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引用本文:丁尚,郭浩浩,宋晨阳,刁晓平,赵洪伟. 海南岛农牧生产体系磷元素流动时空变化特征[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(5): 860-873. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.05.008
作者姓名:丁尚  郭浩浩  宋晨阳  刁晓平  赵洪伟
作者单位:1 海南大学热带农林学院,海口 5702282 海南大学南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室,海口 570228
摘    要:【目的】 通过对1987—2016年海南岛农牧生产体系磷元素流动时空特征及环境效应进行定量分析,研究其流动过程和规律,探讨农牧生产体系磷素的优化管理途径,为海南岛农牧业可持续发展提供科学依据。【方法】 研究基于食物链养分流动模型(NUtrient flows in Food chains, Environment and Resources use,NUFER),通过统计数据、文献检索、实地调研,并结合Origin等软件,定量计算海南岛农牧生产体系的磷素输入、输出、利用率及其环境效应,并通过情景分析探索海南岛农牧生产体系磷素的可持续利用途径。【结果】 30年间海南岛农田生产子系统磷素总投入量从21.34 Gg增至81.19 Gg,总输出量由6.20 Gg增至18.20 Gg,化肥作为该系统磷素主要来源,输入量由19.01 Gg增至79.23 Gg,作物产品作为农田磷素主要输出项,30年间由5.25 Gg增至15.48 Gg。动物生产子系统磷素总输入量由11.40 Gg增至15.31 Gg,总输出量由9.63 Gg增至11.90 Gg,其中外源饲料磷素输入量由1987年的10.97 Gg增至2016年的14.77 Gg,动物产品输出量30年间增长了4.95 Gg。秸秆还田量和作物饲用量分别增加了0.37和0.26 kg·hm -2,粪尿还田量则减少了0.80 kg·hm -2。空间分布上,澄迈、定安等地30年来磷素输入和输出量较高,五指山、琼中等地较低。就磷素损失情况来看,1987—2016年,海南岛单位耕地面积土壤磷盈余量由35.00 kg·hm -2增至147.40 kg·hm -2,2016年土壤磷素盈余量较大的是琼海、澄迈、保亭和临高,分别为372.79、279.82、194.14和181.09 kg·hm -2。磷的其他损失途径为土壤侵蚀、径流和淋洗,损失量在1.21—5.85 kg·hm -2。畜禽粪便单位耕地面积承载量维持在3.83—5.77 kg·hm -2。30年来,磷素利用率增长缓慢,其中农田生产子系统磷素利用率由13.01%增至13.86%,动物生产子系统磷素利用率由4.78%增至7.62%,农牧结合体系磷素利用率由10.78%增至13.09%。情景分析结果显示,保证农牧生产体系各子系统间的协调稳定发展以及通过科学的养分管理方式提高资源的循环利用率对促进海南岛农牧业发展意义重大。 【结论】 受农牧生产体系规模、区域发展以及管理方式等因素影响,海南岛农牧生产体系环境损失情况严重,磷素利用率较低,体系出现了较严重的分离。因此,在海南岛未来的农牧生产中,应优化技术手段和管理措施,如控制磷素的过量输入,减少粪尿的直接排放,提高秸秆和粪尿循环利用率。同时也应促进农田生产子系统与动物生产子系统间的协调关系,走农牧结合的可持续发展道路。

关 键 词:海南岛  农牧生产体系  磷素流动  时空变化特征  NUFER模型  

Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Phosphorus Element Flows in the Crop-Livestock Production System of Hainan Island
DING Shang,GUO HaoHao,SONG ChenYang,DIAO XiaoPing,ZHAO HongWei. Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Phosphorus Element Flows in the Crop-Livestock Production System of Hainan Island[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(5): 860-873. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.05.008
Authors:DING Shang  GUO HaoHao  SONG ChenYang  DIAO XiaoPing  ZHAO HongWei
Affiliation:1 Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 5702282 State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan University, Haikou 570228
Abstract:【Objective】 The objective of this study is to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of phosphorus flows and its environmental effects in the crop-livestock production system of Hainan Island from 1987 to 2016, research its flow process and discipline, discuss the optimized management approach of phosphorus in the crop-livestock production system, and to provide a scientific basis for the development of farming and animal husbandry in Hainan Island.【Method】The study was based on the NUFER model (NUtrient flows in Food chains, Environment and the Resources use). Data statistics, literature search and field investigation as well as the software such as Origin were used to calculate phosphorus input, output, efficiency and environmental effects of the crop-livestock production system in Hainan Island. Potentially sustainable phosphorus utilization approaches were explored through scenario analysis of the crop-livestock production system.【Result】In the past 30 years, the total input of phosphorus in the farming subsystem of Hainan Island increased from 21.34 to 81.19 Gg, and the total output increased from 6.20 to 18.20 Gg. As the main source of phosphorus in the system, the input of chemical fertilizer increased from 19.01 to 79.23 Gg. Crop products as the main export of farmland phosphorus, and from 5.25 Gg to 15.48 Gg in 30 years. The total input of phosphorus in the animal production subsystem increased from 11.40 to 15.31 Gg, and the total output increased from 9.63 to 11.90 Gg, in which the input of imported feed phosphorus increased from 10.97 Gg in 1987 to 14.77 Gg in 2016, and the output of animal products increased by 4.95 Gg in 30 years. The amount of crop straw to the field and the local feed increased by 0.37 and 0.26 kg·hm -2, respectively, while the amount of manure to the field decreased by 0.80 kg·hm -2. In terms of spatial distribution, the input and output amounts of phosphorus in Chengmai and Dingan were relatively higher in the past 30 years, while those in Wuzhishan and Qiongzhong were relatively lower. In terms of phosphorus loss, the amount of soil phosphorus surplus per unit cultivated land of Hainan Island increased from 35.00 to 147.40 kg·hm -2 in 1987-2016. In 2016, the amount of soil phosphorus surplus of Qionghai, Chengmai, Baoting and Lin’gao was relatively higher, which was 372.79, 279.82, 194.14 and 181.09 kg·hm -2, respectively. The other loss ways of phosphorus were soil erosion, runoff and leaching, the loss amounts were from 1.21 to 5.85 kg·hm -2. The carrying capacity of livestock and poultry manure of cultivated area was maintained at 3.83-5.77 kg·hm -2. In the past 30 years, phosphorus use efficiency in the farming production subsystem increased from 13.01% to 13.86%, phosphorus use efficiency in the animal production subsystem increased from 4.78% to 7.62%, and phosphorus use efficiency in the crop-livestock production system increased from 10.78% to 13.09%. The result of scenario analysis showed that it was of great significance to promote the coordinated development between the farming production subsystem and the animal production subsystem of Hainan Island and to improve the recycling utilization rate of resources through scientific nutrient management.【Conclusion】Affected by the scale of the crop-livestock production system, regional development and management mode, the environmental loss of the crop-livestock production system was serious, the phosphorus use efficiency was relatively low, and the system was seriously separated in Hainan Island. Therefore, in the future crop-livestock production in Hainan Island, technical means and management measures should be optimized, such as controlling excessive input of phosphorus, reducing the direct discharge of manure, and improving the phosphorus cycle efficiency of straw and manure. At the same time, the coordination relationship between the farming production subsystem and the animal production subsystem should be promoted, and the sustainable development road of combination of farming and animal husbandry should be carried out.
Keywords:Hainan Island  crop-livestock production system  phosphorus flows  temporal and spatial variation characteristics  NUFER model  
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