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引用本文:陈波,包志毅. 公众交流和参与城市林业建设和管理——欧洲的成功经验[J]. 中国城市林业, 2004, 2(1): 59-63
作者姓名:陈波  包志毅
基金项目:{{each article.fundPrjs fund i}} {{if fund.sourceCn && fund.sourceCn != ' }}{{fund.sourceCn}}{{if fund.awardId && fund.awardId != '}}{{fund.awardId}}{{/if}}{{else}}{{fund.fundsInfoCn}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
摘    要:西方国家群众生态文明普遍高于国人。群众关心和参与管理城市生态建设、政府与公众交流已程序化、规范化。在我国不少地方由于攻府或企监不注意听取群众意见造成生态环境破坏或视觉污染。发生在北京香山著名风景区大片违章建筑铸成生态景观污染就是明证。我国虽有地方各级"人大"和社区组织,但是反映社情民意,维护城市生态的权威机制尚未建立起来。随着市民生态觉醒必须建立相应的群众参与组织管理方式。此乃为城市管理者面临重大课题。此文为9个欧洲国家16个城市解决若干"冲突"案例的经验总结,值得一读。  

关 键 词:{{each article.keywords kw i}} {{if kw.keywordCn && kw.keywordCn != "  "  }}{{else}}{{/if}}{{@ kw.keywordCn}} {{if i != article.keywords.length - 1}}/ {{/if}}{{/each}}

Public Communication and Participation in Urban Forestry Development and Management the successful experience in Europe
CHEN Bo BAO Zhi-yi. Public Communication and Participation in Urban Forestry Development and Management the successful experience in Europe[J]. Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry, 2004, 2(1): 59-63
Authors:CHEN Bo BAO Zhi-yi
Abstract:Urban forestry is a new type of forestry affected by urbanization. It plays a main role in solving the urban environmental problems and promoting the urban sustainability of ecologicalenvironment, economy and society. However, there is often the contradiction between conservation and development in the construction and management of urban forestry, which causes conflict among the different social groups. The solution is to strengthen communications among various contradictory groups. Therefore, this paper introduces the successful experience of communication in urban forestry in Europe.
Keywords:Urban forestry  Urban forest  Communication  Urbanization  Europe
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