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引用本文:闫平,张书利,于艳敏,武洪涛,徐振华,周劲松. 施肥量对2个超级稻品种叶片SPAD值的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(7): 7-14. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17110015
作者姓名:闫平  张书利  于艳敏  武洪涛  徐振华  周劲松
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“北方粳稻优质高产高效新品种培育”(2017YFD0100504);国家现代农业产业技术体系“五常综合试验站”(CARS-01-54); 农业科研杰出人才培养计划(2016-2020-48);水稻生物技术商业化育种技术研究与示范(2014BAD1B03-02-03);国家粮食丰产工程项目“黑龙江省春 玉米、粳稻丰产增效模式构建与超高产关键技术研究”(2017YFD0300506-6)。
摘    要:为探讨超级稻品种‘松粳9 号’和‘松粳15’叶片SPAD 值的变化规律,明确叶片SPAD 值与产量性状的关系,以超级稻‘松粳9 号’和‘松粳15’为材料,通过田间小区对比试验,研究了不同肥力条件下超级稻‘松粳9 号’和‘松粳15’上部4 个叶片在拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期SPAD 值的变化。结果表明,随着施肥量的增加,2 个超级稻品种叶片SPAD 值呈逐步增加的趋势,施肥量越高增加的幅度越小。在整个调查期内,‘松粳15’叶片SPAD 值明显高于‘松粳9 号’。2 个超级稻品种叶片SPAD 值与每穴穗数、每穗粒数、公顷产量呈正相关,与结实率、千粒重呈负相关,与每穗粒数、结实率相关性更为紧密,相关性达到了显著或极显著水平。


Fertilizer Amount Affecting Leaf SPAD Value of 2 Super Rice Varieties
Abstract:The objectives are to discuss the change regulation of leaf SPAD value of super rice‘Songjing 9’ and‘Songjing 15’, and determine the relationship between leaf SPAD value and yield traits. Using the two super rice varieties as materials, by a field plot comparison test, the changes of SPAD value of the 4 top leaves at jointing stage, heading stage, filling stage and mature stage were studied under different fertility conditions. The results showed that, with the increase of fertilizer amount, the leaf SPAD value of the 2 super rice varieties showed a gradual increasing trend, and the higher the fertilizer amount, the smaller the increase was. Throughout the whole investigation period, SPAD value of the‘Songjing 15’was significantly higher than that of‘Songjing 9’. The leaf SPAD values of the 2 super rice varieties were positively correlated with the number of spikes per hole, grain number per panicle and yield per hectare, negatively correlated with seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. The correlation between SPAD value and grain number per panicle and seed setting rate was closer, and the correlation reached a significant or extremely significant level.
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