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引用本文:孙波,严浩,施建平. 基于红壤肥力和环境效应评价的油菜-花生适宜施肥量[J]. 土壤, 2007, 39(2): 222-230
作者姓名:孙波  严浩  施建平
摘    要:基于土壤肥力的施肥决策是提高施肥经济效益和降低施肥对环境危害的基础。本文针对红壤丘陵区的油菜-花生轮作系统,在红砂岩和红黏土红壤旱地中进行单因素的N、P肥料试验,评价其产量、肥料利用率、经济效益和环境效应,提出红壤丘陵区的施肥模型和适宜施肥量。试验表明,红壤速效P含量是影响作物产量的主要因素。考虑土壤速效P含量参数的油菜施N模型为Y=266.1×AP_class 2.87×N 393.3,其中Y为油菜的产量(kg/hm2);AP_class为土壤速效P含量的分类变量,N为施入的N肥用量(纯Nkg/hm2)。通过对不同施N量下花生产量、N肥利用率和环境效应(收获后土壤剖面中NO3--N储量)的综合评价,红砂岩红壤旱地中花生的N肥适宜用量为103.5kg/hm2。作物对P肥的利用率随施P量的增加呈现抛物线的变化方式。土壤速效P含量也影响了P肥利用率,速效P含量高的红砂岩红壤中花生对P肥利用率显著高于速效P水平低的红黏土红壤。综合评价P肥的产量效益、肥料利用率和经济效益,红砂岩红壤旱地中,油菜的适宜施P量为P2O590kg/hm2,花生的适宜施P量在P2O522.5~45kg/hm2之间。

关 键 词:红壤旱地  油菜  花生  施肥  环境效应

Suitable Fertilization Rate in Peanut-Oil Rape Rotation Based on Red Soil Fertility and Environment Impact Evaluation
SUN Bo,YAN Hao and SHI Jian-ping. Suitable Fertilization Rate in Peanut-Oil Rape Rotation Based on Red Soil Fertility and Environment Impact Evaluation[J]. Soils, 2007, 39(2): 222-230
Authors:SUN Bo  YAN Hao  SHI Jian-ping
Affiliation:Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Nanjing 210008. China
Abstract:Fertilization decision based on soil fertility is the basis for higher economic benefit and less harm to environment. A field fertilization experiment including single N and P treatments was carried out on oil rape-peanut rotation in two red soils derived from red sand stone and Quaternary red clay, respectively. Then the effects of fertilization on crop yield, fertilizer recovery efficiency, economic benefit and environmental impact were evaluated and suitable N and P application rates were recommended for the crop rotation system. Results showed that soil available P is the controlling factor for crop yield. Taking into account of soil available P content, the model for N fertilization on oil rape is Y=266.1 ×AP_class + 2.87 × N + 393.3, where Y stands for yield of oil rape (kg/m2), AP_class for the categorical variable of soil available P content and N for N application rate (N, kg/hm2). Based on evaluation of effects of N fertilization rate on peanut yield, N recovery efficiency and environmental impact (storage of NO3--N in 0 ~ 80 cm depth of soil profile after the crop harvested), the suitable N application rate was defined to be 103.5 kg/hm2 for peanut in red soil derived form red sandstone. The phosphorus use efficiency of the crops changeed in a pattern of parabola when P fertilization rate increaseed. The phosphorus use efficiency of peanut was also affected by the soil available P content, which was higher in the red soil derived from red sandstone than that in the red soil from red clay. Comprehensive evaluation of yield and economic benefit showed that the suitable P fertilization rate is P2O5 90 kg/hm2 for oil rape and P2O5 22.5~45 kg/hm2 for peanut in the red soil derived from red sand stone.
Keywords:Upland red soil  Oil rape  Peanut  Fertilization  Environment impact
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