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Does gender matter in valuation studies? Evidence from three forestry applications
Authors:Farreras, Veronica   Riera, Pere   Mogas, Joan
Affiliation:1 Department of Applied Economics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Campus UAB, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain
2 Department of Economics, Rovira i Virgili University
Abstract:This work presents evidence from three different valuation studieson the influence of gender in the formation of forestry-relatedvalues. Previous studies examined gender differences withoutexplicitly considering their interaction with other explanatoryvariables. Three separate studies dealing with forest-relatedgoods and services, revealed statistically significant differencesin peoples' preferences, especially between older women andolder men, and older and younger women. In these studies, althoughthere was no overall difference in preferences attributableto gender, there were significant differences related to ageand income, in combination with gender.
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