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引用本文:赵云彤,董清山,范书华,王艳,解国庆,时新瑞. 异地晒黄烟种质资源的引进与鉴定评价[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(22): 31-37. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18030086
作者姓名:赵云彤  董清山  范书华  王艳  解国庆  时新瑞
摘    要:摘 要:为育成优质、抗病、高产的晒黄烟新品种,从异地引入黑龙江省20份晒黄烟种质资源,通过对其遗传多样性及抗病性的对比鉴定,筛选出适宜本地区的优良亲本。分析结果表明:其中7份优异的种质资源可作为亲本材料进行新品种的选育,其名称为青梗、齐市晒烟、黄烟-1、黄烟-2、高产烟-1、包盖烟-1、南雄烟-2。选取10个不同的数量性状进行对比分析,其香农-威尔指数在4.1~4.3之间,表明各种质资源的表型性状具有较大的遗传多样性。筛选出的优异种质资源极大的丰富了本地育种材料,有利于扩大遗传背景,提高育种效率。

关 键 词:辣椒  辣椒  植物免疫诱抗剂  氨基寡糖素  防病效果  产量  收益  

Sun-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources: Introduction and Identification Evaluation
Abstract:The paper aims to breed new varieties of sun-cured tobacco with high quality, disease resistance and high yield. We introduced 20 germplasm resources of sun-cured tobacco in Heilongjiang, and through the comparison and identification of their genetic diversity and disease resistance, we selected the suitable parent material for the local area. The results showed that: 7 germplasm resources were screened as the parent materials for breeding new varieties, ncluding‘Qinggeng’, ‘Qishishaiyan’, ‘Huangyan-1’, ‘Huangyan-2’, ‘Gaochanyan- 1’,‘Baogaiyan- 1’,‘Nanxiongyan- 2’. 10 different quantitative traits were compared and analyzed, the Shannon- weaver index was between 4.1- 4.3, showing that the phenotypic traits of the 20 germplasm resources had great genetic diversity. The excellent germplasm resources can enrich the localbreeding materials, it is conducive to expand the genetic background and improve the breeding efficiency.
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