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引用本文:王尊欣、、蔡文伟、曾军、沈林波、杨乃博、、蓝松涛、张树珍. 海南7个区试甘蔗品种抗旱性的主成分分析及综合评价[J]. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41(10): 9-13
摘    要:以7个区试甘蔗品种为材料、采用盆栽法进行抗旱处理、测定绿叶率尧株高等形态指标以及质膜渗透性尧叶绿素相对含量尧脯氨酸含量尧丙二醛含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性等生理指标。采用主成分分析尧模糊隶属函数对多指标进行综合分析、全面评价7 个甘蔗品种的抗旱性。结果表明、3 个综合主成分可达到甘蔗抗旱性94.943%的原始数据信息量;利用系统聚类分析、将7 个参试品种分为3 类、其中、ROC22 和云蔗06-407 表现出较强的抗旱性、福农39 和粤糖55 表现为中度抗旱性、ROC16尧粤甘26 和柳城05-136 表现出较弱的抗旱性。

关 键 词:甘蔗;抗旱性;主成分分析;生理指标

Principal component analysis and comprehensiveevaluation on drought resistance of seven sugarcanevarieties in regional trials of Hainan
Abstract:varieties. Seven indexes closely related to the drought tolerance were measured, including rate of greenleaves, plant height and other morphological indicators as well as the plasma membrance permeablitiy, chlorophyll content,proline content, MDA content and superoxide dismutase activity and other physiological indicators. Using principalcomponent analysis, fuzzy membership functions for multi-index comprehensive analysis to evaluate the drought resistanceof the seven sugarcane varieties. The results showed that three principal components could achieve 94.943% of the originalamount of information. By the cluster analysis, the seven tested varieties were divided into three categories. ROC22 andYunzhe06-407 performanced strong drought resistance, Funong39 and Yuetang55 showed moderate drought resistance,ROC16, Yuegan26 and liucheng05-136 showed weak drought resistance
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