传播疟疾和伤寒疾病的蚊蝇等害虫。分析了DDT具有潜在的内分泌干扰作用,表现出类雌激素作用,干扰生殖系统的功能,并能蓄积在母乳之中,或直接通过胎盘,对后代产生影响。在对近年来国内外关于DDT研究的热点问题进行讨论的基础上,对DDT的毒性、内分泌干扰作用和毒理机制的研究进行了综合评述。

关 键 词:滴滴涕  急性毒性  内分泌干扰活性  毒理机制

Study the Progress on the Toxicity and Toxicological Mechanism of DDT
Abstract:DDT hadbeen extensively used all over the world as a broad--spectrum organochlorine pesticide in the first half of 20th century. It's widely used in prevention and control of agricultural pests and diseases,and in control of mosquito--borne diseases such as Malaria,typhoid and so on. The toxic effects of DDT emerged day by day with its extensive use. If taken in DDT, Human will be of headache,dizziness, convulsions, respiratory failure even death, and could cause pathological changes in liver, kidney and other organs. DDT possesses potential endocrine disrupting effects to mimic estrogen activity,interfere the functions of endocrine system, and accumulate in breast milk or impact on future generations directly through the placenta. So,the research in DDT is with great practical significance. The paper summarizes and analyzes the recent studies on the toxicity and toxicological mechanism of DDT.
Keywords:DDT  acute toxicity  endocrine disrupting activity  toxicological mechanism
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