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Diuron mineralisation in a Mediterranean vineyard soil: impact of moisture content and temperature
Authors:Talaat El Sebaı  Marion Devers  Bernard Lagacherie  Nadine Rouard  Guy Soulas  Fabrice Martin‐Laurent
Affiliation:1. INRA, Université de Bourgogne, UMR Microbiologie du Sol et de l'Environnement, Dijon, France;2. Agricultural Microbiology Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt;3. Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux 2, UMR 1219, INRA—Faculté d'?nologie—ISVV, Talence, France
Abstract:BACKGROUND: The diuron‐mineralising ability of the microbiota of a Mediterranean vineyard soil exposed each year to this herbicide was measured. The impact of soil moisture and temperature on this microbial activity was assessed. RESULTS: The soil microbiota was shown to mineralise diuron. This mineralising activity was positively correlated with soil moisture content, being negligible at 5% and more than 30% at 20% soil moisture content. According to a double Gaussian model applied to fit the dataset, the optimum temperature/soil moisture conditions were 27.9 °C/19.3% for maximum mineralisation rate and 21.9 °C/18.3% for maximum percentage mineralisation. The impact of temperature and soil moisture content variations on diuron mineralisation was estimated. A simulated drought period had a suppressive effect on subsequent diuron mineralisation. This drought effect was more marked when higher temperatures were used to dry (40 °C versus 28 °C) or incubate (28 °C versus 20 °C) the soil. The diuron kinetic parameters measured after drought conditions were no longer in accordance with those estimated by the Gaussian model. CONCLUSION: Although soil microbiota can adapt to diuron mineralisation, its activity is strongly dependent on climatic conditions. It suggests that diuron is not rapidly degraded under Mediterranean climate, and that arable Mediterranean soils are likely to accumulate diuron residues. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords:diuron  biodegradation  pesticide  temperature  soil moisture
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