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引用本文:郝志远,李素清,李霖,郭英英. 山西中条山十八河铜尾矿库自然定居草本植物群落与环境的关系[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(4): 54-61. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18080116
作者姓名:郝志远  李素清  李霖  郭英英
摘    要:为揭示铜尾矿库自然定居草本植物群落与环境的关系,本文在中条山矿区十八河铜尾矿库进行植物样方的基础上,采用TWINSPAN分类、DCA和CCA排序相结合的方法,对该尾矿库自然定居草本植物群落进行数量分类与排序研究。结果表明:1)TWINSPAN分类方法将51个自然定居草本植物样方划分为两大类10个群丛,一类主要是以湿生草本植物芦苇(Phragmites communis)为主的群丛,另一类主要是以中生草本植物垂柳(Salix babylonica)幼苗为主的群丛;2)DCA排序第一轴反映了草本植物群落分布与土壤水分的关系,沿第一轴从左到右,土壤水分含量逐渐降低,草本植物种类由湿生植物向中生、旱中生植物逐渐过渡;DCA排序第二轴反映了植被生活型的变化,沿第二轴由下到上,自然定居草本植物种类由一年生向多年生演替;3) CCA排序第一轴与土壤湿度和土壤电导率有关,反映了是群落由湿生植物→中生植物和耐盐性植物;第二轴与物种丰富度等指数有关。

关 键 词:四季豆  四季豆  铀胁迫  外源硼酸  抗氧化酶系统  

Relationship Between Naturally Colonized Herbaceous Plant Communities and Environment on Shibahe Copper Mine Tailing of Zhongtiaoshan Mining Area,Shanxi
Abstract:The paper aims to reveal the relationship between naturally colonized herbaceous plant communities and environmental factors on the copper mine tailing. Based on the field plant sample survey on Shibahe copper mine tailing of Zhongtiaoshan mining area, a total of 51 sample plots of naturally colonized herbaceous plant communities were analyzed by using the methods of TWINSPAN, DCA and CCA. The results showed that: (1) the 51 sample plots within the study area were classified into ten associations by TWINSPAN, in which the first 8 communities were belongs to hygrophyte plant groups dominant by Phragmites communis and the last 2 communities were mesophyte plant groups dominant by Salix babylonica (seedlings); (2) the first DCA axis clearly reflected the relationship between the community distributions and soil moisture, soil moisture gradually decreased from left to right along the first DCA axis, and the plant species transited from hygrophyte plants to mesophyte and xero- mesophyte plants; the second DCA axis reflected the change of vegetation life- form, and the naturally colonized herbaceous plant communities changed from annual toperennial plants from bottom to top along the second DCA axis; (3) the first CCA axis was related to the change of soil moisture and conductivity, which reflected naturally colonized herbaceous plant communities transferred from hygrophyte plants to mesophyte plants, and salt-tolerant plants, the second CCA axis was related to species richness.
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